All in the Chemistry [The Royal Wolves 4] (Siren Publishing Allure) (10 page)

BOOK: All in the Chemistry [The Royal Wolves 4] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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“Yes you do,” he said softly turning her to rinse off the soap. “We’ll put on a little bit of peroxide and antiseptic cream before bandaging it for the night. It should return to normal in a day or two,” he told her before he pressed a kiss to it. “I didn’t mean to be so rough love,” he murmured brushing his lips back and forth lightly.

“Oh stop it,” she said with a grin. “Did you see me complaining? Do you see me complaining now?” She shook her head. “No, you don’t and no I didn’t.” She leaned in and bit his lip. “I don’t want to lose the mark so you will just have to continue to remark me every couple of days, Kris. I want to wear the mark of our love forever and always.”

Lifting his head he stared at her and smiled softly. “The mark is permanent for at least a few years or until your change and then when I change you you’ll get a new mark. I just meant the swelling and bruising would fade in a couple of days is all, love.”

“I’m glad Kris because I don’t want to give up this mark, this closeness that I have with you.” She smiled and touched his neck. “I love you, Kristof Farkas, even if you have been a pain in my career for nine years.” But it was all pains that she deserved for remaining with a company that continued to take her research and tried to push it forward without her consent.

Snorting at her words he shook his head. “Not my fault,” he said and left it at that. Hugging her close to him, he breathed in their combined scents. “I love you, Courtney Warsaw,” he smiled slightly. “We’re going to have a marvellous life together,” he murmured softly.

“Yes we will, Kris, we will have a perfectly wonderful life together.” And she appeared to know it. Smiling as she spoke she nodded. “I think that you should wash my back now though, love.” She turned her back to him and grinned. “That is, if you would like?”

Rolling his eyes he picked up the soap and began to wash her back being gentle with her. Stroking his hands over her soft skin he did all of her back before turning her and, like an idiot, doing her front. Not nearly as unaffected as he pretended, he stood and nudged her under the water as he began to wash himself.

She reached out and snagged the soap. “I want to wash you.” She eyed his erection and licked her lips. “Oh god, I so want to wash you,” she groaned and began to reach for him, pausing only a moment before she closed her hand around him.

“Holy shit,” he bit out slapping his hand to the tile as his whole body leapt under her touch. “Courtney,” he said on a low moan of pleasure as he weakly passed her the soap. “Have at it,” he pleaded, clamping his teeth together tightly.

Using the soap to slick her hands up, she began to move up and down his shaft, need creating her movements as she chewed her lower lip in concentration she smiled. “Do you know how badly I want to paint you nude, Kris?” she asked letting her nails lightly scrape over his balls. “Badly, I desperately want to paint you naked, Kris, will you let me?”

Shivering at the scrape of her nails over his cock, he gave a jerky nod. “Yes,” he said sharply. “Anything, just quit torturing me, love,” he begged her, his hips rocking forward pressing his cock into her hands over and over.

“And how would you propose I stop?” She didn’t want to let him go, not when she was already so needy that she could barely see straight. “What would you like me to do?” she asked and leaned forward, licking the very tip of his shaft experimentally. “This?” She asked as she looked up at him. “Or do you have other plans in mind?”

Sliding a hand into her hair, he whimpered at her fleeting touch on his cock. “Oh gods,” he groaned, his head falling forward to watch her. “Put your sweet little mouth around me,” he told her, his voice rough.

She grinned and leaned forward, dropping the soap and bracing her hands on his thighs. She gave him only a moment before she took him into her mouth roughly. Her teeth and lips scraping along his cock as she began to take him in and out of her mouth.

His hand tightened in her hair as he let out a growl of sound, his cock twitching under her ministrations. Shifting his other hand he braced it to the wall in front of him. Moaning he closed his eyes slightly before opening them to watch her moving over him.

Each time his hand tightened in her hair she moved on him harder, faster. She was demanding in her actions, begging for him to give everything to her, accepting only everything and anything from him. She felt him beginning to swell inside of her and pulled back with a grin, her hand began to move up and down on him harder and faster, hands twisting as she moved up and down on him, looking up with a grin. “Please, Kris.” Licking the head of his cock, she took just the head of him into her mouth and suckled hard on him.

Her soft words undid him completely. Growling loudly, the sound a rumble of absolute pleasure, he threw his head back as he came. “God,” he gasped as his seed spilled from him in long streams.

Her mouth pulled off of him and she held him as he came, jet after jet of seed. “Kris, damn that was amazing,” she whispered and stood to hold him but lean in and kiss him as well.

Sliding his hand around her neck he kissed her with hunger and need still riding him strong. Turning he pressed her back to the side of the shower, not exactly thinking clearly. Lifting her up he slid into her pussy hard and fast, a soft growl in his chest filling the space.

He was too large as he slid into her body, the sob tore from her throat as she pushed at him. “Kristof.” She was shaking and crying, her body cold and even though she wanted him, always wanted him, he hurt her as he moved into her body forcefully with his shaft still swollen from his continuous orgasm. “Please, it hurts. Stop,” she begged.

Hearing her pain Kristof forced himself to stop, trying to regain some control. Shaking he lifted his head and stared at her. “Courtney?” he whispered and then it hit him. “Oh god, baby,” he breathed. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he said over and over again lifting her up from him and just holding her. What the hell was he doing?

Courtney just held onto him and shook her head, face buried in the crook of his neck. “Just hold me, Kris, please” she whispered as she shook there in his arms. “It feels amazing when you’re already inside of me and swell like that, but not so much coming into me after your cock is already all swollen like that,” she whispered.

Choking slightly, Kris slid to his knees, pressing his cheek to her stomach as he held her tight. “I never meant to hurt you,” he whispered. He was a horrible mate, he knew better, what the fuck was wrong with him? “God I never meant to hurt you, Courtney.” Hugging her closer he made sure he didn’t squeeze too tight, he’d already harmed her once and that was one time too many.

She buried her fingers into his hair and held onto him, her head against the wall of the shower and finally, “I know you didn’t mean to hurt me, Kris.” She tugged at him. “You would never hurt me and I know that, darling.” Letting out a frustrated breath she asked, “I really would love it if you kissed me and reassured me that we were all right.”

Standing slowly he rubbed his cheek to hers before brushing his lips across her softer one. “I love you, Courtney,” he whispered before kissing her. God he hoped he hadn’t ruined everything. He was a Wolf, she was human, he knew better than to be so rough with her. God he couldn’t lose her, she was his everything. “I love you,” he whispered once again before changing the kiss just slightly, taking it deeper but keeping it gentle.

“I love you, too, Kristof,” she whispered against his lips only a moment before he took the kiss to a deeper level, the intensity of the emotion that swamped her had her clinging to him, begging him for more. She pulled back and felt her entire body begging him for more, needing more. “Please, Kristof.”

Shaking his head he pulled back and stared at her, his eyes worried and something else there that if anyone mentioned it he’d have scoffed. “I think we should finish our shower and go to bed, love, to sleep,” he said softly afraid to hurt her again. For whatever reason he seemed defective, lacking the gene that made a Wolf overly protective of their mate, no matter their state of mind. The only explanation for his stupidity just moments earlier.

Courtney looked at him and frowned. “Kris.” She chewed her lip and made him look at her. “Kristof, I need you. Please don’t turn me away, Kris, I love you and just because you got carried away doesn’t mean that you would hurt me again. You didn’t mean to and I know it, honey.”

“It shouldn’t have ever happened, ever been an issue,” he whispered in a low pained tone. “Wolves are protective, even overly so of their mates at all times. I didn’t even stop to think, Courtney, I reacted to the moment but there wasn’t even a blink of time where I thought of my actions and what they would do to you,” he said swallowing hard.

“Honey, it is normal to react in the moment, to simply want to take and be together especially after what I did to you.”

“That is not normal, it’s not how we’re made,” he told her trying to make her understand something that was instinctive to all Wolves. Cupping her cheeks lightly he leaned in and kissed her gently, his whole body shaking. “I can’t survive if I hurt you, it would kill me. I came so close, Courtney, that I’m having a hard time dealing with it right now. I just need to hold you for a while, please?” he asked softly praying she’d understand at least a little.

She frowned but nodded. “You can hold me anytime that you want and you know that, Kris.” She touched his cheek. “I love you, please don’t pull from me over this. Don’t talk yourself out of loving me because of something that was perfectly natural.” Leaning in she kissed him again. “I love you, Kris,” she repeated.

“I will always love you, Courtney,” he breathed her in letting her scent calm him down. His heart was still racing from what he’d almost done and he was still scared by it all. Brushing his lips back and forth over hers, he closed his eyes and held her to him, letting her softer form ease the aches of his heart. “I’m not pulling away, love, I’m just trying to get my head back on straight is all. I scared the crap out of myself,” he murmured, ashamed to admit it to even her. “I never thought that I’d be the one with the genetic anomaly.”

“Maybe that is why I love you?” she asked with a smile and touched his cheek. “I love you, Kris, now, come out of the shower with me?” She stepped away from him and toward the door after grabbing a towel got out of the shower, “Come on, honey, let’s get all nice and dried off, shall we?” She tugged one of the towels off of the rack and held it out for him, waiting for her love.

Watching her he turned the water off and warily got out, taking the towel from her. She really couldn’t be this obtuse and if she was just glossing over and hoping for the best…Drying himself off he headed for the bedroom not sure what the hell to do. Turning as she came out, he frowned at her slightly. “Courtney, if I do have the anomaly then you could really be in danger,” he tried again.

She cocked her head and asked, “What is this anomaly that you are talking about, Kris? You couldn’t ever really hurt me and I know that, I know that with everything that I am inside. You stopped when I asked you to, honey, so I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he stared at her before looking to the floor. “Every now and again a genetic anomaly shows in the populace of Wolves. It’s rare, but it’s…” How the hell did he describe it? “I’m sure you’ve heard of Rogues, those Wolves that toss all our Laws aside for the thrill of the kill, mindless and uncaring of who the hell they are hurting. Some turn Rogue out of heartbreak or loss, the anguish too much to live with, they kill to cause pain. Others turn Rogue because of this anomaly. It only appears after a mating, it slowly eats away at the Wolf’s sanity until they kill the only person they truly love and then, in the grief of what they’ve done, they turn on everyone else until they are hunted down and killed.”

She bit her lip and sighed. “I’m not leaving you, Kris.” She moved to him, forcing her way onto his lap and making him hold her, she refused to allow him to back down from her. “I love you, Kris, there has to be more to this than simple genetics.” She grinned, her dimples showing. “We are both scientists, geneticists, so if anyone can figure this out, love, it’s us.” She paused. “And it’s
you have it, because I’m not convinced that you do.”

Sighing, he pressed his forehead to hers, he heard her, understood her view of it but she couldn’t know. He knew, after what had almost happened, he knew it was there. Wrapping his arms around her he pulled her close, gently holding her even though his hold could have been crushing. “Only time will tell,” he murmured. Now if that wasn’t testing the fates, god only knew what would.

“Just don’t push me away or lock me out, Kris?” she whispered, afraid he was going to go all noble and do just that. “I need you in my life, Kris, I need you in my life more than I could or have ever needed anything.” She pulled back to look at him. “I need you always, I love you forever.” Patting his chest and the rubbing along his shoulders, “Now, what were we doing after our shower?”

Staring at her he knew that good or bad he couldn’t let her go, he needed her. “I’m never leaving you, Courtney,” he said softly. “I don’t know if that will turn out to be the wisest of choices, but I need you in my life. I love you so much,” he breathed softly. “We should go and grab a bite or let you meet the wolves,” he told her letting it come out more question than idea. 

“How about we grab a bite to eat and then, then I will be happy to meet the wolves.” She leaned in, pressing a kiss to his lips and smiled. “After you tell me all about them and what I can expect from them.” She touched his cheek. “And of course it is a wise decision, Kris, it is the only one because you love me and I love you. Where you are is where I belong for now and forever, Kris, keep that in mind.”

BOOK: All in the Chemistry [The Royal Wolves 4] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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