Alien (20 page)

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Authors: Tara Nina Jaid Black Leora Gonzales Laurann Dohner

BOOK: Alien
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Chapter Fourteen


Time stood still for Andi, regardless of the days that had
passed since the episode. Her actions in the week after the attack had become a
daily routine of going through the motions. She was in disbelief at what had
happened and the price that the Phaetons had paid. All the invading Verge
warriors had been either killed or captured. The ones in custody had been
questioned regarding what the Verge planned next. None of them broke their
silence. The council ruled they would be held accountable for their actions by
serving their time on a mining planet in the furthest reaches of
Phaeton-controlled space.

Never having been one who approved of the death penalty,
Andi was shocked at her reaction of wanting the Verge survivors dead. They had
killed Zane. Prison, regardless of it being hard labor, seemed too good for

Her men had also started treating her differently. Tamin and
Rodin had resorted to handling her with kid gloves. Gone were the hot glances
and sneaking hands she had come to anticipate during the day. Their behavior
didn’t change once the medical center was closed. It followed them home. At
night they made dinner, watched a movie and then tucked her between them in

Cleaning out Zane’s apartment had been heartrending. Her men
had given her the option to stay there for a few more days.

“No, it will be harder to stay here. This place still smells
like him,” Andi had answered sadly. Sitting on their couch one evening, Andi
had cried silently for a while before Tamin and Rodin had found her. With them
hugging her, she breathed in the comforting musk from their tunics.

Something had to give.

Staring at Rodin across the room, Andi made up her mind.
Since their last patient had left for the day, there was nothing stopping her.
Walking up to Rodin, she rubbed his back. Startled, he turned toward her with
surprise in his eyes.

“Hey, how are you doing today?” he asked, clearly

“Better than yesterday,” she replied in a soft voice.

Visibly relaxing, Rodin turned and hugged her. Pulling her
into his body, he set his chin on top of her hair. “You seem better.”

“What’s up with the silent treatment lately?” Andi couldn’t
hold in the question. The men’s behavior recently was reminiscent of the way
Zane had acted when with her. With affection that was lacking any sexual
element innuendo.

“What do you mean?”

“Well…there haven’t been any kisses. At least any that
really would qualify as kisses in my opinion. You are treating me like I’m your
sister instead of your soon-to-be wife.”

Rodin frowned at her. Shaking his head, he muttered to
himself for a moment, “I told Tamin this was not the way.” Raising his voice,
Rodin yelled loud enough for the sound to carry out of the main entry room.
“Tamin! Get in here now!”

Gripping Andi by the upper arms, he guided her until she was
standing in front of a chair. “Sit,” he barked out, appearing angry.

“I’m not a dog, Rodin.” Andi gave him the skunk eye,
although part of her liked the change in him. This dominant man was more like
the Rodin she had come to know and love.

“Is Andi okay?” Tamin asked, rushing in. Seeing her sitting
down in front of Rodin, he quickly crossed the room and knelt in front of her.
Holding her hands in his, he searched her face quickly.

“Are you feeling well, love?” he asked anxiously.

“I am fine,” she soothed him, absorbing the concern he
displayed so openly.

“Tell him what you just said to me,” Rodin ordered gruffly.

“That I’m not a dog?” Andi replied sarcastically with a
smirk on her face.

“That attitude will cost you a spanking, Andi,” he chided
with a sexy smile. Shaking his finger at her, he said, “You are aware of what I
am referring to.”

At the thought of any sexual contact with Rodin, even in the
form of a spanking, Andi felt the muscles in her thighs tighten. A wide smile
came over her face. This was exactly what she had been missing. What she

Turning her attention to Tamin, she replied, “I asked Rodin
why you were both treating me like a sister.”

“A sister?” Tamin sounded confused and insulted at the same
time. “There is nothing sibling-like regarding our emotions toward you, Andi.”

“None at all,” Rodin affirmed.

Andi was shaking her head at them both. “Well then what has
been up with the cuddles but no kissing or touching?” Speaking directly to
Tamin, she stated, “Before all of this happened, you would sneak a pat on my
butt or steal a kiss.”

“We were trying to give you time to heal, Andi,” Rodin
offered as an explanation.

“Well stop it,” she shot back with a determined glare. “I
need you to treat me like you normally would.”

She studied them both for a few seconds. It was easy to tell
that they had honestly had good intentions in their actions, but it wasn’t
working in this situation.

“I hurt. The pain over Zane’s death was like taking a
sledgehammer to the chest.” With one hand held to her heart, she rubbed the
area as if the hit had been physical instead of emotional. “He was my best
friend. I will always feel the loss, but I need to be reassured that
relationship hasn’t changed. Does that make sense?”

Tamin let out a gush of air. “Thank your god that we can
stop trying to control ourselves. It was driving me insane.”

Tamin scooped her up and out of her seat. Without giving her
time to even yelp at the fast actions, he had her lips locked in a kiss that
would have knocked her off her feet if she had been standing. Sitting on his
lap, she curled around him like a snake, arms entwined behind his neck as he
practically devoured her mouth.

Breathing heavily, she tried to control herself before she
tore off her pants and demanded they fulfill the promise the kiss had hinted

“What about you?” Gazing up at Rodin who had yet to move,
Andi waited for his answer.

“I have been at my limit for the entire week.” Moving to
take her from his friend’s embrace, he cradled her in his arms. Nuzzling her
neck, he breathed in deeply. As his hot tongue moved along the column, his
breath tickled the skin.

“Well…we are done with patients today,” Andi pointed out.
“How about we go to our apartment and officially seal the deal?”

At her suggestion, both men moved so fast her senses spun.
Tamin grabbed her bag from her desk while Rodin strode for the door in swift

“Are you sure you are ready for this?” Rodin asked, his lips
close to her ear causing shivers to tingle the length of her spine.

“I have no doubts.” Andi’s voice was sure and firm. Turning
to Tamin as he walked behind them, she yelled, “Hurry your ass up.”

She laughed when he playfully lunged for her where she was
held in Rodin’s grip. Rodin’s voice then turned serious. “That is two

“I can’t wait.” Winking when he almost stumbled at her
words, she laughed.

Walking next door to their apartments was accomplished in
the blink of an eye. A definite advantage to being the ship’s main medical
team. Andi tensed slightly as they entered the quiet space. She was sure of her
decision. Everything in her was screaming yes when it came to the men. What she
was apprehensive about was the actual sex part. Their earlier experience had
been tame in comparison to what she was expecting to do today. The thought of
coming across as inexperienced made her feel nauseous. Her previous sex life
had been fulfilling but vanilla all around.

Feeling her tense in his arms, Rodin stopped and turned them
both toward Tamin, who was walking closely behind them.

“Tell us what you are thinking,” Rodin asked, watching her

“How did you know I was thinking anything?”

“Do not stall answering the question.” He tilted his head to
her, giving her a serious look.

“Andi, is everything alright?” Tamin’s concerned voice broke
through her annoyance at being busted by Rodin.

“Yes,” she answered softly, unsure how to explain her

“And?” Rodin prompted when she was quiet.

Andi stayed silent for one moment, causing Rodin to sigh
heavily. Setting her on her feet, he propped his hands on his slim hips and
frowned at her.

“If you are not ready for this, please say something,” Tamin
pleaded “We do not want to pressure you into something you are not yet ready

“I am sure I want to do this,” she repeated. “The only thing
I am concerned about is my lack of experience.”

Both men stared at her with stunned faces.

Tamin started to sputter when Rodin held his hand up for him
to be quiet. Stepping closer to Andi, he stared her directly in the eyes.

“You will never disappoint us. All the practice we have had
has been forgotten, because it is a completely different situation between the
three of us. Do you understand? We are nervous too. This is an instance where
we are relying on your body’s reaction to tell us if we are pleasing you. When
we had appointments in the Pleasure Sector, we did not worry about the woman’s
pleasure. They were paid to please us. Not for us to please them.”

“Although I would like to point out that I believed we
pleased them greatly,” Tamin chimed in, holding up his finger in a “wait a
minute” gesture.

Not able to keep from laughing at the expression on Tamin’s
face, Andi let herself go for the first time in days and giggled. It was times
like these that reminded her she was indeed still living.

“Well then what are we waiting for, gentlemen?” Andi held
her arms open to them both. “Show me how this works.”

Rodin grabbed one hand and tugged her toward the bedroom.
Tamin clutched the other and followed them as the last link in the chain.

Walking to the bed, she stopped short when Rodin ripped his
tunic off over his shoulders and tossed it to the floor. The man standing in
front of her put her fireman calendar to shame. Long and lean, he had the shape
of a swimmer except for being slightly more muscular. His chest had a vee of
hair at the top, which tapered to a happy trail leading to his leather pants.

As she stared at Rodin, Tamin moved up closer behind her.
His hands snuck around her waist to grip her top for removal. Pulling it up and
off, Tamin snagged her hair slightly before he untangled her. Rodin was
completely naked once she regained the ability to see without the shirt
blocking her view.

“Can you take care of the rest, Rodin?” Tamin’s desire bled
into his voice.

Andi glanced behind her at Tamin as he started ripping his
clothes off. “Impatient much?” She laughed.

“Yes.” Serious as he could be, Tamin slid his pants off.

Well, these men were a sight for her overactive hormones.
She was close to crawling out of her skin in anticipation.

Startled, Andi jumped when fingers traced her bellybutton.

“I am going to take these off, sweetheart.” Rodin gave her a
sexy grin as he ran one finger along the skin just above her zipper.

“I’m ready,” Andi said firmly. After this, nothing would
ever be the same again.

Chapter Fifteen


Andi was awash in sensations. Rodin had finished pulling off
her clothes when Tamin moved close behind her, completely naked. Tamin pressing
his length against her body, rubbing slightly, brought her attention to the
long cock that nudged her every now and again.

“I need to lie down,” she whispered.

“Are you feeling poorly?” Tamin immediately moved away,
sounding worried.

“No, it’s not that,” she assured him quickly. “You make my
legs weak.”

Tamin chuckled and hugged her close to his body. “You make
me weak too.”

As the three moved to the bed, they took similar places to
those they did when sleeping at night, Andi in the middle of her men, one on
each side. Hands ran the length of her sides as Tamin got comfortable against
her rear. Rodin took his time tracing her breasts, cupping them and pinching at
her nipples with a slight pull.

Andi arched uncontrollably at the sensation. The action
caused her ass to press more firmly against Tamin’s hardness while thrusting
her breasts straight into the hands that were teasing them. Almost at the point
of panting, Andi traced her fingers across any skin she was able to reach.
Rodin seemed to receive more of her attention simply because he was in front of
her, but Tamin did not seem to mind. Spreading her cheeks from behind, he moved
his shaft down her crevice, bumping against her pucker.

Groaning out loud, Andi clutched Rodin’s hair as he moved to
suck on her nipples. His soft locks created the perfect grip for her desperate
fingers to hold on to.

“Darling?” Tamin’s voice was incredibly hoarse.

“Yes?” Her voice came out shakily, her body almost coming
from just the friction the men were creating.

“I am going to use my fingers to prepare you.” As he was
speaking, a firm wet pressure probed her ass. When and where he had grabbed the
lube, she wasn’t sure.

“Okay.” Slight tremors relayed that nerves were overtaking
the pleasure she’d been lost in earlier.

“Calm, sweetheart. He will be careful,” Rodin soothed,
leaving her nipples to rake his teeth over her neck.

At the sensation of teeth nipping at her sensitive skin, her
nervousness floated away. It was replaced with anxiousness for them to finish
what they had started.

As her pucker started to flower open at the insistent
pressure from Tamin’s fingers, Andi sucked in a sharp breath. The actions of his
penetration caused a slight burn to blossom. Not necessarily painful, but still
a present reminder of what was about to happen.

At her intake of air, Tamin stopped his progress and held
still for a heartbeat. “Relax, sweetheart,” he soothed, kissing her shoulder.
“You will adjust, simply give it a moment.”

Andi consciously focused on breathing in and out and
relaxing the muscles that she knew had automatically tensed at his entry. “I’m
sorry, I will try.”

“Don’t be sorry,” he whispered, peppering kisses where he
could reach. “Just relax. We will never hurt you.”

Pushing her ass into his body, Andi tried to show him that
she was ready for more. At her action, he pushed in a little farther. Waiting
another moment, he added another finger before stilling again.

Rodin seemed to know she needed his attentions, because he
reached his hand around and tapped the cheek that Tamin was holding open for
his exploration.

“I said I owed you a spanking, did I not?” His guttural
voice was dripping with fierce desire.


“Tamin, I am going to have her straddle me while I give the
spanking I am owed,” Rodin instructed.

Tamin removed his fingers from her, leaving an oddly bereft
feeling that she didn’t understand.

Rodin moved into the middle of the bed. Guiding her into
position above his hips, he helped her straddle his pelvis while she braced her
hands on his shoulders. The new position allowed his cock to find its place,
sliding in between the lips of her sex. Lowering her body over his so she was
lying fully against him, Andi felt her ass spread wide, shivering at the cool
air drifting over the now exposed star of her anus. The view she presented
caused Tamin to groan out loud.

“That is a beautiful sight,” he whispered, tracing his
fingers along the curve of her ass.

“Tamin, I am going to punish our new wife. I want you to
work on opening her up.” Rodin was speaking to Tamin and yet Andi felt the
statement shoot straight to her core. Tamin grunted his agreement from his
position directly behind her. He moved closer until the heat from his body
warmed Andi through.

Rodin gripped her ass in his rough palms, his hands
merciless on her rounded flesh. His hard squeezing and rubbing brought the
blood in her skin rushing to the surface. Every nerve ending screamed for what
was to come.

With a palm hard on one cheek, Rodin used the other to
deliver a smack to its twin, the spank swift and stinging and the sound sharp
and loud.

“Oh Jesus,” Andi groaned, burying her face in the chest she
was lying on. Her face burned against the smooth skin.

“That was one.” As Rodin alternated the palm doing the
spanking, Tamin worked his magic on Andi yet again. This time the burning
sensation was lost in the sting Rodin created, Tamin’s twisting and scissoring
fingers complementing Rodin’s blistering spanking.

“There you go, darling.” Tamin leaned over her, the shift in
his weight causing the fingers to stroke harder inside her. She was shocked to
find the feeling wasn’t entirely unpleasant. Wiggling slightly turned the burn
into a sweet pain. The sensation was unfamiliar, but surprisingly arousing.

“More,” she demanded with one word.

“Now that he has worked you open to our satisfaction, I am
going to enter you.” Rodin’s words washed over the top of her head.

The men lifted her hips. Rodin, cock in hand, guided himself
as she was lowered by Tamin’s hands on her waist.

“Sweet lord,” she choked out.

The feeling of fullness was amazing. She could feel every
vein and ridge of his cock as she lowered until her pussy was flush against his
pelvis. Once settled, Andi glanced over her shoulder.

Tamin knelt behind her, in between Rodin’s long legs. He
gave her a wicked wink as he moved closer to her with his slick cock in his

“Do not tense up, I will go slowly,” he instructed, laying
one hand on her to tilt her hips farther.

Andi held her breath, waiting for the penetration to happen.
When he didn’t advance, she opened her eyes in question.

“Breathe,” Tamin instructed her, having noticed her

She nodded, her cheek plastered to Rodin’s sweat-slick skin.

Tamin motioned to Rodin, who in turn, reached around to
spread her wide. Rodin held her firmly, her body exposed for his warrior
brother and her second husband. At the first thick, blunt penetration into her
ass, she panted loudly.

Immense, unmanageable pressure caused Andi to rear up in a
wordless plea to the man holding her.

“You are doing well. Keep breathing and relax,” Rodin
soothed her with encouraging words.

“It’s too tight.” She knew she sounded panicked—there was no
way Tamin was going to fit.

“I am almost in. Once the head is in, it will get better,”
Tamin grunted from his position behind her. Rubbing his free hand across the
fleshy part of her ass, he petted her still-stinging skin, reviving the
sensations Rodin’s spanking had gifted her with. Keeping his movements firm, he
inched forward at a slow but steady pace.

There was intense, deep pressure, until suddenly it eased
without warning, dragging a longer gasp from her.

“Good girl, the hard part is over. I am going to start
forward and Rodin will stroke out,” Tamin said, still using his most calming
voice. Moving his hand on her, he gripped one side of her hip.

Rodin’s large palm cupped the other side of her hipbone as
he guided her up onto her knees.

“I am going to rock you on us, okay?” Rodin asked.

When Andi could do no more than nod, he leaned to kiss her.
“Tell us if it is too much.”

As the men started achoreographed dance they had obviously
participated in together before, Andi was lost in sensation. The burn she had
initially fought had fed into something primal inside her. Unable to keep from
rocking, she thrust herself against Tamin as Rodin surged out of her pussy. The
sound of sweaty hips hitting her ass began to blend with the trio’s moans. Her
men moved seamlessly in a rhythm that was not hard to catch on to. The angle at
which she was perched rubbed her clit against Rodin’s pelvic bone, the
additional friction making her desperate for release.

“I’m going to come!” Andi shouted, her body clenching tight
on both of the swollen cocks thrusting deep into her defenseless body. She
shook as the throbbing tremors of release started in her core. Groaning loudly,
she rocked in pleasure, unable to stop the frantic movements of her hips as she
first fought, then embraced the sensations simultaneously assaulting her pussy
and ass. Reaching the heights of pleasure, she stiffened for long moments, her
body rigid, her legs tight. Andi nipped and licked at whatever skin she could
reach on the man beneath her, wanting to devour him as she was consumed.

Both men thrust harder and deeper yet into her at the same
time, tensing in unison as they groaned and rumbled deafeningly, the vibrations
of Rodin’s chest sending zinging pulses to her still-sensitive skin. Their
thick cocks jerking their releases hard and strong inside her felt like liquid
fire filling her tight, oversensitized passages.

As Andi drifted in and out of what seemed like a hazy,
pleasure-laden dream world, she was aware of Tamin slowly withdrawing from her
abused channel. The ring of her ass that had been quivering with pleasure
earlier was now stinging from overuse. Yet somehow the burn in the forbidden
hole was darkly satisfying.

Rodin shifted her up and off his chest, dislodging his
still-erect cock from the greedy clutch of her pussy. The warm trail of his cum
dribbled out of her slit to coat her sweat-dampened thighs. Once she had been
moved and cuddled to his side, a feeling of well-used soreness settled over her
entire body. Her thighs ached as if she had spent a solid week running and she
knew her pussy and ass would be sensitive for the days to come. Their claiming
had been one she would feel for a long while.

“How are you?” Tamin asked, wiping her clean with a fresh
towel from the bathroom.

“Good. Sore but good,” she said groggily. Andi reached up to
cup Tamin’s cheek. “How was it for you?”

“Just as I expected it would be. Simply perfect,” he
answered, leaning his face into her palm.

“And you?” she questioned Rodin, who was standing at the
side of the bed cleaning himself with another towel.

“It was wonderful.” Tossing the towel to the side, Rodin
picked up a small tube from the nightstand and gestured for her to turn over.

“What’s that?” Andi asked, rolling over to lay facedown on
the bed.

“Just a little salve to ease some of the soreness from
tonight. It will help take away the burn,” Rodin answered as he soothed his
slick fingers back over the crack of her ass. As his probing digits ringed her
still-gaping anus, Andi tensed up.

Regardless of his intentions to soothe her, Andi started to
feel the stirrings of desire once again. The sensations were amplified when he
slipped his middle finger into her asshole, pushing the ointment deep into the
clutch of her channel with a firm thrust.

“Am I hurting you?” Rodin’s voice was husky with renewed

“No, that’s nice actually,” Andi whispered, embarrassed at
her reaction.

“Andi, just relax and let us take care of you. This will
help us be able to show you more attention soon.” Tamin was sitting beside her
torso, his eyes trained on Rodin’s fingers as they moved in and out of her.

“Yes, Doctor,” Andi teased as she arched back into the slick
fingers working her hole.

“Be a good patient and stay still.” Rodin’s commanding voice
was accompanied by a swift smack on the curve of her ass.

“Oh my god, are we playing doctor right now?” she moaned,
the pain of their earlier penetration almost completely relieved.

“Is that something that you would like to do, Nurse Andi?”
Tamin’s deep timbre was accompanied by amusement as he reached over to rub the
spot his friend had just punished.

“Not tonight,” Rodin said, quickly calling a halt to their
increasing desires. “Andi needs to rest and recover from her first time taking
you in her ass. The ointment should heal her quickly but we need to be careful not
to push her body too far until she is used to keeping up with our demands.”

Andi giggled at the professional tone that Rodin had slipped
into. It was so odd to hear him talking about them fucking her ass in such a
plain voice that she couldn’t help but look at Tamin and smile at the absurdity
of it.

“You heard the doctor, Nurse Andi.” Tamin was unable to keep
a straight face as he spoke.

“Yes, Doctors. I will make sure to follow the instructions
you have prescribed.” Winking at Rodin, she blew him a kiss, the action causing
his eyes to soften as he wiped his hands off.

“I have a feeling we may end up playing doctor at some
point,” he said wryly. “Right now though, you need to rest. Come over here.”
Settling down on one side of the bed, Rodin tugged her body until she was lying
closer to him than Tamin. Her bottom curled into his abdomen, Andi stared
across the pillow at her other warrior husband. With Rodin spooned behind her,
Andi studied Tamin’s face.

“Unfair that you get to hold her all night.” Tamin’s grumpy
voice made Andi giggle. Reaching over to grab his hand, she squeezed his palm
until his fingers curved firmly over her own. Lifting her hand to his mouth,
Andi felt tears of happiness prick her eyes when his lips softly kissed the
skin on the back of her hand.

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