All of Her Men

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Authors: Lourdes Bernabe

BOOK: All of Her Men
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All of Her Men










Chapter 1


Although it is a long process, primping is something I find to be enjoyable.
It’s Thursday night, and I had spent a week planning the exact details, down to the perfect outfit that would go with the most comfortable shoes. Not that I really care so much as to what I wear. I just had a certain need to look perfect. No. Scrumptious. Enticingly, scrumptious.

It had been too long since the last time. Much too long, really. I had hoped to wait a bit longer but I could no longer
keep the incessant nagging at bay. Most days I could quiet the rage by simply remembering the last time. But time had the tendency to dull memories down to nothing. And eventually, that nagger would hold its silence no more and force me to do the evil deeds that I had so desperately suppressed.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I
think I pulled it off again. Carefully, I put the finishing touches of my jet black mascara to top off the purple smoky eye shadow. I tended to over-play my eyes in a fashion that made most men drool. It wasn’t difficult but it was awfully time consuming. But it was always worth it. I blinked rapidly several times allowing my lashes to dry without smudging my perfect porcelain face. I then shifted my gaze to the mirror directly in front of me and I took a look back at my own reflection in genuine admiration. Once more, I smiled convincingly at myself just to make sure it looked flawless.

Beautiful of course, but something
was missing. Something was just…off. Eyebrows? Check. Eyes? Check. Foundation? Check. Blush? Check. Ah. There it was. Gotcha! I grabbed for the lip gloss and swept on a bit of the entirely too expensive guck onto my lips for that shining glossy finished look. Visually, it was pure perfection. But that was my own humble opinion. I honestly loathed that awful garbage we women put on our face and lips. Yet it was an undeniable truth that men’s fantasies usually involved graphic images of women’s lips clinging to their manhoods for dear life. Therefore, it would be prudent for any woman heading out into the dark hunting ground on the prowl for a man to never ever leave home with a neglected pout.

I glimpsed
at the full length mirror one last time. My long, black hair shone perfectly straight and hung down to the middle of my back. I figured I would head on down to a low key type bar. Jeans and a blouse were suitable attire for such a venue. It was such a shame I couldn’t wear a pretty dress. Jeans were so…blah. I felt a bit underdressed but I couldn’t just waltz in with a cocktail dress on. I needed the perfect balance of understated beauty. If I dressed up any more I would run the risk of becoming memorable. That just wouldn’t work. Not for what I wanted to accomplish. I needed to be noticed immediately but forgotten just as quickly.

Perhaps I was being a bit over the top with what seemed like mundane detailing.
But meticulous detailing was of the utmost importance. This amount of preparation would serve as the foundation for what should become yet another memorable evening.

My body quivered as I fantasized about the night ahead. It had been much too long since the last time.
Why had I waited so long? Hair -raising goose bumps ran down my arms. The anticipation was electrifying. Much like an animal hunting for it’s next meal, my senses were on high alert and I was sensitive to the slightest sound, gust of wind, or change of lighting. My eyes took in every sight to be seen. I heard every noise with distinction and every which way the sounds shifted. I smiled knowingly at myself and bit my lower lip. Thinking about in that way made me feel like a big bad wolf. Indeed, that’s precisely what I needed to be. And I was.

Chapter 2

It took me at least 45 minutes of driving before I finally reached Lucky Ducky’s Bar and Grille. It was one of the first links that popped up on a quick Google search. I wanted to find a place I’d never go to again and Lucky’s seemed like a good place to try. There was plenty of available parking right by the front entrance but I decided to park in the back lot instead. The lot was encompassed by lots of gnarly overgrown trees that left very little lighting. My Jeep would be well-hidden there amongst all of the other cars.

Lucky Ducky’s was a shabby little thing of a bar and a popular go-to spot for the young and broke college crowd.
Or so it said on their website and facebook pages. At only a buck fifty a beer, they couldn’t be beat. I’m sure the surrounding bar owners didn’t appreciate Lucky Ducky’s undercut pricing but the patrons appreciated a good deal. You could drink all night without leaving a big dent in your wallet.
A group of young college kids led the way and I followed behind at a distance. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the bar’s dim lighting inside. I walked straight to the bar and ordered a beer while taking a curious look around. There were lots of tiny little wooden tables and chairs and I spotted an open one near the back against a wall. I figured it probably provided the best view of the house. The tall and gangly bartender handed me a beer and I hoped he hadn’t noticed my slight grimace when I noticed the disgusting acne scars that looked like shrunken craters that covered his pale face. He had tried to cover it up with women’s make-up but it only made it worse. Poor guy. I turned my head from him quickly and made my way over to the small table in the back. I was right. It did have a good view.
It was Thursday night and so of course the frat boys began to flock into the local bars like beer was going out of style. As far as I could tell, this little bar in particular had an excellent selection from which to choose. White, black, Latino, thin, husky – I could have taken my pick. Young men weren’t usually too picky. They’d take what they could get. I, on the other hand, have learned over the years to become more selective. Why settle for fast food when I just had to wait for the quality to arrive. I had made up my mind on the drive over. Tonight, my palette thirsted for Italian cuisine.
A nice thick and juicy Italian- looking man with big muscular arms walked in a few short minutes later. Quite a few skinny, nerdy and ghostly looking guys came in before but I figured with that many rejects there was bound to be one or two winners coming through. He caught my eye the second he walked through the door. I immediately saw his potential. He carried an arrogant flair as he slowly removed his jacket to showcase his heavenly body. It was almost as if he had known I was watching. But of course, he didn’t know. He gleaned a smile at the bartender as he ordered a beer and I felt the all too familiar rush of adrenaline race through me. This was the one. It had to be him.
I felt confident he would be fairly easy. He wouldn't put up much of a fight...not with me at least. I have always had the uncanny ability to lure men with incredible ease. Young ones were the easiest. This one would bend to my will with just a look or slight gesture. I've had many like him before. All brawn no brains but fun as all hell to seduce. If you could call giving candy to a baby a seduction.
I stayed seated a while longer just in case something better came along. I continued to sip on my beer while watching, rather uninterestingly, at the baseball game on a flat screen. I just kept on staring....A few more minutes of this and I was bound to catch his attention. Why a hot young girl drinking at a bar alone with no one to buy her a refill? I would bet his life on it, it would be mere minutes before he sniffed the bait.
-Four minutes later...
"You bout ready for another?" asked the bartender. I didn’t hear him the first time. I was too distracted watching Muscles peripherally. He asked again and this time he got my attention.
"Yeah, suppose I am." I replied. I wasn't thirsty and I definitely wasn’t looking to get drunk but there wasn’t much else to do in a bar. "Good, that guy over there wants to buy you another round," he said pointing in Muscles’ direction. The bartender attempted a fake smile but he just didn’t have it in him. Like he'd seen this move countless times throughout the day and was tiring of the messenger service.
"Yeah. I'll have another Sam Adams." I met my prey's eyes for approximately two seconds, smiled ever so coyly and then slowly let my gaze fall to the ground. It was a classic shy girl move. Men loved to believe they were honing in on an innocent unassuming young girl. Incredibly easy to fake, yet an invaluable skill set with which to capture hunting males. They never ever see it coming.
I decided to make my way to the ladies room. I walked slowly keeping my eyes directly on the bathroom door. Peripherally, I could see him watching my every move. I closed the door behind me and turned the lock. I stared into the mirror before me and couldn't help but to stare back at my own stunning image. Yeah, sure...I was beautiful in the most obvious sense of the word. But beauty would only serve me to certain extents. The art of manipulation, I had come to learn, would always be my most valuable asset.
Affixed to the bathroom wall was a dingy mirror and as I stared through it at my own reflection, I slowly began to, two, three....I didn't come here to stare at myself. I knew what I looked The count wasn’t for my benefit. Muscles over there across the bar needed to believe I was primping just for him...fourteen....fifteen...sixteen. I waited a full sixty seconds and took a last second breathe before making my way back to my seat.
It didn't take long for him to find his way to my table. I couldn’t believe how easy it had been to lure him my way. "You mind?" he asked motioning to the chair across from mine. I sensed only the slightest bit of hesitation. He was fairly confident. Good. I preferred a confident man. They made the process more enjoyable. "Not at all," I smiled. I lowered my head just slightly and looked up to catch his eyes. "Come here often? Never seen you before.” I had that knee-jerk reaction in my head,
Oh no he didn’t.
I simply couldn't believe that he had just used that line. Once again, all brawn and no brains...
Not missing a beat I responded. "No. Just stopped in for a few beers. Thought I'd check out the scene before heading out. Not much going on tonight for a single gal like me." His pupils dilated slightly at the mention of my single status. I’d learned to watch for that. He clearly saw this as his opening. This just might be too easy I thought to myself. Should I jump ship? I had hoped for an interesting night. He might turn out to be too predictable. Too easy wouldn’t be much fun. There was still a room full of vulnerable men of which to choose... I thought better of it though. His chiseled physique should make up for his pneumatic skull. I hoped.
"Really? Nothin' for a girl like you going on tonight. I find that very hard to believe," he hinted with a wry smile. "So....what are you looking to get into?" He asked curiously. "Hmm....I dunno what do you have in mind? I'm pretty much up for anything tonight." I decided to lay it on thick. What the heck? Why waste time when I already knew it was pretty much a done deal. I wanted to get home at a decent hour.
"Well, a bunch of buddies of mine and I were headed out to the beach for a bonfire. Won't be anything too big but there's plenty of beer and some music...what do you say?" Muscles was really in a rush to get me out of here. He looked as if he were forcing himself so as to not look too eager. Yet those luscious eyes and the slightest hint of sweat over his brow were a dead giveaway. Good.
"Hmm...I dunno," I hesitated. I wondered how many of his buddies would actually meet with us at the beach. I wasn’t looking to hang out with a bunch of frat boys. Their presence could potentially pose a problem, depending on how many of them there were. However, the beach would provide the perfect setting. It would provide enough seclusion with just a slight hint of exhibitionism. The ocean would also be perfect for cleaning up after the deed was over and done with. I didn’t want to go home raggedy and dirty. If all things went as planned I could get home at a respectable hour. That is - if everything went to plan. There was always a big if.

"Why not? Sounds like fun," I exclaimed giddily. I went to grab my bag and then a sudden realization
crept up. "Oh no! I didn't bring my bathing suit." Of course a suit wasn't really necessary. He would have probably suggested skinny dipping anyway and I've never been the type to shy away. And right on cue, "Don't you worry your pretty little head. I'm sure we can find somethin' for you to wear. That is...if you even need one." Well didn’t he think he was clever? Clever didn’t suit him, though. I was running this show. He’d come to learn it soon enough. Leading men to believe they were the ones in control was half the battle. And the fun.
Just like that, I took one last swig of my beer and we headed out the door. That was easy. As we walked across the parking lot I suggested we take separate cars. I could see disappointment creep onto his beautiful face. "Don't worry," I smiled. "I'll be right behind you." Then suddenly I realized, I didn't know his name. "Hey, I didn't catch your name," I beamed the brightest smile I could. This specific smile usually caved men into forgiving my common habit of rudely forgetting to ask their name whenever I met someone new. Names had the tendency to elude me.
"Baby girl, I'm Paul. I don't think I got your name either," he said. “Paul, I'm Jolene and it is a pleasure to meet you," I sweetly replied. I knew right then and there that this sweet talker was no match to my long-perfected child-like charm. Precious Paul had the ideal blend of beauty and stupidity. Add that to his Heaven-sent body and it was a meal prepared specifically to my liking. The excitement sent another surge of adrenaline through every inch of my veins. I hoped I would have the where-with-all to pretend to enjoy his company long enough to carry my plans all the way through.
I followed Paul at a safely distant speed as I looked up the local beaches on my smart phone. Yes, I knew texting while driving was bad, but I wasn't texting, technically. A hunter could not simply go into the wild without some basic knowledge of the land. A quick glance at the basic structure of the beach was all I needed to be a few steps ahead of my new friend Paul.
Chapter 3
Unreal. Un -fucking -believable. Was this really happening? I mean, I knew when I got to the bar tonight I would be getting some type of ass but this was a whole other level. I took another quick look at my rear view mirror just in case. Yep...she was still trailing me.
Most of my buds were already at the bar by the time I came through. Lucky Ducky’s usually had pretty decent-looking chicks, but I never saw this chick there before. I definitely would’ve noticed. I knew I'd never seen her before. I also knew I had to be quick about it before some other douche tried to make a move. Sure, there was no shortage of ladies tonight, but this girl took the cake by far. I had to move fast if I thought I’d have a shot.
I told the bartender to send a drink her way and after I saw her go take a piss I knew it was time to make my move. I shot a quick look at her table to see what she was already drinking and she was drinking Sam Adams. My kinda girl. At least it wasn't one of those pink Cosmo things. That shit was disgusting but girls loved it.
When she came out of the bathroom I thought that I might have caught her eye but she probably didn't even notice me. She was probably looking at the tv or something. Girls like that know how hot they are and they don't even know guys like me even breathe the same air. I owed it to myself to give it a shot anyway. How else was I supposed to score some premium, Grade A pussy? I wasn't going to get it sitting here and staring at her. I had to go over and say something. Anything.
I saw her take a swig of her beer and decided that was my moment. I walked on over to her and said a whole two words. "You mind?" those two words were never harder to say than right here in front of her. It took all I had in me not to look like too much of an idiot. I tried to turn all that nervous energy into a shit-load of confidence but there was no telling if it was working for me.
And then she smiled and said, "Not at all." I breathed a sigh of relief. Ok. So that wasn't too hard. She sure could have said no but she said yes. Well...she said yes to me sitting down in front of her. But hey, one step at a time right?
"So, come here often?" Fuck! Why did I just say that. I had to say the most cliche line of all time? If I could have taken back the words and shoved them back down my throat I would have. But it was all that came out. This chick just smiled a mega-watt smile that killed my game in .2 seconds. Wow. Just wow. She really was that beautiful. I knew that was it. She was gunna shoo me away like a fly on a wall. But she just smiled and kept on talking.
At that point I really didn't give a shit what the fuck she was saying I was just happy that she kept on yapping away. She could have been talking about nuclear missiles or quantum physics. It didn't really matter. I was happy just staring at her face and looking at that amazing body.
Suddenly, she stopped talking. Quick. What did she say? I know I heard her say single. I definitely heard that one. But what else did she say? Oh yeah...nothin' to do tonight. Well honey, you can do me. It probably wouldn’t be too smooth of me to say that though.
"Really? Nothin' going on for a girl like you tonight. I find that very hard to believe." Was she giving me an opening? It sure sounded like one. Could this chick really wanna hang with the big boys tonight? Two of my buddies already had their dates in line. I was the last one to score a date to the beach and I would definitely not be 5th wheeling it tonight. If everything went the way it was supposed to I would have the hottest bitch there.
What the hell? The worst that she could say was no. It looked like this girl wanted to party. She wanted to have a good time and I wanted to be the one to give it to her. If I didn't some other shmuch would. I had to make my move.
"Well, a bunch of buddies of mine and I were headed out to the beach for a bonfire. Won't be anything too big but there’s plenty of beer and some music...What do you say?" There it was. I asked her to come along to the beach. She looked like she was actually thinking about it which shocked me. Usually, chicks blurt out the first excuse that pops up in their head but hey, maybe she was actually into me. I might even get some tonight and maybe even more than once. The possibilities were endless.
"Hmm…I dunno…Why not? Sounds like fun," she said plainly. Wait. Did I just here her say yes? Part of me couldn't believe it. Did I just pull off the easiest pick-up known to man? My instincts told me to get this girl in my car and on our way asap before she had time to change her mind. My friends were never gunna believe I just pulled this off. Then, as if the hook-up Gods were fucking with me she squealed, "Oh no!" And just like that, My dreams went up in smoke. She was gunna bail wasn't she?
She didn’t even give me a chance.
Then to my relief she said, "I didn't bring my bathing suit." Whew! That was it? No bathing suit? If she was taking off her clothes I didn't want her to put anything back on. Besides, the water was always freezing this time of night. We were going to the beach to talk (a little), drink and hopefully, if everything went right, Fuck. Swimming was the last thing on my mind.
"Don't you worry your pretty little head. I'm sure we can find somethin' for you to wear. That is...if you even need one," I flirted. She didn't look like she needed any further convincing. This little fish had been caught. She finished off her beer and walked with me out to my car.
"Maybe I should take my car too. I wouldn't want to make you drive all the way back to the tavern to get my car so late at night. Plus, it doesn't look like my car would be too safe here anyway." She made total sense but I didn’t think I did a good job of hiding my disappointment. I was really looking forward to having her ride in the car with me. Admittedly, I’d allowed my imagination to get ahead of me. Oh well. A guy can dream.
We agreed that she should take her car and follow me all the way to the beach. She walked toward her car when she turned on her heels and yelled across the lot, "Hey, I didn't catch your name." How could I have forgotten to ask her name? I was pretty sure that was step one in the pick-up handbook. Fail. I was surprised she wasn't pissed at me for forgetting to ask. I was so nervous thinking about what to say that I missed the obvious. Did I just meet a cool chick? I'd heard they existed but I didn't think I'd actually met any.
"Baby girl, I'm Paul. I don't think I got your name either," I said. I just could not believe that I actually forgot her name.
Chapter 4
I pulled up to the gravel lot next to the beach and put the Jeep in park. I did most of my planning while I followed Paul’s car all the way to the shore. I’d even made sure to call my boyfriend, Eric and let him know I’d be working late so as not to worry. I couldn’t afford an untimely phone call that could ruin it all for me. I’d received a text from Olivia, my best friend, but I ignored it. She would want to go out tonight but I was already out. She was on her own tonight.

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