All He Desires: The Invitation (#1) (5 page)

BOOK: All He Desires: The Invitation (#1)
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“Are you sure you're okay?” Logan asked again, gently caressing my cheek.

I bobbed my head. “Just a little shaken is all.”

“I can understand that.” He lowered down beside me and cupped my hands with his. “Did you know him?”

I glanced down at my lap. “He's an ex.”

Logan's body stiffened and he drew in a sharp breath.

I sat back. “Is Marisa okay? I didn't ruin—”

“Shhh.” Logan stroked my hair. “Everyone is fine, and you haven't ruined anything. I was more worried about you. When I saw that man grabbing at you, I asked Devlin to bring Marisa down from subspace. We can continue the demo another time.”


“The man I had to pull off of you?”


“He's fine. I had him escorted out. But if he comes here again, I'll have no problem calling the authorities on his ass.” He laughed at that. “Can you imagine? He threatened to report what you do out of your home and tell the cops I'm a part of it.”

My eyes widened. “What did you tell him?”

“The truth. You sought my legal counsel to get a restraining order against him.”

“And he believed you?”

“The man is scared shitless, but I don't think it would be a bad idea—the restraining order I mean.”

I nodded. “Perhaps you're right but...” I let my shoulders drop. “I'm sorry. We were supposed to be having a night out, weren't we?”

“We were. Still are if you want to get technical about it, but I don't mind just talking.” He rubbed at the little stubble on his chin. “Would you like me to give you a ride home?”

“No,” I almost blurted out. “''s okay.”

He raised his eyebrows, then glanced at the door to our private room. “What if I go home with you? Not for sex, mind you. Just think of me as added protection. Just for tonight.”

I chewed at the inside of my cheek. “What about my car?”

“Leave it here. I'll bring you back to get it tomorrow.”

“It isn't in the parking lot though. The meter...”

“Don't worry about it. I can handle the meter. I'm more concerned about you.” He stood away from the sofa and helped me up, cupping my face before kissing me on the lips. “Would that be okay with you?”

“I don't think I want to be home alone.”

It wasn't a lie either. There had been nights where I thought for sure Dennis would drop by, and tonight wasn't any different. I wanted to be there if he did decide to show up, but I didn't want to be there on my own. Until I got the locks changed on my door, I'd have to worry about him making himself at home. And after what he tried to do tonight, I couldn't stay there. Alone.

“Then it's settled,” Logan said, removing his suit jacket to drape it over my shoulders.

“W-what about your job?”

“The demos are something I do for fun. As for my job, it's okay if I don't show up for a few days.”

“Days?” I followed him as he led me out of the room. “Why days?”

He stopped to face me before we could reach the hall that headed back out to the lobby. “You work out of your home, with men you know little about. You also have an ex that, if you ask me, seems to have a jealousy issue. Am I getting warm?”

“Pretty accurate so far. But then, if you don't trust the other men I open my home to, why should I trust you in my bed at night?”

His cheeks darkened. “Hmm, I see what you mean.” He held up a hand when I went to say something. “No, no, you're absolutely right. Hell, you probably know less about me than any of them because I only tell people what I want them to know.”

“Or what they're ready to hear,” I added, pointing to where he'd been standing on stage not an hour earlier.

“Also true. If I promise not to tie you up, would you mind me sleeping on your couch, for sanity's sake?”

“That depends if by couch you mean bed, and if by sleeping you mean sex.”

He smiled. “I wouldn't put it that way, but...” He shrugged. “In all seriousness though, if you want me to sleep on your floor or sit inside the front door with a shotgun, I will.”

being serious.”

“We don't have—”

“I know we don't have to. I

A flicker of hesitation shown in his eyes, but as quickly as it came, it was gone. “Well then, shall we?” He held out an arm, hooking it with mine.

 I relaxed a little more as we stepped out into the lobby, and as soon as I was in his car, the last thing on my mind was Dennis's attack. I was going home. With Logan.

Don't wake up. Don't wake up. This had to be a dream. Whatever you do, Kira, don't. Wake. Up.

Chapter 6

My front door barely swung open before we were in each other's arms. A part of me insisted I slow down, to take in every second as if it were my last, but I couldn't stand to wait. Even after I'd learned his name and seen how stunning he was, there was no slowing down.
No turning back.

Maybe it was because I'd been waiting all day for him or maybe it was because of the hell Dennis tried to get away with tonight. Regardless of what did or didn't happen, I needed Logan to fuck me. Now. Right here. In the hall. I didn't care.

Logan cupped my face and drew me in for a kiss, crushing his lips against mine. I was so used to him taking his time and being gentle, but this was neither the time nor the place. We could get reacquainted with each other's bodies later, once we'd had a chance to cool down.

I didn't doubt Logan was probably still flying high from his run-in with Dennis, as that’s exactly how I felt. Even though my heart rate had returned to this side of normal, my nerves were still on edge. I needed them to fray from the inside out. So I could finally take a breath. Sex was just what we needed right now.

Inhaling Logan's cologne, I melted in his arms. I’d never paid attention to it before, but now I couldn’t get enough of it. I nuzzled his neck, memorizing the cool, crisp scent as it tingled at the inside of my nose.

Logan kicked the door shut and guided me back down the hall toward the living room. He alternated between pushing me against the wall or pulling me along with him. His fingers dug at my shirt when he found my lips again. Blind in the dark, every step we took was another chance to run in to a table. A wall.

I’d probably look beaten and bruised by morning, but I just didn’t care. My breath caught when he deepened the kiss. Again when he moaned against my lips. In all the times I’d been with him, he’d never been this aroused. So in need that he was almost in pain.
And he isn’t the only one.

I broke our kiss and struggled for breath. Freeing an arm from my shirt, we separated just long enough to get all of our clothes off and out of the way before coming together again—skin against heated skin.

I leaned into him, kissing along his collarbone. I whimpered when I tasted salt on my tongue. I could only imagine how he’d taste if he came in my mouth.

A tremor raced up my spine, and I dropped to my knees in front of him. Before Logan could object, I placed a hand on either of his hips and took him in my mouth. His cologne mixed with his natural scent was intoxicating enough without the gentle grunts sliding past his lips.

He slammed his palm against the wall behind him for balance, but I didn’t let go. As the carpeting bit at my knees, I took him in as far as he would go. Years of practice kept my gag reflex at bay, and after adjusting my jaw to accommodate him, I had no problem deep-throating him.

“Jesus…” Logan breathed, running a hand through my hair. “Keep doing that, baby, and we won’t make it to the bedroom.”

I smiled around his cock.
We don’t need the bedroom.
We’d already proven that to ourselves ten times over. The kitchen may have been on the other side of my apartment, but the hall would work perfectly.

Logan wrapped my hair around his hand before pulling up on it, gently urging me to stop. I sighed when he removed himself from my lips, but I didn’t get up. Sucking on my bottom lip, I savored the little bit of him that was still there.

My clit throbbed, and I clamped my legs shut. The small gesture didn’t go unnoticed, and before I could correct myself, Logan did it for me. He stepped behind me. Tapped my feet with his until I widened my stance.

Without saying a word, he got down on his knees and pressed on my back.

“Get on all fours,” he murmured, kissing my shoulder. “Looks like we won’t be making it to your bed after all.”

“Not this time, no,” I said, lowering down onto my hands and knees.

“Oh, so you’d be willing to go again tonight, hmm?”

I bowed my head. “So long as you can keep up.”

He scoffed. Kissed my neck. My shoulder blades. When his fingers parted my pussy lips, we both froze.

“Shit,” Logan said, backing off. “You wouldn’t happen to have any condoms, would you?”

I glanced back at him. “Now why would I have condoms?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean, you are an escort.”

“Yes, but condoms are the client’s thing.”

“Then I guess it’s a good thing I keep a spare in my wallet.”

I sighed. “Oh Good. For a second there, I thought I’d have to wait for you to go to the store.”

“Not yet I don’t.” He dug through his pants pocket and removed his wallet. “Ah ha! Here it is.” He held it up for me to see.

“My hero.”

He looked from me to the condom. “Hmm, this won’t do. Give me your hand.”

Logan helped me to my feet and after more kissing and more bumping in to walls, we finally made it to my bedroom. In a mess of arms and legs, we tumbled onto the bed. Logan set the condom on the mattress and caressed my cheek. The need I felt as soon as we walked through the door was still there, but for the moment, it was just slightly unbearable.

Parting my lips with his tongue, Logan tasted it. My mouth. Whatever he could. And with every second that passed, his hands searched a little faster. A little lower.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him against me as he pressed his hard cock into my hip. I wiggled beneath him, doing whatever I could to line us up perfectly, but he wanted none of it.
Not yet.
This was our first time. Our first

There were no secrets now. If I wanted to, I could call out his name. Hell, I could even moan if I wanted. There were no limits. No rules. Just two bodies colliding in the most beautiful way imaginable.

Logan pushed my hair back, looking right into my eyes as he fingered my clit with his free hand. My back arched, and I grabbed handfuls of the bed sheets beneath me.

“God , I love seeing you like this,” he said. “I never should’ve told you not to look at me because this…” He exhaled. “You’re absolutely amazing, you know that?”

Halfway between reality and ecstasy, I somehow managed to smile before closing my eyes. He adjusted his weight, and I gasped when he nipped at one of my breasts.

“Like that?” he asked.

“Mmm hmm.”

I could almost feel him smile against my skin as he did it again. I wiggled beneath him, thrusting my hips in whatever direction I could to feel the most pleasure.

“Look at that,” he said, sounding amused. “I’m not even fucking you yet, and you’re already losing yourself.”

“There’s a cure for that, you know?”

“Mmm.” He kissed the side of my neck and removed his fingers from my clit. “Indeed there is.”

I opened my eyes when he sat up the entire way. Even in the low amount of light we had coming off the streets, I could see him grimace as he rolled the condom on.

“How do you want me?” I asked as I started to get up.

“Here.” He gently laid me back on the bed, making sure I was centered before lowering on top of me. “Here is just fine. I want to watch you.”

He pressed his lips to mine, kissing me lazily as we rocked our hips from one side to the other. I held my breath when the head of his cock teased my pussy lips.
So close.
We’d done this what felt like hundreds of times before, but this time was different. Everything felt so new. Real. It wasn’t just my job anymore. I realized then that I was falling in love with him. Not just the idea of him like before, but Logan. The very same man in front of me.

Pushing my feelings to the back of my mind, I rocked my hips back, thrusting forward at the same time he did. Thrust by aching thrust, he pressed deeper. I let my head fall back, and he bit the side of my neck.

White specks flew past my vision, and I fought to stay alert. Using slow, fluid strokes, Logan rode me, gently coaxing my G-spot with every thrust. He locked his jaw. Parallel lines of deep concentration formed above his eyes.

He looked right at me as he struggled between the point of breaking and holding himself together that much longer. And as I watched him slowly fall apart, I did the same. My body tensed. My breath caught. I closed my eyes. Regained my concentration. Opened them again.

But as soon as I looked Logan in the eye, all of the ground I’d covered crumbled beneath me. Clawing at his back, I raked at his skin with my nails.

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