Alien Refuge (23 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

Tags: #dominationsubmission, #erotica aliens, #clans of kalquor, #kalquor, #erotica bdsm, #tracy st john, #futuristic erotica, #science fiction erotica, #erotica, #menage

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“That’s it. Come for me,” Ospar coaxed.

Without missing one moment of his quick rhythm, he pinched her clit. An explosion of white light and glorious exultation burst through Iris, releasing all the heaviness in her belly. More pulses followed, cascading from her pussy up her spine and into her skull. An overwhelming sense of jubilation overcame her with every delicious surge. Cries pealed from her lips.

Pleasure was still licking through her when Ospar groaned and threw his head back. His rhythm stuttered, stilled, started again for half a dozen more thrusts. His body strained, and Iris felt the iron rods in her body pulse as he released deep inside her body.

A thought occurred to her. “Oh. What about – what if – what do we do if I get pregnant?” she asked.

Ospar sighed and stroked his big, warm hands up and down her thighs. He looked incredibly satisfied. “If you don’t wish to carry a child just yet, the embryo can be frozen until all of us are ready for it.”

“All of us?”

He pulled free of her, and Iris felt horribly empty with him gone. “The entire clan would accept parenthood of the child. He or she would have three fathers.”

Iris blinked at him. “You wouldn’t be curious as to who was the real parent?”

Rivek cocked his head at her. “Real? Biology doesn’t determine a parent. That honor goes to the ones who raise the babe with love and care.”

Jol nodded his agreement. “The only reason to know exactly who provided the seed that produced the child is in the case of genetic issues. As we are all healthy with no known problems—”

“Outside of the virus that made so many of our women infertile,” Ospar interrupted. “Which is present in every last Kalquorian.”

there would never be a need for any one of us to claim sole fatherhood,” Jol finished.

Three fathers. Iris thought that was wonderful and felt a little sad for Thomas, who had no father at all. Even when Conrad had been alive he hadn’t been much of a parent, especially after the autism diagnosis.

“And where is this sad look coming from?” Rivek asked her quietly.

She didn’t want to heap her unhappiness on them, not when they were enjoying an intimate introduction to each other. But she knew from the looks on all three men’s faces that they expected an answer. She also somehow knew they wouldn’t allow her not to give it to them.

Spirit recognition. I know these men and they know me. It’s crazy, right?

Iris sighed. “I’m just thinking that Thomas is missing out with only a mom.”

Ospar leaned over to give her a kiss. “He is blessed to have one such as you. You are worth twenty of most people I know.” He moved back and gave her a thoughtful look. “You do realize if you join a clan, they will adopt Thomas?”

“And if they are the right clan, they will accept him as their own,” Jol added. “He will be their son, with all the rights accorded to a biological child.”

Iris gave him wide eyes. “Really? But what about if I have more children with that clan? Won’t they prefer their own children to him?”

“They should not,” Rivek said, his expression stern. “If they accept Thomas into their home, as a child of the clan he is to be given every advantage his siblings enjoy. If the clan cannot guarantee him that, they have no business courting you.”

“What do you Earthers call it?” Ospar mused. “A package deal? That’s what you and Thomas are, and the situation must be accepted.” He smiled. “Celebrated, in fact.”

“You do make a very good package,” Jol agreed. He nudged Ospar. “Care to let someone else enjoy our lovely friend?”

The Dramok pretended shock. “What, you expect me to share?”

It was Rivek who growled at him. “You’d better.”

Jol snickered. “When the Imdiko priest gets mad, you’d better back off.”

Ospar laughed and left the bed, taking the vid camera from the Nobek. “I have tested your patience to be sure.”

Jol smiled but his eyes narrowed as he looked at Iris. “Are you ready to test a few more of those limits, my beauty?”

Iris swallowed and felt her insides come alive at that rapacious stare. “How?”

“Perhaps you will allow my Imdiko to restrain you a little as we make love.”

“Restrain me?” She looked at Rivek, who was looking less serene by the moment.

“That does sound delicious,” he said, his silky voice fairly purring with desire.

“Only the wrists,” Jol said in what might have been a reassuring tone if it didn’t come out so growly. “Just to make you a little more vulnerable to my control.”

“Oh.” The word came out extremely breathless as Iris’ stomach flip-flopped. Her pussy was seeping again, already anticipating the impending lovemaking.

“Remember, Iris, you can tell us to stop the moment you are overwhelmed or frightened,” Ospar said. He lounged on one side of the bed, watching them. “We will not push you where you cannot bear to go.”

“Trust us,” Jol breathed, moving between her legs and pulling the bottom part of his formsuit off. His eager cocks sprang loose, flushing to shade darker than the rest of his skin.

He scooped his arms beneath her thighs, lifting her bottom up and pulling her towards his erections. Iris slid towards him, her shoulders bumping gently over the bedding surface as he drew her steadily into position.

“Place me,” he told her. “And then offer your wrists to Rivek.”

Iris reached for those slick organs, lifting slightly to grasp each cock. She gasped to feel how his flesh pulsed against her palm. Loving how Jol felt, she stroked up and down his lengths to make him shudder and groan.

“By the ancestors, woman,” he breathed. “Just your touch is enough to make me crazy. Let me have at least a moment to feel your sex surrounding me before I spill.”

Iris guided him to her sex and anus. Still open from Ospar’s delightful use, stretched and no longer fearful, she sighed with pleasure as Jol slid inside her.

Iris reached to touch him, but was stopped as two large hands captured her wrists. She raised her eyes in surprise to see Rivek framing her head and shoulders with his folded legs as he kneeled on the bed. He had also removed the last of his clothes, and his cocks seemed to reach like skyscrapers overhead. He pinned her hands to his upper thighs and grinned darkly at her. The almost animal lust in the Imdiko’s face made him nearly unrecognizable to Iris in that moment. She suddenly wasn’t sure who should be making her more nervous: Rivek or Jol? They both looked equally feral at that moment.

Her weight was back on her shoulders since Jol held her ass up for his slowly rocking hips. She’d felt helpless before with Ospar, but this took vulnerability to a new level. Trapped between the two big men, her legs pinned by Jol, her arms by Rivek, Iris’ guts seized with passion.

What is wrong with me?

“Nothing,” Rivek answered. “You are perfect.”

Iris gasped. She hadn’t realized she’d spoken out loud.

Jol chuckled. “I think she refers to the pleasure she is taking from being at our mercy. She is extremely wet.”

Rivek’s grip on her wrists tightened. “There is nothing any more wrong with you taking pleasure in being dominated than there is with our pleasure in dominating you.”

It was hard to think with Jol’s cocks slipping in and out of her so deliciously while they held her down. Still, Iris managed to gasp, “I want to be strong. Not helpless. Not defenseless.”

“You are strong, my beauty,” Jol said. “I would not want you so much if you weren’t. Gaining the surrender of a weakling is not a thrill.”

Rivek added, “We will allow you to be strong outside of the sleeping room. But in here, you will allow us to be your strength. Your power is demonstrated in your ability to surrender to us.”

She didn’t really understand what he was saying, not with Jol fucking her the way he was. His hips gyrated as he drove against her steadily, rubbing every inner surface with demanding intensity. Iris lost herself in the possession as he made very thorough love to her.

Jol’s expression was still lustful, still ferocious, but there was a new element slowly dawning over his face as he looked at her. A kind of softness hinted at the edges of his attitude.

It came out in his voice too. “Mother of All, I’ve never seen anyone so beautiful as you with that look of rapture on your face. To think I could give someone such an expression humbles me.”

Iris could only moan in response. Excitement was building with every stroke, with every grinding gyration the Nobek gave her. His possession was perfect; so strong, so demanding, and yet so determined to pleasure her. The three Kalquorians made her nervous, yes. They also made her feel very cared for.

“How?” she moaned, unable to speak normally with Jol making her insides blaze. “How can I be anxious and aroused all at once?”

Ospar rolled over to lie nearer to them. “Nervousness makes every sense come alive. Adrenaline is rushing through your body, electrifying each nerve, enhancing every touch, scent, sight, and taste.”

Rivek grinned. “Right now, we’re only pushing you a little. When you trust us a bit more, we will truly test your comfort and thus intensify your reactions.”

Iris couldn’t imagine being turned on more powerfully than she already was. Jol was working her faster and harder. The tendons were standing out all over his body. His jaw tensed. The position he had her in allowed her to see his cock sliding in and out of her pussy. Watching him strain to keep control was even more erotic than seeing herself on the vid.

Ospar traced her areolas as Rivek held her arms down and Jol quickened. Churning pleasure increased with every thrust the Nobek made, making her squirm under their touches. His body was now slapping against hers, and the feeling of his cocks heating her insides made Iris go from wriggling to thrashing.

A ticklish burn swelled her sex and ass. The pleasure was so profound she could no longer process the sight of the men surrounding her. If they spoke, she didn’t hear them. She was only aware of burgeoning ecstasy, of being held prisoner for their pleasuring, that she wouldn’t be set free until she had climaxed for them. Until she had been given what they wanted her to have so she could give them the reaction they wanted.

She was close. So close in fact, that when one of them stroked her clit, she went off like fireworks.

The world was heaving confusion of dark, intent faces, cat-slit purple eyes, her screams, and endless, overflowing ecstasy. She was dimly aware of thunderous roaring joining her cries, the sound of a mighty beast voicing primal need. Her insides pulsed. No, it was the invaders within her pulsing. Jol was climaxing, filling her with his seed.

Except for a fine trembling, Iris was unable to move when it was over. She was as lax as if her body had lost its skeleton, leaving her a gelatinous blob on the clan’s bed. Jol’s head and shoulders sagged, still kneeling between her thighs, his eyes closed and mouth curved in a slight smile. Every now and again, a shiver ran through his beefy frame.

“I could sit here all day,” he sighed.

“No, you can’t.” Rivek’s tone was cold steel. “Don’t make me show Iris how an Imdiko can kick a Nobek’s ass.”

Jol cracked one eyelid open and flashed a brilliant smile at his clanmate. “Lucky for you, right now I’m too content to make you prove that statement.”

He slid his softening cocks from Iris, giving her that too-empty feeling once more. Pausing only to give her a lingering kiss, he crawled away to the side of her opposite Ospar.

Rivek launched himself off the sleeping mat and into the adjoining bath facility. Jol snorted from his prone position. “I thought you were in a hurry.”

The Imdiko came back in carrying a slim black wand-like object, what looked like a jar of skin cream, and some cloths. “For you to get out of my way.” He playfully shoved at Jol’s shoulder as he walked past.

The Nobek grinned at him again. “You know you’re asking for trouble. What are you going to do with that shaver?”

“Shaver?” Iris blinked at Rivek as he took Jol’s place kneeling between her legs.

Ospar sat up and watched with anticipation. “Oh, that’s going to look pretty. Are you doing all of it?”

Rivek maneuvered the cloth under Iris’ butt. “Indeed I am. If you would each take a leg and hold them open for me?”

The two men obliged him, their faces alight as each grasped beneath Iris’ knees and spread her legs wide.

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