Alexander Hamilton (170 page)

Read Alexander Hamilton Online

Authors: Ron Chernow

Tags: #Statesmen - United States, #History, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Political, #General, #United States, #Personal Memoirs, #Hamilton, #Historical, #United States - Politics and Government - 1783-1809, #Biography & Autobiography, #Statesmen, #Biography, #Alexander

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Albany Institute of History and Art, bequest of George Clinton Genet through the estate of Augusta G. K. C. Genet (1912.2.4)

Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord (1754–1838),
by Pierre-Paul Prud’hon (1758–1823)

Oil on canvas, 1817

Metropolitan Museum of Art, purchase, Mrs. Charles Wrightsman, gift in memory of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis (1994.190)

John Adams (1735–1826),
by Charles Willson Peale (1741–1827), from life

Oil on canvas 1791–1794

Independence National Historical Park

Letter from Alexander Hamilton, Concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq., President of the United States

New York: printed for John Lang by George F. Hopkins, 1800

Collection of The New-York Historical Society, gift of Gulian E. Verplanck, 1809 (negative #51097)

Timothy Pickering (1745–1829),
by Hezekiah W. Smith after Gilbert Stuart (1755–1828)

Engraving, ca. 1860

Collection of The New-York Historical Society, gift of Henry O. Havemeyer (PR 025, negative #75964)

Oliver Wolcott, Jr. (1760–1833),
by Joseph Andrews (1806–1837) and W. H. Tappan after John Trumbull (1756–1843)

Engraving, ca. 1850

Collection of The New-York Historical Society, gift of Henry O. Havemeyer (PR 025, negative #75965)

James McHenry (1753–1816),
by James Sharples, Sr. (ca. 1751–1811), from life

Pastel on paper, ca. 1796–1800

Independence National Historical Park

Aaron Burr (1756–1836),
attributed to Gilbert Stuart (1755–1828)

Oil on canvas, ca. 1792

Collection of The New Jersey Historical Society, Newark, New Jersey, gift of David A. Hayes for John Chetwood (1854.1)

Aaron Burr (1756–1836),
by John Vanderlyn (1775–1852)

Oil on canvas, 1802

Collection of The New-York Historical Society, gift of Dr. John E. Stillwell (1931.58, negative #6227)

Aaron Burr (1756–1836),
by James Van Dyck (active nineteenth century)

Oil on canvas, 1834

Collection of The New-York Historical Society, gift of Dr. John E. Stillwell (1931.57, negative #6832)

Philip Hamilton (1782–1801)

Reprinted from Allan McLane Hamilton,
The Intimate Life of Alexander Hamilton
(New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1911)

Alexander Hamilton (1755–1804),
by Ezra Ames (1768–1836)

Oil on canvas, 1810

Special Collections, Schaffer Library, Union College, gift of General Alexander Hamilton, 1875

Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, Mrs. Alexander Hamilton (1757–1854),
attributed to John D. Martin

Charcoal and chalk on paper, 1851

Museum of the City of New York, gift of Mrs. Alexander Hamilton and General Pierpont Morgan Hamilton (1971.31.6)

Alexander Hamilton (1755–1804),
by Giuseppe Ceracchi (1751–1802)

Marble, ca. 1793

Collection of The New-York Historical Society, gift of James Gore King (1928.18, negative #50044)

Hamilton Grange, New York,
by Randall Comfort Photograph, 1891

Collection of The New-York Historical Society
(PR 020 Geographic File, negative #75963)



of AH
American Revolution and

Adams, Abigail

on AH
election of 1800 and
health problems of husband of
Adams, John Jefferson and
on Philadelphia sensuality
on slavery
on Washington

Adams, Charles

Adams, Henry

Adams, John

Abigail’s correspondence with
Abigail’s views on
absenteeism of
on AH
AH compared with
AH’s correspondence with
AH’s feud with
AH’s pamphlet about

Alien and Sedition Acts and

anarchy feared by

in army organization battles

background of

on British constitution

cabinet of

cabinet purge of

Continental Congress and

death of

diary of

Dutch loan arranged by

in election of 1789

in election of 1792

in election of 1796

in election of 1800

as Federalist

French Revolution and

on Jefferson

Jefferson’s correspondence with

Jefferson’s relationship with

judiciary and

on Madison

military experience lacking in

military promoted by

monarchist leanings of

on New York City

peace initiative of

as president

Reynolds affair and

slavery and

Adams, John (

Society of the Cincinnati and
vanity of
as vice president
on Washington
Washington’s correspondence with

Adams, John Quincy

on AH

on Jefferson

Adams, Samuel

Addison, Joseph

Additional Army
see also
Army, U.S.


African Free School


AH’s views on
bank bill and
Bank of New York and
Jeffersonian democracy and
trade embargo and
see also

Ajax (Hamilton’s house slave)

Albany, N.Y.

AH’s legal work in
City Tavern in
Dutch character of
riot in
Schuyler mansion in (the Pastures)
as state capital
Tayler dinner in

Albany Common Council

Albany Plan

Albany Register

alcohol: consumption of taxes on

Alexander, William

Stirling, Lord Alien Act (1798)

Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)

Alien Enemies Act (1798)

Alien Landowners Act

Allan, Richard

Alston, Aaron Burr

Alston, Joseph

Alston, Theodosia Burr

father’s correspondence with
Hamilton-Burr duel and

American Citizen

American colonies

development of unity in
independence declared by
opposition to British in
opposition to independence of
taxes in
see also specific places

American Daily Advertiser

American Indians

in American Revolution
education of
Philip Schuyler’s negotiations with

American Philosophical Society

American Revolution

AH accused of betrayal of
blacks in
bonds in
corruption of–
debt from
development of unity in
espionage in
foreign loans in
France in
international influence of
military strategy in
pamphlet warfare in
peace treaty in (1783)
personal opportunities in
political alignments of 1789 forged in
prisoner exchanges in
prison ships in
profiteering in
Spain in
trade issues in
as transatlantic conflict
see also
Articles of Confederation; Constitutional Convention; Continental Army; Continental Congress; Declaration of Independence; Second Continental Congress;
specific battles and places

Ames, Ezra

Ames, Fisher

on Adams
on AH
on Jefferson

Amory, Hester,
Stevens, Hester Amory “Anas” scrapbook (Jefferson)

André, John (“John Anderson”)

Church of England

Annapolis conference (1786)–



despotic militarism feared by
New York Ratifying Convention and
speculation and
use of term

Antill, Fanny,
Tappan, Fanny Antill

antislavery societies

in New York


AH’s libel suit against


AH linked with
of bank paper
Burr’s links to
Constitutional Convention and–
of Federalists
in New York
Society of the Cincinnati and

Arkwright, Sir Richard

Army, British

retreat of
see also specific battles

Army, French

Army, U.S.

AH as inspector general in
AH’s imperialist escapade in
bureaucratic problems of
command vacancy in
creation of
disbanding of
domestic disturbances and
dueling curbed in
Washington’s command of

Arnold, Benedict

Arnold, Jacob, tavern of

Arnold, Margaret Shippen (Peggy)

Articles of Confederation

critique of
money problems and
revision of

Astor, John Jacob


Auldjo, John


anti-Adams letter leaked to
Reynolds affair and

Bache, Benjamin Franklin

death of

Bache, Margaret

Bacon, Sir Francis

Bailyn, Bernard

Baldwin, Luther

Baltimore, Md.


Bank of Amsterdam

Bank of England

Bank of Massachusetts

Bank of New York

founding of
House investigation of AH and
Manhattan Company compared with

Bank of North America

Bank of the United States

board of
congressional approval of
constitutionality of
Gallatin’s views on
House investigation of AH and
loans of location of
stock of


prejudice against
see also
central banks;
specific banks


Barbados, Washington’s visit to

Barber, Francis

Barbot, John

Bard, Samuel

Bayard, James A.

Bayard, William

Beaumetz, chevalier de

Beckley, John

Reynolds affair and

Beckwith, George

Beekman, David

Beekman and Cruger

Benson, Egbert

Bentham, Jeremy


Bethune, Joanna Graham

Biddle, Charles

Biddle, Nicholas

Bill of Rights, U.S.


Bingham, Anne Willing

Bingham, William–


AH’s early exposure to
in American Revolution
education of
Jefferson’s views on
see also
slavery, slaves

Blackstone, Sir William

Bland, Martha

Bloomfield, Joseph

Board of Regents, New York

Board of Treasury

Board of War

Bonaparte, Napoleon,
Napoleon I, emperor of



in American Revolution

Boston, Mass.

colonists’ struggle against British in

port of

“scrippomania” in
size of

Boston Massacre (1770)

Boston Tea Party

Boudinot, Anna Maria

Boudinot, Annie

Boudinot, Elias

AH’s warning from
in Congress

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