ALIEN ROMANCE: Captivated by the Alien Lord (Alien Invasion Abduction SciFi Romance) (Kahara Lords Book 7) (25 page)

BOOK: ALIEN ROMANCE: Captivated by the Alien Lord (Alien Invasion Abduction SciFi Romance) (Kahara Lords Book 7)
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Chapter Three


Mindy stood in front of her full length mirror. Her mini skirt felt too short and her tank top felt too low. She wasn’t sure if she looked “sexy”, but she was sure she looked a little slutty. She decided to change into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt instead. Just because she was working at a bar, it didn’t mean she had to dress like a whore to get tips. If she didn’t make any money wearing what was comfortable, she would find another job.

Inside the bar Veronica was already busy stocking beer inside the coolers full of ice. Mindy walked behind the bar and placed her purse underneath next to Veronicas.

“Hey girl…You ready for this crazy life?” Veronica asked.

Mindy wasn’t sure what she was ready for at this point. She was there. She was willing to try. “Sure,” she agreed.

Veronica showed her the basics. A lot of it was the same stuff Paul had went over. “It’s simple. They come in, ask them what they want and then get it. Their drinks get close to empty, ask them if they want a refill and then refill it.” Veronica made it sound so simple.

Two men sat at the bar next to one another drinking Miller Lite’s. The man on the left was large and sported a long grey beard. The man on the right was skinny and looked like he was at least 70 years old. He had long white hair and shook as he picked his beer bottle up and held it to his mouth.

“Fellows, this is your new bartender Mindy. Be nice and tip her well so she will come back,” Veronica ordered the men.

“Damn, you take credit, sweetie. I will pay whatever it takes to keep you here,” the large man blurted out.

The skinny man smiled at his friend's comment and displayed his mouth full of missing teeth.

“Does it get very busy in here?” Mindy asked as she tried to shake off the slimy feeling from the man’s comment.

Veronica explained there were a lot of regulars who would come in throughout the day and the evening. On weekends they got larger crowds, especially when they had bands inside the bar playing. Mindy looked around the tiny building and couldn’t imagine where a band would play.

“You can expect a few regulars tonight and possibly a couple walk-ins,” Veronica explained.

As the evening went on more and more people started coming in. Most of them pulled up on motorcycles and wore black leather. Mindy was starting to get the hang of grabbing beers and running the register. She felt stumped a few times when someone had ordered a mixed drink, mainly because she didn’t know where everything was placed. Luckily, the mixed drinks that were ordered consisted of some type of whiskey and a soda or a red bull and Jägermeister or flavored vodka.

“Babydoll, can I bother you for a shot of Jack?” a smooth, but deep voice requested from behind Mindy’s back.

When she turned to acknowledge the man she must have looked like she had seen a ghost. “I didn’t mean to scare you sweetheart,” he said softly.

Mindy wasn’t scared; she was just caught off guard. He was the sexiest man she'd ever seen. His chiseled chin and explicit cheekbones all accentuated his full lips. The goatee that hung from the point on his chin was attached to the perfectly trimmed mustache above his beautiful lips. His eyes were deep blue and felt as if they were windows into her own soul when he looked at her. She wanted to lean in and kiss him right then and there; she almost couldn’t control herself from acting on her impulses. She pulled herself out of the trance he had her captured in and spoke with a soft voice.

“Of course.” She was flustered.

Mindy turned to grab the bottle of Jack Daniels, but grabbed Wild Turkey instead. She poured it into a large rocks glass and handed it to the beautiful man. He had a grin on his face as he took the drink. Mindy realized she had given him the wrong whiskey and had used the wrong glass.

“I'm so sorry. Here, let me fix that,” she offered.

He pulled the glass away from her. “Baby, I will drink whatever you give me.” His voice oozed like syrup from his lips into her ears.

“I really am sorry,” she muttered as her face turned bright red.

Veronica stepped from behind Mindy. “Everything ok?” she asked.

“Everything is just fine,” the man said.

Veronica looked at the Wild Turkey in Mindy’s hand and the glass in his. She laughed and walked away. “She will get the hang of it soon enough,” she added.

Mindy felt stupid for the mistake, but the man made her feel better as he told her he loved Wild Turkey and probably should have ordered it instead of the Jack. Mindy knew he was only being nice, but it felt good to have a man so beautiful be nice to her.

Mindy walked over to Veronica and apologized for her stupid mistake.

“It looks like he flustered you a little bit, sweetie,” she laughed.

“His eyes just pierced through me,” Mindy admitted.

“That’s Vince. He’s harmless” Veronica added.

He didn’t look harmless. Mindy could feel his eyes on her every time she moved. He made her nervous, but for some reason knowing he was staring at her made her excited. She wanted him to look at her. She wanted him to want her.

A blonde came in and sat next to him at the end of the bar. Mindy walked over to her and asked her what she wanted to drink. She wore a tight tank top that was thin enough to show her erect nipples underneath. Her hair was long and pulled back away from her face. She looked rough, like she was once pretty but had lived a hard life. She raised her skinny arm and held a finger up at Mindy as if to tell her to hold on. Mindy wanted to grab her finger and pull it backwards. She watched the beautiful man as he listened to her ramble on about a bike run. His eyes returned to Mindy and noticed the finger held up by the girl sitting next to him. He reached up and pulled her hand down to the bar and winked at Mindy. “Apologize,” he said sternly to the blonde.

The woman stopped talking and looked towards Mindy. She rolled her eyes. “Get me a Bud Light,” she snapped and then turned back to Vince.

Mindy started to turn to get her the beer when Vince stood up. “No, apologize, and then ask her nicely to please get you a Bud Light.” He spoke in a deep confident voice.

“It’s really ok,” Mindy argued.

“No, it isn’t. You don’t deserve to be treated like that, especially not by her,” he stated.

The woman seemed to realize that he wasn’t playing games. She turned to Mindy. “I
sorry. Can you please get me a Bud Light?” she asked a second time, but in a much nicer tone.

“Of course.” Mindy turned and grabbed a beer from the cooler and placed it on the bar in front of the woman.

Vince handed Mindy a $10 dollar bill and smiled. “Keep the change,” he told her.

Mindy felt funny about taking such a large tip, but with the crowd inside the bar and the fact that most only tipped about 75 cents a beer, she could use the money. “Thank you.” she said to Vince, ignoring the woman who was already tugging on his sleeve to gain more of his attention.

Mindy couldn’t decide if the blonde woman was Vince’s girlfriend or just a barfly who wouldn’t leave him alone. She overheard her asking if he would take her on a bike run next week. The blonde got up and headed to the restroom. Vince motioned for Mindy.

“Hey baby doll, can you get me another shot of Wild Turkey please?” His smile sent chills down her spine.

“You mean Jack?” Mindy laughed.

“No, I think you made the right call. I like the Turkey,” he admitted with a grin.

Mindy grabbed the bottle of Wild Turkey and poured it into a shot glass. She was relieved that at least she got the glass right this time. As she placed the glass in front of him, he grabbed her hand. He pulled her close to him, causing her to tip-toe as she stretched over the bar. He stared into her eyes and continued to smile with that sexy, devilish smile.

“Would you like to go on a bike run with me next week?” he asked.

“Wouldn’t your girlfriend get mad?” Mindy asked.

“I don’t have a girlfriend baby doll…yet.” He widened his smile to display his perfectly white teeth.

Mindy’s heart was beating fast and hard. She was so close to him, to his lips. She could smell the whiskey on his hot breath. She was close enough to lean in and steal a kiss. In fact, it was taking all of her strength not to.

“What the fuck?” The voice of the blonde woman pulled her from the trance. “This your new whore?” she snapped.

Mindy never had anyone talk to her or about her that way. She felt sick as she waited to see if the woman would try to attack her. Veronica walked over and pushed Mindy back as she yelled at the woman to get out of the bar. “You’re done. Get the fuck out NOW!” she yelled.

The woman leaped past Veronica and swung in Mindy’s direction. Vince picked   the angry woman up and moved her so her swing landed against a wooden post in the middle of the bar. She started moaning and held her hand tight to her chest as he carried her out of the bar.

Mindy was shaking from the chaos and knew that this wasn’t where she wanted to work. She was ready to go home, but hated to leave Veronica shorthanded. “I can’t do this,” she said to Veronica as she made her way back over to where she was standing. She was frozen in her spot, shaking and pale white.

“Oh hell, don’t let that bitch get to you,” Veronica snapped. “I had your back.”

“And what happens when you’re not here?” Mindy asked. “I'll help you out tonight, but I think I would rather work at Dairy Queen…”

Veronica laughed and smiled at Mindy. “I understand.” She spoke softly to her, maybe in the hopes that she wouldn't frighten her off.

Vince walked back inside the bar and headed back towards his seat. “She won’t be back” He said and then smiled at Mindy. “You ok, baby doll?” he asked.

“Go on home, girl. We'll have lunch tomorrow,” Veronica instructed.

“Home?” Vince looked heartbroken. “You’re leaving?” he asked.

“Yes, this just isn't for me,” Mindy stated.

“Well, at least let me walk you to your car,” Vince offered.

Mindy grabbed her purse and met Vince on the other side of the bar. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close to his body. She could feel his hard body under his t-shirt and got a sudden urge to run her hand under his shirt across his abs. She wasn’t sure why he had this effect on her; she was usually so shy and timid.

As they made their way to her Ford Explorer, she turned to place the key in the door. He placed his hands on the door above her, pinning her against the truck. She felt his body press up against her back, his breath hot on her neck.

“I don’t know what you’re doing to me, baby doll,” he whispered in her ear.

Mindy’s body started to go limp as she leaned back against him. She flung her head back and allowed his lips to press against her neck. She turned around to face him, and with her lips were dangerously close to his, she felt herself begin to pull away. He had a way of getting her caught up in the moment, but she didn’t even know this man. She had to try her best to stay in the reality and not in the fantasy.

“Please don’t pull away,” he whispered.

He pressed his lips against hers and began to part her lips with his tongue. She opened her mouth willingly and allowed his tongue to intertwine around hers. Her knees weakened and her breath became shallow as he pulled her hard against his mouth. She knew she was no match against him. Whatever it was he had, it controlled her.

He released her from his grip and pulled back enough to look her in the eye. “Come home with me?” he asked.

“No,” Mindy uttered.

She felt her nipples harden beneath her shirt and her inner thighs begin to pulsate. She knew she wanted this man.

“Then I'll come home with you,” he argued.

Mindy couldn’t speak. She felt his hand reach up and cup her breast. He squeezed the soft mound in his hand, then slid along her side until reaching her waist. She nodded her head slightly without unlocking her eyes from his gaze, her response unspoken but clear.

He smiled and stepped back. “You lead the way,” he ordered.

Mindy finished unlocking her car and climbed inside. She felt like she was burning up. The heat from her thighs was becoming unbearable. She knew she not only wanted him, but she needed him. She watched Vince straddle a black Harley Davidson, and as he brought it to a loud rumble, he turned and smiled at her. She was nervous, anxious, scared. She slowly pulled out of the parking lot and drove the short way to her apartment with the beautiful man on the motorcycle following close behind her.

Chapter Four


Mindy pulled into her parking spot in front of her apartment and quickly got out of her car as Vince pulled in beside her and dismounted his motorcycle. She was standing in front of her car, contemplating whether or not she should let him inside, when he walked over to her and wrapped his hands around her waist. He lifted her off the ground and pulled her close. She felt her legs lift and wrap themselves around his waist as if against her will. He took the keys from her hand and pointed to the door as she nodded.

He stuck the key in the lock without effort and carried her inside. As the door shut behind him, he leaned up against it and forcefully shoved his tongue deep into Mindy’s waiting mouth. She was held tight in his arms while he made his way down the hall and into her bedroom. She felt him gently lower her to the bed and then with a quick flip of the switch, he lit up her very girly bedroom.

“Cute pussy,” he laughed.

Mindy grabbed Snowball from the pillow she loved and carried her outside of the bedroom, closing the door behind her. She immediately went back to her position on the bed where he'd placed her, then waited for the next move.

“Take that t-shirt off,” he ordered.

His voice was stern and forceful, not gentle and soft like before. His orders excited Mindy, and she genuinely found herself wanting to please him. She gripped the bottom of her t-shirt and pulled it over her head. She tossed the shirt in the floor beside the bed and sat on her hands as she bit her bottom lip.

Vince smiled as he took in the view of Mindy in her pink lace bra. “Take off your bra,” he ordered, again in the stern forceful voice.

Mindy reached back behind her and unsnapped the pink lace bra. As the material loosened around her breasts, she tugged at the straps until the bra hit the floor next to her t-shirt. Vince made no expression as he stared Mindy directly in the eye. She wanted him to look at her bare breasts. She needed him to see her, to want her, to take her.

“Stand up,” he ordered.

Without speaking a word, Mindy stood up as she was ordered. She waited for her next orders.

“Undo my pants.” His voice was softened as he spoke.

Mindy stepped towards him and tugged at his button fly jeans until they were open. She reached her hand inside his jeans and felt his huge erection. He pulled back. “Do only what I tell you, nothing more, nothing less,” he warned.

Mindy felt stupid for her eagerness. She had only been with one man her entire life and he'd had no more experience than she did at the time. This was new to her. She felt awkward and uncomfortable as she stood there in front of this man with her bare breasts reaching for him.

“You’re beautiful.” He spoke softly. “I just want this to be perfect,” he added, then whispered, "Trust me."

“I do,” she told him.

He pulled his jeans from his waist and allowed them to fall to the floor. He kicked off his boots and stepped out of his pants. His erection was prominent in his tight boxer briefs. Mindy wanted to touch it, see it, and taste it. She waited for him to give the next orders.

“Take off your shorts.” His voice was back to stern and forceful.

Mindy pulled her shorts down and stepped out of them, tossing them to the side of the bed on the floor. She was grateful she decided to wear her sexy pink panties that night. Her skin felt electric as every hair stood up on end and goosebumps covered her arms. Vince cupped her breasts in his hands and tugged at her hardened nipples between his thumb and finger. He squeezed them hard and tugged at them until she let out a squeal. His smile widened as if he approved of her discomfort.

He held tight to her nipples and pulled her close to him. She felt her thighs moisten with every tug. She let out another squeal before he released his grip.

“Remove them.” He motioned to her panties.

Mindy had never been naked in front of anyone before, not even her best friend. When she'd lost her virginity, she had her shirt and socks on and was buried under the covers. The thought of being completely naked in front of this beautiful man excited her, but scared her as well.

“Do it, or I won’t let you suck my cock,” he warned.

He pulled his boxer briefs down and exposed his erection. His manhood stood in front of him with confidence and his veins rippled through the smooth pink skin. “You want this in your mouth, baby doll?” he asked.

Mindy licked her lips as she stared at the massive meat that hung between his legs and nodded a little too enthusiastically.

“Then get rid of those panties,” he ordered.

Mindy pulled her panties down around her ankles and then stepped out of them slowly. She placed her hands in front of her small bush and stared down at the floor.

“Put your hands on your head.” Vince’s voice was sultry and deep.

Mindy reached up and placed her hands on the top of her head. She felt his eyes on her neatly trimmed bush. It embarrassed her to look at him as he stared at her most private parts, so she continued to look down at the floor.

She felt his hand reach in between her legs and a finger slide in between her swollen lips. As he pulled his hand back towards himself, he flicked her clit, sending chills down her back and a slow and steady pulse between her legs. It was as if he turned a light switch on inside of her body. Her skin was so sensitive that she could feel his breath on her when he spoke.

He held his beautiful large cock in one hand and lifted Mindy’s chin with the other. As she made eye contact with his powerful erection, he spoke slowly. “Take this in your mouth, baby doll.” His words sent more chills through her body.

Mindy lowered herself to her knees and opened her mouth. Vince fed her his erection slowly until she began gobbling him up on her own. She worked enough saliva in her mouth until he slid easily in and out between her lips. Her jaw was opened wide to accommodate his large member, and her throat began to tighten as she felt herself locking up around his meat.

“Relax, baby doll,” he whispered.

Mindy relaxed her jaw and worked up more saliva. Her throat started to loosen, allowing him to slide deeper into her mouth and down her throat.

He thrust his hips back and forth, feeding her until she swallowed every inch of his manhood. He reached down and pulled her ponytail back to release her grip.

“Bend over the bed,” he instructed in a shallow voice.

Mindy stood and turned away from him as she lowered her body onto the bed. Her ass was raised up towards him, her body was trembling and her breathing shallow. There was something about him seeing her this way that made her feel intimidated and vulnerable. She wasn’t sure why, but she did trust him.

He traced his finger down her spine and through her ass cheeks and back up again. His hand gripped the back of her neck. She felt his erection pressed against her swollen pink flesh of her pussy. He tightened his grip on her neck and pulled her towards him. She let out a moan as he forced his way inside of her body.

Mindy felt Vince’s body tense and then freeze in its position as her tight flesh tightened around his cock. His moans let her know that he was close and when he began to throb between her legs she knew she had him on the edge of pure ecstasy. She felt him quickly pull away from her. Mindy stayed in position, unsure if she should speak.

“Baby doll, what are you doing to me?” he asked.

Mindy could hear his breathing was labored and the realization that she had any type of control over him excited her.

He traced his finger along her spine again until he reached the pink flesh between her cheeks. He smacked her ass cheek, causing her to jump and let out a pleasure-filled squeal.  She felt his hands on her sides as he lowered his body behind her. Mindy was nervous with Vince so close behind her with a full view of her secrets. She felt her ass cheeks spread apart and then a warm, wet sensation between her thighs. Vince’s tongue skillfully parted her skin, flicked her hardened nub and slid back and forth against her inner thighs.

Mindy felt her body twitch as his tongue passed over her flesh. He circled her opening like a vulture ready to attack until finally relieving her pained anticipation and entering deep inside. Mindy’s body rocked back and forth against the friction of his tongue until she felt like she was going to explode. She was afraid to let go of the feeling, it was new, exciting and a little scary. She was unsure what would happen if she did let go; this feeling was something she had never experienced before.

“Give it to me, baby doll,” Vince ordered, and then went back to sliding his tongue in and out of her, making her moan and quiver.

Mindy relaxed her body and allowed Vince to push her off the edge. She had spent enough time looking over, scaring herself with the “what if’s”, it was time to jump off. If she was afraid to make the leap on her own, then he could at least shove her in the right direction.

His tongue flicked inside of her, and then lapped up her juices as it travelled to her hard, swollen nub. She felt the buildup of pressure as her skin tightened harder each time he slid back inside of her. Waves of pleasure rushed through her body, making her toes curl and her nipples swell.

He lifted his body away from her, causing her to moan. She needed the release he had promised, and as painfully pleasurable as it was having him touch her, it was worse once he stopped.

He positioned himself behind her and she could feel his erection between her swollen lips. As she pulsated against the head of his cock, he thrust hard inside of her. Her hips began to rock back and forth, pressing hard against him. His motions were slow, and if she tried to pick up the pace on her own, he would stop her with his hands on her ass cheeks.

“Give it to me, baby.” His voice was soft and pleading as he released his grip and allowed her to take control.

Mindy felt her body tighten and then release into a warm wave of pleasure. She tightened against his erection as her body pulsated uncontrollably. He began thrusting harder inside of her with a faster motion until he let out a moan.

He relaxed his body and lay against her until she fell onto the bed. He placed his hands in hers and stretched them up over her head. He kissed the back of her neck gently. Her skin was still so sensitive that even the lightest of sensations caused her little hairs to stand on end and goosebumps to form. She had never felt such a rush of excitement, of emotion and pleasure.

Mindy crawled up towards her pillow and snuggled under her bright pink comforter. Vince stood up, tossed her a towel from the back of her closet door and walked out of the room. She was sure he was going to leave; after all, this was something he probably did a lot. Mindy felt a sudden guilt overcome her as she realized she had just had a one-night stand with a total stranger.

Vince walked back into the bedroom and placed the little white kitten on the pillow next to Mindy. “Can I stay?” he asked softly.

“I would love that,” Mindy told him as she snuggled up against her kitten.

Vince turned out the lights and climbed into bed next to her. He pulled her close to him as he wrapped his arms tightly around her body.

“What are you doing to me?” Vince whispered in her ear.

Mindy felt safe in Vince’s strong arms. She had been searching for a way out of her boring small town, but now it seemed like the perfect place to be. She pressed up against him and eventually fell asleep feeling completely satisfied.

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