Alien (10 page)

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Authors: Tara Nina Jaid Black Leora Gonzales Laurann Dohner

BOOK: Alien
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She nodded. She wrapped her legs around his hips as he came
down on top of her, his chest hovering over hers. “Give me everything you’ve
got.” She cupped his face, pulling him in for a kiss.

He drove in and out of her, increasing the pace. She loved
the feel of him and how incredible it was, having him inside her. The
mushroom-shaped crown of his cock hit her G-spot. She clawed at his biceps and
had to break the kiss, afraid that she’d bite him.


He buried his face in her neck, lightly nibbling on her
skin. “You’re mine. Always. I’ll never let you go.”

Lynn climaxed a second time. Coto snarled her name, finding
his own release. He didn’t pull out of her that time. He came inside her. They
held on to each other while they recovered. Lynn ran her fingertips over his
back, knowing she’d never get tired of touching him.

“We need to go,” he finally grumbled. “I don’t want to move
but we must.”

“I know.”

They reluctantly untangled their bodies and dressed. Lynn
took one more look around her house, knowing it would be her last. Coto strode
to the door, waiting for her.

“I’ve got one more bag to grab. I hope three isn’t too much.
I didn’t know what to pack.”

“You won’t regret this.”

“I know.” The reality of it hit. “Marriage is forever to
you, right? It would suck to go there and get divorced in a year.”

He pulled her closer. “Forever. I’ll never let you go.”

“Good. I’m giving up everything for you.”

“I appreciate that. We will be happy.”

“I have faith. I don’t ever want to lose you.”

“Where are the rest of your things? Can you take us there by
your vehicle? It would be faster than walking.”

“Of course.”

He let her go and she rushed back inside her bedroom. He
followed, seeming to really take in his surroundings for the first time. “Your
home is small. Our home on Zorn is larger. You will like it.”

Nerves struck. “I hope so.”

He took the duffle bag from her and they walked out the
front door. She closed it but didn’t bother to twist the lock. She had
everything she wanted. Coto loaded her things into the back of the SUV and Lynn
climbed into the driver’s seat. Coto filled the passenger side with his tall

“Where are we going?”

“Where we set up camp. It’s been taken down but was a good
spot for them to pick us up.” He removed the communications device from his
pocket. “I retrieved this from your home. I didn’t want anyone to find it. I’ll
inform them we are on our way.”

“They won’t leave without us, will they?”

“We have plenty of time.”

Lynn started the engine and backed out of her driveway. “This
planet of yours…” Dozens of questions filled her mind.

Coto reached over and took her hand once she was on the
road. “You will love it, Lynn.”

“I can breathe there, right?”

He laughed. “Yes. Earth is a lot like Zorn. The colors are

“Really?” She was intrigued.

“It’s beautiful. I am looking forward to showing it to you.”

She was excited. “This is going to be an adventure.”

“It will be.”

She smiled, letting some of the worry ease away. Coto was at
her side, holding onto her.
It’s going to be okay.
She had to park her
SUV by the cabin where the dirt road stopped. Coto took the two heavier bags
and she shoved the strap of the duffle bag over her shoulder. They walked
together through the woods. She really hoped they didn’t run into any wildlife.

The first glimpse of the ship made her heart race. “Are you
sure we’re all going to fit in that? It’s about the size of a motor home. It
kind of looks like one too, minus the wheels and windows.”

Coto nodded. “I don’t know what a motor home is but this is
a small shuttle to fly us into space where a larger ship waits.”


He chuckled. “No fear, Lynn. I will always keep you safe.”

“What did you do with your other ship? Were they able to fix
it or something?”

“No. This shuttle landed while it was dark still. They
arrived before dawn. At nightfall we’ll lift off and take what is left of our
other ship with us. They can attach it to the bottom of the hull. It will be discarded
deep in space where no one from your planet will ever come across it.”

“Why not leave now?”

“Humans would see it if they were watching the sky. We’ll
make a larger object with the shuttle hauling the damaged ship.”

“Oh.” She felt foolish for asking. It made sense now that
she knew the answer. “Of course. This thing can take that kind of extra weight?
Are you worried about radar detection? We have that.”

“Yes, it can take the weight. We’re aware of how you track
objects in your sky but the shuttles are designed to warp the signals around
the existing bulk so we’re not traceable.”

Two aliens greeted them. She hadn’t met them before. Coto
handed her bags to one of them. “My woman’s belongings. Lynn is coming with us.”

“Of course.”

Lynn felt warmth. She was Coto’s woman. He was her alien
man. He took her duffle bag and passed it over to the second man. They carried
her things inside the shuttle and she bit her lower lip.

“Easy,” Coto rasped, pulling her into his arms. “I’ll hold

“I have a feeling you’re going to be doing that a lot. I’m
not a fan of heights.” She peered up at the blue sky. “And we’re going really
high tonight.”

“It’s going to be fine,” he promised.

She stared into his beautiful eyes. “I trust you.” She did.

“You are of my heart, Lynn. I will take care of you and we
will be happy.”

“I know. I believe that.”


Exactly one year later


Lynn moaned, reaching down to stroke Coto’s silky hair. He
growled against her clit, the vibrations adding to her pleasure. He had her
legs pinned open with his arms, his hands firmly cupping her ass. He used the
flat of his tongue to torment her.

“You’re going to kill me if you get any better at this.”

He grew more aggressive with his mouth until she was crying
out, coming hard. Coto lifted his head, a satisfied smile curving his lips. “Is
that a complaint? I was determined to learn. It is our anniversary of when I
made you my bound. I am showing you my appreciation.”

She let go of his hair and stroked her fingers over his
cheek. “It’s the best decision I ever made. I love you.”

He eased his hold on her ass and unpinned her legs, climbing
up her body and settling his hips between her still-spread thighs. “I feel
gratitude every day that you took a chance. I feel that same love. It is so
strong it is almost painful.”

“I know what you mean. I never thought I could feel this
strongly about someone before.”

He brushed his lips over hers. “Any regrets?”

“I feel guilty about my dad and some of my friends,” she
admitted. “They had their own full lives though. I left them that note on my
fridge, swearing I was alive and well, just taking off with the man I fell in
love with who needed to keep off the grid. They probably think I joined some

“What is that?”

She grinned. They were still working out some words with the
translator but she doubted Zorn had a definition in their language that would
fit. “A criminal,” she improvised, amused.

“I can be very bad,” he teased. “You tell me this all the

“In the best of ways.”

He lifted up a little and glanced down between their bodies,
adjusting his hips. Lynn moaned when his stiff cock nudged her pussy and he
slowly filled her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and gripped his

“You often say this feels so good it should be illegal.”

“That’s so true.”

A knock sounded on the door and Coto groaned. “Go away.”

Another knock sounded.

He twisted, grabbing hold of the covers and jerked them over
their lower bodies. He withdrew his cock from Lynn and sat up a little. “Damn.
Come in.”

Lynn sat up too, clutching the sheet to her breasts. “So
much for sleeping in a bit.”

The door eased open and the white-haired older woman peered
in. “Sorry for interrupting your love time but someone is hungry.” She stepped
inside, cradling a wrapped bundle.

Lynn grinned. “No rest for the wicked.”

Coto chuckled, opening his arms. “I know what that means.
Give him to me, second mother.”

The woman approached the bed and handed over their son. “I
will cook a feast of all your favorite foods. I know today is important.” She

Lynn leaned against Coto, peering at the miniature replica
of the man she loved. “He’s just like you.”

“He has your hair color.”

“I meant about always having an appetite.”

He glanced at her breasts. “Always.”

wants milk. I know what you want and it’s not
milk,” she teased. “I’m glad we have Arnia to help us. Your grandma is a

“Not at this moment.”

Lynn laughed and took the baby. “I’ll feed him, then we’ll
give him back to her. The morning isn’t over yet.”

Coto grinned. “It isn’t. I have a lot of things planned to
do to you today.”

“You mean with me?”

He shook his head, amusement gleaming in his beautiful eyes.
“No. To you.”

“I really love you.”

“I’m really going to love you. This one needs a brother or

Lynn turned her body, pressing her back against Coto’s chest
and he snuggled her close. “At least our second child will be conceived on

“I kept you distracted from your fear of heights and
traveling through space in a ship.”

“You most certainly did. Thank you.”

“For what?”

She turned her head, holding his gaze. “For capturing me on
that riverbank and keeping me with you.”

“You did escape while I was sleeping.”

“But you found me and later talked me into making the best
decision I ever made.”

“I was prepared to throw you over my shoulder and carry you
back to our campsite if you said no. I couldn’t let you go. It would have
destroyed my heart.”

“Mine too,” she admitted.

“Now we’re both whole and happy.”

“Yes, we are.”

Their son chose that moment to let out a tiny roar.

Lynn laughed. “He’s just like you, only not as loud when he’s

“Feed him so we can return him to my second mother. We have

“Yes, we do.”

Bridal Bonds

Leora Gonzales



I was named after my grandmother, Leora, whom I miss deeply.
I vividly remember getting sacks of tattered, moldy-smelling romance novels
that she would buy at garage sales. She helped feed my hunger for books,
something I will never forget.

Tina, you have become a close friend and I will never get
bored talking to you. Your talent, life experience and generous heart make you
an amazing woman. Plus, you get bonus points for putting up with Richard…that’s
kind of a big deal.

Most importantly, I want to dedicate this to my husband. I
was lucky enough to find a man who is super smart, loving, hilarious and also
diabolical. When I said that I wanted to write but had no computer, I had no
idea he was going to surprise me with a new laptop. There went my list of
excuses. Touché, Richard. Touché.



“My fellow Americans, negotiations have concluded with the
Phaeton Warrior race. After speaking to their council of leaders, we have
learned that the Phaeton race has been surviving by using cloning.
Unfortunately the science that they have used has resulted in a low female
birth rate. For their species to survive, they have been searching other
planets for potential mates.

“The State Department has decided to initiate a ‘mate match’
for single female volunteers to apply for what we are referring to as the
‘Bridal Pact’. In exchange for these volunteers, we will be able to use the
Phaetons’ medical advancements to save American lives. We will have access to a
new fuel source that will all but eliminate our need for oil, both foreign and
domestic. And we will also have the protection of their military from other
species that may discover Earth.

“This is not a draft. It is completely voluntary. Women who
apply will be compensated for filling out an application and signing the
contract. We want to assure you that your safety and the safety of your
sisters, daughters and friends will be our number-one concern. We are working
on a profiling system with national dating sites and the Phaeton Council to
make matches, similar to what many of you have used in the past to find
companions. As of right now this is only open to women who fall within certain
criteria but may be expanded after an initial trial period passes.

“Please keep an open mind and know that the safety of our
citizens and country is our top priority. Women wishing to volunteer or get
more information can contact their local Intake Centers, which will be listed
by state following this news conference or found at bridal-pact-dot-state-department-dot-gov.
This is an exciting time for our country and its people.”

Chapter One

Four weeks ago


Andi was in shock. Confusion consumed everything around her
as the medical team approaching the shuttle scrambled to help the women who
were losing blood. As the doctors started working frantically, docking bay
security formed a blockade to stop the women’s husbands fighting their way
toward their wounded brides.

She was safe. She was alive. She was on Squadron One.

The mantras kept running through her mind as she struggled
to convince herself that their ordeal was over. She turned her attention to the
women, both those standing and those on the ground receiving medical attention,
and tears of relief as well as sadness and anger pricked her eyes.

Jumping when a hand landed on her shoulder, she was quickly
pulled into a hug.

“Thank goodness you are all right,” Zane breathed into her
hair. Squeezing her tightly, he rocked her, soothing her.

Their bridal match might not have turned out as either one
of them had expected, but she did love Zane. Her almost-husband had become one
of her closest friends, her only friend really, on the ship. Both of them had
realized early on that marriage between them would be a mistake. Instead of
feeling attraction, shortly after being matched the pair had felt as close as
siblings. They joked, laughed and teased each other with zero sexual attraction
between them.

“Zane, I can’t believe it,” she mumbled against his
leather-clad chest. “I can’t believe it.”

“If I had known where the escort was—” Zane started only to
have her interrupt.

“There was no way you could have known.” The tears that had
been threatening to fall from her eyes had begun stinging her lids.

“What happened?” Zane’s tone was soft as he rubbed her back.

“She will be debriefed soon.”

The loud voice startled both of them. Turning in unison,
Andi still snuggled against Zane’s chest, they faced the man who spoke.

“Councilor Wheaton,” Zane addressed the man in front of

“Are you her husband?” Andi jerked her head at the
unconscious woman in the big warrior’s arms.

“Yes, I am hers.” Hugging his wife closer, Wheaton nodded.

The love that the councilor had for his wife was obvious.
Andi could read it plainly on his face and felt a pang in her heart. This was
exactly what had been missing between her and Zane.

“She said you would find us.” The tears that she had
struggled to hold in were now dripping down her cheeks.

“I will always find her,” Councilor Wheaton assured her,
leaving no doubt he meant every word he said. “After you are examined at the
med center, we will be asking you questions.”

“But—” Andi sputtered.

“It is not an option. You will need to give your account of
the last six hours as well as to help identify the warriors involved in your

The councilor’s tone left no room for argument. Unable to do
anything more than nod, Andi hugged Zane closer.

“Do not worry. Once you are finished talking to them, I will
make you some pizza and we can watch your favorite movie,” Zane offered.

“Can you stay with me tonight?” Andi pleaded, rubbing her
nose against the leather in front of it.

“Of course. We can even make pallets in the main room like
we did when we first lived together.”

After their union had been dissolved, Andi had been assigned
separate quarters by the Phaeton Council. The new living situation had ended
their all-night movie marathons and pizza binges. Andi had been grateful when
Zane still managed to arrange his lunches with her when his schedule permitted.
They had kept their sibling-like bond strong regardless of her being scheduled
to be sent home to Earth.

“Come on, let’s get to the medical center.” Zane tugged her
along as he started walking.

The pair followed the group of warriors and their rescued
brides. Ahead of them, the doctors were still treating the women as they all
moved forward. From her training as a nurse on Earth, Andi assumed that meant
they had stabilized the women enough to move them for further medical

As the group made its way to their destination, one of the
women broke off and ran at Andi.

“Oomph.” The hug from Val caused the air to leave Andi’s
lungs in a quick rush.

“Thank you!” Val blurted out. “The doctors said that without
your help the brides wouldn’t have made it.”

“Just doing my job.” Andi gave her normal nurse’s response.

“Well, you still were amazing,” Val argued, hugging her yet


Andi hadn’t really
anything. By the time she had
figured out the women needed medical attention, it had simply been a matter of
making sure they didn’t choke when they were sick, keeping them calm and
monitoring them as best she could. After the women had started bleeding, the
other women had bunched up the bedsheets in their cell and tried to pack them
around the brides. Her medical training had told her that it would do no good
by that point. Three of the women were losing the babies they had been

“Val, we were told that there will be a debriefing. I am
sure the council wants to speak to you as well,” Zane interrupted, obviously
sensing Andi was uncomfortable with the attention being given to her.

Andi glanced around. The men who were waiting on their wives
were now staring. Having been focused on their brides earlier, none of them had
paid any attention to her. It was a completely different story now. All of them
were focused on her as if she were a bug under a microscope.

“You are Andrea?” came a gruff voice from behind her.

Andi jumped and squeaked, having been unaware anyone was
standing behind her and Zane. She forgot about Val as she turned. A large
warrior stood in front of her with his shoulders hunched. His posture was one
that someone would take on if they were about to charge forward, causing her to
move even closer to her friend.

“Yes?” Andi’s answer came out as a question instead of an

The man came forward quickly. His body moved at a speed she
had not expected, given his large size. Zane stiffened beside her.

Andi turned slightly and closed her eyes. Bracing for an
impact that never arrived, she was shocked when her hand was lifted and
clutched in a strong grip. Breathing fast, she peeked open one eye.

The man was holding her hand up to his mouth. Fearing that
he was about to take a chunk out of her skin, she started to pull away, when
she felt him kiss her fist. Surprised by his action, she couldn’t help her
mouth dropping open like a fish gasping for water.

The warrior, his shoulders hunched, curled around her. His
embrace bumped a protesting Zane back a few feet. The newcomer leaned down and
buried his face in her neck.

Breathing heavily, he whispered, “You saved her. You saved
my Izzie.” His big body shook as if he were on the verge of crying or already
doing so at that point.

Patting the gigantic man whose arms she was essentially
dangling from, Andi searched for Zane.

Zane was standing still with an expression of complete shock
on his face. She cleared her throat, trying to get his attention to her face.
When he finally looked up at her, amazement on his features, she mouthed,
the fuck?”

Did warriors cry? From what was happening on her shoulder,
she could attest that yes, warriors did indeed cry. The other men in the room
must have noticed how uncomfortable she was, because she was soon being lowered
to her feet.

Two large men were clapping the man on the shoulders. As if
he were waking up, he shook his head and bowed shortly to her.

“My friends call me Andi,” she said awkwardly, unsure how to
deal with the big warrior.

“I apologize if I scared you.” His voice hoarse with grief,
he lifted red eyes to meet hers. “I am just so grateful for what you were able
to do for my Izzie. You will always have my help if needed. Just ask.” The vow
was given with another short bow before he allowed himself to be led into the
med center by the other warriors.

Both his companions bowed to her, indicating that they felt
the same.

“This would be a moment where ‘holy shit’ is appropriate,
isn’t it?” Zane’s amused voice said from her side.

“Yeah. Holy shit. Did you see that dude pick me up as if I
weigh nothing?”

“Hey! I can pick you up too!” Zane argued, obviously needing
to defend his manhood and muscles.

“Sure ya can,” she said in a voice filled with doubt,
teasing him.

“Andrea.” The voice that interrupted their bantering caused
Zane to immediately assume a more formal posture, his hands going behind his
waist, spine straight and eyes forward.

“Yeah?” Pissed at the constant attention, Andi propped her
hands on her hips.

“I am Councilor Kaine.” Nodding to her once, the man turned
his attention to Zane. “You are dismissed, Officer.”

“But he’s—”

“He can escort you to your quarters once we are finished
with debriefing.” Kaine’s voice left no room for argument.

“Yes sir,” Zane answered, bowing stiffly. Turning back to
Andi, he ordered, “Stay in the med center until I can come and get you.”

“Yes sir,” Andi mocked, breaking up her annoyance with a

She’d turned around, ready to get this whole debriefing
thing done with, when she noticed Councilor Kaine had been watching them

“What?” Her patience and manners were out the window. The
day had been too fucking long for her to pretend to be nice anymore.

“I am curious.” He tilted his head at her, studying her


“I am curious as to why your union was dissolved,” he
explained. “It is obvious you care about each other. In fact, when we told Zane
that you and the other brides were missing, he became frantic.”

“Nah, we never would have made it.”

At his questioning gaze, she elaborated, “We’re like brother
and sister.”

Nodding as if he had finally understood their situation, he
held out his arm for her to take.

“We will get your account of what happened in this room. I
am sorry we will be unable to leave the medical center to do this. We are
needed there until we receive word on the prognosis of the injured females. As
soon as we are finished, I will have you escorted to your apartments. We still
must continue on our way to our planet, so there will be a delay in your being
able to go home. I have requested that we only dock for a few short weeks on
Phaeton so we can start the journey to Earth’s orbit as soon as possible.”

“We will be at the planet in one week?” she asked.

“Yes, after refueling and transferring supplies, we will
again lift off. I am estimating that it will take three weeks max until we will
be fully charged for another journey. I do apologize for the delay, but it is
unavoidable. You will have some time to explore and relax while there. Once we
leave Phaeton, we will arrive within shuttling distance in approximately three
weeks. After that, you will be escorted home as soon as we are able to.”

Following Kaine, she walked into the main med center room.
Andi could hear the doctors in the first exam room working above a prone

“Let’s get this over,” she said with a tired sigh.

The day couldn’t end soon enough.

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