Alejandro's Revenge (6 page)

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Authors: Anne Mather

BOOK: Alejandro's Revenge
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‘Abigail.' His greeting was polite enough, but she guessed he was remembering their earlier encounter and enjoying her discomfort. ‘We meet again.'

Not through choice, I can assure you.
Abby bit back the ready retort that sprang to her lips and gave him a thin smile. ‘So it seems,' she said tightly, wondering where Dolores was. The other woman had said they should meet
the restaurant, hadn't she? Surely she hadn't sent Alejandro in her place.

Alejandro's dark brows drew together. ‘Forgive me,' he said softly, ‘but are you waiting for somebody? Edward, perhaps?'

Abby looked up at him and then wished she hadn't. His dark gaze was far too disturbing and she was instantly aware of her own vulnerability where he was concerned. She might hate him, she might despise him for the way he'd treated her, but she could never ignore him. And he knew that, damn him. She could see the awareness glinting in his eyes.

‘I—not Edward, no,' she said shortly, wishing he would just go away and leave her. She'd rather attract a stranger's unwelcome attentions, she told herself rashly, than his mocking stare.

‘Who then?' he persisted, obviously amused by her red face. ‘
Que te pasa,
Abigail? What's going on? Surely you are not afraid to tell me?'

‘Afraid?' She looked at him again, angry that he should even think such a thing. ‘No, of course I'm not afraid, Mr Varga. I just wish you would leave me alone. I'm not Lauren. Nor am I flattered by your attentions. Or the attentions of any
man who thinks his wealth gives him the right to have anything he wants!'

Alejandro's face darkened. ‘
Por Dios
, Abigail, that is unforgivable.'

‘Is it?'

Abby was unhappily aware that she had probably gone too far. Edward expected her to be polite to this man, to persuade him to leave Lauren alone, if that was at all credible. Instead of which she was going out of her way to make an enemy of him.

Alejandro took a deep breath now. ‘It seems you are determined to believe the worst of me,' he said, flicking back the cuff of his sleeve and glancing at his watch. ‘It is almost one-fifteen.' He looked up. ‘I suggest you allow me to seat you at my table until your—companion—shows up.'

Abby pressed her lips together, thinking it was a surprisingly conservative watch for someone like him. Slim and gold, perhaps, but it wasn't flashy. Unlike the one Ross wore on his wrist.

‘Why should you want to do that?' she asked, unhappy at the turn of her thoughts. Aware, too, of a trickle of moisture sliding down between her breasts. Her nipples felt tight and sensitive and she was sure he must have noticed. Her bra was damp and she might as well have left it at home.

‘It is not wise for a woman like you to stand alone in a public shopping mall,' he said now, his dark eyes enigmatic. ‘If you were my sister I would not be happy that you are alone. Call it courtesy, if you will. I am merely trying to help you. I would expect your brother to do the same for me.'

Abby made a helpless gesture. ‘I'm not waiting for Edward,' she protested.

‘No. So you said.' Alejandro's eyes lingered almost palpably on her mouth before moving away. ‘
No obstante,
my invitation still stands.'

Abby hesitated. Then she said quickly, ‘I'm waiting for Mrs Esquival—Dolores. She should be here any minute.'

Alejandro's lean mouth took on a sardonic slant. ‘What is
it they say? You should not hold your breath,
?' He glanced towards the entrance of the restaurant as the doors opened and a dark-clad man hovered on the threshold. ‘Ah, here is Miguel de Brazos. He is the
maître d'
of La Terraza. Allow me to introduce you to your host.'

Abby blew out a breath. ‘I don't think—' she began awkwardly, but Alejandro's fingers had slipped about her upper arm, just above her elbow. They were cool against her warm flesh, and unbearably sensual, and she couldn't pull away. In her condition any contact between them would have been sensual, she acknowledged, feeling a little dizzy when Alejandro drew her towards the other man.

He and de Brazos evidently knew one another well, and their rapid exchange in their own language was too swift for Abby to comprehend. Her grasp of Spanish was very limited and Alejandro knew that. She was very relieved when the man stepped forward to greet her in English.

he said, with a polite bow. ‘You are most welcome. Come.' He gestured eloquently. ‘You are waiting for Señora Esquival, are you not? I will have a member of my staff look out for her. It is much more pleasant to wait inside.'

Abby's eyes turned to Alejandro's, but this time he was not looking at her and she was obliged to speak for herself. ‘I—that's very kind of you—' she started, grateful for his understanding. But she felt an unwilling pang when Alejandro's hand dropped away from her arm.

‘The pleasure is all mine,' de Brazos insisted, taking her answer to mean that she accepted his invitation. Without further ado, he led the way into the restaurant.

Abby glanced back once, but there was still no sign of Dolores. Only Alejandro was behind her, and his expression was inscrutable once more. What was he thinking? she wondered, as the smoky glass doors enclosed them in the cool environs of a palm-shaded lobby. That de Brazos had succeeded where he had failed? Or had this been his intention all along?

maître d'
led them to a table at the far side of the
elegantly appointed restaurant. They were seated overlooking a pretty inner courtyard where a fountain played into an ornamental basin. Flowers grew in profusion about the rim, their colours muted by the tinted glass of the windows. But the courtyard was open to the air and birds came to drink from the pool.

It was obviously a favoured spot, and Abby was aware of several pairs of eyes turning in their direction when Alejandro joined her. And, although she told herself that he was completely without shame, she couldn't help but be grateful that he hadn't abandoned her. It would have been rather daunting to wait alone.

Que le apetece, señora?
What can I offer you?' de Brazos asked, obviously intending to serve them himself, and Abby drew her upper lip between her teeth as she considered.

‘Um—just iced tea for me, please,' she said at last, not trusting herself to drink anything alcoholic in Alejandro's presence. The
maître d'
tutted and pulled a long face.

‘Are you sure I cannot tempt you with a margarita,
?' he protested. ‘They are the house speciality. I can recommend them.'

Abby shook her head. ‘I don't think so, thank you.'

The man arched his eyebrows and turned to her companion. ‘And you,
,' he said. ‘Will you indulge me?'

‘No lo creo, Miguel,'
Alejandro responded. ‘I have work to do this afternoon. I will have iced tea also,
por favor

Miguel spread his hands expressively, but he didn't attempt to try and change Alejandro's mind. He merely inclined his head politely and bustled away, issuing orders to other members of his staff as he went.

There was silence for a few moments after he'd gone, but then, feeling obliged to say something, Abby murmured quietly, ‘This is a beautiful restaurant. And this must be the best table in the house.'

Alejandro shrugged. ‘I am glad you like it.'

‘Who wouldn't?' Abby was feeling a little light-headed now, but she assured herself it was only jet lag, or tiredness,
or a combination of both. She studied her jacket uncertainly. ‘Do you think I should put this on?'

Por que?
Why?' Alejandro regarded her intently. ‘Are you cold?'

‘No.' Abby glanced expressively around the room, observing the expensively clad patrons with an uneasy eye. Then, speaking almost absently, she added, ‘I'm surprised Dolores wanted to bring me here.'

Alejandro's eyebrows ascended. ‘And that would be because…?'

‘Oh, come on.' Abby forgot who she was speaking to for a moment. ‘Haven't you noticed all the diamond bracelets, the strings of pearls, the ruby rings? I'm wearing one ring, one gold chain, and some hoop earrings. I bet your friend Miguel knows their value down to the last cent!'

Alejandro shook his head. ‘Perhaps he realises that you do not need diamond bracelets and pearl chokers to accent your beauty,' he responded softly. ‘And I do not need to be reminded that you are wearing another man's ring. What do you want me to say, Abigail? That you are still the most attractive woman I have ever known?'

‘No!' Abby's face flamed. ‘You know I didn't mean anything like that.' Then, aware that her voice had risen and people were looking at them again, she whispered hotly, ‘Don't say things like that to me. We both know how insincere your compliments are.'

‘Are they?' Alejandro rested his elbows on the table and leaned towards her. ‘Would it not please Edward to believe I am still attracted to you? You are very good to look at,
When Miguel speaks of indulgence, I think of only one thing.'

Abby caught her breath. ‘You don't know what Edward wants,' she told him fiercely, choosing the least provocative comment he had made. She cupped her hot face between her palms, wondering why she'd agreed to come here. Where was Dolores? She'd never thought she'd be so eager to see her brother's mother-in-law—but she was.

‘I know he did not send for his so-protective older sister to
sit beside his sickbed,' responded Alejandro drily, and Abby gave a helpless little moan.

‘Then you know more than me,' she retorted, casting another glance towards the entrance. What was Dolores doing? How long did it take to try on a dress?

‘You do not make a very convincing liar,
,' murmured Alejandro, relieving her a little by leaning back in his seat. He unbuttoned the jacket of his charcoal suit and hooked a negligent arm over the back of his chair. ‘But we will not waste time arguing over your brother.' Absurdly long lashes shaded his eyes as he baited her. ‘Tell me about yourself, Abigail. Or tell me why you are lunching with Dolores. I did not realise you were such close friends.'

‘We're not.' The words were out before she could stop them, and she hurried to explain what she'd meant. ‘That is— Dolores took pity on me. She thought I'd prefer lunching with her rather than just—waiting around at the house for Edward. She'll be here soon. She'll probably tell you the same herself.'

Alejandro frowned. ‘Waiting around for Edward?' he said, immediately latching on to the anomaly. ‘And why was your brother neglecting you today?'

Abby sighed. ‘He wasn't there,' she admitted reluctantly, not really wanting to confide in him. ‘He—er—he and Lauren had apparently gone out.'

‘Gone out?' Alejandro echoed her words again, and then made an apologetic gesture. ‘Forgive me, I thought he could not walk?'

Abby blew out a breath. ‘He can't. Not far, anyway.'

Alejandro didn't say anything and, realising she couldn't avoid the inevitable, she said shortly. ‘Their apartment has been broken into, if you must know. They've gone to meet the police to assess the damage.'

Alejandro looked less indolent now. ‘And when did this—break-in occur?' he asked sharply, and Abby gave him an indignant look.

‘Last night, I suppose.' She pretended to be busy folding
her jacket over her lap. ‘Why?' She paused, and then added provocatively, ‘Do you know anything about it?'

She'd expected an angry denial, but his answer startled her. ‘Perhaps,' he said, smoothing his hand over the pearl-grey silk tie which perfectly matched his shirt. ‘Perhaps.'

Abby was glad of the distraction of watching that brown long-fingered hand as it moved caressingly against the pale fabric. She was sure if she looked into his eyes he'd see the accusation in hers. Nevertheless, she had to say something, and she was relieved to see the waiter heading towards them. ‘I think these are our drinks,' she said, knowing she'd be glad of the refreshment. Her mouth felt suddenly as dry as snuff.

The waiter delivered the two glasses of iced tea with a flourish and then turned to Alejandro to ask if he would like to see the menu.

‘Mas tarde. Later.'
Alejandro inclined his head.

‘Gracias, señor.'

The waiter bowed and left them and Abby immediately lifted her glass. The ice-cold liquid was both crisp and invigorating, and she closed her eyes for a moment, responding to its delightful flavour. She felt better already, she thought, opening her eyes again. Only to revise her opinion when she found Alejandro was watching her.

‘You were thirsty,' he remarked, and she almost jumped out of her skin when he leaned forward and wiped a drop of moisture from the corner of her mouth with his thumb. She was even more disturbed when he brought his thumb to his lips and licked the moisture from it, adding swiftly, ‘Have you ever drunk wine from a lover's lips?'

‘It—it's not wine,' she stammered, too shaken to realise what she was saying, and his thin lips parted in a sensual smile.

‘A pleasure I will save for later,' he told her huskily. ‘Perhaps you will allow me to buy you dinner tomorrow evening. We can continue this discussion then.'

Abby swallowed convulsively. ‘I—don't think so.'

‘Why not?'

‘I—I don't want to,' she said. ‘Besides, I don't think my fiancé would approve.'

‘As I recall, it did not bother you before,' declared Alejandro obscurely, but before she could take him up on that, or on what he'd meant about the break-in, she heard the sound of hurried footsteps crossing the floor. Abby turned her head. It was Dolores. Of course, she thought defeatedly. Who else would it be?

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