Alicia's Misfortune (61 page)

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Authors: S. Silver

BOOK: Alicia's Misfortune
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Chapter Three

The two women talked the entire four hour drive to the
coast. They recounted every single story they had about Rick and how much he’d
hurt them. They talked about their newfound freedom and their ability to
finally live their lives.

They connected on that level that true friends connect when
they’ve been through the same trauma. It had always been like that with them,
but Nicole had been there when it finally ended and they both knew how
significant that was.

Tricia felt like a whole new person. She was a kid that had
finally become an adult, or a man who had just gotten out of prison. She could
do anything, be anything, and she wouldn’t be tied down by that man any longer.
She had never realized how trapped she was before.

The house sat atop a hill that overlooked the ocean. It had
steps carved into the jagged rock face that lead down to a beach that you could
only access through their private staircase. It was a thrill to be there. She
could get her mind off things and take some time away.

The best part about it was that it was hers. Legally, if he
went there, she could ask him to leave and he would have to.

Jake’s game had already died out and he was snoring loudly
when they pulled up. Nicole reached out and pinched his nipple and he opened
his eyes with a big grin, “Hey baby.” He motioned down to his massive hard on.

“Not now, Jake. Tricia’s here.”

He jumped and looked back to see the smiling lady. Tricia
waved at him and he lowered his head like he was a dog who just messed up the

“Is it safe here,” Nicole asked?

“Yeah. It’s fine. Come on, guys.”

The trio walked over to the front porch where a tiny rock
lay next to the door. Tricia reached down and opened it to reveal an inner
chamber that held a key. She opened the door, and the smell of salt air and
plug-in air fresheners assaulted them. She reached to the right of the door and
turned on the lights.

The house was simple with modern decorations. There was an
off white section with a glass coffee table in front and an orchid in a glass
vase sitting on top of it. The countertops were white marble and there were
little decorations and side tables sitting around. It was the like a show room,
but it had a lived in feel too. It had the smells and the ambiance of a home.

It wouldn’t be home forever, but it would work for a while.
She forgot one thing. She turned to Tricia and asked, “Do you think we could
run and get my car in the morning?” That was on big issue. The car was hers.
They had separate assets, but he might have done something to it by now.

“Jake,” he left the room. “Where’s the biggest bedroom?”

Tricia laughed. “This way.” She walked down the small
hallway to the right and knocked softly on the door. There was no answer, but
there was also no lock so she let Nicole do her thing.

When she came out, she said, “He says he will take you down
to my father’s house to get the car in the morning. Rick didn’t see him so it
should be pretty safe if he goes and gets it himself. He’ll just have you drive
our car to the corner out of sight.”

“That works.” Tricia wasn’t tired in the least. On the
contrary, she was quite invigorated. “Would you like to go down and take a walk
on the beach with me?”

“Sure. Let me just change into something better.”

Tricia went to the next room at the end of the hall, with
her luggage in hand, and pulled out her white bikini. She hadn’t worn it in
years, but she still had that look and she could pull it off. She got glances
from men, both young and old, and she was ready to break it out to see how it

It had gold rings on the sides of the bottom piece that held
the tight stretchy fabric together, and a strap that went over her neck that
she had to tie in a knot on the back. She looked wonderful. She even decided to
pull out some nice strappy white sandals to go with it.

This was probably the first time in a long time that she’d
actually taken such pride in her appearance. Looking back, she had no idea how
she actually kept it up the way she did. She certainly didn’t do much to
maintain it.

There was a soft knock on the door and Nicole walked in with
her hands over her eyes. “You ready?” She sounded excited. In a way, Tricia
could tell that they’d both gotten out of prison. Nicole needed that closure as
much as Tricia needed her exit.

“I’m ready.” Tricia grabbed a towel from the adjacent
bathroom, and they made their way down along the small gravel path that led to
the steps. Tricia forgot how steep they were and she stopped for a second to
grab her bearings. Nicole steadied her.

“It’s alright. Come with me. I got you.” They made their way
down the steps together. “You don’t know just how healing this whole experience
has been for me, Tricia. Just talking to you has helped. I was so stuck in the
past that I couldn’t move forward.”

Tricia understood. She needed her closure too. “I had to get
out or I was going to lose myself there. That house was my prison. You know, I
don’t even remember the last time I got out.

“Really?” They were nearing the bottom of the stairs and
both girls were anxious to run in the sand a little bit.

“I just stayed there. I cleaned and cooked like he told me
to do.” Tricia looked to the right at the breathtaking view. There was a soft
fog raising over the water, like sweet bliss caressing the waves. The sky was
still there, trying to break through, but it was too thick. They were both
watching as they walked hand in hand down to the edge of the tide where they
sat down.

“I’ve always wanted to have a place by the beach,” Nicole
said softly.

“I never got to use it. This is my second time here. We only
came when he wanted to put it in my name, and we only stayed for a few hours. I
didn’t even get to come down here.”

“Let’s do something,” Nicole’s voice had a spark.

“What?” Their eyes locked.

“Let’s make a pact to never get with the same kind of man,
both of us. Women always do that. Even men do it. We can’t repeat the same
pattern over and over again like everyone else.”

“What do we do?”

“Let’s kiss on it.” Nicole smiled Tricia leaned in. her lips
were warm and tender. Her hand around the woman’s chin was as soft as a
feather. When they pulled away the magnetic pull stayed in between them.

“What is Jake like?” Tricia wanted to be sure she wasn’t
making the same mistake. She was, after all, devoted wholly to this woman.

“He’s sweet. He acts the way he does to avoid trouble. He
plans out ways to stay in the corner so he doesn’t have to deal with petty

Tricia nodded. “What’s the catch?”

“He’s an overgrown frat boy. He lives in filth, he takes you
quick and doesn’t know how to move, you know.”

“Oh, I know.”

“He leaves something to be desired.” Nicole’s hand grazed
Tricia’s thigh. “I have a question.”

“What’s that?”

“You ever been with a woman? What’s it like?” Nicole was
looking out over the water, but her hand rested a little bit close to where Tricia

“It’s soft and
gentle. Women know what women want. They know how to move right. They know each
other’s bodies and they meld together perfectly, no like the way men and women
grate on one another with their sexual habits. Women both was the same slow,
passionate feel.” Their hands met on the sand. Their heads turned towards one
another. “Do it.” Tricia was too old for games. They both wanted it.

“I’m scared.”

“Of what? Jake? He’d probably beg you to record it.” Those
final words felt like heresy. This moment was special and private. Nobody could
share it the way they could. That was it. Tricia had hit the spot. She didn’t
want Jake to find out.

Nicole slowly moved closer and ran her fingers up Tricia’s
chest. She moved her index finger along the woman’s nipple as Tricia let out a
shuddered gasp. Their warm lips were moving slowly, with their tongues rubbing
against one another’s. Their soft breath was moving over each other’s faces
like a brilliant blaze of passion that would overtake their throbbing inner
thighs that even then were drenched with the sweet nectar welling up inside of

Tricia’s moved slowly along the crease of Nicole’s back and
under her shoulder blades to where her bikini was knotted. “May I?”

“Yes.” Just that one word meant the world. This girl trusted
her enough to let her see her at her most vulnerable. They crashed together
once again as her fingers undid the knot. Their kisses were flashes of flame
that grew hotter and hotter, moving down their bodies. Tricia pulled the top
off slowly to see her large breasts with their hard inviting nipples. She
slowly moved her finger along the outline and watched Nicole gasp in pleasure
as she squeezed it softly at first then harder, until the girl’s face was
clenched up and her cries echoes across the beach.

Tricia’s hand moved down the girl’s stomach slowly to allow
her to bask in the sensation and it stopped just above that place where only
the ones she truly loved dare enter. Their eyes locked and Nicole watched
blissfully as her finger pushed through and a shockwave of pleasure moved over
clit and just between her pulsing lips. She’d do it. She would let her go in
there, in her most sacred depths. She pushed through, as her tongue passed the
girl’s lips. She moved farther in her and twisted her finger just enough to
make Nicole cry out.

The girl reached back and pulled Tricia’s neck strap up over
her head and unhooked her top with perfect precision. She then lunged her head
in and with the technique of a master ran it around the rim of her nipples.

Tricia’s finger had found its place and as she moaned with
satisfaction she began her trip in and out of Nicole’s throbbing hole. The girl
could feel the tide moving up, threatening to overcome her as the nectar pushed
out with unbearable force and her pleasure magnified to that most sacred of
levels. She could feel it coming and she couldn’t stop it.

Tricia reached in as far as she could, curled her finger,
and when her thumb grazed her clit she erupted and let out a passionate wave of
sweet nectar. The wetness never left and neither did the throbbing feeling as
Tricia, with her finger firmly placed inside the girl’s hole, moved down her
chest with her warm lips and over her belly button where she slowly pulled the
bottom to reveal Nicole’s soaking wet lips.

She pushed Tricia’s head in, trying to hold it back again.
She couldn’t. The tide of throbbing ecstasy was so overwhelming that as soon as
her tongue ran up down the girl’s clit she started pulsing with an unthinkable
amount of pleasure that enveloped her in a wave of bliss so powerful that for a
single moment she forgot where she was and threw her head back and let out a
roar like an animal in heat. Tricia dug her head in as far as she could to lap
up the juices that were squirting out like a fountain. She looked up from her
place of worship and smiled then she sat up again to sit next to her newfound

Their kiss was an outpouring of sincere affection and
devotion that neither woman could’ve possibly shared with a man. They simply
didn’t understand the nuances of passion and love the way that women did.

Chapter Four

“What is there to eat?” That was the first thing that Jake
said every single morning.

Tricia looked back and stifled a giggle when she saw that
his hair was sticking straight up at the top on one side. “Guess I’ll have to
go get something.”

“No. I’ll go.” Nicole chimed in. She turned back to Jake,
“Do you want to come with me?”

“I guess.” The way he drew out the last word said that that
was the last thing he wanted to do.

Tricia didn’t like it. One moment they were so close and as
soon as he entered the room, Nicole was making her escape. They should’ve still
been at that place with the afterglow, where they wanted to be with each other
every single second. Instead, Nicole went to go cuddle with him as soon as they
got in the house. She didn’t even say good night.

It gave Tricia a sick feeling, and she didn’t like it. She
was supposed to be enthralled with her now. That was the way the young ones
were unless they were dealing with something they simply couldn’t find
attractive, but they’d shared that beautiful moment. How could she deny that?
Yet, in her body language, the way she looked away, the way she sat farther
away, she was being awkward.

Tricia didn’t want awkward. What she needed was innocence
and carnal passion. She didn’t want anything more than that, but it might be
nice to know that Nicole enjoyed it and that she enjoyed her. She was being
fragile maybe, but she needed that now and Nicole, more than anyone, knew that.
Tricia was feeling green envy and rejection.

When they left, she slammed against the bed and waited. She
still had to get the car. Maybe when she got it she would kick them out or let
them stay for a while.

While there were no real memories there, he was still all
around her. He’d bought everything in the place including the bed that she was
sleeping on. Rick’s clothes were in the closet and he had a pair of muddy boots
next to the door.

He wasn’t going to drive her out, and neither were they. She
couldn’t let anyone get her down again. Tricia was her own person, and she had
to learn to live independently of other people and the only way to do that was
to keep from giving them power over her. The minute she reacted to their
behavior, she was giving up a little bit of control over herself, and that was
the last thing she needed to be doing.

She sat up and decided to start clearing everything out. She
started with the shoes. They were disgusting and covered in sand. She picked
them up and took them outside. She stood on the edge of the rope wall that
separated the house from the cliff and looked down at the water. She was ending
this once and for all. Nobody would ever hurt her again. She threw the shoes
over the cliff in a ritualistic sort of cleansing. She grabbed a trash bag and
put all the clothes, all the pictures and mementos, anything that reminded her
of him, she threw it all over the cliff.

When she was done, she grabbed a rag and started cleaning.
That was her way of making the place her own. Once she knew every tiny stain
and blemish in the house, she would own it.

By the time they were back, she had Abba playing on the
stereo and she was running around rearranging things. “Hey, she shouted from
the kitchen. Just bring the bags in here and set them down on the counter.”

“We got a whole bunch of stuff, Trish. I wasn’t sure if you
had much so we got you enough to last a while. Are you planning on staying?”
Nicole was sitting on a stool in front of the bar.

“I think so.” She’d decided about halfway through her
frenzy. “I like it. It’s mine and it’s the easiest way I know to get something
quick. Besides, I hate renting.”

Jake had a sports drink and a candy bar and he set them down
on the clean counter. “It’d be pretty awesome to live her. I’m jealous.” He
looked around, assessing the entire setup like he was deciding where he was
going to put the sound system.

“Well, I ‘m going to make the best of it.” She looked over
at the massive mound of paper bags that they’d brought in. “So what’s for

“Omelets.” Jake had a way of raising his eyebrows and
smiling just right that made both of the girls smile. He pulled out bell
peppers, spinach, mushrooms, several kinds of chilies and different kinds of
breakfast meats. “I got everything we need to make at least one Omelet.” He had
a pallet of eggs in his hand. The girls laughed.

Jake grabbed a stick of butter and started going through the
drawers to find a spatula. Tricia grabbed some vegetables for Nicole to chop up
and started whisking the eggs. They worked seamlessly together like one
machine. The trio each had their perfect Omelets. Jake loved the peppers and
the sausage. Tricia had a little bit of ham and mushrooms folded with goat
cheese and spinach in the middle, and Nicole wanted a simple spinach omelet
with some mushrooms inside. It was a good time. They worked silently and said
nothing more than how much they loved their food.

Jake ran up when he was done and washed off his dish then
went to go shower. The girls were alone again and it was a little awkward.
Nicole was tense and Tricia could sense it, but Nicole could sense that she was
watching her and it only made things worse. Tricia simply didn’t want to fall
away from somebody she’d just connected with. Nicole got up and walked into her
room, and Tricia felt the urge to follow. Instead, she sat down and watched TV
so she could wait for Jake to come out so she could get going.

Her thoughts drifted back to Nicole, though. She wanted to
confide in her and be her friend. She didn’t want a lover, but Nicole clearly
thought otherwise. It was strange how just a little bit of her body language
told her so much. They were connected on that level after more than a year of
talking on the phone, studying the subtle nuances of their lives and their
mannerisms and then the drama that had ensued after they met—it bound them to
one another. It wasn’t romantic, and Tricia simply couldn’t impress that on her
enough. She had to find a way to get through to her.

She decided to go out and watch the waves for a while so she
could think. She got on her sandals and a wide brimmed hat and made her way out
to the beach. She spread out a towel and let herself fade out. She lay down and
started letting her sweet drowsy state wash over her and bring her away from
her manic thoughts and depression.

Then she heard the sand crunching nearby and the boy sitting
next to her. “She just gets that way, you know. It’s OK, Tricia. I don’t mind
what happened, but she’s worried how it’ll effect things.”

“She told you?” Tricia sat up and looked at him. He was
wearing short shorts and his bare, well-formed chest was dripping with water
and sunscreen. She wanted to lean forward and kiss every single inch. Maybe she
was looking for the love she’d been looking for when she met Rick.

“She came to her room crying and hugged me as hard as she
could. She was freaking out over it. I didn’t care. I thought she was being
dramatic.” That was the most she’d ever heard him reveal.

“Well at least you’re not bothered by it.”

“Well, in a way it bothers me.” He reached down and groped
his long cock and she reached out and took a firm grip on it. She couldn’t do
that. It would crush Nicole. Tricia pulled back. She was ashamed of what she’d
just done and from the way he scooted away, she could tell that he was too, but
it wasn’t wrong if Nicole did it. It was different for girls. When you cheat,
it’s with a guy.

They made their way awkwardly up the stairs and went their
separate ways to get dressed for the trip to Rick’s. Tricia wasn’t looking
forward to it, but she was distracted by the sight of Nicole crying on her bed.

“Nicole,” Tricia came and sat down by her, and when she went
to put her arm around her the girl pulled back.

“Get away from me. You’re the other woman. That’s what you
are. You steal boyfriends and girlfriends.”

Tricia got up to get her clothes. This wasn’t about her.
There was drama here and she was being over dramatic. “He doesn’t care and I
haven’t stolen your boyfriend.”

“You want to,” Nicole sobbed. “I’ve seen the way you look at
him. You want him.” She sniffed and sat up. “We’re leaving before you destroy
our relationship.”

“I’m not going to have sex with Jake!” Tricia was dressed
and ready to go. She stormed out of the room and Jake was waiting outside. They
both looked at each other and Jake rolled his eyes.

“It’s fine Nicky. I want you over it by the time we get
back, and so help me god I you convince yourself I cheated I will take the car
and drive home.” There was no noise from the room until they were out the door
and they heard the door slam. She was running out with tears streaming down her

alone.” She got in the passenger side and slammed the door.

Jake looked like he was going to punch her when he got in
the driver’s side and waited silently. When she stood her ground, he sighed and
said, “You need to get over it. In fact, I’m not letting you go. We’re gonna
stay here until you get out of the car and work out your own crap. I’m not
dealing with it.”

She sat there
silently while they all waited. The tension in the air was an electric storm
passing through all of them. She simply wouldn’t budge and neither would they.
“Nicole, you need to stop. You can’t put him in this position. You have to
trust him, and you know you can trust me. You do know that deep down. Now I
want my car and I don’t want to live in her forever so get out.”

Tricia stormed out of the car and they were out of the
driveway in seconds.

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