All Good Things Absolved (10 page)

Read All Good Things Absolved Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Novel

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Jace stood behind me, his body towering over mine and my heart raced. He leaned into my body, placing one hand on my hip, the other fisting his shaft. He traced his tip along the line of my pussy before slowly - agonizingly slowly - pushed his way inside.

"You're so wet for me." I could hear the pleasure in his voice as he buried himself inside me, filling me. I dragged a ragged gasp of air into my lungs as he pulled out real slow before moving in. "You're so tight."

"Umm," I murmured for lack of anything else to say. I was high. The feeling of him inside me was euphoric. His thick cock massaged the walls of my vagina with every measured stroke, bringing the heat of my body up a notch with every movement.

"I'm going to use your juices as lubricant, Angel." He spoke confidently and I frowned. Wait - What? What was he using my juices for?

Jace pulled himself out of me, trailing the tip of his penis to my butt where he pushed and slowly stretched me. This was a new kind of filling. I was stressed and I knew he could feel it.

"Relax." He spoke gently. "I don't want this to hurt you."

"Jace," I was panicking. What had I been thinking? There was no way he was going to fit! There was no freaking way. I was panting now.

"Olivia, trust me." I could hear the plea in his voice. He was partly inside me. Probably only an inch or so, but it already felt slightly too much for me to handle. I was shaking.

"I do trust you, Jace." I whispered against the desk.

"Then let me in. Relax yourself. Take a deep breath." He urged gently and as I pulled in a deep breath, he pushed himself in another inch. I moaned. That felt - really filling. It was both good and bad. My body was confused and it was sending different signals to my brain. There was discomfort and it was slightly painful - but there was also a budding orgasm. A pleasure unlike any other was ripping through my body. I could feel it building at an impossibly quick rate. As though sensing my confusion, Jace pushed himself the rest of the way inside me and I cried out. My fingers were coated with sweat from when I'd fisted my hands in fear, but they were now stretched out, clawing at the wood of his desk as he paused to allow me a moment to grow accustomed to his intrusion.

"You feel so fucking good, Angel." He purred. "Like a slice of fucking heaven."

"Jace," I moaned. "Please move."

"You want me to move, Angel?"

Oh God, why didn't he understand me? What the hell had he gotten by my words and why wasn't he moving? My orgasm felt suspended at a painful, all consuming high. Oh God. "Please move, Jace." I cried out, screaming. "I need you to move!"

"All good things, Angel."

Oh, he did not! Without thinking of consequence or pain or anything really, I pulled myself forward on the desk and slammed myself back onto him. Sensation spilled into me filling my every extremity right down to my fingers and toes. Even my hair felt charged. Holy shit!

"Ah fuck," Jace groaned. His hands clutched my hips bruising - tight. "You want it, Angel, it's yours."

Those were the words I wanted to hear. They held promise for relief. I needed that.

Jace let loose an animalistic growl and I knew he'd left his control somewhere in the past. He was consumed. By me. Inside me. We were one.

His hips rocked into me and he hit me at a new, never before touched place. I couldn't refrain from crying aloud as I climbed higher and higher up the rungs of pleasure. It was so bittersweet it was catastrophic. He pounded into me over and over - harder and harder - faster and faster. Until I was a mess of hot, over sensitized flesh on his desk. His balls moved forward with each determined thrust, the weight of them slapping against my clit. I felt as though I'd stepped into the twilight zone. Nothing existed in my world apart from Jace inside of me, and the pleasure he would undoubtedly bring.

"Almost there, Angel. I feel you're there too." He groaned out the words on a husky breath and I moaned my agreement.

My body seized - my stomach clenched - my knees locked. I reached high above my head for something - anything to grasp hold of but there was nothing. I cried out as my orgasm rocked through my body, piercing every nerve. Jace spilled into me, filling me all the more. He continued to pump himself into me and I felt his semen sloshing inside me. It was a wondrously odd feeling. To feel so claimed by this man I loved so intimately - so intensely. It was perfect.

Jace pulled out of me and quickly gathered me into his arms to carry me - baby style - into the adjoining bedroom. He kissed my moist forehead and I sighed. I was spent.

I stood on my tiptoes and pressed my lips against his. It was soft and caressing. There was no hunger or lust in this kiss. It was a simple passing of love. And when I saw his eyes flutter closed as he drank in my love, I allowed mine to close as well. We were two souls completely naked - bared to each other for not only the good, but the bad as well.

"I love you so much more than you'll ever know." He shook his head as though mystified. "I wish there was a way I could show you - could make you feel what I feel for you," his voice broke and his blue eyes were wide and helpless. "I don't know how."


Chapter 9

Jace bypassed the bed and took me into the bathroom. He sat me on the counter and I squealed at the chilly feel of granite against the warm skin of my butt. I watched the corners of his lips lift in a smile but wasn't awarded with its full effect as he strategically turned to face the shower. He was quick to ensure the temperature was perfect before moving back to the counter to pick me up into his arms once again.

His eyes were warm as he stared down into my face, setting my feet on the floor. "You amaze me."

I couldn't help but grin. I was a slave to his words. "I love you."

"I love you so much more than you'll ever know." He shook his head as though mystified. "I wish there was a way I could show you - could make you feel what I feel for you," his voice broke and his blue eyes were wide and helpless. "I don't know how."

My heart felt as though it were swelling twice its original size. I set my hand against his face and he leaned into my touch, allowing me to cradle his face. "I know you love me, Jace. And you show me every day."

His eyes looked almost desperate for me to understand the depth of his affection for me and that made me feel desperate to make him see I
. I understood. And I felt the same way for him - every single day. The love I could show him wasn't nearly enough. I knew what he was feeling.

I stood on my tiptoes and pressed my lips against his. It was soft and caressing. There was no hunger or lust in this kiss. It was a simple passing of love. And when I saw his eyes flutter closed as he drank in my love, I allowed mine to close as well. We were two souls completely naked - bared to each other for not only the good, but the bad as well. We were entirely exposed - linked body and soul by something that simply couldn't be explained or understood by an outsider. Apart we were broken - half of a whole - but together we were complete and we were unstoppable. Together, there was no dream we could not achieve, no threat we could not overcome.

I linked my arms around his neck, pulling him tighter to me. I needed to feel his heart beating against my chest and when I did, it was perfect. Everything with Jace was perfect.

"I love you." I spoke against his lips and I felt his quick grin. He loved it when I spoke the words. I knew this without doubt.

"You know I love you, Angel." His voice was gruff as he pulled away from me. "Let me wash you."

I nodded. "Okay." I watched as Jace pooled shower gel into his hands before massaging the soap into my shoulders. It felt amazing. Soothing. It was lovely and a sigh of utter relaxation toppled from my lips.

"You're tense." Jace sounded displeased and I nodded. I was tense. I knew this. Lately, life had been stressful - with the wedding, the baby, the creep writing the letters and sending twisted little gifts, and now my brother - I had plenty of reason to be stressed. If I weren't stressed there would be something wrong with me. Any human being in their right mind would be frazzled.

When I didn't reply, Jace continued. "You shouldn't be stressed, Olivia. It's not good for the baby."

"I know." I sighed. The last thing I needed was a scolding. "There's just a lot going on right now."

"I know." He sounded annoyed and I wondered if it was with me. Had I done something wrong? "You shouldn't be worrying about anything. I can handle it all."

That's what this was about. He was blaming himself for my peaked stress level. Was he insane? Sometimes I truly wondered. There was no reason for him to take the blame for my stress. He was doing everything he could. Good lord almighty - he wasn't super man.

"You can't do everything, Jace." I protested.

"I can do everything concerning you and our baby, Olivia." He was adamant and although I longed to fight him on it, I knew there was no point. In this, Jace would fight me till the death. There would be no winning for either of us. "I'll book a day trip to the spa for you and Trisha for tomorrow. How does that sound?"

I almost jumped with glee. I might have if I didn't know he would scold me for such a careless action. There was the chance that I might slip. I knew him so well. "That sounds like heaven. You would be the most amazing fiancé in the entire world."

"Consider it done then." He said gruffly. "I'll call and book the both of you in as soon as we're done in here. Gabe will drive you both to the spa and you'll be there first thing in the morning."

"Oh," I moaned. "I really can't wait." I felt my entire body ache for a full body pampering. "Tomorrow will be a damned good day."

Jace guided me into the water as I closed my eyes to envision the serene feel of a spa. I wondered if he would like to go with me. The thought had my eyes open and I found him watching me with a funny look on his face. I decided not to hound him for his feelings and ask him about joining me at the spa instead. "Would you like to come with me to the spa?" He looked shocked and I continued, words quickly toppling from my mouth. "I mean - it would be a lovely couples day."

Jace shook his head slowly. I could see he was instantly uncomfortable with the idea. "I don't like to be touched." He looked down as soon as I frowned. It was as though he couldn't bare the sight of my confusion. Or maybe he was mistaking it for something else...disgust? I hoped not. There was nothing about Jace I could ever be disgusted with. He was divine perfection in its finest expression. He was flawlessness to the core. He was the man I loved - and he didn't like to be touched? I touched him all the time.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "I touch you, Jace." And then a thought came to me that made me feel ill. My voice shook. "You don't like it when I touch you?"

Horrified blue eyes shot to meet mine and he shook his head. "Angel, no." His tone was rough but his eyes were willing me to understand. "I love when you touch me. Only you." He made a growling noise in the back of his throat. It was the noise I had come to recognize as his brand of frustration. "I don't like when others touch me. I don't know why, but I don't. It was a surprise for me when we first met that I liked feeling your touch. It makes me feel - good."

"Jace," I shook my head. I didn't know what to think. I ached to touch him, but I was almost afraid of making him feel uncomfortable. After all this time and I never knew. I never once suspected he didn't like to be touched.

As though seeing my hesitation to touch him and the internal struggle that rose to the surface, Jace grasped my wrist in his hand. He lifted my hand to his chest over his heart and through my open palm I felt his heartbeat. The gesture made me feel sad and happy at the same time. It was so intimate and wonderful and confusing.

"I love touching you, Jace." I whispered. "I need to touch you."

"I need you to touch me too." He said sternly. "I'll always need you to touch me." He dipped his head until his forehead was touching mine. "It's only others I don't like touching me. But I want you to go and enjoy your day with Trisha. You deserve a girls day."

"I will enjoy the day."

He nodded. "I know you will."


I sat back in the chair at my desk and glanced at the door to the bedroom adjoined to my office. I'd left Olivia to get some rest after making love to her...again. I could see she was tired and stressed. And, that bothered me. There was only a week until the day we would be married and I couldn't wait. I couldn't wait for her to take my name. I'd already made her mine in every sense of the word and I couldn't wait to make her mine legally. She was carrying my child, living in my house, sleeping in my bed - she was as
as I could make her and still it wasn't enough. I wanted her to be mine in every way possible. Marrying her was just another way to show the world she belonged to me.

Although I knew everything was ready for our special day, Olivia was fretting over everything. From the tablecloths to the lights to the tent I'd ordered to stand in the back yard. I'd told her everything was fine, but she insisted on worrying herself. And she was going to make herself ill. I couldn't have that and the only way I could think of settling her mind was by sending her to the spa for a day. As much as I loathed the idea of her spending an entire day away from me, I knew it had to be done. She needed some quiet time to still her mind. And, I knew she'd been missing Trisha.

I made the call to the spa Jaylah and my mother frequent and had the girls booked in for a full body pampering. Not only would she get the rest I knew she needed but she would feel beautiful on our day. She would get everything done from her nails to her hair. She always looked gorgeous to me, but I wanted her to feel gorgeous.

I'd made all the arrangements for tomorrow. I called Gabe and let him know he'd be driving Olivia from the penthouse to the spa with Trisha. He would pick the girls up at eight am. I wasn't feeling so agitated after I'd spoken with Gabe. With her stalker still unknown, I didn't like her being anywhere but with me. Leaving her alone in our penthouse had been hard enough today. I worried about her every second and barely got an iota of work done. I would have accomplished just as much if I'd stayed home in bed with her. I would know better for next time.

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