All Bets Are On (5 page)

Read All Bets Are On Online

Authors: Cynthia Cooke

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Demons & Devils, #Series

BOOK: All Bets Are On
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Chapter Nine

Finally alon
e in the back of the limo, Derek’s mouth moved over Jaclyn’s neck, savoring the scent of her, spicy with a hint of musk that made him think of nothing but stripping her naked. He wanted to feel his skin against hers, her warmth, her softness. His tongue flicked her earlobe. Drawing it into his mouth, he savored the small nub, pulling it between his teeth. She made a soft mewling noise, and he knew he had to have her. All of her.

His mouth found hers, capturing and conquering, and showing no mercy as his hand moved up her thigh, toward her center. Her taste filled him, surging in his blood, his cock swelling painfully against his zipper. There was no stopping it, stopping them. Even if he wanted to, which he didn’t. He had to have her.

Moving his tongue the way his cock wanted to move within her tight center—deeper and deeper, faster and faster—he kissed her. She moaned, clutching his shoulders, as his hand slipped beneath her dress and found the heat between her legs.

She gasped and lifted off the seat as his fingers caressed the soft skin of her inner thigh, lightly stroking, circling. Seducing. Yes, she would be his tonight and it would be a night she would not soon forget. His fingers eased toward the thin silky fabric of her panties.

“Stop, no.” Jaclyn pulled away from him, her eyes filled with panic, her breath coming in short, shallow gasps.

He wanted to draw her back, but he didn’t move. The scent of her desire, warm and thick, filled the car, making it hard to reason. “Yes. Jaclyn.” He was pleading. How could he possibly be pleading? But damn, every fiber of his being was burning for her.

“I can’t. I won’t,” she whispered barely able to find her voice. “Not here. Not in the back of a limo like some cheap—” She couldn’t say the words. She was gasping for air, swinging her head back and forth, her eyes wide, her hair a lovely mess.

They were passing the Ritz Carlton. Derek picked up the phone and called the driver. “Get us a room at the Ritz, will you Phlegyas?”

The limo immediately turned around.

“I can’t go into a hotel with you,” she insisted, righting her clothes.

“Why not? You don’t want to make love to me here in the back of this car, and I can understand that, sort of. I mean it does have imported leather seats and the best Persian carpet money can buy—”

“Are you serious? You are not really serious right now?”

He smiled. “No. I just…well. I don’t want the night to end. You. This. It’s magic, and I know you feel the same. We were making a connection here, one I hoped we could explore further.”

“You did?” she asked, a smile moving onto her face. “You want to get to know me better?”

“More than anything,” he said and, at that moment, he truly meant it.

“Good. Then take me to Serendipity’s.”


“Don’t worry, it’s not far.” The limo stopped in front of the Ritz, and before the driver could reach her, she opened the door and crawled out of the limo, catching herself on the car.

“What is a Serendipity?” he asked, feeling slightly exuberant as the night air hit him.

“Only the best ice cream parlor in town. And luckily for you, it is located right inside.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him through the front doors of the hotel and into a brightly lit ice cream parlor.

“Ice cream,” he mumbled. “Great, just what I wanted.”

Jaclyn was ready
to crawl right out of her skin. And her clothes. She needed to get into that ice cream parlor and quick, or she would be sexing Derek right there in the lobby of the Ritz. What had gotten into her? She’d never felt like this before. Like a wanton Jezebel. Like she didn’t care who was watching or what the consequences were, only that she had to feel him inside her. Around her. Moving deep within her.

She sucked in a breath and headed toward the counter. “A hot fudge sundae, please. With extra fudge.” Chocolate would be the only answer to what ailed her. Well, not the only answer, but the best thing she could come up with at the moment.

Derek walked up behind her and encircled his arms around her waist. “Make that two.”

She leaned back into him, feeling his bulge pressing into her bottom. God, the way he touched her, it was unbelievable. Amazing. Sinful. The boy working the counter turned his back to make the ice cream and Derek, taking full advantage, swept both hands up Jaclyn’s stomach and cupped her breasts. Her nipples tightened painfully and she longed for him to pinch them, to hold them tighter, to take them in his mouth and suck them fiercely. She turned in his arms and kissed him deeply.

“Um,” the boy said behind her. Reluctantly, she broke away and turned back to see two giant sundaes sitting on the counter in front of her.

“Thank you,” she said, without looking up at him, knowing what she would see on his face, the perceptive grin, the sparkle in his young eyes. Her cheeks flamed.

Derek paid the bill while she took the sundaes to a small table in the back corner out of the boy’s sight. She set them on the table, took a chair, and immediately put a large bite of chocolate-laden ice cream into her mouth.

And moaned in pleasure.

Derek sat next to her, a smile on his face. His color was high, as hers must be. They were both swimming in erotic hormones, and if she didn’t cool down quick she was going to lose their bet. She couldn’t let that happen.

“I can think of a lot of better ways to make you moan,” he said.

She took another bite. “Mmm. I don’t know about that.”

“Are you sure?” His wicked hand slipped between her legs.

She squeezed them shut and as he pulled away she thought of her kids at the foundation, thought of the looks on their little faces when the play equipment arrived. Play equipment she would never be able to afford if they couldn’t get back on their financial feet. That had to be her focus, the only thing that should be on her mind. That would keep her out of Derek’s strong arms and away from his extremely capable hands. Her gaze dropped to his hands, and her body tingled from phantom touches. Yes, he was that good.

She looked up at his lips, his strong jaw, his beautifully wide shoulders, and turned back to her ice cream. He leaned over and licked a bit of chocolate off her upper lip and it took every ounce of strength she had not to abandon her ice cream right then, throw her arms around him, and kiss him senseless. She was doomed.


“That good?” Derek
asked, his sundae barely touched. Ice cream wasn’t what he wanted.

“Heavenly,” she murmured. After she took another large bite, he leaned over and licked the hot fudge off her lips, which led to another kiss. He stroked his tongue against hers, making her squirm in her seat.

“We need to stop,” she said, breaking away from him.

“Why? When we’re having so much fun.” He would explode in his pants if he didn’t get some relief. This woman was hot. She had him in such a state, in fact he couldn’t remember the last time he’d wanted a woman this badly. Maybe Minos and the others were right. Maybe he was way overdue to get laid.

She grinned and fanned herself. “Because things are getting a little too hot in here.”

“And what’s wrong with that?” He leaned in again. She stopped him with a hand to his chest. Just her touch, sure and strong, made the breath catch in his throat.

“What’s wrong with that is I’m not going to sleep with you tonight. I need that money. Correction, my foundation needs that money.” She scooted away from him then took another bite of her damned ice cream.

He was literally aching for her.

“A bet is a bet,” she added, then filled her mouth, that beautiful sweet mouth, with even more ice cream. She took the cherry off the top and pulled the stem out in a most seductive way. He was going to come in his pants.

“Didn’t you get a donation or two tonight?”

“I did, but it wasn’t enough to cover all the bills and for a playground.”

“A playground? Is that really necessary?”

“Necessary? No.”

“Then, darling, what are we waiting for?” He wanted to pounce on her, to throw her back on the bench and fuck her senseless right then and there. If he gave the boy behind the counter an eyeful, well, a little education never hurt anyone.

“We’re having ice cream and you’re not eating any of yours.” She pouted, staring at his drooping sundae.

Seriously, if his sexy schoolmarm wanted to eat ice cream, he knew just the place to put it. “It’s not what I’m hungry for.”

“Maybe not, but you can’t let something that good, that sinful, go to waste.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Thank you for being such a gentleman.”

“Is that what I am?”

She laughed. “The prize is always sweeter to those who wait for it.”

He ran the top of his finger down her neck and along the V of her dress. “Waiting isn’t my strong suit.”

“Especially when you’re not sure if you’ll actually win in the end?”

His gaze caught hers and held them until finally she turned away, finishing off the last of her sundae.

win you. That I can guarantee you, Miss Reynolds.”

“Really?” she taunted.

“Really. So the big question is, how can you turn down such a golden opportunity?”

“Pardon me?”

“Let’s face it, we’re good together. Real good. It’s not every day that you are with someone who makes you feel the way we feel now. Are you willing to walk away from what could be the best night of your life?”

Her eyes searched his and he knew he’d struck a nerve.

“How often have you felt this comfortable with someone? This excited? I know it hasn’t been very often for me.” He kissed her again, softer, slower, with more meaning. “We have something here. Don’t you want to see where it goes?”

“I do. I…”

“Consider this night a gift to ourselves. To each other. Consider it a beginning of something incredible.”

“But… But the foundation,” she said, as his lips devoured hers, licking, probing, searching.

“A gift,” he murmured. “For you. Only for you.”

His hand slipped to her breast and she sucked in a deep breath as his fingers sought and then found her nipple, sending exquisite pleasure pulsing through her.

“Yes,” she murmured. “A gift. To ourselves.”

“And each other.”

Chapter Ten

Derek swept her out
of the ice cream parlor as quickly as he could before she changed her mind. Phlegyas was waiting for him, key card in hand, a smile on his face. “A suite, room twelve-ten.” Derek grabbed the key without breaking his stride. He ushered Jaclyn inside the elevator and pressed the button for the twelfth floor.

He didn’t take his hands off her. He held her close, kissing her exquisite mouth, her neck, waiting impatiently until he could get her alone in the room. He thought about taking the pins out of her long, unruly hair and watching it cascade around her bare shoulders. About seeing her naked, beneath him, looking up at him with those large green eyes heavy with desire. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d wanted a woman this badly. It certainly hadn’t been in this century.

As they reached the twelfth floor, he held her hand, brimming with expectation as they hurried toward the room. He slipped the key card into the lock and the door clicked open. He moved her through the front room. She appeared almost as anxious as he was. Afraid to stop, afraid if he did she’d change her mind, he guided her into the bedroom. He stopped behind her and drew a finger down the bare skin of her back, leaning down to place a soft kiss on her shoulder.

“Your skin is so soft,” he whispered as his finger found her zipper and pulled it down. Slowly, he slipped the straps of the red gown off her shoulders. It fell and nestled around her hips. She turned and faced him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him fiercely. Her tongue sweeping into his mouth as her hands moved down his chest to unbutton his shirt. Slowly, one by one. Each soft touch sent fire shooting through him. He hooked his fingers under her dress and pushed it over her hips until it puddled with a swoosh to the floor.

To Derek’s surprise and absolute delight, she stepped out of the material and continued kissing him in nothing but a black lacy bra, black thong panties, and tall come-fuck-me black spiked heels. This good girl gone bad was making his blood boil.

Her hands slipped down to his pants, moving over his cock until it was ready to explode. Her touch would be his undoing. Within seconds he was undressed, her lacy bra was off, and one delicious breast was in his mouth. He sucked on it until her nipple turned rock-hard between his lips, her pleasure-filled moans echoing through the room. He eased her onto the bed.

She was sexy, enchanting, and he had to have her. Now. He couldn’t wait a moment longer. Dropping down between her legs, he kissed the soft skin of her thighs. Then with a growl, he ripped off her panties and buried his face between her soft curls. He wanted to go slow, to draw out the moment, but he was lost in her scent. In her passion. He took her swollen nub into his mouth and lashed it with his tongue as he slipped his finger deep into her moistness. She was dripping wet, hot, tight, and more than ready for him.

He contemplated turning her over on the bed, and easing her long legs to the floor. Still in her heels, her ass would be lifted high, giving him a wonderful angle as he stood behind and entered her. But before he could fulfill his fantasy, she tightened, then screamed as she came in his mouth, her climax taking her instantly. He dug his fingers into the sweet cheeks of her bottom, kneading as he gently kissed her nub until her climax waned. Pulling back, he stood and smiled as she gulped air to catch her breath. He leaned down, took one of her pert breasts into his mouth, and sucked hard. She moaned and he opened his eyes to see a smile of content stretching across her face.

He grinned. She might be happy now, but he wasn’t done with her yet. Not by a long shot. Lifting himself above her, he captured her mouth with his and thrust his tongue deep inside. She rolled onto her side and threw one leg over his hips, leaving herself wide open, then she reached down and grasped hold of him. Her touch, firm and sure, almost sent him over the edge. And then she started to move, tightening her grip as she pumped him, moving her hand up and down his shaft. No more.

He rolled her under him, spread her legs with his knee, and slipped his aching cock inside her. Slowly at first, though it took all the willpower he possessed. She was extremely wet, her sheath tight. It rubbed against his skin with exquisite friction that almost had him coming like a schoolboy.

She gasped, and he gritted his teeth and stilled, waiting for her to expand around him, her back arching, her breath coming in shallow little gulps, until finally she grabbed his ass and pulled him deeper inside her. Fuck, she was exquisite.

He started bucking and rocking. In tandem they moved together, dancing as they had on the dance floor at the ballroom, fitting into one another perfectly, one starting where the other left off. He pulled out and then thrust inside her, again and again, feeling the pressure build within him, feeling her hands on his ass, hearing her call his name as she begged him for more. She took him to heights he hadn’t been to since who the hell knew when.

He clamped his mouth over her breast, once again taking her tight nipple, sucking it, rolling it around his tongue until she screamed her passion, lifting off the bed as she came once again. Her delicious channel tightened around him, milking him with her vibrations until he could hold back no longer and exploded within her. So caught in the moment, in her enchanting spell, he forgot to restrain himself and spilled his seed deep inside her. One unbelievable spasm after another shook him until, finally spent, he collapsed into her sweet softness.

A moment later, as his pulse slowed and his head cleared, he realized what he’d done, or had not done, and rolled off her.

Fuck, what the hell just happened?

He’d fucked up.

Totally fucked up!

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