Alaskan Fire (54 page)

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Authors: Sara King

BOOK: Alaskan Fire
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Oh shit,
Blaze thought. 
He was
.  That made her all sorts of…well…horny.  And a little
anxious.  She’d never
on the bottom before. 
Well, tootz, you so
totally asked for this,
she thought, between panic and elation.
  You got
a hunk pinning you to the bed, about to molest the hell outta you. 
what are you gonna do?

Then Jack lowered his mouth to
her nipple and her spine arced of its own accord.  She saw his eyes flicker to
her face and felt him grin around her tender flesh as he suckled. 
Oh my
Blaze thought, her mind going into neutral as she felt his hard,
unyielding body shift above her.  Unable to control herself, Blaze strained
against the hand that held her arms to the bed, but Jack kept her firmly in
place, his greater strength easily pinning her down as he played with her. 

“Like that, do you?” Jack
chuckled, releasing her breast just enough to breathe on it, sending a whole
new wave of pleasure through her body.  Blaze moaned and squirmed, suddenly
all-too-aware of how many parts of her body were on fire, and where, and how
she couldn’t move to relieve it.

“God,” Blaze groaned, as he turned
his attention to her other breast, obviously taking pleasure in her
contortions.  “Let go of my hands,” she blurted.  “I can’t…”  Couldn’t

Couldn’t roll on top?  Couldn’t mash his face into her breast?  What? 

Jack’s grin widened from where
his mouth hovered over a breast.  “I think you’re stayin’ put, tootz.”  His hot
breath touched her skin again and Blaze gasped, unable to pull away.

Then his words brought Blaze’s
mind to a wrenching halt.  Staying…
?  She’d never actually considered
how a guy would take charge in bed.  And, as her eyes widened with
understanding, Jack’s emerald eyes started to dance as he simply continued to
hold her in an unrelenting iron grip.  “That’s right, sugar,” he growled,
obviously reading her thoughts.  “You’re getting taken.”

Blaze felt a jolt of heat rise
through her being, realizing he wasn’t going to let her go, and she couldn’t
pull her arms away if she tried. 
Oh my God,
she whimpered inwardly as
he moved over her, kissing down her chest, her nipples perking up in aching
little nubs, unattended,
He can’t be serious. 

But it became quite evident that
She started to pant as Jack just grinned at her, then
on her nipples, obviously enjoying her frustration, she lifted her head from
the bed and slammed it back in despair, crying, “My
, Jack.”

Instead of obediently releasing
her, the wereverine made an irritated grumble and shifted over her, still
pinning her arms above her, his groin holding hers firmly in place on the
mattress, giving her no movement in any direction.  “You havin’ fun?” he

Blaze’s face reddened, feeling
her sensitive areas stretched, exposed for him.  To be honest, it was
her to feel him hold her in place and have his way with her, but that little
mental babble in the back of her head was sifting through all her previous
sexual experience and telling her she needed to take control of the situation. 

“‘Um,’ huh?”  Jack sighed and
lowered his lips to her earlobe.  “Okay, tootz.  I guess we could do something
else.”  Taking her ear gently in his mouth, he nibbled it.  Then, releasing her
arms, he pushed himself up on his elbows and grinned down at her.  “Something…

Blaze’s mouth fell open in horror,
realizing he was talking about, oh, say, overhauling an engine.  Still pinned
underneath his leaden body, Blaze grabbed him by the hair and tugged down,
yanking his head to her face with a startled wereverine grunt.  “Listen, you
,” she panted, nose-to-nose.  “This is the
last straw

start something you don’t intend to finish, or I will

Jack peered down his nose at her
a long minute in silence, a little grin twitching on his face.  Then, softly,
his breath against her lips, he said, “I wanna see your eyes.”

Blaze’s stomach gave an
instinctive pang of fear.  “You’ve seen my eyes.”

“You know I haven’t.”

Blaze’s heart began to hammer,
looking up at him.  Without her contacts, she felt naked.  Exposed. 

Like a freak.  She bit her lip as Jack watched her.  She never went anywhere
without her contacts.  Not even her parents had seen the real color of her eyes
in fifteen years.  Hell,
didn’t even see them, after she’d learned
how to put them in without a mirror.  She
her eyes.

And this wereverine wanted to
them.  Was
.  “Please,” she whispered, “You don’t want that.” 
She was shrinking into the bed, wishing she could slip under the covers and
hide her face from his scrutiny.  She
Jack was going to cringe away
from her the moment she showed him what she
looked like, once he
saw the red-orange streaks, once he began wondering if she were bleeding in the
iris, or in the

“Show me,” Jack whispered.  He
kissed her gently on the tip of her nose, then waited, looking down at her.

Blaze bit her lip and looked

Jack gave her a long look,
waiting, then, when it was clear she wasn’t going to show him, he sighed and
pulled back.  He started to roll off of her.  “Guess you might as well show me
to write my name, then.”

“Wait,” Blaze whimpered.  When he
hesitated, still half-suspended above her, Blaze took a deep breath and lifted
a trembling finger to her eye.  She touched the film of plastic, pulled it

Above her, Jack’s breath caught.

“I need to get the case from my
pocket,” she said, bitterly, reaching under him to get at her thigh.  Refusing
to look at Jack, she twisted the caps off and dropped the lens inside.  Above
her, she felt Jack’s entire muscular body remain tense, his breathing shallow. 
Committed, now, she took the other from her eye, then dropped them disgustedly
onto the tiny cups of liquid, two little round blue rings taunting her from inside
the contact case. 

Above her, Jack just stared.

“You happy now?” Blaze demanded,
blinking hard against the sensitive surface of her long-protected lens.

Jack said nothing, just gingerly reached
out and tried to take the contact case from her fist—Blaze’s hand spasmed, at
first, not wanting to let go—and then, once he gently pried it from her
fingers, lowered it to the floor beside the bed, eyes still on her face.  “Miss
Blaze,” he whispered softly, “I don’t know what’s the matter with you—”

Oh, that was
.  She
started to sit up in disgust.

Jack gently pushed her shoulder
back down.  “—but that’s the most beautiful thing I ever saw.”

Even as her mouth fell open, he grabbed
her wrists again and firmly replaced them over her head, giving himself an
unobstructed view of her face.  He stayed there for long, heart-pounding
minutes, her soul bared for his perusal. 

He actually likes them
Blaze thought, stunned beyond all words as he held her arms back, giving her no
way to avoid him.

Slowly, still meeting her gaze,
Jack lowered his lips and kissed her between the eyes.  Then he started making
a satisfied, predatory growl as he sank lower, returning his mouth to her ear
and neck, sucking, nipping… 

She heard the wereverine inhale
against her sensitive throat, heard him groan.  Was he…trembling?  Pressed into
the flesh of her abdomen, she could feel his manhood harden through her pants. 
Then he was nibbling the sensitive skin along her jaw, kissing her chin, then
moving down the other side.

Oh no.  Blaze could
handle this.  She moaned and tried to twist her hands free, even as heat was
rushing up her core from the wereverine’s breath against her throat.  He
lowered himself slowly, until his warm chest was once more pressing against her
breasts, pinning her completely beneath him.  He started kissing her
collarbones, then moved up the sensitive hollow in her throat.

“Why won’t you let me touch you?”
Blaze whimpered.

“Pretty sure you said you wanted ‘to
be thoroughly taken with some hot wereverine sex,’” Jack rumbled, his naked
chest vibrating against her breasts.  “Like I said.  I’m fulfilling your
request.  Now shaddup while I do this right.”  He moved up to her ear, nibbling
on her other lobe.  Blaze moaned and tried to return in kind, but he held her
perfectly pinned, one hand on her wrists while the other explored downward,
giving her no leverage to squirm.  Above her, his sunkissed body rippled as he
moved, kissing, nipping, his big hand seeking the most sensitive ridges and
clefts of her body while she lay helpless beneath him.

“Not…” she gasped, straining
against his grip, “…fair.”

“Sweetie,” Jack chuckled against
her throat, “who said anything about being fair?”  It was then that she felt
soft fur against her jaw, felt the gentle nip of sharp teeth against her skin. 
Oh shit,
she thought, as that little prey instinct kicked into full gear
feeling his warm teeth against her neck. 
Oh shit, oh shit. 
She renewed
her struggles again, panic surging through her chest.  Jack, for his part, did
not relent.  His voice had that deep, rumbling growl against her throat when he
said, “‘Fair’ is for wolves and other pussies.”  He nipped her again, right
under the jaw, making it perfectly clear in her mind just how totally she was
at his mercy.

Oh my God,
Blaze shivered,
that hot feeling of surrender melting at her core as she realized that Jack was
going to have his way with her.  He was giving her no way to pull her neck out
of his reach…and she
it.  It made a little thrill rush back down
through her center, and she felt that hot fire racing through her chest as she
panted breathlessly beneath him.  He continued to nip her down her throat, a
low rumble in his chest, those deep intakes of breath against her collarbone,
followed by his shudder. 

“Zeus and Apollo, woman, you
smell good.”  When she looked, Jack was grinning at her, wearing a soft
covering of fur and sprouting a bit of fang, but his eyes were still human…and
filled with mischief. 

Still holding her arms in place,
he kissed his way back down between her breasts, then caught a now-rock-hard
nipple in his mouth and started sucking on it.  Then she felt the tiny nip of
teeth, electrifying the flesh, drawing heat from her loins in an arc. 
Breathless, Blaze tried to reach down, tried to make him speed up, tried to do
but he simply held her and continued at a slow, leisurely pace, grinning at her
contortions beneath him, obviously enjoying her torment.  He was so
so utterly masculine above her…

,” Blaze cried,
straining, unable to take any more.  “I can’t

“That’s the point of being
taken,” Jack said.  “Unless I missed something?”  He lifted his head and gave
her another raised eyebrow.

Jack!” Blaze moaned,
so frustrated and in
that she had goosebumps.  She tried to thrash,
to touch her nipples to his chest to ease the tension, there, but he easily
stayed out of reach.  “Oh please, God.”

To her horror, Jack slid sideways
off of her, still holding her, using his heavy leg to neatly pin hers to the
bed.  She felt a prickle against her breast, then realized he had a talon out
and was gently tracing patterns on her body with his finger.  The same talon
that could rip sheet-metal to pieces was now sliding easily along the top of
her skin, kissing it just lightly enough to make a gentle scratch.

“Ohhh,” Blaze managed, quivering,
unable to flinch away.  “Ohhh, um…”

“Tell me something, Miss Blaze.” 
Jack lazily traced his free hand down her naked belly, doing slow circles with
his talon to the top of her pants.  Her skin went pink underneath his touch,
then white, leaving ultra-sensitized flesh behind.  He casually leaned down,
caught her closest nipple between his teeth, and slid his tongue along its
surface, sucking the heat up from her loins, until it was a fiery wash through
her chest and back.  His other hand found the button of her jeans and started
removing them.

“Tell you what?” Blaze whimpered,
her hips giving tiny thrusts of their own accord.

Jack’s mouth released her
breast.  Still dusted with a light covering of fur, his voice still carrying
the deep rumble of the wolverine, he said, “Just how much experience
you have, here?”

“I’m not a virgin,” Blaze
babbled, and even to her lips, it sounded like a plea.  She was covered in
goosebumps, and was quite literally shaking with the need to relieve the
pressure in her loins.  “
, Jack.”

The thick muscles in Jack’s big
shoulders seemed to lose a lot of their tension.  “Good.  Just, uh…”  He lazily
started tracing more designs against the ultra-sensitive flesh of her abdomen,
making her whimper.  He seemed to be fascinated with the lines of her belly as
she strained.  “I’ve been…holding out…awhile now.  Things might get a little
rough, and I don’t want anybody to get hurt.” 

“The only one who’s gonna get
hurt is the
who’s about to get his
head ripped off
he doesn’t
finish the job
!” Blaze cried, trembling, panting under his
touch.  She’d never been so horribly out of control of her body in her life.

Jack chuckled, his green eyes
playful.  “Girlie, I think you got some misconceptions about who’s in control,
here.”  He started tracing again, reaching upwards towards a breast,
from the pounding heat in her groin.  “‘Sides.  There’s some things I wanna
discuss with you.”

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