All I've Never Wanted (15 page)

BOOK: All I've Never Wanted
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My grandmother stormed over to the closet where we kept our cleaning supplies, yanked open the door, and pulled out a broom.


“No mice allowed in this house!” she declared, brandishing the broom like a weapon. “Get out! Get out, or I hit you with broom!”


“You don’t need to ask me twice,” Roman muttered.


I snickered, and he gave me a death glare. I waved innocently at him, my morning suddenly improved by leaps and bounds.


“Out!” My grandmother swatted at him with the broom, and he was smart enough to hightail it out of there before it made contact. "Shameful boy! Bring
into the house!" She spit out the name like it was something foul. "Not welcome!"


When he finally left, I burst into laughter. Now I
wish I’d had a camera to document the whole encounter.


“Why you laughing?” my grandmother snapped huffily. “You wrong too! No lady with boyfriend let other boy in house." She stared disapprovingly at my outfit. "Especially not dress like that!" She clucked her tongue and lightly tapped by butt with the handle of her broom. "Your butt too big for those shorts! It get any bigger, it need its own zip code!"


I stopped laughing. Was my butt really that big? I twisted my head around to try and take a look. Regardless, it was probably a good idea to appease her for now. “I know, I’m sorry grandma.”


I stared down at the gift basket. Damn. He had taken those lollipops with him. “It won’t happen again.”

I was about to offer her an apple or something to calm her anger when my finger brushed against the teddy bear. Gosh, it was so soft…


I picked it up, accidentally pressing against the HUG ME pillow. “Goooood morning!” The high, squeaky mechanical voice almost caused me to drop the bear on the floor.


The bear continued. “Hug me! Hug me! I love you! Hug me!”


I stared down at the talking bear in disbelief and, unable to help myself, cracked up all over again.

*              *              *

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew pretending to be Parker’s girlfriend was going to drastically change my life at school. I just hadn’t known


It all started when Zack and Adri showed up at my house Monday morning to give me a ride.


“What are you guys doing here?” I asked, staring at the two impossibly good-looking blondes in the front of Zack’s Porsche.


“We’re here to give you a ride!” Zack was nearly bouncing up and down in excitement. “It might be a bit tight—this car was made for two—but I’m sure you can fit! You’re really skinny.”


I blinked, my mind still a bit groggy from sleep. “Umm…why are you giving me a ride?”


Adriana pushed her Chanel sunglasses on top of her head and looked at me with an amused smile. Her blonde hair fell perfectly past her shoulders and her skin practically glowed.


Jeez, was it even human for someone to look that good so early in the morning?


“Well, you’re dating Parker now,” she pointed out. “We can’t have you walking to school anymore.”


“It’s bad for his image,” Zack supplied helpfully. “And for the Scions’ image as a whole.”


I hitched my backpack straps higher onto my shoulder. “I thought you guys didn’t care what people thought.”


“Uh…maybe we care a little bit,” Zack allowed. “Come on, get in! We’re going to be late.”


I sighed, but acquiesced. I was too tired to walk anyway. “So, why didn’t Parker pick me up himself?” I asked. I mean, if he was supposed to be my boyfriend, wasn’t he supposed to do this sort of thing?


Zack peeled out of the driveway. “Oh, he’s putting in some new gadgets in his car, so he grabbed a ride with Carlo today. I guess he felt kind of weird asking Carlo to go pick you up…”


“Let’s just tell it like it is. Parker would rather we pick you up than pick you up himself in someone else’s car,” Adriana clarified wryly.


“Oh.” Boys and their egos.


When we arrived at school, I was horrified to see the usual crowd of students milling around at the top of the steps, waiting for the Scions’ arrival.


Oh, crap. I had completely forgotten about that!


“You guys,” I hissed, sliding down in my seat. “Can you just let me out at the back entrance or something?”


Zack pulled into his parking space and turned to stare at me.


“What? Why?”


“I’m…um, not feeling well,” I replied lamely.


“Maya,” Adriana gently scolded. “You have to get used to this if you’re going to date a Scion. Besides, this way, everyone will know your change in status.”


Yeah. That was exactly what I was afraid of.


I stared out the window, the dread building in my stomach when I saw Carlo’s and Roman’s cars appear in the lot.

“It’s time,” Zack announced happily. “Ready for your first walk of fame, Maya?”


No. Not at all. I forced a smile. “Sure.”


I thought I saw Adriana give me a knowing look, but I was distracted by the deafening screams that erupted when Zack opened the door.


Taking a deep breath, I slowly followed Zack and Adriana out of the car, trying not to flash everyone.


The minute I got out, the crowd went deathly silent. I swallowed hard, falling into step next to Adriana as we headed up the stairs.


Even though I tried my best not to stare at them, I could feel everyone’s gazes on me.


Adriana reached over and squeezed my arm supportively. I flashed her a grateful smile, but I was more than aware that the rest of the students had broken out into shocked whispers.


“Oh my god, what is
doing getting out of Zack Perry’s car?” 


“You know, I think someone told me she was dating Parker!”


“What a lucky bitch. She’s Valesca royalty now.”


“Hmmph. I wonder what
did to get that kind of cachet.”

The implication behind the last statement was clear.


I sighed, the dread spreading from my stomach to the rest of my body.


What had I gotten myself into?






Crap. Where do I go, where do I go…?


I glanced desperately around the hall, searching for an escape route even as I heard them getting closer. The sound of stilettos on marble was unmistakable.


It’s a sad, sad day when a bunch of twigs in four-inch Louboutins can catch up to me.


Right? Or left? Making up my mind out of sheer panic, I darted right, panting slightly from the exertion. God, I really need to join a gym or something.


“There she is!” I heard someone shout.


I let out a small groan. Why oh why do these things always happen to me?


I was trying to figure out the best way to lose them when the girls’ bathroom door opened and smacked me right in the face.


“Ow!” I cried, bringing my hand up to my stinging forehead.


“Oh my god, I’m so—Maya?”


I blinked. The person who’d opened the door was Venice. “Hi, V.” I waved weakly.


“I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed, running to my side. She gazed worriedly at my forehead. “Are you ok?”


“I—“ The sound of stilettos were almost on me by now. I grimaced. There was no way I’d be able to outrun them now, especially since I was feeling a bit dizzy. “Do you have to open doors so hard?” I grumbled, resigned to my fate.


Venice was staring, open-mouthed, over my shoulder. “Are they harassing you again?” she exclaimed. “But you’re dating Parker now!”


I sighed, my shoulders slumping. “Oh, they’re harassing me all right,” I muttered. “Just not in the way you’re thinking.”


She looked confused. “What are you talking—“


“Maya!” A perfectly manicured hand grasped by arm eagerly. When I looked up, I saw it belonged to a whip-thin blonde who wore a pair diamond earrings so huge I was surprised her earlobes didn’t fall off. “Finally, I caught up to you,” she simpered. “You know, you’re really…uh, athletic. In the best way possible, of course,” she added quickly. Apparently, in her world, an athletic girl wasn’t a compliment.


I forced a polite smile on my face, wishing for the umpteenth time that day that my parents hadn’t taught me the value of good manners so I could tell her exactly where to shove those earrings of hers. “Thanks, uh…”


“Agnes. Agnes Welden, of the Welden textiles fortune,” she pronounced smugly, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “Anyway, you left before I had a chance to ask you, where did you get those
shoes? They’re amazing!”


I stared down at my shoes. They were just plain black flats.


“Um…Nine West?”


“Nine West!” she screeched, letting out a fake laugh. “How… quaint. That’s what I really like about you, Maya, you’re so, um, down-to-earth. How about we go shoe shopping this weekend? Sigerson Morrison just opened up a—“


“Oh, shove it, Agnes,” another girl said crankily, pushing Agnes out of the way. She’d obviously gotten tired of waiting. She turned to me with a big smile. “Hey, Maya! I’m Ricki. I’m in your English class. Listen, a bunch of us are planning to make a quick getaway to the Caribbean and of course, we’d love it if you came—“


“Maya! I’m having a party this weekend! You’ll be there right?”


“Ohmygosh, I
your hair! Who does it?”


“You’re so pretty, did anyone ever tell you that?”


“You know, I think that, like, you and Parker make
cutest couple. You guys are just


Please, God, make it stop! I pressed my fingers to my temples, a small headache setting in as their high, screechy voices pierced through my eardrums like a spike heel through tissue paper. Didn’t they come with a “mute” button? If they didn’t shut up soon, I was seriously going to throw myself out one of the windows.


“Hey, Maya, we should go to lunch. All the good food’s going to be gone!” Venice, bless her soul, tried to save me by tugging on my arm, but the lemmings were having none of it.


“Um, excuse me, but we were talking to her,” Ricki said snottily, keeping a firm grip on my other arm. “That’s a bit rude of you, isn’t it…” She looked Venice up and down with a sneer. “I’m sorry, who are you again?”


“She’s my best friend,” I snapped. “Don’t talk to her like that! And let go of my arm!”


“You heard her. Get your last-season Pradas out of the way,” Agnes snapped, shoving Ricki aside. She gripped my wrist, her blue eyes wide. “So? What do you say to shoe-shopping Saturday?”


“Thanks, but no thanks. I’m busy.” I shot Venice a desperate glance.


“Let’s go!” she said loudly, pulling me down the hall.


Unfortunately, for someone who looked as if a strong gust of wind could blow her over, Agnes was quite strong and stood her ground. “What about Sunday? Are you free then? Or we can even go Friday afternoon!”


Sadly, I was unable to answer, due to the pain of having my arms tugged in completely opposite directions.


“You know, if you pull her arm off, she won’t be able to go shopping with you this weekend,” a very familiar voice said.


Venice and Agnes immediately stopped tugging as they stared at the newcomer in shock.


Carlo had managed to sneak up on us without anyone noticing, which will tell you how hysterical all the girls were in their efforts to become my friend since I’m now “Valesca royalty.” As a Scion, he usually couldn’t go anywhere without causing a few hoarse throats and swoons along the way.


“Well? Are you going to let go of her arm, or do I need to surgically detach you two?” Carlo asked, addressing Agnes. He sounded amused.


Agnes turned red. “Oh, of course,” she squeaked, dropping my arm.


I sighed in relief.


Carlo raised his eyebrows, and just like that, the entire horde of twigs scampered away.


“Dear Lord.
you,” I breathed, shaking out my hand. Tingles raced up and down my arm as sensation slowly returned.


“No problem.” Carlo gave me a small smile.


Venice cleared her throat.


“Oh, sorry!” I exclaimed. “Um, Venice, this is Carlo. Carlo, Venice.”


“It’s nice to meet you,” Carlo said politely.


 “Uhmfghsdyastwo,” Venice breathed, utter gibberish coming out of her mouth as she stared at him with googly eyes.


I rolled my own eyes. “Hey, Venice, didn’t you want to go to the DC before they ran out of good food?” I asked pointedly.


“Fine, fine, I can take a hint,” she grumbled, still staring rather dreamily at Carlo. “It was nice meeting you,” she breathed.


“It was nice meeting you too,” Carlo replied politely.


“I’ll see you there in a bit, right?” Venice asked me.


I nodded, and she turned and hurried towards the DC to grab the last of the roasted chicken.


Carlo and I just stood in a surprisingly comfortable silence for a while after Venice left. Well, I suppose it wasn’t all that surprising. For some reason, I feel more at ease around Carlo than I did around any other member of the Scions.


“Thanks for saving me from those girls back there,” I finally said, rubbing my arm. “I really appreciate it.”


“Don’t worry about it,” he answered. A glint of amusement lit up his dark eyes. “They’re pretty scary, aren’t they?”


I shuddered. “Scary, and faker than Pamela Anderson’s breasts. I think I preferred it when they were throwing stuff at me.”


Carlo laughed, a rich, deep laugh that filled the hallway and enveloped me like a warm hug. “You know, you’re one-of-a-kind, Maya Lindberg.”


I smirked. “Really?” I fake gushed. “That’s the nicest thing anyone’s
said to me!”


He glanced at me wryly. “Keep up the sarcasm, and I’ll call Agnes back here so you two can plan your shopping date.”


I was horrified. “No! No, I didn’t mean it, I swear!” I waved my arms frantically around. The thought of spending another minute with the twig made my whole body go limp with dread. “No sarcasm from me again. Promise.”


Carlo chuckled. “I was just joking, no need to freak out. I don’t hate you, you know.”


“That’s a relief,” I quipped. Suddenly, I noticed something sticking out of his pocket. “Is that…is that
Grapes of Wrath?”
I stuttered, a bit stunned that Carlo Tevasco was carrying my favorite book of all time around with him.


He glanced down at the tattered paperback. “Oh, yeah,” he said, pulling it out of his pocket and staring at it fondly. “It’s my favorite book.”


Un-freakin’-believable. Who would’ve thought I’d ever have anything in common with a Scion, even if it was as something as simple as a book?


“So, I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” Carlo leaned against the lockers and crossed his muscular arms over his chest.

“Sure. What is it?”


He glanced around, probably to make sure no one else was in earshot. “Why are you and Parker pretending to date?”


And just like that, my brain completely froze. I just gaped at him in shock. What—he—did—


“What—what are you talking about?” I laughed shrilly. It sounded fake even to my own ears. “Parker and I really


“Uh-huh.” Carlo looked unimpressed. “And Valesca has just been voted the friendliest town in the US. Maya, you and him are pretty good actors, but come on, I’ve known him since we were babies. He is not going to date someone he’s never even had more than a dozen conversations with.”


“We’ve had more than a dozen conversations,” I muttered. The majority of them just happened to last under thirty seconds. I sighed, not even bothering to try and hide it anymore. Carlo seemed way too smart to fall for any of my excuses anyway. “You’re not going to tell anyone, are you?”


“Of course not.” He looked slightly offended. “Why would I do that? Although I’m warning you, I think Adri already knows.”


I groaned. “She


“It’s ok, she won’t tell anyone either,” Carlo assured me. “Besides, it’s best she figured it out, or—“


He stopped.


I tilted my head curiously. “Or what?”


He cleared his throat. “Nothing.”


“You’re so weird,” I complained. “Well, do Zack and Roman know?”


“I don’t think Zack knows, unless Adri told him. And Roman’s a bit slow,” he added mischievously.


I snickered as I suddenly flashed back to Saturday. Boy, did Carlo get


"You never answered my question, though. What's going on with you guys?"


With a sigh, I told him about my grandmother, her incessant matchmaking, and her desire to match me up with every boy who possessed an IQ above 130.


Of course, Carlo thought it was hilarious. "Oh man, I'd love to meet her," he laughed. "She sounds like a riot."


"Oh, she's a riot all right," I muttered.


Suddenly, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch and the start of the next class period.


I blinked, thoughts of my grandmother flying out of my head. “Oh no! I missed lunch!” I whimpered. "And I just left Venice alone in there!" Eating was one of my greatest joys in life, and the DC’s food was just about the only thing I could stand in Valesca. I stared sadly down at my stomach, which let out an obedient hungry growl. “Stupid twigs.”

BOOK: All I've Never Wanted
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