Alice-Miranda At School (19 page)

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Authors: Jacqueline Harvey

BOOK: Alice-Miranda At School
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The celebrations seemed to last for ages. Alice-Miranda had done it. She had earned her place at Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale. Everyone had seen her do it. The test results were a formality.

Ophelia Grimm had watched as the events unfolded. Alice-Miranda had won the regatta fair and square; she'd conquered the hike and passed the test with flying colours. On the other hand, Alethea – the child she had put so much faith in – was nothing but a cheat. Sitting in her wardrobe watching the
contest, Ophelia realised that her life was a lie. She was a fraud – here she was in charge of a school, a magnificent school with wonderful children, and yet she had shut herself away from it all. Her judgement of people had been clouded for so many years. She had forgotten to do what she should always have done: trust her instincts. Ophelia stood up, straightened her skirt, put on her blazer and strode out of the study and into the afternoon sunshine.

‘Look!' Millie pointed at the figure walking towards the lake. An eerie glow surrounded the woman as the sun shone behind her. ‘Is that … Is it Miss Grimm?' Millie shouted.

The whole school gasped as they caught sight of Ophelia. The girls buzzed:

‘What's she doing?'

‘Why is she here?'

‘She can't make you leave.'

Miss Grimm strode towards the crowd with her head held high. Not a word was spoken as she reached them.

‘I am not here to expel you, Alice-Miranda,' said Miss Grimm. ‘I am here to congratulate you. Your test results.' She held up the paper with ‘97%' emblazoned on the top right-hand corner. ‘I know
when I am defeated. You have secured your place here and I will not … I will not set you any further ridiculous challenges. I have been a very sad and bitter woman these past ten years. I wonder if perhaps you could consider forgiving me.' Miss Grimm stared at the surprising child.

‘Oh, Miss Grimm, of course I forgive you.' Alice-Miranda ran forward and wrapped her arms around Miss Grimm's middle. There was another collective gasp from the school. Miss Grimm didn't seem to know what to do. Her eyes welled and suddenly she did what any self-respecting grown-up would do. She hugged Alice-Miranda right back.

‘I have someone here who wants to see you,' said Alice-Miranda, pulling away. She motioned to Mr Grump, who was standing behind her father. Miss Grimm looked up.

‘Oh!' It was Miss Grimm's turn to gasp. Tears flooded her eyes. ‘Is it really you?' She swallowed. The temptation to turn and run back to the safety of her study was almost too much. But for some reason her legs were frozen to the spot.

‘Ophelia.' He strode forward. ‘Ophelia, I am so sorry. I ruined everything. I've spent so many years trying to forget. But I could never forget you.
Can you ever forgive me?' Aldous hung his head.

The whole school seemed to have something caught in their throats. Tears fell like waterfalls.

‘Aldous, how? I thought you were …'

‘I can explain everything – if you will just give me another chance. I know I don't deserve it, but I – I love you.'

‘And I love you too.' Ophelia fell into his arms and he peppered her face with kisses.

At long last Jacinta broke the silence. ‘Three cheers for Miss Grimm. Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! And three cheers for Alice-Miranda. Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray!

As the sun set that evening, for the first time in a long time Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale truly felt like the happiest school on earth …

Miss Grimm and Mr Grump were married within a month in the chapel at Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale. Miss Grimm had a beautiful bouquet of hollyhocks and daffodils, jonquils and irises. Every one of the girls, staff and the parents said it was the best party they had ever been to. Ophelia thought about a hyphenated surname but decided to stick with Grimm.

Miss Higgins was married three weeks later to Constable Derby. She's back at work because
Miss Grimm said that she simply couldn't live without her.

Jacinta Headlington-Bear won the National Gymnastics Championships for her age group.

Mr Charles won the local garden competition and was particularly complimented on his flower-beds.

Mrs Oliver perfected her formula for FDF – ‘Freeze-Dried Foods' – and is in the process of establishing an organisation to feed the starving people of the world. Mrs Smith spent two weeks of her holidays helping Dolly in the laboratory and the other time with her grandchildren in America.

Alethea Goldsworthy left Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale in rather a rush. She is currently enrolled at Sainsbury Palace School where there is a very large new library under construction.

And if you're wondering about the new Head Prefect … Well, Miss Grimm decided to break with tradition and offer it to Alice-Miranda. But she refused, saying that Danika would do a much better job. After all, she had plenty of time. She was still only seven and one-quarter.

The Highton-Smith-Kennington-Jones household

Alice-Miranda Highton-Smith-Kennington-Jones


Only child, seven and one quarter years of age

Cecelia Highton-Smith


Alice-Miranda's doting mother

Hugh Kennington-Jones


Alice-Miranda's doting father

Dolly Oliver


Family cook, part-time food technology scientist



Helicopter pilot

Mr Greening





Bell Jet Ranger Helicopter


Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale Academy for Proper Young Ladies Staff

Miss Ophelia Grimm



Miss Louella Higgins


Personal secretary to the headmistress

Miss Livinia Reedy


English teacher

Mr Josiah Plumpton


Science teacher

Mr Cornelius Trout


Music teacher

Miss Benitha Wall


Sports teacher

Cook (Mrs Doreen Smith)



Charlie Weatherly (Mr Charles)



Howie (Mrs Howard)


House mistress



Another house mistress



Millicent Jane McLoughlin-McTavish-McNoughton-McGill


Best friend and room mate

Madeline Bloom



Ivory Hicks



Ashima Divall



Susannah Dare



Jacinta Headlington-Bear


Talented gymnast, school's second best tantrum thrower and, surprisingly, a friend

Alethea Goldsworthy


Head prefect, school's very best tantrum thrower and enemy of most girls



Alethea's friend



Alethea's friend



Alethea's friend



Miss Critchley


Teacher at Ellery Prep

Ambrose McLoughlin-McTavish


Millie's grandfather

Addison Goldsworthy


Alethea's father



Addison Goldsworthy's butler

(the best apple pie ever!)

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