All In The Family (17 page)

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Authors: Roseanne Dowell

BOOK: All In The Family
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“Thanks, Dad,” Callie said as they started down the aisle. Her breath caught. An overwhelming feeling of happiness settled over her. Tears filled her eyes.

William stepped forward and took her hand.




Callie wished the reception went off as well as the ceremony. It started out well enough. They went through the traditional reception line, procession into the hall, and normal clanging on the plates from the guests expecting a kiss. Not that she or William minded, but a couple forks full of food in between would have been nice.  Of course she had expected it. She’d been to enough weddings in the family to know how they were. In fact someone suggested they eat before they came. Wouldn’t have been a bad idea. She and William made the rounds to the guests after they finished their dinner. And then it came time to dance.

No more had they taken the floor for the first dance than her aunts rushed onto the dance floor. Aunt Beatrice Lulu grabbed William as Aunt Lottie and Aunt Ethel grabbed Callie. Aunt Beatrice Lulu bent William in a dip and almost dropped him on the floor.

“What the heck?” Callie looked on horrified.

“Hush. Just be still.” Aunt Ethel and Aunt Lottie whisked Callie away, while Aunt Beatrice Lulu held William in a bear hug. Just before she disappeared, Callie saw Uncle Ed join Aunt Beatrice Lulu, holding William while the wedding guests roared. Lord, she’d forgotten the tradition of stealing the bride. Hadn’t seen it in years. Certainly wasn’t at her sister’s wedding. Poor William, he’d have no idea what was going on. Of course, he’d find out soon enough. The aunts locked her in the cloak room and returned to the reception.

Now William would be expected
to buy her back either by singing a song or dancing. Looked like dancing would be the ransom, as Aunt Beatrice Lulu already sealed that fate. Knowing her aunts, he’d have to dance with each of them. Once he completed the task, she’d be returned. She couldn’t help but giggle. Hopefully, someone was recording this because she couldn’t wait to see the look on William’s face. He couldn’t say she didn’t warn him about her crazy aunts.


A few minutes later, the door opened. Jessica stood smiling. “Oh, no! Not you, too, Gram.”

“Guilty. In fact, I have to admit it was my idea.”

“Your idea? Gram, how could you?”

“Well…” Jess put her arm around Callie. “I just remembered how they did it at my wedding and well..” She shrugged. “It just seemed like a good idea. You’re not angry are you?”

“No, just worried how William handled it. They did that to you, too and Grandad?”

“Yep, I remember sitting there panicked at how your grandfather handled it also. My aunts weren’t much different than yours. I guess it runs in the family. You certainly don’t have to worry about William. He’s having the time of his life. He’s a keeper, Callie. Reminds me a lot of your grandfather and a little of Jim.”

“I sure hope someone recorded it. I can’t wait to see him.”

They entered the hall to find a crowd gathered in a circle. “What in the world?” Jess pushed her way through, Callie followed behind.

Aunt Beatrice Lulu lay on the floor next to William. Tears streamed down William’s cheeks. Callie couldn’t tell if he was laughing or crying. She stooped down next to him.

“Are you okay?”

William shook his head.

“Beatrice, what the hell are you doing on the floor this time?”

Aunt Beatrice Lulu shook her head and busted up laughing. William stood. “I’m afraid it’s my fault this time, Gram. I was dancing with her and we got a little fancy. I’m afraid I twirled her around one time too many.” He reached his hand down to help Aunt Beatrice Lulu up.

Her aunt
reached up, grabbed William’s hand and pulled him down again. Poor Uncle Ed looked beside himself. The guests roared. William got to his feet and brushed himself off, still laughing.

Finally, Jim, motioned for the DeeJay to play a song, walked over and helped Aunt Beatrice Lulu up. “Come on
. Let’s let these kids get on with their dance.”

Aunt Beatrice Lulu tucked her hand into the crook of Jim’s elbow and held her head high as
he escorted her off the floor.

The Dee Jay picked up where he left off before they whisked Callie away. William took
his bride in his arms to finish their dance. “You sure have some crazy relatives.”

Can’t say I didn’t warn you. Just for the record, I didn’t know anything about this. In fact, it was Gram’s idea. Can you believe it?”

“Your grandmother’s idea. Sweet little Judge Jessica Roberts?”

“The one and only. But it’s Jessica Landry now, remember. Ex judge.”

“Well that explains it. Your aunts get it honest. It’s all in the family.”  William twirled Callie around the dance floor and out the door. “This time I’m kidnapping my bride.”



The End


Roseanne Dowell books published by Books We Love

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Designed for Love

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About The Author


Multi-published author, Roseanne Dowell,
Writing Instructor and former School

, is an avid reader and writes various types of romance—paranormal, contemporary, women’s fiction and mystery. Living in Northeast Ohio with her husband of fifty years, she has six grown children, fourteen grandchildren and great grandchildren. Besides writing, she enjoys quilting and embroidering. She's been published since 2006 and also enjoys blogging, tweeting, facebooking and posting on various writers groups. To learn more about Roseanne:


Check her website:

Or her blog



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