Alien Romance: Rusneon Mates Boxed Set: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (24 page)

BOOK: Alien Romance: Rusneon Mates Boxed Set: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW)
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Lara gave him a double take.  “Excuse me?”

“Close the door,” Nax repeated irritably.  He had pulled off his gloves and started unbuttoning his tunic.  “You’re letting the heat out.”

Numbly, Lara did as she was told.  When she looked back, Nax was slowly pulling off his tunic.  Her gaze was fixed on his smooth, toned chest underneath.  His pectorals were finely sculpted and he had a clearly defined six-pack that made her heart do a somersault.

He looked up at her as he placed the tunic on a nearby bench and a knowing look passed between them.  They both knew he was gorgeous and he clearly revelled in her attraction to him. 

“You like what you see?” he asked playfully.

The conceited arrogance made her bristle with dull anger.  She’d known loads of guys like him at high school and the Science Academy.  Big-headed losers who thought they were God’s Gift. 

For a time she’d fallen hook, line and sinker for their dazzling looks and well-honed spiel, but now she saw them for what they really were.  Each and every one of those poseurs was a shallow jerk, and this haughty Prince Nax was just like the rest of them.

“What are you waiting for?” he asked abruptly.

She blinked at him.  “What?”

“Get undressed then,” he reiterated.  “You can’t bath fully dressed, or is that a custom in your crazy world?”

“Get undressed?” she echoed.  “You mean in front of you?”

“Yes, I mean in front of me.  What’s the problem?  Are you afraid you’ll corrupt me?  Or do you have something wrong with your body?  I saw a picture of a female once who had three vaginas.  You’re not related to her, are you?”

“I’m perfectly normal,” Lara said indignantly.  “I’m just not accustomed to getting undressed in front of a man.”

Nax cocked his head.  “How very boring for you, well you’ll have to get accustomed to it pretty soon.  Get undressed and get into one of the pools.”

Lara was lost for words.  She stood watching as Nax pulled off his boots and his tight leggings.

The rest of him was just as delectable as his torso and he was soon stripped down to a maddeningly small thong.  She couldn’t fail to notice the sizable bulge at the front.  He stretched his arms and his muscles moved with erotic grace.  He smiled knowingly at Lara.

“To protect your sensibilities, I will keep these on,” he said, pointing to his thong.  “I don’t want to over excite you on your first day.”

He turned her back to her, showing off the fact that his thong went between his tight ass-crack, giving her an eyeful his iron hard buttocks.  He padded with predatory grace across the smooth stone floor and eased himself into one of the pools with a contented sigh.

“That’s better,” he said before submerging his head into the warm waters.

Lara watched him with envious eyes, the heat reducing her to a sweating heap.  When Nax resurfaced, he gave her an exasperated look.  “You’ll have to get undressed Lara.  You can’t stay there sweating to death.  Just strip off and pick a pool.  You don’t have to share with me if you don’t want to.”

“No,” Lara said defiantly.  “I’m not comfortable about getting undressed in front of a man.”

“I won’t peek, I promise,” Nax chuckled.  He narrowed his eyes and a sly look crossed his face.  “You’ll have to get undressed soon or you’ll pass out.  If that happens, I’ll have to undress you myself.”

Lara recoiled at the thought.  “You could always let me leave here, or leave yourself and let me bathe in peace,” she retorted.

Nax shrugged.  “Where’s the fun in that?”

He splashed about in the water and rested his head on the edge of the pool.  It was clear that he had no intention of budging, and if she didn’t get undressed soon, she would faint.  Her thick clothes, designed for Nardenstar’s cold climate hung to her like a lead weight.

She wiped at her face, unable to resist anymore.  Reluctantly, she headed over to the bench where Nax had laid out his own clothing, and started to peel off tunic and trousers.  As the warm air touched her bare skin, she started to feel better.

The hairs on the back of her neck prickled and she turned round.  Nax was lying with his arms folded on the side of the pool watching her raptly.  He was grinning at her with his naughty schoolboy grin, looking irresistibly cute to Lara.  “See, I told you you’d feel better.”

She huffed and headed over to the pool a little way away from Nax.  She hadn’t gone completely naked, opting to keep her bra and panties on.  She pointedly ignored the watching Narden as she slipped into the water.

As she sunk into the pool, her aches eased miraculously away.  The waters were like a healing balm and she let out a little sigh of pleasure.

“I told you that you’d feel better when you were out of your clothes and wet,” Nax called over to her.  “Though is keeping your underwear on when bathing customary amongst Earthers?  Or are you just defective?”

Lara shot him a venomous glare.  “You know for a member of the aristocracy, you’re incredibly coarse and rude.  Is that customary?  Or are you just defective?”

Nax barked a laugh.  “You’ve met my father, you decide.”

“I’m guessing it runs in the family,” she drawled.

“You know on our world, a person would be instantly executed for being far less respectful to the Ruling Family than that,” Nax replied in a light-hearted tone.  There was a knife-sharp edge to his voice though.  “You should be careful what you say.  You’re only alive because of my generosity.”

Lara flinched.  She realised she had to be careful and watch her step.  She needed Nax on side if she was ever to get out of this situation.  She hated being duplicitous and fake, but realised she had to humour this arrogant jerk.  The thought of manipulating someone made her unhappy, even somebody as arrogant as Nax but she had no other choice.

“I’m very grateful, don’t get me wrong,” she said, trying to sound sincere.  “Please understand that all of this has been extremely traumatic for me.  I knew this mission was risky but I never expected this.”  She moved to the edge of the pool and shot Nax a look, which she hoped was needy and vulnerable enough to pull at his heart strings, if he had a heart that is.  “I know I’m being aggressive and defensive but it’s just a mechanism to deal with the fear.  I’m really scared at what’s going on here.”

Nax watched her, his face a sultry mask.  “Come and join me and I’ll give you a cuddle.  That’ll make you feel better.”

The face she made at the prospect made him laugh heartily.  The sound boomed around the dimly lit cavern.  “Ha!  You’re not frightened enough to rush to me for comfort.  You can drop the helpless maiden routine, it doesn’t become you. 

I knew you were a fiery spirit the minute I set eyes on you.  The audience with my father just confirmed what a steely bitch you could be.  You don’t know how refreshing that is around here.  All the women I fuck are docile sows who are only interested in my status and furthering their position at court.  Your honesty is the only thing keeping you alive right now.  I strongly suggest you don’t compromise it.”

Nax had delivered his speech in a dry, sardonic manner but Lara couldn’t help but not see the fiery integrity in his eyes.  She wasn’t sure how to react to that so she stayed silent.  Nax pushed himself away from the edge of his pool and floated on his back, his toned body just tantalisingly visible above the waterline.                       

Lara decided to let the silence linger and dipped her head into the water and let it cleanse her hair.  When she resurfaced, she wiped her face and flicked back her hair so it plastered to the back of her neck. 

She closed her eyes and listened to Nax splashing about.  She drifted away on the relaxing sound and the tranquil quiet of the baths almost falling asleep altogether.

Jerking her head up and opening her eyes, she gazed around the cavern.  Nax had floated to the side of his pool and had lifted one leg out of the water to rest on its side.  Droplets of water trickled down his smooth bare foot.

“That Belthazar really screwed you over, didn’t he?” Nax said at length, staring up at the steam wreathed ceiling.

Lara frowned, snapping out of her somnolent haze.  “What?”

“Your boyfriend, Belthazar.  He screwed you over, isn’t that the Earther term?”

“He’s not my boyfriend,” Lara thundered, “and he didn’t screw me over as you so vulgarly put it.  I keep telling you people that, but you just won’t listen.  Professor Belthazar is one of Earth Corporate’s most eminent physicists and possesses one of the most brilliant scientific minds of the twenty-fourth century.  He would not abandon me on this planet like this.  He is a good and compassionate man.”

Nax nodded thoughtfully.  “He must be a really good fuck to get such a ringing endorsement.”

“I’m not sleeping with him!” Lara yelled in exasperation.

“He’s gay then?”

“What?  No!  I don’t know!  Look, amazing as it might sound to you Prince Nax, it is actually possible for a man and a woman to interact together without being sexually involved.  It is the mark of a civilised society.”

“Sounds boring,” Nax muttered.  “Well, dumping you here doesn’t sound very civilised, if you ask me.”

Lara took a deep breath and kept her temper from erupting completely.  This jerk was driving her crazy.  Her eyes lingered on his strong, broad leg resting on the side of the pool and a stirring of attraction flitted through her body.  She quickly looked away and felt her cheeks flush.

“This could all be resolved if you would just let me contact the space station,” Lara said after a little while, trying for a friendlier approach.  “If you just talk to the Professor yourself, you’ll see he is a decent man and this is all a misunderstanding.”

“Maybe,” Nax replied before yawning and stretching.  “I don’t really care at the moment.”  He brought his leg back into the water and went to sit on the lip of the pool so he was directly facing her.  His eyes were dark and smoky as he looked at her.  “I’d rather do something more fun,” he said cryptically.  “You know, it’s very lonely over here in this pool.”

Lara tried not to look at him, but failed.  “What are you talking about now?” she said irritably.

“I think you know what I’m talking about,” he purred.  His hand brushed along the contours of his sculpted chest and lingered at the urgent bulge in his thong.  “As a scientist yourself, you’re brainy enough to work out the reason why I saved you from my father’s capriciousness.  Why don’t you come over here and show me your gratitude?  I have something here I’m sure you’ll like.”

A shudder went through Lara as she watched him slowly hitch down his thong.  His huge, erect manhood literally sprang out of it and she bit her lip at the sight of it. 

He was so perfect, so beautiful, a sculpted Adonis of the kind she’d fantasised about when she was a teenager.  Her whole body thrummed with desire and she ached to go over there and wrap her lips around his succulent meat.  He was watching her intently as he started stroking himself, and an arrogant half-smile played on his lips.

The complete and utter self-assurance he had in his own physical perfection made her stay where she was.  His arrogance was overbearing and it helped strengthen her resolve against the powerful temptation he hung in front of her. 

Yes, he was gorgeous on the outside, but it was clear to her now he was ugly on the inside too.  There was no real warmth or compassion in him, and that dampened her flame.  She suspected the rest of the Narden were the same as him.

Still, she couldn’t take her eyes off him and her apparently reluctance to go and join him didn’t seem to lessen his own arousal.  Holding his wide girth in his hand, he started jerking himself off with slow, steady strokes.

Wetness pooled between Lara’s legs as she watched him, unable to help herself from physically reacting to Nax’s shameless display.  After a while, he seemed to forget her and closed his eyes.  Leaning his head back, he let out throaty moans and thrust his cock hard into the palm of his hand.

Lara’s breath caught in her throat as he picked up speed, and his body tensed as he looked ready to reach the moment of no return.  He lifted his feet out of the water and bunched his toes, letting out deep, primal groans of pleasure.  Lara’s skin was on fire and it wasn’t from the heat of the baths.  She watched with naked hunger as he jerked faster and faster, taking himself to orgasm.

“Argh!  Yes!” he gasped as he cock shot its thick load.  His rich, sticky seed pumped out of him and Lara wished he had erupted into her mouth and down her throat.

Shocked by her own savage urges, she retreated to the far end of her pool and pretended she hadn’t been watching.

Nax let out deep, panting breaths and wiped the sweat from his forehead.  He opened his eyes and grinned.  “That’s better,” he said brightly.

“You’re disgusting,” Lara murmured, shooting him a reproachful glance.

There was a slight flicker of guilt in Nax’s cocky expression before he set his face into a stony mask.  He pulled himself out of the pool and padded over to an alcove set into the wall. 

As Lara watched, he took a heavy cloak made of white fur from a peg inside the alcove and wrapped himself in it.  Grabbing an identical cloak from another peg, he went over to Lara’s pool and held it out to her.

“Get out and put this on,” he ordered brusquely.

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