All Amity Allows (Fall for You Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: All Amity Allows (Fall for You Book 2)
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“This is so far beyond . . . well, beyond
,” he said. “How exactly am I supposed to deal with this? And what about my family? Dad must be so worried right now.”

Amity started to doubt herself and her actions anew. She’d just imagined that he might be willing to take her up on her offer, and now it was all lost. Drew’s statement had seemed so final that Amity assumed he was turning her down.

Although she could understand him not wanting to open himself up to more heartbreak, she’d been hoping to take a few precious days of stolen time that she could carry with her for all eternity after she left him to the rest of his life. He was human, and he was healing himself at a rapid rate, so she was almost certain he would find love again. Even though that reality was painful to consider, the fact that he’d eventually find happiness almost made her happy.

“I—I can take you back now, if you want?” She really wanted to have this time with him though. One blissful week, where they could carve out their own little slice of Heaven. She’d imagined the things they could do enough times while hashing out her plan the night before, but in all her planning, she hadn’t really given much thought to the possibility that Drew wouldn’t be interested in exploring the limited time she could offer.

“Yes. No. Just . . . give me a minute to try to process this, please?”

The fact that he didn’t immediately want to leave gave her hope.

“I love you, Drew,” she said as she met his panicked gaze with a steady calm she didn’t really feel. It was time for her to put it all on the line. “It’s not enough. It won’t change anything, but it’s the truth.”

He placed his fingers under her chin, guiding her face up to his. “I love you, too, Amity.”

The words were everything she already knew, but she was relieved to hear them anyway.

“But this—
—it won’t last, will it?”

She shook her head before resting her face against his chest. “It can’t.”

A sorrowful sigh issued from him.

“All I can offer you is one week,” she said, stepping back a little to trace her fingertips over his jaw. “One week of pure, unadulterated pleasure, but that’s it. And I’m sorry about that. I’m sorry I’m too selfish to give you up without hurting you more first. I just couldn’t walk away without asking for this first.”

“And what if I don’t want to let you go?”

“You and I both know you’ll have to. Neither of us have a choice in that.”

“This is so fucking stupid,” he growled before he captured her hand in his own and pressed her palm against his lips.

“I’m sorry.”

“Me too.”

A moment passed as the two of them stared into one another’s eyes. Drew’s lips pressed against her palm once more before he spoke again.

“I could just stay here forever.” There wasn’t a trace of doubt or insincerity in his voice when he said it.

She could barely believe what she was hearing, barely allowed the hope to swell in her chest. “You’d do that? For me?”

She’d never allow him to, but the fact he was willing to throw away everything he had for her was more than she ever could have expected. It meant more than she anticipated.

Pacing away from her, he ran his fingers through his hair. “The last couple of weeks . . . they’ve changed me. I don’t know yet if it’s for the better, but I do know that I’m not willing to turn my back on those changes and blindly walk back into my old life, my old habits. I want to stay. With you.”

He turned back to her, his gaze flashing with his obviously scattered thoughts. His eyes were wide and wild, and she realized that all of her plans had been so selfish. She needed to put her own needs aside, and do what he needed for a while.

“Even if it was possible, I couldn’t let you do that. You have family. You have your patients. You can’t willingly walk away from all of that for me. I know you wouldn’t really want to—and it’s not a choice you can just take back if you change your mind.”

The reality of what staying there with Amity would actually entail must have registered with Drew and he frowned. “How long can I stay with you for? I mean, and still be, you know . . . alive?”

“You’re the doctor. You tell me.”

“I don’t know what my body is doing down there?” The last two words were uttered with such clear confusion that she wondered once again whether her plan was a bad idea. “Or what is happening to it. Me. Him?”

“Your body will continue to do everything it needs to in order to survive, at least. I think it will.”

“You think?”

She shrugged. “I’m sorry. I’ve never done this before, but I had to. I had to take the risk, do you understand?”

“Shouldn’t I have had a say? Especially if you only
you know that I’ll be okay.”

“Yes. You should have. I’m sorry.” Her lip quivered as tears pricked her eyes. She dropped her head to look at the sand again. There was no way she could look at Drew without tears.

“If I—um, it?” He shook his head. “If everything responds the way that it should, I—shit, what am I even saying? This is crazy!”

He buried his head in his hands. When he lifted it again, he met her eyes.

“But it would be crazier not to enjoy a few stolen moments with you,” he murmured.

Without pausing, he covered the two strides that separated them and pulled her into his arms. Despite her surprise at his fast action, Amity wrapped her arms around his neck and surrendered herself to his embrace as his lips caressed hers.

It was more than she could have hoped for after his minor freak-out over her actions, and she wanted to tell him that much. “Drew, I—”

He silenced her protest with another kiss. “I don’t want to have to say goodbye, but if I’ll have to eventually, I want to enjoy every minute I have with you until then.”


Chapter Nineteen


Taking Amity’s soft
gasp at his words as permission, Drew swept her into his arms, lifting her up to carry her across the sand and into the private bungalow at the edge of the beach.

Amity giggled in his arms, and the sound made him practically sprint to the front door. By the time he arrived, he saw it wasn’t actually a solid door at all, but a series of strings of shells screening the inside from the outside. For half a second, he was confused by the lack of security in the way of a lockable entrance, but then he remembered Amity’s words to consider the whole place as being in his head. There was no need for locks there because there was nothing to lock out.

Besides, he reasoned from some place deep inside that accepted the whole mess a little too easily, there are no burglars in Heaven. At least, none who didn’t repent.

He carried Amity through the doorway, the rounded shells rolling over their bodies in a clatter of noise. When he reached the inside, he didn’t pause to investigate the decor. Instead, he pressed on, moving toward the doorway he could see at the far side of the space—the one that housed a giant four-pillar bed with gossamer curtains.

Amity was practically panting when he set her down on the mattress. Her breathlessness almost made it seem as though she’d just raced him toward the room rather than been carried. The sight confused him until he met the lust-filled depths of her gaze. When he did, there was no need for further words. He let his hands and lips do the talking for him. His fingertips and tongue caressed every exposed inch of her skin as she tugged at his shirt to free his body. Now that the unspoken accord had passed between them that this was definitely going to happen, he didn’t want to wait another second to explore.

He hooked his fingers into the hem of her dress and yanked it up over her body. Just as he’d suspected, she was completely naked beneath the thin material. He moaned at the sight of her milky-white, almost opaque skin; at the swell of her full breasts and the perfect buds that tipped them; and at the smattering of light blonde curls that marked the apex of her thighs. He wanted to touch, to taste, and to memorize every part of her.

“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he murmured as his eyes swept paths over her body. He climbed backward off the bed just far enough to give him space to remove the last of his own clothing. The instant he dropped his board shorts, his erection sprung free—rock hard and pointing in the direction of the woman he wanted more than anything or anyone.

Starting at her thighs, he kissed his way up her body, committing every inch to his memory. When he reached her full breasts, he closed his eyes and allowed his fingers to learn every curve and bump.

Amity moaned beneath him and her hands began to wander across his body. Drew had always prided himself on his ability to last—he’d never been a two-pump chump, not even on his first attempt—but the feeling of her fingertips softly tracing his skin while he took her nipple between his lips was almost enough to make him lose it. His breath came in short, desperate bursts as he tried to hold himself together. He couldn’t even begin to imagine what it would feel like to have her hand caress him even more intimately.

When he looked up, he saw a ghost of a smile on Amity’s lips. He wondered what she was thinking until her hand moved down between them and her fingers formed a loose grip around his shaft. It was almost like she’d read his mind, but the stream of consciousness that lead to that thought was obliterated when she stroked up and then down in a soft, slow motion. He closed his eyes and moaned as he bucked into her hand.

“God, that feels . . .” he trailed off when he couldn’t find an adequate word for the sensation. It was more than amazing, more
than any words he knew or could possibly hope to learn could ever fully describe.

Instead of telling her, he decided to show her, moving swiftly and covering her lips with his own. He cupped one hand against her cheek, holding her in place as he attacked her mouth with kisses. He sucked on her lower lip, drawing it between his teeth before sweeping his tongue across it. Then he plunged his tongue forward into her mouth as he bucked against her hand again, wordlessly voicing his need for her.

As her tongue danced with his, she hitched one leg around his thighs. Drew took it as an invitation, moved his hand from her cheek down between her legs, and stroked it across her slick, heated skin. Even the sensation of her desire on his fingertips was enough to make him lose control. He had to think unsexy thoughts if he didn’t want to fuck it all up too early. The problem was that it was impossible not to think sexy thoughts with the blonde-haired angel lavishing attention on his body with both hand and mouth.

He pressed two fingers against her entrance, stroking lightly in and out until she was practically crying out beneath him.

“Drew, I need you. Please?” She lifted her hips so that his fingers slid deeper within her. She tightened her hold on his shaft and coaxed him closer to her body.

His mind was barely functioning beyond what was right in front of him, beneath him, the voice of an angel desperate for him. He wanted to argue that he couldn’t take her yet, that if he did, he wasn’t sure he would last more than a few seconds; that he needed to make sure she was satisfied first, but all of his arguments fell away as she pleaded again.

Without allowing himself to over think it, or second guess his actions, he took over her grip of his shaft, lined himself up and sank deep inside of her as matching wordless exclamations of need spilled from them both. Knowing he wouldn’t last, not bareback and so full of need, not with such an exquisite creature beneath him, he used his thumb to guide her to climax as he crashed into her over and over for his own.


Amity stretched
languidly over Drew’s body. Only seconds earlier, he’d taken her to places she’d never even known existed. It had been a long time since she’d felt anything so wonderful—and she’d possibly never felt anything quite so
. She’d certainly never experienced such intense feelings before, or shared anything so special with another. Maybe it was the fact that here in Heaven, she was granted a connection to souls greater than any that she could achieve on Earth which had granted her the heightened experience. Her grace was in control, reading his moods and even his thoughts when they were focused enough.

She recalled how powerful she’d felt when she’d held him in her palm, not simply his physical body, but his very soul. Her body buzzed almost instantly with need for him again as she thought about it and she pressed her lips against his chest.

The low moan of desire that escaped Drew’s lips told her that he was just as ready for round two as she was. This time though, she wanted control. She wasn’t used to handing complete control over to another, and while she was happy to do it for Drew because she knew that he needed it, she had her own experiences to try before they had to leave their time together behind.

She pushed herself up off the bed, climbing over Drew’s body and straddling his waist.

“Am?” Drew questioned as he cracked one eye open.

“Surely you’re not finished yet?” she teased.

He looked a little panicked at her suggestion. They’d collapsed into a satiated heap not even five minutes earlier and even with his stamina, he’d never gone again quite so quickly. She could read in his thoughts that he didn’t think it was humanly possible. But that was exactly Amity’s point, what she wanted to show him. Human limitations didn’t exist in Heaven.

His cock, limp and used, rested on his thigh, just in front of her hips.

“Don’t worry,” she assured him. “I’ll take my time so that you’ve had a break before we go again.”

She smiled wickedly and then conjured the smoothest silk ropes she could, and secured them around his wrists, tying him to the bed.

He snapped out of his satisfied daze and twisted to look at the bindings. “What are you doing?”

“You’ve always been so restrained everywhere else but the bedroom. Now, you’re learning to be free everywhere else, you can learn what it’s like to be restrained in the bedroom.”

His thoughts screamed at her, confirming his acceptance of, and even desire for the idea, but he wasn’t completely ready to let go of his need for control just yet. “But how am I supposed to please you if I can’t use my hands?”

She smiled at him, certain it would radiate every wonderful emotion crashing through her body. “I love that you think of my needs before your own, but we’ve got days and days for that. And this is your Heaven. This is for you.”

It was a lie. She was certain she’d find many and multiple orgasms over and over during their week, even without him using his hands ever again. Securing his arms was just one way she could help him see that letting go and giving up control wasn’t always a bad thing. Even in their stolen moment together, she wanted to help heal him.

She kissed his body, ensuring her hair trailed over his skin as she moved from his throat to his stomach. Even though her hair tickled his sides, the sensation went straight to his cock rather than his funny bone. He moaned his pleasure, but she already knew how her touch affected him.

Before long, his erection was back in force and she sank down onto it. The satisfied feeling of being filled by him caused her to tip her head back and moan. For the first time, Drew strained against the silken ropes she’d used to secure him.

He wanted to touch her, to kiss her. His need echoed through her. She decided instead to put on a show for him. Listening to her intuition about the places he wanted to run his fingers, she slid her own hands over the same areas as she rocked her hips against his. She ran her hands over her breasts, rubbed her thumbs across her nipples, and moaned in time with Drew as she did. When he was practically arching off the bed to get to her, she finally relented—a little. Without breaking the rhythm of the rocking motion, she leaned forward so that Drew could take her nipples into his mouth one at a time. Her body clenched around him and her cries grew louder as she found her release.

“Please, Am,” Drew whispered, his voice full of need. “Let me free.”

She leaned backward as she rode out waves of pleasure. Drew groaned as he ground his hips against hers, trying to emulate the movements she’d been making moments earlier. Spent, she dropped forward over him and brought her smiling lips against his, covering his mouth with soft, sated kisses.

Just when he was growing completely desperate, Amity snapped her fingers and the bounds disappeared. Drew didn’t waste a second. He scooped Amity up, flipped her onto her back, and clutched her hips tightly while he pounded into her.

It wasn’t long until he had her screaming his name once more, and only then did he allow himself to tumble over the edge with her.

BOOK: All Amity Allows (Fall for You Book 2)
10.76Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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