Alexei: A Mafia Love Story: Dark Erotic Romance (4 page)

BOOK: Alexei: A Mafia Love Story: Dark Erotic Romance
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“Good. That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

He moved his hands to get another bite of food for her, and as soon as he did, she opened her mouth and spat masticated eggs on his chest and neck. Alexei wasn’t proud of it, but his first instinct was to slap her. His hand hovered in midair for a moment, but he reined in the impulse and grabbed a handful of her hair instead.

“Let go of me.” She squirmed against him, seeming impervious to the pain she must feel in her scalp as she tried to tug away from his viselike grip on her red strands.

“You are going to eat, Tara.” He dragged her up and out of the chair, forcing her face close to his cloth-covered chest. “Lick them off.”

She renewed her protests, struggling even more fiercely than she had been. It necessitated him dropping the fork and abandoning the tray. Keeping one hand in her hair, he used the other to restrain her lower body, holding her flush with his chest. “Eat,

She said something, though the proximity of her lips to his chest made the words incomprehensible. The feel of her lips moving against him, even in her anger and resistance, made his dick throb fiercely. She bit him then, her sharp teeth grazing the tender flesh of his chest.

Alexei swore he could genuinely see red from rage as he pushed Tara to her knees in front of him. He didn’t release his hold on her hair, but he held her with the one hand as he used the other to open his belt and unzip his jeans. “Something is going in that pretty mouth of yours, and if you don’t want food, you can swallow my dick.”

She glared up at him. “If that thing comes anywhere near me, I’ll bite it off.”

“You will pay dearly for any defiance. Open your mouth, Tara.” When she still refused, he tightened his free hand around her chin again, pressing against the sides of her jaws with his fingers until her mouth opened slightly. It was enough, and he was able to push two fingers between her lips.

He expected her to bite him, and she did. He cursed, but withstood the pain as he applied an equal measure by tugging sharply on her hair. She screamed, forcing her mouth open the rest of the way, and he made a fist, wedging a good portion of his fisted hand inside so she couldn’t close her lips again. “You’re going to suck me now, Tara. I’m done with your nonsense and playing games. You need to learn you belong to me. If you’re going to survive this, you need to learn your place. Now open your mouth voluntarily and take my cock inside, or I’ll do something you won’t like.”

She was glaring at him defiantly, and he dared withdraw his fist enough to allow her to talk. “Everything you’ve done to me is something I don’t like. You can’t do anything worse than try to make me suck your cock.”

He tipped his head slightly, giving her a considering look. “Perhaps not to you,
. You’re all brave blustering, and perhaps you could withstand the most painful of tortures. However…”

She licked her lips, looking nervous. “However what?”

“Is your little sister as defiant and strong-willed as you?”

She sagged slightly, and genuine hatred shown from her eyes even as her lips parted. He hated that she was submitting under those circumstances, and he almost withdrew the threat. Almost. It would be weakness to do so, and Alexei was not a weak man. This was for her own good, because the sooner she got over her defiance, the sooner she would find her place here. His little fox needed to accept that her only alternative was to stay with him, and in his good graces. He couldn’t just let her go, because she would soon report the crime she had witnessed. He didn’t want to kill her, so he had to tame her. That meant doing whatever it took.

He lifted his shaft and pointed it toward her mouth, rubbing the head lightly across her lips. “No biting.” He punctuated the warning with the a light slap of his cock against her mouth. She jumped at the touch, and his abdomen curled with need as the blow reverberated through him.

He was ridiculously and embarrassingly close to coming just by having her mouth against him, not even open yet. He wouldn’t last long when his cock was between her plump lips, even if she was giving a lackluster performance, which he fully expected.

She opened her mouth the rest of the way, accepting him inside, though she made no attempt to hide her reluctance and her anger. Like a good little fox, she kept her teeth to herself, holding her mouth slack around him.

Still, she was defiant. He sighed, hating to force her to the breaking point, but reminding himself of all the reasons why he must. “I’m not doing the work here, Tara. You will give me the best blowjob of my life, or your little sister will pay for your failure.”

If her eyes could speak, she would be calling him a string of filthy names. He had no doubt of that as she shaped her mouth to him so the soft, slick contours of her cheeks fitted him like a glove. Her tongue teased the underside of his cockhead, zeroing in on the V that was so sensitive. She started with light flicks that soon had him weeping pre-cum and arching his hips mindlessly.

When she began to suck him in earnest, moving her head up and down, one of her hands going to the base of his shaft to cover the gap her mouth couldn’t quite encompass, he let his hand relax slightly in her hair, though he still held on to her. She might take it for a sign of dominance, but it was almost a necessity to keep him from collapsing to the floor under the onslaught of pleasure she was unleashing upon him.

As she sucked and licked him, he knew it wouldn’t take long. His balls were already tightening, and the warmth spreading from his stomach let him know he was seconds from exploding in her mouth. He could have been thoughtful and given her the opportunity to jerk him off the rest of the way, or at least warn her that he was about to come, but this wasn’t about making his lover happy. It was about breaking her.

Neither of them spoke, not that she could have with her mouth full of dick, he thought with a rueful grin as his shaft hardened further, twitching at the same time as the first torrents of release spilled into her, making her choke. He held her against him, refusing to let her pull away until she had swallowed. The motion of her throat swallowing down his release coaxed more cum from him, and he spurted into her again. He made her sit like that for a moment, even after he was certain he was done coming, to remind her of her place.

Finally, he released her hair and let her scramble away from him. She pressed her back against the bed and glared up at him, her chest heaving with exertion.

Alexei braced himself for a verbal onslaught, but she just glared at him as she wiped her mouth. She didn’t speak, and she seemed a little shaken by the experience.

“Eat your food from now on, Tara.”

He started to turn and walk away, but froze and whipped back toward her. “How remiss of me.”

Her voice sounded almost composed, but there was a hint of shakiness to when she asked, “What?” The wariness in her tone was almost heartbreaking, but he stiffened his resolve and ignored the softness inside.

“I forgot you have to earn your clothes. I should have taken them last night, and here I am almost forgetting again.” He clicked his tongue at his own forgetfulness. “Take them off. Now.”

She shook her head, pressing her back more firmly into the side of the mattress as she stared at him with eyes that were bordering on pleading.

He forced himself not to look at them again, not wanting to read her desperation and respond to it. Alexei crossed his arms and glared down at her. “Either you take them off or I will. If I do, there’s no telling what I’ll also do to that delectable little body of yours, so I leave the choice with you,

He knew it had to be so much worse for her to make her take the clothes off herself and surrender them, but he hoped she would learn something from the experience. If she would just surrender and give in, he would treat her well and bestow favors upon her. She would be his favorite, and in fact, she was currently his only companion.

He didn’t have a lover or a mistress and hadn’t for a few months. There hadn’t been time with the escalation of his father’s illness and the new duties he had taken on. But for her, he would make the time. She just had to meet him halfway.

Her hands trembled, and she closed her eyes as she slipped off her shirt. She tossed it in his general direction without even opening her eyes, and he caught it. Since she wasn’t looking at him, he was able to grin slightly, unable to help feeling a dart of appreciation for her continued strength. True, she was doing as he had proclaimed, but she was still doing it on her terms.

He admired her. It was a strange reaction, because he generally spent so little time with the women who graced his bed that he had no time to learn anything about them, let alone form anything like admiration for them. For the first time, Alexei realized his little fox could be dangerous to him. Not just because she’d seen him murder someone, but because she might get to him in a way no one else had.

He shoved aside that silly thought and focused on the visual feast from her slowly revealing her body to him. She hadn’t moved from where she crouched on the floor, so she had to awkwardly angle her hips up to slide out of her panties and slacks. They came off in one motion, still stuck together, and she tossed them in his direction. With her eyes still closed, she also stripped off her socks and threw those as well. He let them land wherever, not caring if she had a pair of socks.

Once her eyes opened, he was there to meet them with his intent gaze. He made sure she was watching as he peeled her panties from the slacks she’d worn, bringing the damp crotch to his nose to inhale. Her spicy scent hit him, making his recently satisfied cock throb again. The crotch was wet, and it was obvious his little fox had been aroused during the blowjob, even though she had likely fought the reaction as much as she had fought him.

Feeling confident in the face of her silent confession, he gave her a wolfish grin and winked at her. “Next time, perhaps you will get pleasure too. If you can be a good
, that is.”

She glared at him, her expression defiant to the end. With her sitting on the floor, her arms folded around herself to shield as much of her nudity as possible, she looked so vulnerable. It was achingly appealing, and he had to actively resist the urge to drop to the floor and part her thighs, so he could smell her pussy for himself. Secondhand through her panties was not nearly good enough. He wanted to inhale her before he thrust his tongue between her damp folds and licked her until she was screaming his name with pleasure.

Still, he couldn’t let her have that yet. She had to earn her pleasure.

“Eat your food, and you’ll get a reward.” He walked to the door, opening it before she finally deigned to respond.

“I don’t want anything from you except your slow and painful death.”

In a good mood, he just chuckled and stepped through the doorway, ignoring her words, and the clattering of something hitting the door a moment later. If he was correct, it was the silver tray that had been atop her plate. With a chuckle, he strolled away, already looking forward to his next encounter with his fiery little fox.


Tara huddled on the floor a while longer, not entirely convinced he wouldn’t return and catch her in the middle of standing up. She wanted to hide as much of her body from him as possible. She’d already revealed far too much to him.

Finally, the chill in the air got to her, and she stood up before turning to the bed to strip off the sheet underneath the comfortable duvet. She wrapped it around herself sarong-style and returned to the chair, staring at the tray with unseeing eyes. Shame burned in her that her body had betrayed her, and he had realized that fact.

She squirmed in the seat, unable to deny a thrill of arousal that shot through her as she remembered being on her knees before him, forced to suck his cock. It hadn’t been her choice, but she had been turned on beyond belief by his domination. She hated the reaction, and she didn’t understand it. She was a strong, independent woman, and she’d always tried to encourage Tonya to be the same. She wasn’t the kind of woman who liked to get on her knees for a lover, even one of her choosing. She especially should have been horrified to have no choice but to put his dick in her mouth and suck him until he came.

She groaned softly, and a new gush of moisture filled her pussy. What the hell was wrong with her? Surely she wasn’t enjoying being degraded? She refused to believe she could be that depraved. That wasn’t her, was it?

She groaned again, this time the sound a blend of agony and pleasure as she relived that moment when he’d first started to come inside her, not allowing her to back away. He had demanded she swallow his seed, leaving her no other option.

She had never swallowed cum in her life, having always been a spitter the few times she had been unable to avoid performing the act for a boyfriend. It was a demeaning deed, and she had always rejected doing it—until he had taken the choice from her, and somehow, that had made it worse even as it had become ten times more exciting.

Tears streamed down her face, and she wanted to deny that there had been anything pleasurable about the encounter. It was incomprehensible to her, but she couldn’t pretend she hadn’t enjoyed it. A dark part of her, a part whose existence she hadn’t recognized until she was on her knees before Alexei, had reveled in being turned in to his whore, being forced to submit to his will.

BOOK: Alexei: A Mafia Love Story: Dark Erotic Romance
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