All A Heart Needs B&N (31 page)

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Authors: Barbara Freethy

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: All A Heart Needs B&N
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Her heart swelled with emotion. "It's not fair. You're a songwriter. You're much better at words than I am."

He smiled and used his thumb to wipe a tear off her cheek. "Just tell me how you feel."

She thought for a moment, wanting to get the words exactly right. "I feel happy, somewhat amazed, a little scared but mostly excited about the future."

"That sounds about right," he said with a loving smile.

"Okay. So I have one more question," she said.

"What's that?"

"Are you ever going to kiss me?"

He grinned. "I was just getting to that." He cupped her face with his hands, gave her a long, adoring look, and then gave her a kiss that promised everything she'd ever wanted and more.



One month later


Ashbury Studios was packed with people for the grand opening party, many of them Callaways. Jessica walked through the long hallway from the parking lot, exchanging hellos and hugs with Sean's cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandparents. She was thrilled to see so much family support. But the two people she hadn't seen yet were Sean's parents, Lynda and Jack.

While Jack and Sean had made some repairs to their relationship, they still had a long way to go, and Jessica knew that Sean really wanted his dad to show up for the party, to see what he'd been working on and saving for the past few years.

When she reached the main studio, she found more Callaways, including Sean. He was standing with Kyle and Brandon, Nicole, Ryan, and Emma.

When he saw her, a happy smile spread across his face as he said, "That took awhile."

"I know. The realtor was late. What have I missed?"

"You missed nothing, but I missed you." He gave her a quick kiss.

Emma rolled her eyes. "It's true what they say. The most stubborn bachelors fall the hardest."

Sean laughed. "I can't deny that I've fallen hard."

"So did you get the house?" Nicole asked.

Jessica nodded. "Yes, no more renting for me. I now officially own a two-bedroom townhouse. And the best part is that it's brand new. There are no secrets within the walls, no old mystery to be solved. I am going to be the very first owner. I am very excited about it."

"Mom is going to put shark wallpaper up in my room," Kyle announced to the group. "I got to pick it out already. And bunk beds, too, because Brandon likes the bottom, and I like the top."

"It's going to be awesome," Sean said, patting Kyle's shoulder.

"Well, if it isn't the Callaway clan out in full force," Hunter said, joining the group. He gave them all a broad smile. "What do you think?"

"Amazing," Emma said. "And I think I speak for all of us. But we can't believe that you and Sean kept this a secret for so long."

"Your brother's choice, not mine," Hunter replied. "Now who wants to see the control room?"

"Me," Kyle said immediately. "And Brandon wants to see it, too."

Brandon didn't add his voice but he did look excited at the thought of going into a room with a lot of shiny buttons and switches.

"Just be careful, Kyle," Jessica warned. "Listen to Hunter, and don't touch anything."

"Don't worry. I'll watch them," Hunter said.

"I'll help you," Ryan added, following Hunter and the boys into the control room.

"So how did you get enough money to do this, Sean?" Nicole asked curiously.

"I saved my pennies."

"Must have been a lot of pennies. And here I thought you were just a free spirited rock and roller."

"I'll always be that," he said with a grin.

"Yeah, but now you're a businessman, too," Nicole said. "It's going to take some getting used to."

"I'm still the same guy." Sean paused as one of his band members called his name, then excused himself. "I'll be right back."

As Sean left, Nicole turned to her and said, "Emma and I want to see your space, too."

"It's not my space yet," she replied. "I'm still in the very early stages of figuring out if I can really run a dance studio all by myself. And whether or not I can make the numbers add up. I spent a lot of money on the townhouse. But I can show you what it looks like."

"I have a feeling you'll be able to make it work," Nicole said.

"I hope so." She led them up to the second floor. As they stepped into the open space, she said, "We'll eventually divide this area into two studios. There will be lots of mirrors and a good floor. Down the hall, there will be a small office and two dressing rooms."

"I love the light," Nicole said as they walked toward the middle of the room.

"It's what I noticed first," Jessica admitted. "The big windows and the high ceilings make you feel like you're dancing in a very special place."

"Are you going to teach adults?" Emma asked. "I wouldn't mind taking a class. Nicole would love it, too, wouldn't you, Nic?"

Nicole immediately shook her head. "I have two left feet. I was never good at dancing and the only thing I liked about ballet class was the pink tutu."

"I'm sure Jessica will let you wear one," Emma teased.

"I'd love for you to take a class," Jessica said. "I want to offer as much variety as I can for adults and kids."

"So much for not having a plan," Nicole said with a pointed look. "You've thought about this a lot."

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about it."

"Then do it, unless you're worried about spending so much time with Sean," Emma teased.

"Not a chance. I'm crazy about that man, and I'm glad you're both okay with Sean and me being together. You're my best friends here in the city, and you're both really important to me."

"Aw," Emma said, coming over to give her a hug. "We feel the same way about you."

"We do," Nicole agreed, also giving her a hug. "We're all family now."

"We are," Jessica said with a nod. "When I was a little girl, all I wanted was a family. That was my real dream. It wasn't to dance on Broadway or be in a ballet company. Sure, I wanted those, too, but in my heart, all I really needed was love. I had it once with Travis but that didn't last. And his family couldn't stand me, so I never belonged with them. But now I have you both and the whole crazy Callaway clan. I have sisters and brothers, nieces and nephews, and grandparents. I'm overwhelmed with how wonderful and accepting everyone is."

"I think you left someone out."

She turned at the sound of Sean's deep voice.

"What about me?" he asked. "Don't you have me, too?"

"Yes, but you are in your own category."

"That’s what I like to hear" He turned to his sisters. "What do you guys think of this space?"

"It's great," Nicole answered. "I can picture a bunch of little girls in ballet clothes running around. I think Jessica is going to create a fantastic dance studio, and you, my brother, are going to have a really successful music studio. The two of you are on your way. I'm thrilled for both of you."

"I am, too," Emma added. "You should be proud, Sean."

"I'm feeling good I have to say, and my life is even better, because I have Jessica." He gave her a loving smile. "Did you tell them we're going to live together?"

"I didn't know if you wanted everyone to know," she said.

"I have no more secrets," Sean said. He smiled at Emma and Nicole. "Jess and I are going to share her new place until we get married."

Emma's jaw dropped. "You're getting married? When? And where's the ring?"

"We haven't gotten that far yet," Sean said.

"Sean, dear brother, you don't propose without a ring," Nicole said.

Jessica smiled as both of Sean's sisters exchanged an exasperated look. "Don't blame him," she said. "I told Sean I wanted us to pick out a ring together."

"Make sure it's a big one," Emma said. "Apparently, my younger brother is good at saving money."

Sean laughed. "Good point."

"Do you have a date in mind?" Nicole asked.

"We're thinking this summer," Jessica said. "But it's not going to be a big fancy deal. It will just be family."

"With our family, that will be a big deal," Emma said. "I'm so happy for you both. I can't wait to have another sister. When are you going to tell the family?"

"In about five minutes," Sean said, checking his watch. He smiled at Jessica. "Are you ready?"


Emma and Nicole led the way down the stairs. As they reached the first floor, they ran into Jack and Lynda.

Everyone seemed to drop back as Sean faced his father, the man who had never heard him play live. Jessica could feel the sudden tension in the air, and silently wished for one of them to speak, preferably Jack. This was Sean's night. And he deserved a night that was wonderful and perfect.

Jack slowly extended his hand. "This is an incredible studio, Sean. You've impressed the hell out of me."

"That must be a first," Sean said as he shook his father's hand.

"I'm looking forward to hearing you play," Jack added.

"I'm glad you came. I think you're going to enjoy the show." Sean turned to Jessica. "Shall we kick things off?"

As they left his parents and walked through the crowd of Callaways, she whispered. "Are you sure you don't want this night to just be about you and the studio?"

"Not a chance. My life would be nothing without you." He motioned for Kyle to come over and join them. Then he swung the little boy up in his arms and the three of them stepped up to the microphone.

"I want to thank you all for coming," Sean said. "Before we get into the music, I have a special announcement to make. This beautiful woman has agreed to be my wife, and this amazing kid is going to let me be his stepdad."

The crowd erupted into applause and shouts of congratulations.

Sean gazed down to Jessica. "I love you so much."

"I love you back," she said softly.

"When are we getting married?" Kyle asked with an excited grin.

She laughed. "Very soon."

Sean set Kyle back on his feet and then pulled her into his arms. "I'm the luckiest man on earth."

"And I'm the luckiest woman. Now it's time for you to sing me a song."

"I wrote a new one just for you."

"What's it called?"

All A Heart Needs
. Because all I need is you, Jess."

"Right back at you." She pulled his head down and gave him a kiss. Then she walked back to her family and her friends as the man she loved sang his heart out—just for her.



Dear Reader:


I hope you fell in love with Sean and Jessica's story. I'd been thinking about them ever since they met in
, and I couldn't wait to give them their own shot at love. If you enjoyed the book, I hope you'll leave a review and share your thoughts with other potential readers.


I'm currently working on the sixth book in the Callaway Series. It will be released in May of 2014. The title and excerpt will be posted on my website at
when everything is finalized. Earlier books in the Callaway Series include:
(#4) and
(A Callaway Wedding Novella).


If you want to make sure you don't miss a book, please
sign up for my newsletter
, so you'll get a book alert when there is a new release.


Following this excerpt, I'm including an excerpt from
two of my most popular titles, in case you've missed them.


Happy Reading!



Excerpt: Summer Secrets

Barbara Freethy


Excerpt © 2013





Ship's log, Moon Dancer, July 10

Wind: 40 knots, gusting to 65 knots

Sea Conditions: rough, choppy, wild

Weather Forecast: rain, thunder, lightning


Kate McKenna's fingers tightened around the pen in her hand as the Moon Dancer surfed up one wave and down the next. The ship's log told nothing of their real journey, revealed none of the hardships, the secrets, the heartbreak, the danger they now faced. She wanted to write it down, but she couldn't. Her father's instructions were explicit: Nothing but the facts.

She couldn't write that she was worried, but she was. The weather was turning, the barometer dropping. A big storm was coming. If they changed course, they would lose valuable time, and her father would not consider that option. They were currently in second place -- second place and heading straight into the fury of the sea. She could hear the winds beginning to howl. She feared there would be hell to pay this night. Everyone's nerves were on edge. Arguments could be heard in every corner of the boat. She wanted to make it all go away. She wanted to take her sisters and go home, but home was at the other end of the ocean.

"Kate, get up here!" someone yelled.

She ran up on deck, shocked to the core by the intensity of the storm. The spray blew so hard it almost took the skin off her face. She had to move, had to help her father reef down the sails to the storm jib. But all she could do was stare at the oncoming wave. It must be forty feet high and growing. Any second it would crash over their boat. How on earth would they survive?

And, if they didn't, would anyone ever know the true story of their race around the world?




Chapter One


Eight years later...


"The wind blew and the waves crashed as the mighty dragon sank into the sea to hide in the dark depths of the ocean until the next sailor came too close to the baby dragons. The end."

Kate McKenna smiled at the enraptured looks on the faces before her. Ranging in age from three to ten, the children sat on thick, plump cushions on the floor in a corner of her store, Fantasia. They came three times a week to hear her read stories or tell tales. At first they were chatty and restless, but once the story took hold, they were hers completely. Although it wasn't the most profitable part of her bookstore business, it was by far the most enjoyable.

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