All of You (31 page)

Read All of You Online

Authors: Jenni Wilder

Tags: #romance, #hockey, #rich and famous, #love relationships, #passion and love

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“With what, baby?” he came up behind me and
rubbed my shoulders.

I hung my head. “I haven’t been in a hot tub
since I was ten.”

His hands froze on my shoulders. “Because of
your scars?”

I nodded. “I was just wishing I could strip
down and go in the hot tub too.” It sounded so pathetic to my

Lincoln turned me around and crouched down to
my eye level. “You want to go in a hot tub?”

I shrugged. Lincoln nodded and swooped down
to pick me up in his arms. I gasped and circled my arms around his
neck as he carried me toward the door to the deck. “No, Lincoln!
No! I don’t want anyone to see.” I protested and squirmed in his

“Relax, baby,” he said as he somehow managed
to open the door while carrying me. He stepped out on the deck.
“Hey, Deac. We’re going to bed. Lock up when you’re done.”

“All right, man,” Deacon shouted back over
the commotion. Lincoln nodded and carried me back inside.

“We’re going to bed?” I stopped struggling in
his arms, confused at the direction our conversation had

“No,” Lincoln answered with a smirk.

He carried me downstairs, through his man
cave, and into the bathroom connected to his bedroom. He set me
down and walked to the massive Jacuzzi tub in the corner, turned
the knobs and began filling it with water.

“Wait here,” Lincoln ordered, smiling at me
before he disappeared into his bedroom. I stood alone nervously in
the bathroom. It was sweet of him to draw me a bath, but it’s not
really what I had wanted when I said I wanted to go in the hot

Regardless, I walked to the mirror and pulled
my hair up in a messy bun, securing it with a hair tie I had around
my wrist. I heard the door open and close behind me and I turned to
find Lincoln standing in the bathroom in just his boxer briefs. My
mouth watered at the sight of his muscular body. His chest muscles
were bulging and the six-pack on his abdomen bumped out down to the
V between his hips.

“Is this okay? I thought you could wear this.
But I can find something else if you’re not comfortable,” he said
as he held out some fabric draped in his hand.

I walked forward and took the clothes from
his hand. I held them up and smiled. It was a pair of his boxer
briefs and a tank top. My scars would be completely covered. I bit
my lip, smiled, and nodded. Lincoln kissed me quick and excused
himself, leaving me alone in the bathroom to change while the water
filled the tub.

I quickly changed into the clothes Lincoln
had offered and check myself out in the mirror. The boxer briefs
fit surprisingly well. They were tight against my butt, but loose
around the waist and thighs. I was drowning in his tank top,
though. Bunching the extra fabric to the side, I knotted it,
’80s-style. It pulled the neckline extremely low, although it still
covered all the important bits.

I was sitting on the edge of the tub watching
the water rise when Lincoln knocked quietly. I called for him to
come in, and he entered carrying an iPod which he connected to a
docking station on the vanity. Slow romantic music filled the
bathroom and I smiled as Lincoln hit the dimmer switch and lowered
the lighting before walking up to me. He bent over me and kissed me

“Trying to seduce me?” I teased.

Lincoln chuckled. “I wasn’t planning on it,
but the way you look right now, I might not be able to resist,” he
admitted and gathered me in his arms, pulling me up against him.
“You are so beautiful.”

I blushed and kissed him, wrapping my arms
around his neck. We stood kissing in the bathroom awhile before I
realized I was cold and remembered the tub. I broke our kiss and
turned to look at the tub. It was almost full.

“Ready?” he asked, and I nodded excitedly. He
pushed some buttons on the edge of the tub and it roared to life,
filling with bubbles. “In you get,” Lincoln commanded, holding my
hand to help me in.

I dangled a toe in the bubbly water. It was
the perfect temperature.

I eagerly climbed in and sank down to my
waist before leaning back against one side. The warm water
enveloped me up to my shoulders, and I closed my eyes and groaned
with pleasure. The tub was deep and wide with plenty of room for
two or more people.

Lincoln climbed in and mirrored my actions,
leaning against the opposite side, facing me. He tangled our legs
together and echoed my groan of pleasure.

“Mm… Lincoln. This is amazing. Thank you so
much,” I said with my head back, the waterline up to my neck.

“Anything for you, Princess,” he told me with
a sigh, and I smiled. Once again, he had erased my worries and made
me feel cherished.

“Never have I ever… been on a motorcycle,” I
said with my eyes still closed and my head back. I heard Lincoln
chuckle from across the tub.

“I don’t have anything to drink.”

“You’ve been on a motorcycle?”

“Mmhmm. I tooled around on one in college.
Easier to get around campus. I haven’t been on one in a long while,

“Hmm…” I replied.

“Never have I ever seen the Statue of
Liberty,” he said after a moment.

“Ooh, I did do that. My older brother’s wife
is from New York, so when they got married the whole family flew
out there, and we spent a couple of days being tourists.”

“What else did you see there?”

“Ooh…the typical stuff. The Empire State
Building, Broadway, Times Square, Rockefeller Center.” I listed off
the places.

“I played an exhibition game there once.”


“It was a fundraiser for 9/11 families.”

“Oh… I hope you raised a lot of money.”

“Mm…” he replied in agreement.

I thought for a moment. “Never have I ever
eaten sushi.”

Lincoln chuckled. “Nope, me neither.” He
paused. “Well, actually I think I did try it once, but I wasn’t
impressed. Kennedy loves the stuff, though.”

We continued our private game for a long
while. Long enough that Lincoln had to add hot water to the tub to
keep us warm. It was completely blissful. We laughed and shared
details about our lives, learning a great deal about each

Eventually I sat forward and grabbed
Lincoln’s foot that was resting on my thigh. I squeezed it and
began massaging the muscles and tendons beneath the skin. Lincoln
groan with appreciation.

“Never have I ever had sex,” I said

Lincoln opened his eyes and looked at me.
“You know I have,” he said, and I nodded, looking down at the foot
I was massaging. “What exactly are you asking, Jillian?”

“When was your first time?”

He sighed and leaned his head back. He was
quiet for a moment before answering, “I was fifteen.”

“And?” I prompted him to continue.

“And nothing. She was a girl from school. We
had sex. That was it,” he said nonchalantly.

“Was it her first time too?”

He snorted. “No. She had pretty much made her
way through the whole hockey team before she got to me. But I was
young and horny, and I didn’t care.”

“Oh. How many women have you been with?” I
asked shyly, switching to massage his other foot. I was

“Four,” Lincoln said simply.

“You’ve only slept with four women?”

“Are you surprised? I’m not sure if I should
take that as a compliment or an insult,” he said, smirking at

I shrugged. “I just assumed the number would
be higher.”

He grabbed my foot and pulled me across the
tub to him, causing me to yelp as a tidal wave washed over my
shoulders. Lincoln grinned big and leaned forward to kiss me. “None
of them mattered before you, Princess. You are my future and the
only thing that matters to me now.”

I shifted forward and folded my legs under me
and sat in his lap, straddling his hips. “I love you,” I said

His face softened. “I love you too, Jillian.”
He cupped my face with his hands and pulled my lips down to his,
kissing me sweetly. “Best birthday ever,” he whispered as I hovered
over his face, ours lips barely touching.

I smiled and kissed him again, threading my
fingers through his hair. Lincoln’s passion intensified, and he
deepened the kiss while running his hands down my shoulders and
around my ribs. He stopped kissing me then and reached over to turn
off the jets, causing the bubbles to dissipate and the water to

Lincoln pushed me back slightly and raked his
eyes over my body. My breasts bobbed at the waterline under my tank
top and although I was overheated from the warm tub water, my
nipples jutted out against the thin fabric. Lincoln’s hand moved
from my ribs to the underside of my breast, and he circled his
thumb over my sensitive nipple. “You are so sexy, baby. I could
look at you all day.”

I bit my lip as Lincoln’s thumb sent tingles
of pleasure through my body. I ground my hips into his and felt him
harden through our shorts.

“Remember, if you want me to stop just tell
me,” he reminded me as he untied the knot in my tank top and moved
his hand to the neckline.

He locked eyes with me and I nodded. He must
have seen the trust in my eyes because he smiled and pulled down
the neckline of my tank top, stretching the fabric and exposing my

Lincoln groaned at the sight and moved his
hands over them, cupping and squeezing. A brief surge of confidence
shot through me, and I sat up, causing my chest to rise out of the
water. My breasts were eye level with Lincoln, and he ran one hand
around my back to pull me closer to him. He placed light kisses on
one breast, slowly moving toward the center until he reached my
nipple and drew it into his mouth.

I groaned as he sent spikes of pleasure
through me and I pushed closer to him. “Oh, Lincoln. That feels

I let my eyes close and my head loll back.
Lincoln sucked at me harder before switching to the other breast.
He licked at my nipple before lightly blowing on it. The contrast
of his warm breath and the cold air around the tub made a shiver
run through my body, and I gasped with pleasure. His hands returned
to my chest, palming my breasts and rubbing my nipples.

My pleasure was increasing, and I felt a need
between my legs. “Lincoln…” I whimpered. I rolled my hips
involuntarily. Lincoln slowly slid one hand down my body over my
tank top and moved it between my legs. He gently caressed me there
as he moved his mouth back to my nipple. He took it between his
lips and gently bit down. I cried out as my orgasm hit, and Lincoln
wound an arm around me, holding my naked chest to his. I could feel
the walls inside me spasming with pleasure, needing something more.
I wanted to feel him inside me.

I opened my eyes and found him staring at up
at me. I kissed him hard and ground my hips against him. My orgasm
had brought me pleasure, but not satisfaction.

“Lincoln, I need you,” I whimpered against
his lips.

“I need you too, baby.” He sounded

“No,” I said, pulling back from his face. “I
need you inside me,” I said and moved my hips against him.

His eyes flew open and his hands dropped to
my hips, stilling me. “No, baby. When we make love, I want to see
you. All of you. Are you ready for that?”

“Never have I ever felt this way, Lincoln,” I
admitted, and he smiled up at me. “You make me feel beautiful. I’m
ashamed of my scars, but I want you so bad.”

“Oh God, baby. I want you too. But not here.
If we do this, I want you in my bed.” It was more of a question
than a statement. He was asking if I was sure I wanted him to see
my nakedness and make love to him.

I sucked in my bottom lip and thought to
yesterday morning when he lay naked on top of me in his bed. I
wanted that again. Only I wanted to be right there with him,
stripped bare. I wanted him to know me completely, scars and all.
And I desperately hoped he would still find me desirable.

“I want you, Lincoln. I want you so bad. I
just hope you still want me once you seen everything.”

“Oh, God. Princess. Don’t worry about that. I
love you. I will always want you. You’re beautiful. You will always
be beautiful to me.”

I kissed him deeply. How many times would I
force him to prove himself before I accepted his love?

He pushed me back gently and stood up. “Meet
me in the bedroom, once you are ready,” he said. I could see his
hard bulge pushing against his shorts, and desire for him surged
through me again. I pushed my legs together as I sat back and wet
my lips. He smiled wickedly at me, but stepped out of the tub,
ridding himself of his wet boxer briefs and giving me a full view
of his bare behind. I crossed my arms over the lip of the tub and
rested my chin on them, enjoying the view.

He grabbed a towel and began drying off
before he noticed my attention. Smirking, he tossed the towel at
the base of the tub and walked out of the bathroom. I admired his
rolling muscles with every step he took. I sighed and sat back in
the tub, pulling the plug to let the water out. Was I really going
to do this? I wanted him so bad. I had to get over my fear of
rejection. I reasoned with myself that if I never let him close, I
would lose him anyway.

Nodding to myself, I got out of the tub and
peeled off my wet clothes. The sight of them laying on the floor
made me smile, remembering how he had immediately solved my despair
over wanting to go in the hot tub. He was such an amazing,
considerate man and he loved me.

Looking at my naked body in the mirror, I let
my hair down and took a deep calming breath. I sent up a little
prayer, asking for courage. Lincoln would be the first person,
other than my doctor to see my naked body since freshman year of
college. But this time I would not be ashamed or embarrassed. I
would be strong enough to not let my fears cripple me. Wrapping a
towel around me under my arms, I made my way to the door and walked
into the bedroom to face my fears and the man I loved.

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