All is Lost (All Series, Book 2) (23 page)

Read All is Lost (All Series, Book 2) Online

Authors: Marie Wathen

Tags: #suspense, #true love, #sexy, #angst, #new adult, #college age, #hot twins, #law enforcement goth, #love contemporary romance

BOOK: All is Lost (All Series, Book 2)
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Her head whips up in shock but she restrains
whatever emotion that flashes through her eyes before nodding her
head and averting her eyes again. “This is not what I was expecting
when I came here. What am I supposed to do now Marcus?” She pauses,
“Is there something being done to get her back? Is there a ransom?
I don't have the money to offer some sort of reward for her
return.” She states calmly, crossing her arms she stares
skeptically at me, like I’m the bastard demanding a

All of your questions are valid
and match my concern. I want to get Breesan back too, Wren. I'll
give you the phone number to my buddy in the police department and
he can get you in contact with the investigator in

Fuck, this is unbelievable. It
can’t be happening like this.” She mumbles. I'm uncertain if it's
anger or fear that I hear causing her voice to sound

Alarms activating in my head at her tone
instantly puts me on guard, and I force myself off the sofa, ready
to get away from her. Stepping from my seat, I spot a hotel note
pad and pen lying on the desk. I quickly scribble my and Raithe’s
cell numbers on it then hold it out for her. She glances down at
the scrap paper with a dazed look at first, but finally reaches out
a hand accepting it.

Forcing down my training and avoiding
interrogation methods on Breesan’s cousin, I say, “Try not to worry
too much. I have a feeling they will find her soon and unharmed.
Wren, I know that she was excited about you being here in Willow
and I’m sorry you didn’t get a chance to connect before all of this
shit happened. If you choose to stay or go, please let me know.”
Reaching for the doorknob, I pause and glance over my shoulder
before adding, “My family will be offering a reward for their safe

She nods once and I notice one corner of her
mouth lift up. “I'll call your buddy then I'm booking the next
flight off this damn island.” She states firmly and I acknowledge
with a countering nod, more determined than before to get the hell
out of here.

Exiting Wren’s hotel room, I nearly collide
into Bates, strolling coolly out of the elevator. Grinning as if he
is lost in a daydream prior to noticing me, he stops dead in his
tracks. His expression shifts to utter bewilderment. I approach him
preparing to ask why he is here, when I notice a troubled look pass
across his face before he storms past without a word. Shooting me
with a heated glare, Bates pounds on Wren’s hotel door, like a
madman. I stand shocked by the fact that he didn't even want an
explanation for my being at Breesan's cousin's hotel

Finally, returning to Rhys', my nerves settle
somewhat considering the situation at hand. Having pulled off the
shopping trip without a hitch and getting Breesan back to the
compound safely helps relax me. Since leaving Wren's hotel room I
have been preoccupied with keeping everyone in the dark about
Breesan not being included in the abduction. I know it's for the
best but what effect will this have once the girls are found and
it's revealed that she was here all along. Anna and Waverly's
families could resent her. I'm sure she's thinking about it, but
she hasn't mentioned her concerns.



After dinner Rhys retreats to his office for a
late night conference call. Thankfully, Ensley slipped out moments
later stating she was staying over at her boyfriend’s

Breesan and I settle in front of the
television on the large, leather, sectional sofa in the den. Since
the news released, she has been a ball of nerves. One of the local
stations didn’t even go to a commercial break for the first two
hours. I’ve encouraged her to sit through all of it hoping that it
will help, but she seems even more depressed. I reach up and slide
the back of my hand down her cheek. She pulls her attention away
from the news report with a heavy sigh. I open my arms and she
doesn’t hesitate snuggling against me. I am so grateful that I'm
not the only one needing our contact. Lazily, my fingers rake over
her soft shoulder. Without a doubt I am becoming more and more
drawn to her, and touching her is an absolute must.

Glancing down at the beautiful creature tucked
under my arm I can't help but smile at how damn lucky I am that
she's mine. Too many years of hearing about her then always being
disappointed when she would be away every summer when I returned to
Willow was rough. Then my job, her self-protective defenses of
blocking out everyone, and other elements, specifically my twin
brother, forced us to stay apart, but now here we are–finally
together. I will do everything in my power to keep it this

Is is possible for us to grab some
of my own things from my house or am I going to be forced to dress
like the living dead twenty-four seven?” Breesan says, playfully
jabbing my ribs with an elbow, drawing me out of my

She is wearing one of my old tee-shirts and
boxers from the stash I store here for emergencies. I stifle a
grunt, knowing I couldn’t stand seeing her in Rhys’ clothes

Depends on how hot you look
undead.” I chuckle mildly when she whips her head around, mouth
hanging open and staring at me like I have grown an extra head. “I
can't have you strutting around all schmexy in front of the other
guys. I'd have to beat their asses for ogling what's mine.” My
joking tone turns serious, thinking about one of those fuckers
looking at her at all, and again I nearly growl out

She chuckles, “Schmexy?” I shrug at her
playfulness. “Oh I don't think
going to happen. Have
you seen how beautiful Ensley and Sam are, Mr. Walker? No

You're damn right about that,” I
confirm, my eyes zeroing in on her luscious curves without her
noticing. For me, the most beautiful woman in existence lies
wrapped in my arms, and I would not want her anywhere else. She
blushes deeply, embarrassed with the detour our conversation takes,
so I change the subject.

Are you ever going to tell me why
I was denied meeting you for so many years?” Staying in my arms,
Breesan twists her head around, looking up at me from under dark
eyelashes and smiles.

Sure, I'll tell you, but you might
find it all boring as hell. I doubt it will interest you. Some of
it was girlie activities.” She smirks, thinking she will unnerve me
with this information.

I doubt that's true, unless you
were learning to put on makeup, getting your hair done, or shopping
all summer long.” I tease, knowing she is absolutely not

Uh no!” She snorts, “Not my

I believe that,” I say looping a
long strand of her hair through my fingers. “You're a natural
beauty and don't need all of that cover up junk.”

She glares at me, not believing my words, but
no truer words have been spoken.

Breesan is the most exotic creature I've laid
eyes on. Her almond shaped eyes feathered with long, dark lashes
highlight a pair of sparkling, steel gray eyes that possess my
soul. Her skin is smooth as the finest porcelain. At times I
hesitate grazing my thumb over her cheekbone or circling her sexy
cherry pout with my rough fingers, for fear of damaging her
flawlessness. Her draping dark hair, molding over her silky
shoulder, begs for a touch from my aching hands continually, and I
long to bury my face in, devouring her enticing cherry

Marcus, you don't have to say
things like that to me. It isn’t beauty that I see when I look in
the mirror.” She lifts a hand, stifling my objection. “Please,
before you say anything else, I'm not looking for compliments, and
I absolutely don't want to argue.” Eyes set, she stares at me
determined to win this argument. I nod, only relenting, because I
do not support her words at all.

Feeling like if we don’t talk about it now
we’ll never get another chance, I say. “I want to know everything
about you, the woman who eluded me for thirteen summers.” I smile,
adding, “Where have you been all my life?”

Yeah, you look positively
confounded at this very moment.” Breesan laughs and says, “Alright,
I'll tell you, but I warn you that your turn will come.” Clearing
her throat, she lets out a soft breath, devoting her attention to
something along the wall across the room. “Julia sent me away to an
assortment of cities to learn a variety of skills that she felt
would refine me or make me a multifaceted catch for some man.”
Wringing her hands subtly she rolls her eyes before sliding around
to face me. “She expects she'll turn me into a delicate socialite,
similar to how she masquerades around.”

Her unease builds as she continues talking.
She pulls her bare feet up, places them on the sofa encircling her
arms around her knees. Artfully framing a solid barrier, guarding
herself, she settles her eyes on me once again. Bared by her
familiar protectiveness, I feel her trust in me wane. Troubled that
we're back to this point, my hand instinctively wraps around her
ankle while my thumb strokes gently over the top of her foot,
symbolizing my need for her to hold onto us.

Some of the things that Julia sent
me away to do…” She sighs, “I actually loved, but I would never
tell her that.”

Placing her chin on her knees and averting her
eyes to her toes, Breesan continues sharing about her summer

Last year was probably the most
exciting out of all of them. She sent me to New York for a museum
crawl.” A huge smile splits across her lovely face as her eyes
appear wistful. “For three months I toured, interacted and devoured
enough art to last a lifetime.” Exhaling dramatically, she pierces
me with a curious stare. “A little bit of trivia for you, guess how
many museums there are in New York.” Smiling, she pauses actually
expecting me to know the answer.

How many guesses do I get?” I ask,
tapping a finger against my chin, feigning contemplation, while
remaining hopeful that she will just give in and tell

Breesan smirks, “As many as it takes for you
to bore me with this game.”

Laughing loudly at her directness, I run my
hand along my scruffy jaw, actually considering the answer this

Oh, alright, my guess is

Shaking her head, she answers, “Close, but

You really want me to keep

No, I just wanted to see if you
would play along or just expect me to tell you the answer. On
another note, it is so good knowing that your patience is on the
same level as mine,” She pauses and I quirk an eyebrow, wondering
what she thinks my patience level really is. “Close to none,” She
says giggling softly.
Damn, she’s right

My eyes lock on her hand running slowly
through the dark locks hanging loosely against the side of her
face, and mine itches with envy.

Last year there were eighty
museums in the city. And my favorite was the toy museum.” She
smiles sweetly. “It was nostalgic seeing some of my old toys. But
the coolest part was the children’s theater. Alongside professional
actors, some of the younger kids would take the stage and perform
plays all about toys. The children adored it. I admit I was a
little jealous of their experience. I'm not an actor, and yet
seeing the little ones take the stage happily, and completely
fearless made me want to try it.”

Narrowing her eyes, and wrinkling her nose,
she focuses on me like she’s waiting for me to mock her. I sit with
eager anticipation written all over my face, truly interested,
encouraging her to continue sharing.

I can't believe it,” she says,
giggling softly and shaking her head. “I did it and it was amazing.
For one brief moment I was a star. No, not really a star, but being
onstage, in front of hundreds of strangers I was able to channel a
side of me that I never knew existed.”

Grinning proudly at her innocent excitement,
I'm thrilled with her sharing this personal experience with me.
Finally, Breesan gets comfortable sharing bits of her childhood
with me and unlocks the tight grip she has on her legs.

I could never do that. Being in
the spotlight is not my style.” I admit that while the spotlight is
not for me, being on stage playing drums behind the band is where I
am the most comfortable and where my heart lies.

Nor mine, but being in another
city, far away from anyone who knows you, it’s like the braver side
just kind of comes out. Well, it did for me anyway. Also while I
was living in the city, I discovered that I love food trucks.” Her
eyes light up as she continues. “There was one that only served
grilled cheese sandwiches. Oh, I was in heaven, sampling about
seventeen different varieties until I decided that the cheddar,
turkey and tomato on oatmeal bread are my absolute favorite

You like grilled cheese sandwiches

Breesan giggles, “Yeah, they are one of my
favorite foods. I'm guessing you partake in the fine dining
experience of these delicacies too?”

Oh yes baby, it's one of my
culinary specialties.” I jest enthusiastically, knowing anyone can
make them.

Hmm, we'll just have to see how
skilled you are one day. Breakfast for dinner is one of my
favorites so maybe you can make them for me and I'll make chocolate
pecan waffles. That’s one of my favorite memories I have of my
dad,” She says softly. “I couldn’t search for him before, but now I
have to find him, Marcus.” I nod, understanding her longing to have
her father returned.

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