ALL HE DESIRES (Voluptuous Woman Series) (27 page)

Read ALL HE DESIRES (Voluptuous Woman Series) Online

Authors: Brenda Jackson

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: ALL HE DESIRES (Voluptuous Woman Series)
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Tyler shook his head when he remembered the Megan he had encountered on yesterday. She appeared friendly yet reserved, but he couldn’t read her like he used to. She was different, but then so was he. However, one thing was still the same and that was his all-consuming desire for her.

He straightened from leaning on the column post when he heard the sound of the door opening. He then clenched his teeth at the same time desire struck him solidly in the gut, not stopping there as it plunged deep into his muscles. He would probably begin swearing if such a thing were acceptable in a lady’s presence. So he just stood there and stared at her as heat flooded his body, wondering if she had any idea just how good she looked wearing a sundress that practically left her shoulders bare except for the spaghetti straps.

Everything about the dress was a total turn-on and he couldn’t understand why. He had seen women in sundresses before, but for some reason he knew the vision of Megan in this one would forever stand out in his mind. Maybe it was the red color of the dress that meshed so well with the tone of her skin. But then it could have been the neckline and how it scooped, showing the top of creamy and full breasts. They were breasts whose nipples were pressed against the material of the dress; the tips so taut he couldn’t help but wonder if she was wearing a bra and just the thought that she wasn’t made his mouth water.

“Come on in, Tyler. I just need to let Ms. Baker know that I’m leaving.”

Tyler nodded as he entered the huge living room. He knew Florence Baker had been Winston’s housekeeper for years. He also knew that she was a good friend of his grandmother’s, so he didn’t doubt that news of his date with Megan would hit the phone lines before they got out of the driveway. He had tried calling his grandmother last night and again that day but both times she had been out doing errands. She was seventy-five and still driving around Alexandria like she had helped put in the streets. Periodically, the family would get together and discuss the possibility of taking her car keys away, but they would quickly dismiss the thought when they would have to admit that she drove a lot better than some of them.

As Megan turned to leave the room, Tyler stared after her, his good intentions getting shot to hell once again. The dress was a decent length, hitting above her knees, and she was wearing the cutest red high-heeled sandals that totally complimented her outfit. As far as he was concerned, she was taking the word sexy to a whole other level.

A sudden flashback reminded him of the time that he had seen her completely naked – every delectable inch of her – and now since that body had matured a lot over the year – her curves fuller, more voluptuous - his imagination couldn’t help but work overtime.

“I’m ready now, Tyler.”

Megan’s voice broke into his thoughts when she returned to the living room. He breathed in deeply, thinking that perhaps the interruption was a good thing. He needed to keep his mind off Megan’s dress and her body. He cleared his throat. “I hope you’re hungry.”

She smiled. “Oh, I’m starving.”

Tyler inhaled sharply. Megan had spoken three simple words but for a quick moment he could have sworn he could read her thoughts again, just like he used to, and there was a hidden meaning behind her words. He tipped his head back and studied her, but the expression looking back at him was blank, unreadable once again.

He shook his head thinking he must have imagined it. Amazing what a little sleep could do. He hadn’t rested worth a damn last night. Thoughts of Megan had taken over his dreams just like they had years ago. “I’m glad you’re hungry because I intend to feed you,” he said taking her hand in his and leading her out of the house.

“Tyler Savoy, I’m counting on it,” she said in a low, sultry voice.

He glanced over at her. Again her face was a mask of unreadable expression.



Megan began wondering if she had bitten off more than she could chew when she felt the heat of Tyler’s gaze burn through her clothes, and boy was it intense. Liquid heat was already gathering in her stomach and slowly spreading lower. The nipples of her breasts were beginning to feel achingly hard, and had been since she opened the door to find him standing there and his hazel-eyed gaze had locked on her.

She was momentarily pulled from her thoughts when he led her to a silver gray Jaguar. She blinked. The car was a real beauty. She then glanced up at him and he read the question in her eyes and smiled.

“The SUV is my company vehicle. This is what I usually drive when I’m off work and at play.”

She nodded and couldn’t help wondering how many women had had the pleasure of sitting next to him in this vehicle while he was at play. “It’s nice,” she said, forcing the jealous thought from her mind. They had officially broken up years ago and the women he had shared his time, bed and body with over the years was none of her business. Accepting that to be a fact of life, she relaxed the hands by her side that had curled into fists.

“Thanks,” she said when he opened the car door for her and waited until she had snapped her seat belt and shoulder harness in place before closing it. She watched as he quickly walked around the front of the car to get in. Tyler could still wear a pair of jeans and draw attention. She remembered how envious the other girls were that she had a boyfriend who had looked so good. But then, all the men in the Savoy family had a reputation of looking good and were considered a good catch. Any parent would have been proud for their daughter to bring a Savoy home to dinner.

A few seconds later, they pulled off. Megan only hoped that she could survive an evening out with the much older and sexier Tyler Savoy.



“Are you ready to order, ma’am?”

The waitress’s question made Megan glance up. The last time she had eaten at Paddy’s the menu consisted of a half page of items. Now the menu consisted of five pages. It seemed they not only served delicious seafood but served other full course, mouth-watering meals as well. Although she’d had a taste for fried shrimp earlier, she couldn’t help eyeing the baby-back ribs. The couple sitting at the table across from theirs had ordered a plate and they looked simply delicious.

“May I make a suggestion?” Tyler spoke up, evidently understanding her dilemma. “How about if you order the fried shrimp plate and I order the baby-back ribs and we can share.”

She knew Tyler couldn’t help but see the gratitude that was shining in her eyes. “Are you sure?”

He chuckled. “Yes, I’m positive.”


“You’re welcome.”

After writing down their orders, the waitress collected their menus then left them alone.

Tyler forced his gaze away from Megan and glanced around. The last time he had come here was when the male Savoy cousins had gotten together last summer to celebrate Blake’s engagement. They had pushed three tables together to accommodate all ten men. He smiled remembering how much fun they’d had and how they had practically ordered everything on the menu that night.

He couldn’t stop staring at Megan. She was avoiding his eyes by studying the flickering candle that sat in the middle of their table. She hadn’t brought a jacket, and he couldn’t help wondering if she was cold since the air conditioning seemed to be set at a low temperature. It was a cool summer evening, not the typical for July. But then he had to admit he was enjoying her bare shoulders and how the top part of the dress cradled her firm breasts. He wasn’t good at guessing women sizes but he figured she was probably a size sixteen and definitely a nicely built one.

When she finally glanced up at him he couldn’t help but ask. “Are you cold?”

She shrugged and smiled. “No. I’m used to warm days and cool nights. The part of California where I live is known for them.”


She placed her elbows on the table and leaned toward him. Her smile widened. “Haven’t you ever been to California?”

For a moment he couldn’t answer, couldn’t utter a single sound. When she’d leaned over, the top of her dress gaped open and he could see more of her breasts. He sat nearly motionless when he realized she really wasn’t wearing a bra.

He swallowed when he remembered that one night when his mouth had gone crazy on her breasts by making a feast of her nipples. Boy had he enjoyed himself, he thought, remembering every single detail, especially the purrs that had come from her lips.


He quickly moved his gaze from her chest to her eyes. “Yes?” he asked, barely able to get the word out.

“Have you ever been to California?” she repeated the question.

He shook his head, trying to concentrate on what she was asking him. “No.”

“Then I’m issuing an invitation for you to come and visit me one day. I think you would like it. The Pacific Ocean looks a whole lot different from the Atlantic. Both are beautiful but I think the Pacific is even more so.”

“Yes, that’s what I heard from Blake,” he said, settling back in his chair so looking down the top of her dress wouldn’t be so obvious. “And thanks for the invitation. I might take you up on it.”

“I’m hoping that you will.”

Tyler lifted a brow as he watched Megan pick up the glass of water she had ordered and take a sip. There was something in the way she’d just spoken, a sexy tone that had made his breath catch and had him thinking that she’d been flirting with him.

It then struck him that other than the time he’d taken her to the prom; the two of them had never officially gone out on a date. When they had been in high school and she had been an advanced student; a senior at sixteen. Although her fellow classmates were dating, her parents felt that she was too young to do the same; however, since they approved of their relationship they did allow them to take part in supervised activities around her grandfather’s ranch or at his grandmother’s house. He had never taken her to the movies, a sports event or a drive along the countryside. To say her parents had been rather strict would be an understatement.

He took a sip of his own water as he waited for her to look at him. Was she nervous about them being together? If that was the case he intended to get her relaxed.

Avoiding Tyler’s gaze, Megan set her water glass down. She then glanced around again noticing how crowded the place had gotten since they had arrived.



She glanced up and met his gaze. “Yes?”


Whatever words he was about to say died on his lips when the waitress returned with their meal, sitting both platters in the middle of the table. “Let’s dig in,” he said instead.




Tyler placed down his fork and glanced across the table at Megan. Like him she had finished eating but was studying the lit candle again, seemingly in deep concentration. Something warm and tender touched him as he continued to study her. She’d always been special to him and he remembered feeling on top of the world just knowing he’d been the guy in her life.

He doubted that she knew just how much he had loved her back then. When he’d first shown interest in her she’d seemed surprised that any guy would go for the brainy type. But there had been more to her than just a high IQ. She had been a caring person and there hadn’t been a pretentious bone in her body. And more importantly, she had a special way with animals, especially those that had been in her grandfather’s care.

Again sensing her nervousness and not understanding the reason for it, he decided to break the silence. “Did you enjoy everything?” he asked quietly, not wanting to startle her to attention.

It seemed that he did anyway when she snapped her head up and her gaze met his, held it and locked into it. Parts of him began simmering, a slow, low heat. As a young girl Megan James could break through his every defense and now it seemed that since she had become a woman she was effectively sending every defense he had tumbling.

Over the years he had missed her. He had thought of her often, wondering if she was happy. What had made their relationship so special was that they’d been friends before they had become lovers.


He quickly reminded himself that they had never been lovers, not in the true sense of the word, although they had come close that night. So close his body ached just thinking about it and the memories were starting to overwhelm him.

“Yes, I enjoyed everything,” Megan spoke, breaking into Tyler’s thoughts. “Nothing has changed. As usual the food here is excellent.” She leaned back in her chair. “I was just thinking a few moments ago that not counting prom night, this is our first real date”

He smiled. “Yes, I was thinking that same thing earlier myself.”

She sighed deeply. “My family’s overprotectiveness didn’t help me, Tyler. When I got to college I was like a fish out of water and quickly became a target for guys who had only one thought on their minds.”

Tyler eyed her steadily as his lips thinned to a hard line. Her family had thought that all her problems would be solved once they got her off to Harvard, but even schools like Harvard had guys who were intent on getting inside a girl’s panties. “Did you handle them?” he heard himself asking in a low voice, inwardly hoping and praying that she did.

She chuckled. “Oh, yeah, I handled them. I might have been naïve in some things but not in all. Besides, the first strike against them was that they weren’t anything like you. You had spoiled me.”

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