All I Need Is Jesus and a Good Pair of Jeans: The Tired Supergirl's Search for Grace (20 page)

BOOK: All I Need Is Jesus and a Good Pair of Jeans: The Tired Supergirl's Search for Grace
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Chapter 14: I am lonely

1. What are you lonely for in your life?

2. Is there a certain relationship that you are longing for at this point in your life?

3. Is it difficult for you to turn to Jesus when you are lonely? Why?

4. How has Jesus met you in your loneliness before?

Chapter 15: I wish life was easy

1. In which ways do you wish your life was easier?

2. In these specific areas, what do you think God is trying to teach you?

3. What are the perks that you want out of your relationship with God? What does God think about the perks you are longing for?

4. What are some trials in your past that God has used to reveal himself living in you?

Chapter 16: I don’t like to admit I am wrong

1. Is it hard for you to admit that you are wrong or do you find it easy? Why?

2. Is there an area of your life where you would rather pretend you are “righteous” than admit that Jesus is right and change your behavior?

3. Why is it so easy to become like a Pharisee when all you really want to do is follow Jesus?

Chapter 17: I am not sure of my purpose in life

1. Do you ever struggle with finding your life’s purpose?

2. When you look at who Jesus picked to be his disciples, does it give you hope? Why or why not?

3. What do you think “the potter” sees when he looks at you?

Chapter 18: I am a people pleaser

1. Do you recycle? Do you care if I know you don’t recycle?

2. Do you find that you worry more about what people think about you than what God does? Why do you think that is?

3. Who do you want to please the most in your life?

4. How can you build your foundation on Jesus instead of on what others expect or think of you?

Chapter 19: I cry a lot

1. What makes you cry?

2. What are you passionate about?

3. When was the last time you cried with someone? What was it about?

4. How does your view of being vulnerable and real with others change when you see how Jesus interacted with his close friends?

Chapter 20: I covet things . . . lots of them

1. What do you covet most? Why?

2. What are you searching for to make you content?

3. How does your covetousness affect your relationships with others? With your family? Friends? God?

Chapter 21: I am not great at sharing my faith

1. Are you friends with people who don’t know Jesus personally? Who?

2. When was the last time you talked to this person about Jesus?

3. What are your fears about sharing your faith?

4. What is your main motivator in sharing the good news about your relationship with Jesus?

Chapter 22: I don’t feel lovable

1. In what ways do you feel lovable? In what ways don’t you feel lovable?

2. How does John 3:16 change for you when you substitute your name for the phrase “the world”? (ex: For God so loved “Susanna” that he gave his only Son . . . etc.)

3. Do you identify more with Simon the Pharisee or the woman with the bad reputation?

4. How do you think Jesus feels about you and your “lovability”?

Chapter 23: I have a long way to go

1. What is
that moment
you are waiting for in your life right now?

2. In what areas of your life do you feel God has been pruning you?

3. In what areas of your life do you feel God is trying to grow you?

4. What hopes and dreams do you have this year as you are following Jesus and growing in him?

Susanna Foth Aughtmon
is a pastor’s wife and mother of three. She graduated from Bethany College with a BA in social science emphasizing psychology and early childhood education. After pursuing various careers, including her own interior decorating business, she decided to stay home as a full-time mom. She assists her husband, Scott, in various ministries at the church they planted in Palo Alto, California.

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