All That Glitters (12 page)

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Authors: Ruthe Ogilvie

BOOK: All That Glitters
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“Do you remember anything about this man—what he looked like—how you happened to be together? Maybe he was your real father,” Cammie suggested.

Jeremy shook his head. “No, I don’t think so. I called him by some other name, but I can’t remember what it was. I sort of remember another man who gave him orders. It’s all so vague.”

Cammie was enchanted. “Sounds just like a
storybook!” she exclaimed.

“I’ve been hoping the producer could tell me where they filmed it,” Jeremy explained.

“You haven’t asked him yet?”

“No,” Jeremy said. “He’s been so busy I haven’t had a chance to speak to him.”

“Maybe my dad can help you. Dad,” she called to Jay, “would you come over here for a minute?”

Jay had been watching the filming, but came to them immediately.

Cammie quickly explained to him what Jeremy had told her. “Dad, do you know this producer? Maybe you could speak to him,” she suggested.

“I’m familiar with the name,” he told her. “Paul Rudman. He does fine work. I was about to go over and introduce myself. Why don’t you two come along? You can ask him about the Chateau. I think Peter would like to meet him, too,” he said, as he motioned for him to join them.

The producer recognized Cammie immediately. “Cameron Stuart!” he exclaimed. “I’ve seen you many times in your mother’s wonderful musicals! And Jay Stuart!” He smiled as he held out his hand. Then he saw Peter. “Well, I know who you are! What a magnificent job you’ve done filming the musicals!” He paused and looked around. “Where’s Hildy? Is she here with you?”

“She’s over there talking with Peter’s wife, Jenny, and Count Francois Dubonnet, Cammie’s future father-in-law,” Jay told him. He beckoned to them to come over.

Paul Rudman told the crew and the actors to take a fifteen minute break. He greeted Hildy and Jenny warmly, and extended his hand to the Count. “What a pleasant surprise!” he exclaimed. “I talked to you on the phone when you gave me permission to do some filming on one of your properties. It’s so nice to meet you and thank you in person!” He turned to Jeremy. “I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure.”

“This is Jeremy Douglass,” Cammie told him. “He has a very important question to ask you.”

Paul smiled encouragingly. “Yes,” he said. “How can I help you?”

Jeremy hesitated. “This may sound a little odd,” he said, apologetically, “but I saw your movie, ‘First Love,’ while I was on the plane coming to France, and I need to know the location of the Chateau that was in one of the scenes.”

Paul thought for a minute. “Oh! You mean the wedding scene. That was the Chateau we were just talking about—the Chateau de Boulanger in the town of Chaumont on the River Loire.”

Fran, who had been listening intently, held out his hand to Jeremy. “I’m Count Francois I,” he said. “And you’re—?”

“Jeremy Douglass,” Jeremy answered, returning the Count’s handshake.

“I own the Chateau you are asking about,” Fran explained. “That is where my family and I spend our winters. It’s not far from here. Only an hour’s drive.”

Paul Rudman reached for a map. “Here,” he said, pointing to it, “you take this route going north till you come to a fork in the road. Turn left and go about twenty miles. You’ll see the Chateau across the river. Go over the bridge, and you’ll have no trouble from there. Good luck!”

Jeremy shook his hand warmly. “I can’t thank you enough. You don’t know how much this means to me!”

“You’re connected with this Chateau?” Paul asked him.

“I don’t know,” Jeremy replied, “but I intend to find out.” He looked at his watch. “I’d better get going. If I find the place before it gets dark I may have time to look around. I hope you don’t mind my going there, Sir,” he said, turning to the Count. “I just want to see it.”

“I don’t mind at all, son,” he assured him. “This is the summer season and I’m sure you’ll find someone there who can help you. Just tell whoever is there that I said to show you anything you want to see.”

“Thank you, Sir. I really appreciate it.” He started to go when the Count stopped him.

“You know,” he said, as a sudden thought came to him, “you could get there by going in the opposite direction. The roads join either way. Perhaps you’d like to follow us and I’ll show you the other route. That way you could stop off at our Chateau in Amboise and have some lunch with us.”

Jeremy was deeply touched. “Why—thank you, Sir,” he replied. “I’d like that very much.”

“Good!” the Count exclaimed. “Then it’s all settled.”

Impulsively, Cammie turned to Jeremy. “Why don’t I ride with you?” she suggested. “Maybe you’d like some company.”

His eyes lit up with pleasure at her suggestion. “I’d love the company,” he assured her.

As Cammie got into Jeremy’s rented car and sat down beside him, she could feel her heart beat a little faster, though she tried to ignore it.

Jeremy followed close behind the limousine. Traffic was light on the quaint, country roads, so this wasn’t too difficult to do. They soon turned and started down the winding driveway that led to the Chateau in Amboise, where they were expected for lunch.



At the Chateau in Amboise, Zack was having trouble keeping his presence a secret from Francois and his mother. He knew if they even suspected he was here they wouldn’t speak freely, and for Cammie’s sake he felt impelled to find out what the special surprise was that they were planning for her. He had a terrible feeling about it.

As he approached the patio he heard voices. Francois and his mother were going for a walk along the shaded pathway. Good! Now’s my chance to look in that Bible!

He went quickly to the marble podium. The only thing he found was a notation inside the back cover giving the date Lilli’s son, Cammie’s fiancé, had been named Count Francois II—six months after Lilli’s and Fran’s marriage took place.

Strange. Wouldn’t he automatically have become a Count the day he was born, since his mother is a Countess? And why are Lilli and Francois so impatient for the wedding to take place? he wondered.

He was sure Francois didn’t want Cammie’s money. So what was he after? And why do I feel it has something to do with Hildy? He shook his head in bewilderment. So many unanswered questions!

After studying the Bible for half an hour, he heard voices again. Lilli and Francois were back from their walk. He sped up to his room to wait for an opportunity to leave without their knowing he was here. He figured the best way to avoid suspicion was to let them see him returning in the limousine with the others. He sat in the easy chair in his room, and thought about what he just found in the back cover of the Bible. Could it be that Fran isn’t Francois’ real father? If not, who is? He felt instinctively that the answer to this had a great deal to do with Francois’ reason for wanting to marry Cammie.

As he pondered this, he looked out the window and saw Francois and his mother walk out toward the frog pond. He tiptoed down the stairs and out the door. The others were just returning as he strolled down the winding driveway.

Hildy was the first to see him. “Look! There’s Zack!” She motioned for the chauffeur to stop.

Zack opened the car door and hopped in. “How was the tour?” he asked them.

“Just great!” Hildy answered. “We ran into Jeremy again. He’s right behind us with Cammie. He saved her from another fall! It must be fate,” she said rather pointedly.

As they approached the Chateau and drove under the stone archway, Francois and his mother came out to meet them. The moment Francois saw Cammie riding with Jeremy, he reached into the car and roughly pulled her out.

* * *

Cammie had never seen this side to his nature, and it frightened her. Her arm hurt where he grabbed hold of it and yanked.

The others in the limousine didn’t see what happened. Jeremy wanted to hit him, but when he saw that Cammie was okay, he decided not to make waves. He quickly reminded himself that he was a guest here, and he must act accordingly.

* * *

Lilli looked at Jeremy, and spoke to Fran in an undertone. “Who is this stranger? An actor from that movie? What is he doing here? Cherie, you are much too friendly with the common people,” she chided him.

She managed
to muster up a smile when she was introduced to
him. But as Jeremy extended his hand, her face paled.
She stared—then looked slowly at him, and stiffened. No! It
can’t be! Not after all these years! He’s dead!!

She trembled. Could it be? Was the past finally catching up with her and Francois? We’ll have to figure a way to get rid of him! This could ruin our plans, not to mention our lives! She tried to signal Francois with her eyes, forgetting for the moment that Jeremy was only five when she did what she did. How could he possibly remember?

That wasn’t the only thing that disturbed her. Francois told her this morning that he had seen Andre in the wine country. Her diary, which she had been in the habit of writing in every day, disappeared the same day he did many years ago. There was confidential information in it that mustn’t get out.

Could he have taken it? Was there any danger that he might expose her secret? She must see to it that he didn’t! But it was weeks ago that Francois saw him, and they had no idea where he was now. How could they find him and shut him up?

She turned and spoke to her husband in a whisper, trying to divert his attention from what she had just seen. Does he suspect anything? “Cherie, are you all right?” she asked him. “You seem a million miles away.”

* * *

Fran came to with a start. It took him a moment to drag himself back to the present. Jeremy’s avid interest in the Chateau de Boulanger puzzled him. For some reason, which he didn’t understand, he felt reluctant to tell Lilli about it. He had a feeling if she knew where Jeremy was headed, she might try to stop him. The Chateau was obviously important to Jeremy, and this made it important to him, too. Why, he didn’t know, but it did.

“I was just thinking about today,” he hedged, in answer to Lilli’s question. “We saw the filming and met the producer. Most interesting.”

* * *

As soon as they finished lunch, Jeremy looked at his watch. “It’s getting late. I’d better be on my way. Thank you for everything,” he said, turning to Fran.

“You’re most welcome.” Fran rose to his feet. “Jeremy,” he said, “I just had a thought. We’re giving a party here tonight. A dinner-dance. Would you possibly consider staying and continuing on your journey tomorrow?”

Jeremy hesitated. It was so tempting! If he stayed he could see more of Cammie—at least for a little while. And, for some strange reason, he felt drawn to the Count. What a nice man to include me in his lavish plans!

Then he saw the menacing look on Francois’ face, and remembered his reaction when he saw Cammie in his car. He was afraid if he stayed it might cause more trouble for her, and that was the last thing he wanted. Lilli didn’t look too happy either. “Thank you,” he said to the Count. “I really do appreciate your cordial invitation, but I think it would be better if I left now. There are still a few hours of daylight left.” He reached out to Cammie. “Thanks for your help,” he said. “You, too, Jay.”

“I’m glad we ran into you again,” Hildy told him, as he turned to say goodbye to her. “It must be fate the way we keep bumping into each other,” she remarked, laughing.

* * *

Cammie reluctantly let go of his hand. Just his touch made her tingle, and again she felt she had been untrue to Francois, who stood there glaring at Jeremy.

How Cammie wished she could go with Jeremy. This stunned her! She quickly made excuses for the way she felt. It’s only because his is such a fascinating story, she rationalized. I just want to know how it turns out.

Hildy, Jay, Cammie, and Fran accompanied Jeremy to his rented car and waited as he got in and started the engine. He shifted gears, stepped on the accelerator, waved, and was gone. He drove across the moat and down the winding driveway, and disappeared.

Cammie felt as though the bottom of her world had dropped out. I’ll probably never see him again, she thought, sadly. There you go again! she chided herself. What difference does it make? What’s the matter with me? This is ridiculous! I hardly know him, and I’m going to marry Francois very soon. I just feel sorry for him, she decided. He has no mother or father. He doesn’t even know who he is. Yes! That’s it! What I’m feeling is pity.

As they walked back into the Chateau, Fran put a friendly arm around Cammie’s shoulders and whispered in her ear. “I’m delighted that you’re going to be my daughter-in-law,” he told her. “I couldn’t have made a better choice myself.”

Cammie was so deeply touched she almost cried. How dear of him to tell me this! She felt torn.

* * *

Hildy and Jay had mixed emotions. They liked Fran very much, and were pleased that he wanted Cammie in his family. But to do that she would have to marry Francois, and that was the last thing they wanted. Theirs was such a wonderful marriage that they wanted the same for their daughter, and they didn’t feel that her marriage to Francois would give her that.

They walked back into the Chateau, each immersed in his—her—own thoughts.

Cammie rushed over to Francois and enveloped him in a bear hug, as though she could erase what she had been feeling for Jeremy. Hildy and Jay exchanged glances, more aware of their daughter’s conflict than she was.

* * *

Knowing that the evening affair would probably last well into the wee hours of the morning, they all decided the best thing to do was to take a nap and rest up for the festivities.

Cammie fell asleep almost immediately. She was exhausted from her seesawing emotions. When she awoke it was seven o’clock in the evening. She hastily rose and went into the bathroom to take a shower. She was just finishing when Hildy knocked on her door.

“Cammie,” she called to her, “are you awake? It’s almost time to go down to the ballroom for dinner. The guests will be arriving in half an hour.”

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