Alien Romance: Grabbed By The Alien Lord: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (Celestial Protectors Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Alien Romance: Grabbed By The Alien Lord: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (Celestial Protectors Book 2)
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“You shouldn’t try to deny me something like this,
  It makes me want it all the more.  Now, hold still so I can show you why you want it too.”  A sobbing gasp escaped Amelia’s throat as his mouth searched between her thighs; his warm, firm tongue ruthlessly sought the little peak of absolute pleasure. 

Once found, he swirled his tongue over and around the bundle of nerves.  As he pleasured Amelia with his mouth, long, thick fingers probed the dewy entrance of her body; surprised, she jerked against him, momentarily dislodging his caresses.

The hand still above his head slid from her breast to brace against her sternum – to hold her in place.  Resuming the lapping of his tongue, Galtan slid the first finger inside her again, deeper this time, only to withdraw it and surge two thick digits into her trembling sheath, carefully stretching her body. 

Amelia watched as Galtan firmly pressed his mouth against her feminine flesh.  Her head fell back to toss, side-to-side on the slick sheets, as she felt the man’s tongue dance over and around the throbbing center of her need. 

When he suckled the aching nubbin of desire, in slow easy pulses, then increasing the tempo of his draws on her flesh, Amelia arched tightly against him, crying out in the dark room.  Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her. 

In a distant corner of her mind, amid the startling intense pleasure of the orgasm, Amelia felt Galtan rising over her, covering her body completely with his own as he stripped the leggings from his body and aligned the thick rod of his shaft with the opening of her body that he held wide with his fingers.










He was hot, engorged, but the heat of his skin was nothing compared to the blistering, burning of the sweet human’s soft body.  Once in place, Galtan worked the head of his shaft into the tight confines of Amiilya’s wetted sheath. She tensed against him, informing him of the discomfort of his entrance.  Galtan leaned in close to soothe her.             

, it is alright.  I will fit; we can go as slow as you need.”  She writhed beneath him with the unconscious aim to escape his invasion, but Galtan held her close and allowed the shifting of her body to draw him deeper. 

He filled her, stretched her, and held her open.  Amelia’s arms were wrapped around his shoulders, her nails dug into his back, grasping the bunched muscle.  Galtan worked to soothe her, held completely still as his mouth drifted over her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. 

He licked her bottom lip before sucking it into his mouth, encouraging a reciprocation of the caress.  Finally, she moved to return the kiss. 

She appeared to welcome the warmth of the kiss, accommodating the firm invasion of his tongue into her mouth, tasting herself on his lips.  She sucked on his tongue, and his member jerked inside her below.  Amiilya moaned thickly, her need rising again.

              Galtan lifted his mouth from hers, braced his forehead against her much smaller one, watching her has his body began to work inside hers with deep, powerful thrusts.










She could feel him at the base of her throat.  As the throbbing, surge of his body within her own continued, Amelia was helplessly shaken with new, hard tremors of rapturous delight.  She opened her legs wider, one wrapped high around his waist, trying despite the burn of his invasion to urge him deeper, harder.

As she lost grasp of the moment in the unending waves of delight, Amelia heard Galtan’s harsh growl as he buried his face against her neck and his body jerked in a series pulsing spasms.  Pleasured, they both collapsed among the knotted silks and drifted into a restful sleep; Galtan’s softening cock still taking up residence inside of her.


Chapter 6…
Blood Claim


After seeing stars together, Amelia found that she and Galtan fell into a routine.  There were a lot of places that he flat refused to take her.  If he had to go to the spaceport for inspections or out to the mining communities that surrounded the crystalline city, he would leave her with Falgat at this shop, provided the toady helper wasn’t around, or Galtan would insist she stay within the safety of the green spire she had been calling home for the past few weeks. 

The first time that she was left on her own, Amelia had rummaged through every room until she had found sheets of a paper-like parchment, and had spent the remaining hours folding and testing patterns for ‘paper-planes.’  Her father had taught Amelia how to fold a basic one.  By the time Galtan had returned, she and Herman had crafted – and destroyed, though Herman had done most of the destroying – dozens of little mock vessels.

Herman had tripled in size during the weeks since she had found him in the courtyard.   Amelia was beginning to see what Galtan had meant about the little fluff-ball transforming into a formidable predator.

In addition to exponentially increasing in size, Herman was developing a serious set of fangs and heavily muscled frame.  Galtan was still aghast at Amelia’s name selection, Herman; but, Amelia was enjoying the incongruity of the name to visage.

Considering she had spent the last two days with Herman while Galtan saw to the demands of his position, Amelia had assumed that he would surely spend another day tending business outside
– which was one of the few locations he was legitimately willing to take her, trusting that his position would protect her. 

However, when he had come back up from the washroom and found her still abed – Herman had joined her – Galtan insisted she accompany him to

After she had freshened up in the bath on the lower level, and dressed in a stunning creation made by Falgat they had been on their way.  Falgat had taken a surprisingly in-depth interest in Amelia’s wardrobe; the garment she wore today was a long silver caftan that had been tailored to emphasize her figure instead of disguise it. 

The cowled neckline hung in heavy drapes across her breasts, and the fabric snugly hugged the generous curve of her hips and ass.

“I would have bet sexual favours that you were going to spend another day out and about.”  Amelia teased as they approached the gate from the courtyard to the street. 

“You are determined to drive me crazy, aren’t you?”  Amelia managed a chuckle before Galtan swept her beneath the obscuring protection of his cloak.  The trek to
was familiar now; she knew Galtan would safely guide her steps, so she tucked her face against his side, refusing to witness the cruelty of his race against her own.  Amelia would only open her eyes once her feet touched the first step into the courtyard, beyond the great gates into the military compound. 

Amelia had become familiar enough with the startlingly handsome alien beside her that she knew he would only bring her from the safety of his home if he was expecting a normal day, a day of situations that he could control; unfortunately, it seemed that something was going on.  Everything was in upheaval – the ranks didn’t close at his arrival, formations were not held.  Amelia tugged on the back of his uniform tunic from beneath the cloak and whispered his name.

“Galtan?”  In response Galtan squeezed her shoulder and held her tighter to him, almost lifting her from the ground as he navigated the path through the hectic crowd of warriors.










What in all the stars is going on?  I haven’t received notice of an event…

Galtan pushed his way through the riot of men that filled the courtyard, holding Amiilya tightly against him.  He stepped into the relative calm of the main building of
, though the disorder had permeated the normally whisper-quiet lobby.  Here, many commanders loitered.  One of the lower level commanders noticed Galtan and snapped straight. 

              “My Lord Commander…”

              That utterance unleashed pandemonium.  Galtan was surrounded by the highest members of militarily command, all shouting to be heard. 

“Enough!” Galtan was finally forced to bellow.  When everyone fell into silence, Galtan looked at the nearest High Commander, Borlym.

transporter has deployed troops to the
Moon.  Our outpost has been overrun; the warriors stationed there are dead.  We received a communication with visual recording of their decapitated bodies.”  Galtan raised a hand to stop the man.

“Everyone of mid-command and higher convene in the great chamber,” Galtan commanded with a wave of his hand toward the large doors that lead to the great chamber.  “Those of low command, assemble all of the warriors of your formations that are immediately available and recall all those that have left the immediate area to the spaceport.”

              Galtan shifted Amiilya from beneath the protection of his cloak.  He ushered her toward a seating area in a well-lit alcove.

              “Wait over there for me.”  He told her simply; trusting that she would do so, he led the upper-command into the great chamber.



Amelia took a seat on the low lying chaise in the corner of the alcove.  She sat and waited.  Hours ticked by, the twin suns steadily shifted position in the sky.  Despite her boredom, Amelia didn’t dare to nap, though no one had bothered her, she didn’t feel safe away from Galtan’s side. 

As she stared out one of the window’s watching the bustling of the soldiers in the courtyard as messages were exchanged and supplies gathered, the hair on the back of her neck prickled causing Amelia to turn just her head. 

The sight she was met with clearly reinforced the impression that she would only be safe on this planet when she was tucked into Galtan’s protective sphere.

Amelia had seen some of the dozen or so men who had gathered, blocking her into the corner, milling about the lobby.  Since they were inside the building, she could assume that they were members of the lower command.

“So, this is the breeding whore that threw the spaceport into chaos that day,” One of the men commented.

“Yeah, it broke the noses of a couple of
,” another answered.  Amelia bit the insides of her cheeks to keep her offense at being called ‘it’ to herself.  As she glanced around the group of alien men surrounding her, Amelia had a very bad feeling.  They were fidgeting; glancing at each other, every one of the men kept throwing glances at the large doors separating her from Galtan.

Amelia realized their intentions in the same horror filled moment that the first wave of four men pounced at her.  It took no effort for them to paw at and rip the caftan she wore, shredding it from hem to over her hip.

No!  No, this is not going to happen.
  Amelia kicked at the man trying to force her thighs to part.  With that first kick the group of assailants realized that she had not been broken.  That she would not acquiesce to their assault. 

Fingers dug into her flesh and more of the men came in closer to try to control her thrashing.  When one of the low commanders tried to cover her mouth with his hand, Amelia bit him; as he stumbled away from her another man pushed forward and hit her, hard.  With her face being battered as the rest of her body was being bruised, she fell on her last resort.  An action none of the men surrounding her expected, she screamed.











Why are they still arguing?  Stupid fools, there are no options other than military deployment.
  He was getting frustrated with the representatives of the high command; about to put a stop to the bickering, Galtan pushed his chair back from the table, around which they were gathered, and stood. 

Before he could call a cease to the posturing and demand a decision, a scream pierced the air.  It ricocheted around the lobby beyond the large doors.


  She would only call out, expose herself if she was in immediate danger.  Galtan bulled through the men surrounding him, filling the great chamber.  When he reached the doors to the lobby he slammed them wide.

They had her pinned.  Men who should know better were about to defile his woman. 
  The last thing that Galtan noticed as the world went red was a royal messenger staring, the man’s gaze switching between Galtan and the cluster of lower command assaulting Amiilya.










As she fought against her assailants, Amelia heard a monstrous roar fill the hall.  The men on her paused and then their weight lifted.  She heard screams and strange gurgling sounds; then the yelling began. 

When her eyes finally cleared, the haze from the first hit to her face lifted, Amelia saw Galtan.  However, it was a Galtan that she had never witnessed before.  He was mad with rage and using his bare hands to rip apart those that had attacked her, as well as any who tried to stop him. 

The whip-lean advisor that Amelia had seen the first time Galtan had ever brought her to the military compound; Furgen was Galtan’s current opponent.  The male, who had terrified her with his suggestions, was no match for the man who had become her lover. 

It took mere moments, but by the time Galtan approached her again, this time to lift her into his arms, more men than Amelia could count were dead and the crystal floors were painted with blood.  Had the crystal of
not been red already, the stain of so much blood would have never been lifted from the stone. 

BOOK: Alien Romance: Grabbed By The Alien Lord: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (Celestial Protectors Book 2)
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