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Authors: S. Silver

Alicia's Misfortune (19 page)

BOOK: Alicia's Misfortune
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AMISH2, A Western Romance –

By: Erin Walsh

AMISH2, A Western Romance


© Erin Walsh, 2015 – All rights reserved

Published by Steamy Reads4U


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is a work of fiction.
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Chapter One

Wandering through the Farmers’ Market, Courtney White was
overwhelmed by the rich fruits and vegetables on display. Everything was
absolutely ripe and stunning.  And it all smelled so sweet!  However,
she had no appetite. Between the heat – though she was in the cooler shade of
black maples canopying most of the set up – and the heart ache, Courtney was
just not hungry.

Someone tapped her on the shoulder. She looked in that
direction and the next thing she knew, on the other side of her; someone was
taking her by the hand.  

She knew that touch. She knew that feel. She looked. She
gasped. It was true. Christian.

The smile on his face was almost imperceptible but she saw
it. He was also sneaking the hand holding, but as long as she could touch him,
she didn’t care.

“What are you doing here?” Courtney asked.

He tilted his head. He struggled not to fully laugh. “This
is the Amish Farmers’ Market. And I am Amish,”

“Oh,” she laughed at herself. “Yeah.”

Only he could make Amish garb look hot. He had on a
collarless shirt which set off his exquisitely broad shoulders. He wore black
suspenders that clasped at his abdomen and the small of back, accentuating his
narrow waist and powerful buttocks and legs. His black broad-rimmed hat
contrasted with his beautiful white-blond hair.

Laughing at the fact she didn’t connect the Amish Farmers’
Market with the presence of Christian the Amish farmer was one of the few times
Courtney smiled since she last laid eyes on him. Or felt any levity. She had
felt smoldering passion. For just the thought of him left Courtney stunned and
excited. She was immediately immobilized by full blown arousal, forced to relive
every blistering moment between them before they parted.

“I haven’t called you because I foolishly lost your
telephone number,” he confessed.

Courtney belly laughed. “Okay, that’s just hilarious,” she

Christian was confused. “I don’t understand.”

“That’s the oldest excuse in the book,” she explained. She
spoke in a deep voice, “Ah baby, I meant to call you but you know, I lost your

Christian reached out to brush a bit of hay that had fallen
on Courtney’s shoulder.  His large hand accidently brushed against her
breast. Shocks of erotic electricity flowed throughout her body.  Was that
intentional?  Without any warning, Courtney was hoisted by her shoulders
to the privacy of a very large tree trunk. Her forehead knocked back the brim
of his hat as he landed her with a very hot, wet, possessive kiss. 

My God
, she thought but did not
dare say out loud. He had chastised her before that such phrases were not taken
lightly in his community.
But did they have chemistry.

“I don’t know if this is torture or medicine. I am in such
agony,” she complained. She gave him a half-hearted tap. 

It was no use. They were from different worlds but so meant
to be together. 

“I understand you completely,” he said. “Come to me? By the
roadside? Can we meet tonight?”

“Yes,” she agreed hastily. “I will be there.”

“It must be after dark. Nightfall will be at eight-thirty.
Nine o’clock? I will be waiting.”

Christian grazed her lips with one last kiss before
withdrawing; walking away as though he didn’t know her.

Courtney strolled in a daze, her head abuzz with so many
things, so many feelings, and the thrill of knowing that in about eight or so
hours from now, she was going to have her legs wrapped around Christian
Hostetler’s magnificent torso.

Her friend Lisa caught up with her, sacks full of

“See anything you like?” she asked.

“Yes, as a matter of fact I did,” replied Courtney with a

They took their time walking to the car and happened to pass
by a collection of bins where Christian and some other Amish men and women
stood. Courtney’s eyes found his. She felt him. Their connection drugged her
with arousal. Her heart raced. She could hardly think straight.

“Hey, isn’t that–?” Lisa started to say but Courtney had the
presence of mind to cut her off.

Courtney stepped towards Christian’s stand. She saw the
price for apples by the pound and individually. She plunked down her change to
buy a single apple. Without a word, he chose one and handed it to her.

Courtney bit into it and with her mouth full, never taking
her eyes of him, she said to Lisa, “Let’s go.”

Chapter Two


Courtney napped. Rather, she slept like a log. Weeks of not
sleeping well, of wallowing in the heart ache of having to let go of perhaps
the hottest man she had ever met, thinking he just didn’t call her, were
relieved by the chance meeting with Christian at the farmers’ market. It was a
deep, delicious rest.

When she awoke, she soaked in a hot, scented bath. She
massaged rose-scented body wash into her skin everywhere she could reach. After
putting up with Courtney’s moping over Christian, her best friend Lisa gifted
her with a rich, deliciously scented bath oil.

“Here,” she said. “You need to go find a guy and have hot,
torrid sex.”

“I already did find a guy and have hot, torrid sex,” said

“I mean a stranger,” Lisa amended.

“Christian was a stranger,” said Courtney. “I don’t want
another stranger. I want him.”

Christian had indeed been a stranger when Courtney was
stranded on the roadside by his farm in the heart of farm country. But by the
time she left him a day later, they knew each other intimately. And often.And
in very creative ways.

But even though their brief encounter was largely sexual,
there was something more to it than that.  

Courtney’s cosmetic massage of the edible body wash morphed
into an erotic one. Her hands had to go where Christian’s mouth might, so
naturally she stroked her lotion-lathered fingertips all over her
body.   Courtney enjoyed her hot bath and relished the upcoming meet
with Christian.  He had no idea what was in store for him.

Chapter Three

It was still too early to head over to Christian’s farm. But
Courtney had a present to buy him. A cell phone. This way he could not lose her
number and they could text and chat as often as they liked. She could also send
him pictures. She was definitely going to load up his phone with a few gems of

A trip to the cell phone store killed a few hours and so by
the time she got home, it was time to leave for his place. Not before she took
some pictures of herself. The cell phone camera had a timer, so after she
stripped down to her underwear, Courtney set the timer for ten seconds and
posed, creating multiple shots this way. After all cheese cake stills, she made
herself look very pretty, dressing very demurely, and chose that one as his
wallpaper. He now had some hot pictures of her as well as picture which could
be seen in public.

After her mini camera shoot, she was dressed in a sweet
eyelet-laced slip dress and even though it was the peak of summer in
Pennsylvania, she wore a light jean jacket. It was commercially faded and had a
couple of designer tears in the sleeves. Her toes were painted a beautiful
bronze which complemented the color of her strappy sandals. Her hair, which was
a beautiful light brown, hung in a straight style, soft and shiny. Once she
decided that she was picture perfect, she loaded up her little car and was off.

The one-time relatively urban drive to Christian’s farm
immediately became rural. That meant street lights were very few and far
between. The road was deep and black and a little scary.

The little sports car was made for the twists and the turns
in the road, but Courtney quickly realized she preferred taking them either in
the daytime or with company. Though the weather had been pretty hot and humid,
driving late at night, she didn’t drive with the top down. It was some cause
for anxiety because if anything happened, he would be no help and she would be
all by herself. She would feel way too vulnerable with an opened car.

As she pulled off the road, which was lit only by the moon
and a very few conservative spot lights along the way, she parked by some trees
in case anyone were still awake after this hour and could see her. She scurried
with some trepidation to the farm field when much to her warmth and delight;
she saw a shadowy figure among the field vegetation. Christian.

He was tall, so magnificently built, and he stood against
the night’s horizon not even in a focus that had any sort of detail. Just the
suggestion of him made Courtney’s insides stir with glee.

She slung her long, strapped purse over her shoulder and
clutched the handles of the gift bag containing the cell phone. She practically
danced to him. It was tough moving in her high, impractical shoes, but the last
few steps to him became a dash towards him. She took a running jump and leapt
onto him like a tree frog, gripping him with arms and legs, kissing him wildly.

In the process, she winged him with her gift bag. Able to
support her with one arm, he reached behind his back to feel for the bag. His
kissed her for a long time, sweeping her mouth with his masterful tongue. So
knowing.So good. Then he inquired about the gift.

“What is this?” he asked, peeking in the bag.

“It’s a present,” she beamed at him. She held the gift bag
behind her back. “It’s for later.”

He arched an eyebrow. “You think I can’t get that?”

His teasing made her super-hot, but she liked that he
wouldn’t take it too far and ruin the surprise.

was a gorgeous day outside.  The weather was warm, 82 degrees, but not too
hot.  They decided to sit outside under the shade of a large willow tree
to catch up.  Christian started off by telling her about the events over
two weeks that had passed since he saw her last.  She was really
interested to hear about all the fruits and vegetables that Christian grew on
the farm, and a little bit more about his Amish roots. 

But it didn’t really matter what he spoke about, because she
sat entranced, daydreaming about him, even though he was right in front of her
sitting on the warm, green grass.  Courtney could see his lips
moving.  She could even hear him, but all she could think about was being
with him, naked in his arms.

Chapter Four

Courtney’s mind went back to the long, hot bath she took
earlier that day.  She recalled running her fingers over her body, turning
herself on. The image of the look on his face as she bit into that apple – an
apple that he had chosen for her that he had touched – was erotically playing
in her mind. He was the hottest, sexiest, most tender man she had ever known.
She imagined that her fingers were Christian’s fingers. The palm of her other
hand rose to play with a soapy breast. She pushed the breast up as close to her
mouth, stretched out her tongue to tickle the tip of her pink nipple.

Courtney loved her body. She was a bigger girl, big and
beautiful with curves in all the right places.  And she knew without a
doubt that Christian liked her body. A lot and often.

She found herself to be an erotic delight and she enjoyed
touching herself. Everywhere. She recalled that during her bath she could not
wait for the evening to find pleasure.  The thought of Christian and the
spark between them would have made it possible for her to come easily if she
were to have given herself an orgasm. But she wanted to wait for him.  To
be with him when it happened.

But now sitting in the field with him, she recalled lying
back in her tub, slick and soapy and aroused from her own touch, throbbing with
need. It would not take much, she knew, before she could hold off no longer.

Courtney recalled teasing the tip of her sensitive nub with
a featherweight touch. Sometimes she found the lightness of her contact was
more effective than the heavy setting of her vibrator which almost always
ensured a climax. Or sometimes she harnessed the pressure of the running tub
water to make herself come. 

Courtney drifted in and out of her conversation with
Christian under the tree, listening and talking to him in one moment, and in the
next dreaming about the pleasure she experienced earlier that day in her bath.
She worked herself up with the thought of him. Courtney recalled feeling drawn
up from way, way inside of herself, the walls of her entrance completely
innervated. Just the thought teased her again. A hot wave of sexual reaction
rushed through her. The warm breeze under the tree, the warm water on her skin.
Both were making her wet.

Earlier, alone in her bath, Courtney remembered running her
fingertips with even rigor until she was locked onto a path of ecstasy. How she
plunged a finger inside of herself to tantalize her wet, ready channel. She
imagined that Christian was inside of her, pounding into her with his monster
erection making her spasm around him. 

After a half hour rubbing herself in the bath, she could
hold off no more. Courtney recalled cumming earlier that day like a burst of
fireworks. Bliss had rolled within, pushing up to the top of her head, to her
fingertips, to her toes. She was floating in the bathwater, experiencing the
awesomeness. Ordinarily, she would have waited and allowed the climax to ebb
before pleasuring herself again. She could revive her orgasms pretty much
indefinitely, though three times was her limit. But knowing that she would be
with Christian later in the day, she knew she was guaranteed multiple orgasms.
So she saved the rest for him.

Her mind returned to the present, back in the field in front
of her love. Unconsciously she brushed a finger over her crotch before she
caught herself.  She hoped he didn’t notice!

“Let us go inside,” he said with a warm smile.

BOOK: Alicia's Misfortune
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