All That Glittered: The Golden Age of Drama on Broadway, 1919-1959 (54 page)

Read All That Glittered: The Golden Age of Drama on Broadway, 1919-1959 Online

Authors: Ethan Mordden

Tags: #Performing Arts, #Theater, #Broadway & Musical Revue

BOOK: All That Glittered: The Golden Age of Drama on Broadway, 1919-1959
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13. End of the Empire: The Early 1950s

14. My God, That Moon’s Bright: Auntie Mame and The Dark at the Top of the Stairs

15. The Great Sebastians Make Their Last Visit: The Late 1950s


The index that appears in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

Abbott, George

Abe Lincoln in Illinois

Abide With Me

Abie’s Irish Rose

Abraham Lincoln

Adair, Ronald

Adams, Maude

Adding Machine, The

Adler, Jacob

Adler, Larry

Adler, Luther

Adler, Stella

Agee, James

Ah, Wilderness!

Aherne, Brian

Akins, Zoë

Albee, Edward

Alden, Hortense

Alias Jimmy Valentine

Alice in Wonderland

Allen, Robert

Allen, Viola

All God’s Chillun Got Wings

All My Sons

Aloma of the South Seas

Ames, Winthrop



Anders, Glenn

Anderson, Judith

Anderson, Maxwell

Anderson, Robert

Andrews, Ann

Andrews, Charlton

Andrews, Julie

Andrews, William

Andreyef, Leonid

Androcles and the Lion

Animal Crackers

Animal Kingdom, The

Anna Christie

Anna Lucasta

Anne of the Thousand Days

Anouilh, Jean

Anson, A. E.

Anthony, Joseph


Antony and Cleopatra

Anything Goes

Apel, Paul


Archer, Jeri


Ardrey, Robert


Arlen, Michael

Arling, Joyce

Arliss, George

Armstrong, Robert

Arnold, Edward

Aronson, Boris

Arsenic and Old Lace

Arthur, Jean

Arthur, Julia

Astaire, Fred

As Thousands Cheer

Atkinson, Brooks

At Mrs. Beam’s

Atwater, Edith

Atwill, Lionel

Auntie Mame

Awake and Sing!

Awful Truth, The

Axelrod, George

Bach, Reginald

Back to Methuselah

Bacon, Frank

Bacon, Lloyd

Bad Seed, The

Balch, Jack

Baldwin, Alec

Bancroft, Anne

Bankhead, Tallulah

Banton, Joab H.

Bara, Theda

Barefoot in Athens

Barker, Jess

Barrat, Watson

Barretts of Wimpole Street, The

Barrie, Elaine

Barrie, James M.

Barry, Gene

Barry, Philip

Barrymore, Diana Blanche

Barrymore, Ethel

Barrymore, John

Barrymore, Lionel

Barthelmess, Richard

Barton, James

Bat, The

Bataille, Henri

Bates, Blanche

Baumer, Marie

Baxley, Barbara

Baxter, Lora

Bazzi, Maria

Beal, Royal

Bean, Orson

Beatty, Warren

Beckett, Samuel

Beecher, Janet

Beggar On Horseback

Begley, Ed

Behrman, S. N.

Belasco, David

Bel Geddes, Barbara

Bel Geddes, Norman

Bell, Book and Candle

Bellamy, Ralph

Bell for Adano, A

Bells Are Ringing

Ben-Ami, Jacob

Benavente, Jacinto

Benchley, Robert

Benelli, Sem

Bennett, Richard

Bennett, Robert Russell

Bergman, Ingrid

Berkoff, Stephen

Berlin, Irving

Berney, William

Bernstein, Leonard

Besier, Rudolph

Best Foot Forward

Best Man, The

Beyond the Horizon

Bickford, Charles

Big Fight, The

Big Pond, The

Billy Budd


Bird of Paradise, The

Blackmer, Sidney

Blaine, Vivian

Blessed Event

Blinn, Holbrook

Blondell, Joan

Blood and Sand

Bloom, Claire

Bloomgarden, Kermit

Blue Flame, The

Blue Lagoon, The

Bogart, Humphrey

Boland, Mary

Boleslavsky, Richard

Bolger, Ray

Bolton, Guy

Bombastes Furioso

Bond, Sheila

Booth, Edwin

Booth, Shirley

Boothe, Clare

Borgnine, Ernest

Born Yesterday

Bourdet, Edouard

Boyd, William

Boyer, Charles

Boy Meets Girl

Brando, Marlon

Brecht, Bertolt

Brent, Romney

Brief Moment



Broderick, Helen

Bromberg, J. Edward

Brook, Peter

Broun, Heywood

Brown, Harry

Brown, John Mason

Brown, Pamela

Browne, Coral

Bryant, Charles

Buchholz, Horst

Buck, Pearl

Burke, Billie

Burroughs, Edgar Rice

Burton, Richard

Burton, Robert

Busley, Jessie

Bus Stop

Butter and Egg Man, The

Cadell, Jean

Caesar, Irving

Caesar and Cleopatra

Café Crown

Cagney, James

Cain, James M.

Caldwell, Erskine

Callahan, Babe

Cameron, Donald


Camino Real

Campbell, Alan

Campbell, Joseph



Cantor, Eddie

Capek, Karel

Capra, Frank


Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines

Captive, The

Carlisle, Kitty

Carmen Jones

Carnovsky, Morris

Carr, Lawrence

Carroll, Earl

Carroll, Leo G.

Carter, Jack

Carter, Leslie

Casalis, Jeanne de

Case of Clyde Griffiths

Cass, Peggy

Cassady, Neal

Cat and the Canary, The

Catherine Was Great

Cat on a Hot Tine Roof

Cerf, Bennett

Challenge, The

Chandler, Helen

Chapman, John

Chapman, R. H.

Chase, Ilka

Chase, Mary

Chayefsky, Paddy

Chekhof, Anton


Chiarelli, Luigi


Children’s Hour, The

Chinese Suite

Chodorov, Jerome

Chris Christophersen

Christie, Agatha

Christie, Audrey

Churchill, Berton

Cilento, Diane

Circle, The

Clair de Lune

Claire, Ina

Clansman, The


Clark, Bobby

Clash By Night

Clemens, LeRoy

Clift, Montgomery

Clurman, Harold

Cobb, Lee J.

Cocteau, Jean

Cohan, George M.

Colbert, Claudette

Coleman, Robert

Collier, Constance

Collinge, Patricia

Collinson, Wilson

Colton, John

Columbo, Russ

Comden, Betty

Come Back, Little Sheba

Command Decision

Comstock, F. Ray

Connelly, Marc

Constant Sinner, The

Constant Wife, The

Conway, Shirl

Cook, Elisha, Jr.

Cooper, Violet Kemble

Copperhead, The


Corbin, John

Corey, Irwin

Cornell, Katharine

Corn Is Green, The

Corsaro, Frank

Cotten, Joseph

Covarrubias, Miguel

Cowan, Jerome

Coward, Noël

Cowl, Jane

Coxe, Louis O.

Cradle Will Rock, The

Craig, James

Craven, Frank

Craven, John

Crawford, Broderick

Crawford, Cheryl

Crawford, Joan

Cretan Woman, The

Crews, Laura Hope

Criminal At Large

Critic, The

Cromwell, John

Crothers, Rachel

Crouse, Russel

Crucible, The

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