aisling grimlock 03 - grim discovery (6 page)

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“They’re worried you’re jealous of Jerry,” I replied dryly.

Griffin snorted. “I see. For the record, I am not jealous of Jerry. I happen to like him a great deal.”

“But … your girlfriend is living with another man,” Erica said, wrinkling her nose. “How do you know they’re not doing it when you’re away?”

I disliked her from the moment I met her. She clearly had a crush on Griffin even though she dated one of his co-workers. She kept trying to touch his arm, which made me want to slap her. “Jerry is too busy doing it with my brother to do it with me.” The words were out of my mouth before I had a chance to think about how they would be received.

“Oh,” Meredith said, her tone knowing. “He’s one of … those … friends.”

What was that supposed to mean? “Jerry is … .”

Griffin slapped his hand over my mouth to silence me. “Jerry is a great guy who makes me breakfast seven days a week and happens to love Aisling,” he said. “Don’t try to stir up crap because you’re bored, ladies.” His tone was amiable, but there was warning attached to his words.

“I guess I just never pictured you with such a … free spirit,” Erica said. “I thought this was a serious relationship.”

“It is a serious relationship,” Griffin countered. “Aisling doesn’t conform. That’s exactly why I like her.” He cast a worried look in my direction. “If I drop my hand are you going to fly off the handle?”

That was a loaded question. I shook my head and forced myself to remain calm as Griffin slowly released my mouth.

“Does he do that often?” Erica asked. “Is he embarrassed by what you say in public all the time, or is it just because he’s worried we won’t like you?”

“Okay,” Griffin said, tugging on my hand and pulling me away from the small group before I could single out one of the myriad retorts on the tip of my tongue. “On that note … let’s play ball!”



“So, do you want to tell me what’s going on?”

Griffin pulled into the parking lot behind a popular sports bar and killed the Explorer’s engine. His face was unreadable as he turned to me. “You’ll have to be more specific.”

I hate it when he puts on his Enigmatic Man cape. He’s able to dodge questions faster than a speeding bullet and leap tall inquisitions in a single bound. “I know you’re trying to act nonchalant, and you’re probably angry at my … display during the game … but I know something weird is going on with the guys you work with. Spill.”

“We’ll get back to your display during the game,” Griffin said. “That was … there are no words. As for my co-workers, why do you think something is going on?”

“I can read people.”

Griffin sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “I forget how intuitive you are,” he said. “I shouldn’t have forced you to go today. That was a mistake.”

“Because I embarrassed you?”

Griffin pursed his lips and cocked his head. “Is that what you think?”

“When I caught that ground out to win the game and did my little dance at the pitcher’s mound – singing the Grimlock ‘You’re a loser’ song while wiggling my butt – I’m pretty sure I embarrassed you,” I said. “I don’t blame you for being angry. I kind of got away from myself there.”

Griffin burst into uncontrollable laughter, taking me by surprise. It took him a few minutes to collect himself, and when he did tears leaked from the corners of his eyes. “I found that hilarious. I could picture you and your brothers doing that to each other and … it was funny.”

“I don’t think your boss thought it was funny.”

“That’s because he was on the losing team,” Griffin said. “If he was on the winning team he would have thought it was hilarious.”

“I don’t think they’re going to invite you back.”

“Good,” Griffin said, grabbing my hand and rubbing his thumb across my knuckles. “Did you really think spending Saturday morning with those … people … on a softball field instead of in bed with you was my idea of fun?”

Wait a second … . “Did you invite me because you knew I would cause a scene and make everyone hate me?”

“No,” Griffin replied, shaking his head. “I invited you because … Adam has been on me for weeks to hang out with everyone more often. I don’t know how to tell him that’s not my scene without hurting his feelings. He asks about you nonstop, too. I think you managed to get me out of future engagements with that little dance you did, though. I’m definitely grateful for that.”

“I’m sorry.” I truly meant it. “I didn’t mean to get so out of hand. I … hate to lose.”

“I don’t ever want you to lose,” Griffin said. “Besides, you were a monster out there today. I especially liked it when you told Jack Dalton to move his lazy ass or you were going to take over shortstop and second base duties.”

“Well … .”

“You hit one triple, two doubles and one homerun,” Griffin continued. “You didn’t make any errors. You looked smoking hot. All the men love your pants, by the way. They couldn’t stop talking about them when we were separated.”

“I think you had more fun during that portion of the festivities than I did.”

“I’m sorry about that,” Griffin said. “Those women are … bored and looking for something to gossip about.”

“That Erica woman has a crush on you.”

“She’s dating someone else,” Griffin protested.

“That doesn’t stop her from wishing she was dating you.”

“Well, I wouldn’t worry about that,” Griffin said, lifting our joined hands and pressing them to the spot above his heart. “I already have a girlfriend and I’m pretty fond of her.”

“If you don’t like these people, why are we having dinner with them?” I asked, shifting my attention to the restaurant. “Why can’t we just go home, get naked, take a bath and order Chinese food?”

Griffin growled, the low and flirty sound taking me by surprise. “Don’t tempt me, woman. I promised we would have dinner with these guys. It shouldn’t take more than an hour. The good news is, I think Adam is going to accept my excuse for why we can’t play next week without any argument.”

“Are you sure I didn’t embarrass you?”

“I’m sure that I would much rather play your game than their games,” Griffin replied. “I’m perfectly happy hanging out with you, Aidan and Jerry on the weekends. I’ve even gotten used to Aidan’s mood swings.”

“He’s been better since … .”

“He has. Aisling, stop worrying about me walking away. It’s not going to happen. We’re in this together.”

“Even if those women tell you I’m too free-spirited?”

“I happen to love your spirit. Now, come on. If you try to eat some greasy bar food I’ll even give you a massage when we get back to your place tonight.”

I didn’t need to hear that offer twice. “Sold.”


don’t you two split up?” Erica suggested, moving closer to Griffin as we surveyed the nearly full table.

“We’re not splitting up,” Griffin replied, unruffled. “If there’s no room then we can just go. We have plans for later tonight anyway.”

“You have plans?” Meredith looked constantly surprised thanks to Botox and over-plucking, but I think she was trying to arch an eyebrow. “You’re going out after this?”

“Actually we’re staying in,” Griffin said. “We’ll probably just hang around with Aisling’s brother and roommate. That’s what we do most weekends.”

“The gay ones?”

I was really starting to dislike Meredith the more I got to know her, and I wasn’t fond of her to begin with. “Who cares whether they’re gay?”

“Well, I’m sure your father cares,” Erica said, moving around the table to sit next to her own boyfriend so Griffin and I didn’t have to split up.

“My father does not care,” I argued, slipping into the chair Griffin pulled out for me. He wasn’t talking, but the grim set of his jaw told me he was ready for whatever fit I was about to throw. Did I really want to do that to him?

“I’m sure your father loves your brother,” Meredith said, her tone low and soothing. “That’s not what Erica was saying. That’s not what any of us is saying.”

“What are you saying?” Griffin interjected, resting his arm across the back of my chair.

“I … well, it has to be hard for a man to see his son struggle in that manner,” Meredith replied, choosing her words carefully. “I wasn’t saying anything bad.”

“Well, I’ve spent a few meals with the Grimlocks – and a few nights under Aisling’s father’s roof – and he’s never shown the slightest inclination that he’s disappointed or upset that his son is gay,” Griffin shot back. “In fact, Jerry was Aisling’s best friend before he was Aidan’s boyfriend, and he’s been a part of the family since he was five. Cormack talks to Jerry like he’s one of his own kids.”

“And by that he means that he yells at him just as much as he yells at us,” I interjected.

“My understanding is that your family is extremely wealthy, Aisling,” Adam said, causing me to narrow my eyes. There was something more going on here than even Griffin realized. I was sure of it. I just couldn’t figure out what. “Doesn’t your father give a lot of money to police organizations and politicians?”

I stilled. “I … guess. He doesn’t really talk about his money with me.”

“Don’t you work for him?” Meredith prodded.

“He signs my paychecks,” I replied. “That doesn’t mean I’m privy to his financial information. I’m pretty sure none of my brothers are either.”

“He likes strong candidates, though, right?” Adam pressed.

“What are you getting at?” Griffin asked, confused.

“Well, I’m mulling a run for city council and I was thinking that Aisling’s father might want to back me,” Adam admitted.

Griffin and I exchanged a look.

“I think I was wrong about why he wanted us to do more things with the group,” Griffin whispered.

“Ah, now my little dance is looking even more attractive, isn’t it?”

“You’re looking more attractive with each passing second.” Griffin cleared his throat and turned back to Adam. “Aisling has no control over her father. If you want him to back you financially, you need to approach him. That’s not Aisling’s job.”

“But … she’s his daughter. He’ll listen to her.”

I snorted. “He doesn’t listen to me. He barks orders and worries that I’m having sex under his roof.”

“But … you must know the kind of political candidate he likes.” Adam wasn’t giving up.

“He likes the kind in Armani suits who promise to give him tax breaks,” I said. “I honestly don’t know. I’m pretty sure he votes Republican, and that’s all I can tell you.”

“I’m going to bet a man like him is all for being tough on crime,” Adam said. “That’s going to be my platform.”

“Given the number of times he’s had to bail my brothers and me out of jail … I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”

Meredith lifted her chin, surprised. “You’ve been in jail?”

“I’ve been in jail twice,” I clarified. “My brother Redmond used to like a good bar brawl back in the day. I think he’s been picked up four times.”

“How … nice.”

Griffin pursed his lips to keep from laughing out loud.

“What have you been arrested for?” Adam asked.

“Car theft and fighting in a bar.” There was no sense in lying. Both incidents were on my record.

“You stole a car?”

“No. My friend in high school was really drunk so I drove her car home and her father accused me of stealing it.”

Adam visibly relaxed. “Oh. That’s just a misunderstanding. Was it a misunderstanding when you were arrested for the bar fight?”

“No. I was trying to pull the woman in question’s hair out when the police arrived.”

The statement drew laughs from the men at the table. The women didn’t look amused.

“I see you were right about her not conforming,” Erica said, her eyes serious as they landed on Griffin. “Did you know about the arrest?”

“That was the second time I met her,” Griffin replied, not missing a beat. “I didn’t arrest her. I was there when her brother bailed her out the next morning. She was quite the sight. Her hair was standing on end, she was threatening a woman in the lobby of a police station, and her brothers were cheering her on.

“I knew right then and there I was probably a goner,” he said.

“You say the sweetest things,” I teased.

“This must be horribly embarrassing for you father,” Meredith said.

“He seems fine with it,” I countered. “He doesn’t like the woman I was fighting with. If I managed to get a few more licks in before the cops broke us up he would’ve probably thrown me a party. I would’ve gotten my favorite dinner out of it, that’s for sure.”

“I’m not sure you want someone like that backing your campaign, Adam,” Meredith said.

Adam nodded. “Well, I … I’ll think about contacting him.”

“I’m sure my father will be waiting on pins and needles,” I said. I glanced at Griffin. “I think we’re definitely off the hook for future Saturdays.”

“Yes, well, you do have a knack.” He dropped a quick kiss on my forehead. “Why don’t you do me a favor and go to the bar and get us two drinks, okay?”

“You just want me to go away so you can have a talk with them about how inappropriate it was to invite me to gain access to my father’s money and apologize for my attitude at the same time,” I said. I got to my feet anyway. “I’m fine with that. Do you want a beer?”

“Surprise me.”

I left Griffin to handle his co-workers, internally thanking the powers above that my co-workers are family members. They may be rampant pains, but they are honest. I hate underhanded people.

I got in line at the bar, patiently waiting my turn to place an order, when something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. I shifted my gaze to the wall by the back door. A man stood there, dressed all in black, openly staring at me.

I didn’t recognize him. In fact, I was pretty sure I’d never seen him before. That didn’t mean he wasn’t trying to get my attention.

After exchanging long stares, the man turned and moved toward the door, pushing it open and exiting without another glance in my direction. That was odd. Maybe he wasn’t staring at me after all.

No, that didn’t feel right. He wanted me to follow him.

I shot a look at the table. Griffin was mired in deep conversation, his face twisted as he told his boss … something. It didn’t look pretty. Now definitely wasn’t the time to bother him.

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