All Is Well: Heal Your Body With Medicine, Affirmations, and Intuition (35 page)

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Authors: Louise L. Hay,Mona Lisa Schulz

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Inspiration & Personal Growth, #Self-Help, #Personal Growth

BOOK: All Is Well: Heal Your Body With Medicine, Affirmations, and Intuition
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Rotten attitudes, vile gossip, I speak with gentleness and

See: Bad Breath

foul thinking.

love. I exhale only the good.

Hold and handle. Clutch

and grip. Grasping and

I choose to handle all my


letting go. Caressing.

experiences with love and

Pinching. All ways of

with joy and with ease.

dealing with experiences.


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A ll i s w e ll

Hay Fever

Emotional congestion. Fear I am one with ALL OF LIFE. I

of the calendar. A belief in

See: Allergies

am safe at all times.

persecution. Guilt.


I love and approve of myself.

Invalidating the self. Self-

See: Migraine

I see myself and what I do

criticism. Fear.


with eyes of love. I am safe.


Represents the center of

My heart beats to the rhythm

See: Blood

love and security.

of love.

—Attack (M.I./


Squeezing all the joy out of I bring joy back to the center


the heart in favor of money of my heart. I express love

See: Coronary

or position, etc.

to all.


Long-standing emotional

Joy. Joy. Joy. I lovingly allow

problems. Lack of joy.


joy to flow through my mind

Hardening of the heart.

and body and experience.

Belief in strain and stress.


See: Peptic Ulcer,

Fear. Fear. Fear. Clutching

I breathe freely and fully. I am

Stomach Problems,

safe. I trust the process of life.



See: Anorectal



Fear of deadlines. Anger of

I release all that is unlike love.

the past. Afraid to let go.

There is time and space for

See: Anus

Feeling burdened.

everything I want to do.

My mind is cleansed and free.


Resistance to change. Fear,

I leave the past and move

anger, hatred. Liver is the

See: Liver Problems

forward into the new. All

seat of anger and rage.

is well.

My mind is gentle and

Ruptured relationships.


harmonious. I love and

Strain, burdens, incorrect

approve of myself. I am free

creative expression.

to be me.

Herpes (Herpes

Mass belief in sexual

My concept of God supports


guilt and the need for

me. I am normal and natural.

punishment. Public shame. I rejoice in my own sexuality

See: Venereal

Belief in a punishing God.

and in my own body. I am


Rejection of the genitals.



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Herpes Simplex

I think and speak only words

(Herpes Labialis)

Burning to bitch. Bitter

of love. I am at peace with

words left unspoken.

See: Cold Sores


Carries the body in perfect

Hip Hip Hooray—there is joy


balance. Major thrust in

in every day. I am balanced

moving forward.

and free.

Fear of going forward in

I am in perfect balance. I

Hip Problems

major decisions. Nothing to move forward in life with ease

move forward to.

and with joy at every age.

Anger that is covered

over. The blanket used is

I am a loving parent to


usually fear. A desire to

myself. I am covered with

blame. There is often an

love and approval. It is safe

unwillingness to nurture

for me to show who I am.

the self.

Hives (Urticaria)

Small, hidden tears.

I bring peace to every corner

See: Rash

Mountains out of molehills.

of my life.

Blame and a tremendous

fear of not being good

I am perfectly happy to be

enough. A frantic race to


me. I am good enough just

prove oneself until the


as I am. I love and approve

blood has no substance left of myself. I am joy expressing

to support itself. The joy of

and receiving.

life is forgotten in the race

for acceptance.

Holding Fluids

What are you afraid of

See: Edema,

I willingly release with joy.




Resentment at not being

I release all control to the


able to change others.

Universe. I am at peace with


myself and with life.


Fear. Feeling pressured and I am safe. All pressure


dissolves. I AM good enough.


See: Diabetes


See: Eye Problems


See: Blood Problems


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I am at the center of life, and

Rage at being left out.

I approve of myself and all

See: Thyroid

that I see.


I am safe everywhere in the

See: Asphyxiating

Fear. Resisting change. Not Universe. I love myself and

Attacks, Breathing

trusting the process.

trust the process of life.


Overwhelmed by the


I now choose to make my life

burdens in life. “What’s

light and easy and joyful.

the use?”


Giving up. Feeling

I create a new life with new

See: Thyroid

hopelessly stifled.

rules that totally support me.

Ileitis (Crohn’s

I love and approve of myself.

Dis-ease, Regional
Fear. Worry. Not feeling

I am doing the best I can. I


good enough.


am wonderful. I am at peace.

Sexual pressure, tension,

I now allow the full power


guilt. Social beliefs. Spite

of my sexual principle to

against a previous mate.

operate with ease and

Fear of mother.

with joy.

I am willing to feel. It is


Emotional overflow. Years of safe for me to express my

controlling the emotions.

emotions. I love myself.

Cannot be cured by outer

Miracles happen every day.

means at this point. We

I go within to dissolve the


must go within to effect

pattern that created this,

the cure. It came from

and I now accept a Divine

nowhere and will go back

healing. And so it is!

to nowhere.

Gut-level fear, dread,

I digest and assimilate all new


anxiety. Griping and

experiences peacefully and




I choose to be peaceful and

Irritation, anger, annoyance.

See: Viral Infection



See: Fertility



Fear. Seeing red. Inflamed

My thinking is peaceful, calm,

See: “Itis”


and centered.


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Response to mass negativity I am beyond group beliefs or

See: Respiratory

and beliefs. Fear. Belief in

the calendar. I am free from



all congestion and influence.

It is my Divine right to take

Ingrown Toenail

Worry and guilt about your my own direction in life. I am

right to move forward.

safe. I am free.


I now release anger in

Anger at the self. Feeling

positive ways. I love and

See: Cuts, Wounds


appreciate myself.


Fleeing from the family.

This mind knows its true


Escapism, withdrawal.

identity and its creative point


Violent separation from life. of Divine Self-Expression.

I lovingly release the day


Fear. Not trusting the

and slip into peaceful sleep,

process of life. Guilt.

knowing tomorrow will take

care of itself.


I easily assimilate and absorb

Assimilation. Absorption.

all that I need to know and

See: Colon

Elimination with ease.

release the past with joy.

Desires that go against the

I am at peace just where

Itching (Pruritis)

grain. Unsatisfied. Remorse. I am. I accept my good,

Itching to get out or get

knowing that all my needs


and desires will be fulfilled.


Anger and frustration about I am willing to change all

conditions you are looking

patterns of criticism. I love

See: Inflammation

at in your life.

and approve of myself.


Internal and external

I feel tolerance and

prejudice. Unbalanced

compassion and love for all

See: Liver Problems


people, myself included.

Jaw Problems

I am willing to change the

(Temporo mandi -

Anger. Resentment. Desire

patterns in me that created

bular Joint [TMJ]

for revenge.

this condition. I love and


approve of myself. I am safe.


I easily flow with change. My

Represent changes in

life is Divinely guided, and I

See: Arthritis, Elbow,
direction in life and the ease am always going in the best
Knee, Shoulders

of these movements.


I allow the love from my own


Extreme anger. A desire to

heart to heal all that I see. I

See: Eye Problems

hit those or what you see.

choose peace. All is well in

my world.


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A ll i s w e ll

Divine right action is always

Criticism, disappointment,

taking place in my life. Only

Kidney Problems

failure. Shame. Reacting like good comes from each

a little kid.

experience. It is safe to

grow up.

Kidney Stones

Lumps of undissolved

I dissolve all past problems


with ease.


Represents pride and ego.

I am flexible and flowing.

See: Joints

Stubborn ego and pride.

Forgiveness. Understanding.

Knee Problems

Inability to bend. Fear.

Compassion. I bend and flow

Inflexibility. Won’t give in.

with ease, and all is well.

So mad you can’t speak.

I am free to ask for what I


Fear of speaking up.

want. It is safe to express

Resentment of authority.

myself. I am at peace.

Represents receptivity,

Left Side of Body

My feminine energy is

taking in, feminine energy,

beautifully balanced.

women, the mother.


Carry us forward in life.

Life is for me.

Leg Problems

I move forward with

Fear of the future. Not

confidence and joy, knowing


wanting to move.

that all is well in my future.

Inability to handle life at

I rise above all limitations.


all. A long-held belief in

I am Divinely guided and

not being good enough or

inspired. Love heals all life.

clean enough.

I move beyond past


Brutally killing inspiration.

limitations into the freedom

See: Blood Problems
“What’s the use?”

of the now. It is safe to

be me.


A belief that women are

I create all my experiences. I

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