All That Glitters (22 page)

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Authors: Ilana Fox

BOOK: All That Glitters
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It was time to stop playing the part of the footballer’s wife, and go back to being herself again. Ella Aldridge had been happy in Topshop and H&M, and she couldn’t wait to start wearing that stuff again. In fact, it would be kind of liberating.

‘It’s not a very big flat, and my spare room is tiny, but hopefully it will help until you work out what you want to do next,’ Nash said, as he put Ella’s bags down in the hallway and turned to her. Her whole body – and demeanour – looked slumped and exhausted, and Nash eyed her thoughtfully.

‘It will be okay, you know,’ he murmured, as Ella tried not to cry. She knew she was being slightly pathetic, but suddenly her whole world had changed, and for the first time in ages, she didn’t know where she was going or what she’d do next.

‘I know,’ she sniffed, and she pulled her eyes away from the floor and looked at her new bedroom. Nash wasn’t kidding, it was minuscule – smaller than the walk-in wardrobe she’d had in Castle House – but there was something about it that felt homely and secure. Ella realised she was the luckiest girl in the world, even if her love life was in tatters.

Ella still phoned Johnny every day, and every day Johnny refused to take her call, and he often switched his mobile off after the first couple of rings. Ella didn’t understand it. She’d seen him on
flirting with Daniella Davies, but the pain of watching him live on screen was too much for her, and she flicked the TV off, prompting a raised eyebrow from Nash.

It was over. She got that. She just didn’t understand why.

Later that night Ella couldn’t sleep for obsessing over Johnny and Daniella. Was Johnny flirting with her replacement like he had with her? After each show did they go to bed together? Did he make love to Daniella like he used to with her? Ella couldn’t stand it. She’d never been the jealous type, despite what Fin had said about her, but right now she couldn’t get the image of Johnny and Daniella together out of her mind.

Ella knew she was tormenting herself, and that there was no proof that they were sleeping together, but she couldn’t help herself. Her mind went into overdrive as she remembered how Johnny used to make her feel in bed – and she imagined him doing the same things to Daniella: kissing her, stroking her, licking her . . . Ella tossed and turned and grew more agitated, and as she pictured Johnny making Daniella arch her back in orgasm just as she’d once done, she let out a small cry of anguish.

‘Hey, are you okay?’ Nash said, as he appeared in the doorway to Ella’s bedroom. He was naked apart from some fairly tight boxer shorts, but Ella barely noticed his state of undress through her tears.

‘I’m fine,’ she sniffed, but she knew she couldn’t fool Nash. It was impossible.

He walked the few short steps to Ella’s single bed, and then awkwardly sat on the edge of it.

‘You’ve had a rough time,’ he said stiltedly, as if he felt uncomfortable at the intimate, domestic situation he found himself in. ‘It’s okay to be upset.’

Ella nodded and as she held his gaze more tears began to fall. Nash looked at her for a moment, and without another word he pulled her into his arms as she wept. As Ella buried her head against Nash’s bare chest, she remembered how she used to lay on Johnny, and a fresh wave of pain coursed through her body. She’d never be with Johnny again. It was almost too much to bear.

‘Shh, it’s okay,’ Nash whispered, as he gently stroked Ella’s hair. Despite just wearing a vest top and some shorts, her body was warm and her hair was sticky with sweat, but Nash didn’t seem to mind. ‘Just let it all out, and you’ll feel a bit better,’ he said, and even though it was late and he needed to get some sleep, he held her until her salty tears stopped falling on his chest.

‘You must think I’m stupid,’ Ella croaked, as she wiped the last of her tears away.

‘I don’t think you’re stupid at all,’ Nash replied. ‘You’ve had your heart broken,’ and instead of releasing her, he pulled her even tighter to his body so Ella could feel his toothpaste-scented breath against her neck, and the closeness of his bare skin against hers.

‘I think you’re perfect, you know,’ Nash murmured. ‘And Johnny is an idiot. If you were mine I’d never let you go.’

‘Really?’ Ella said, and she felt Nash nod.


Ella moved her body closer to Nash’s, and quietly draped her thigh across his. Their naked legs entwined, and Ella could feel the heat from Nash’s body blending with hers. Outside everything was quiet and still, and as Nash moved his hand from her head and began to stroke Ella’s upper arm, a sweet sensation of lust rippled through her body.

Ella swallowed hard, and wondered if Nash was feeling the same way and thinking the same thing . . . but of course, he wasn’t. Nash was being kind to her out of guilt for his previous behaviour towards her, and he was just comforting her like he’d comfort anyone else. And as for her? Ella was self-aware enough to understand she was on the rebound, and the last thing she wanted was to ruin her friendship with Nash over a misunderstanding of his kindness.

She slowly moved her body away from his, and gently pecked Nash on the cheek.

‘Thanks for being there,’ she said softly. ‘I’m feeling better now.’

Nash held Ella’s gaze for the longest moment, and without saying another word he crept back into his bedroom. Exhausted from crying, Ella quickly fell asleep.

As the days went on Ella and Nash began to merge into each other’s lives. There was something so easy and comfortable about living with Nash that Ella felt like she’d been in his flat in Hoxton for ever, when in reality it had only been a couple of weeks. They’d wake up, eat breakfast together, and then they’d both begin their job hunt. Nash would pound the streets meeting former colleagues, and Ella would stay in the flat to browse various websites, even though she knew it was futile. After making a couple of calls to recruitment consultants it became crystal clear that she wasn’t going to be able to get a job until she became less famous, and despite feeling like she was nobody special, it seemed that other people didn’t agree with her. Her wedding had been on the cover of
for God’s sake, and she’d briefly been presenting the hottest new show on TV. Of
she couldn’t work in an office or pub. It was ridiculous.

But what could she do? The obvious solution was to work for herself again, and preferably from home – or a hired desk or office – but she didn’t have any experience in anything solid apart from baking cupcakes, and she wasn’t going to do that again. Obviously she could use a computer and she wasn’t shy, but what did she know? She knew about fashion, but probably no more than fashion bloggers and people who read
every month. She had a good understanding of the football industry, but only from an outsider’s point of view. She’d never cut a sponsorship deal or had to handle any of that. And she didn’t really have any contacts.

Her perfect job was out there. She knew it. She just had to work out what it was, and how she could make money out of it.

She had to.

‘I’ve hit the jackpot! Nash exclaimed, as he walked into the flat late one evening. Ella was on the sofa in jogging bottoms and a vest, and even though she knew she looked rough, it didn’t matter. Nash didn’t care what she looked like, and it was kind of liberating – like they were an old married couple that could be completely themselves with each other.

Ella pulled herself into a sitting position and grinned. ‘Oh yeah? Did you win the lottery?’

Nash shook his head and laughed. ‘Even better. I had supper with Ansku in The Book Club, and she helped me come up with a plan.’

Ella swallowed hard. ‘Ansku?’

‘Yes, you know, Ansku Tiihonen. We met her at the

‘The model?’

Nash nodded, and Ella bit her lip.

‘I didn’t know you kept in touch with her,’ Ella said lightly. She didn’t know why the thought of Nash seeing Ansku had instantly bothered her. It was probably because she was a pal of Johnny’s, but – if she was honest – it was also because she was a little bit jealous, too. Even though she didn’t fancy him, there was no denying that Nash was hot, and that girls loved him.

‘We see each other now and again,’ Nash said easily. ‘She’s good fun. You’d like her.’

Ella remembered Ansku’s honey-blonde long hair, tiny waist, and big breasts, and didn’t think she would.

‘I’m pleased she’s helped you,’ she said. ‘What did you come up with?’

Nash beamed. ‘I’m going to set up a model agency with her,’ he said delightedly. ‘Ansku’s not happy with her agent, and she knows loads of dissatisfied models who are looking for a new way of being represented. We’re going to create an agency that they
to join.’

Ella was impressed. ‘Do you think it will be easier than being a sports agent?’

Nash shrugged. ‘I suppose so,’ he said thoughtfully. ‘I thought working in sport was the answer to my prayers, but Ansku knows the business like the back of her hand, and since I have experience managing actors anyway, we think it could be perfect. We’ll start with models, and then when the time’s right we’ll diversify.’

‘It sounds like you’ve got it all worked out,’ Ella said, and Nash noted the wistful tone in her voice.

‘And what about you?’ he asked. ‘Have you had any ideas about what you’re going to do next?’ Nash asked.

Ella shrugged. ‘I don’t know,’ she said matter-of-factly, although every time she thought about it a chill ran through her body. Not knowing how or when she was going to get an income petrified her. ‘Nobody seems to want to employ me.’

Nash nodded thoughtfully. ‘If you could do anything, what would it be?’

‘Well, my dream career would be being a stylist again. Do you remember that shoot I did for
? I loved it, and they said were going to give me more work . . . but then the Johnny thing happened. And Aaron said they didn’t want me any more.’ Ella suddenly looked downcast, but she pulled herself together and forced a smile.

‘What about friends?’ Nash asked. ‘I never would have considered getting into the model business if it wasn’t for Ansku. Do you know anyone who could help you get a job?’

Ella bit her lip and tried not to feel embarrassed. ‘I don’t really
any friends. I mean, I have Stacey, my step-sister, but whenever I phone her she’s a bit bitchy, and I don’t blame her.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Well, I suppose when Danny whisked me off my feet I neglected her. I felt so awkward about having this amazing life, and Stacey was a bit jealous, so it was easier not to talk.’ Ella sat in silence for a moment. ‘She’s got engaged though, which is brilliant news. And I’m invited to the wedding. Although they haven’t set a date yet.’

As she heard herself talking, Ella didn’t think she’d ever sounded more pathetic. She didn’t want to say she’d hit rock bottom – she had somewhere to live, she had money, and she was healthy – but her days were lonely and sad when Nash was out. Losing Johnny was even worse than Fin cheating on her and then dumping her. She just wished she could speak to him. Just wished she could regain a tiny bit of her former happiness to fuel her.

‘I’m always going to be here for you, Ella,’ Nash said soothingly, and Ella smiled.

‘I know,’ she said. ‘But you have your own life and a business to start.’

‘Maybe you could help us, or we could represent you at the very least – help you find work that way,’ Nash suggested, but Ella gave him a wry smile.

‘I’m Ella Aldridge now, and so long as I don’t marry another footballer or get involved in a scandalous affair involving a TV presenter, I’m nobody.’

Nash smiled. ‘At least you’ve come to terms with it,’ he said. ‘I don’t think Chastity’s going to feel the same way.’

Ella looked at Nash curiously. ‘What do you mean?’ she asked, and Nash looked surprised.

‘Haven’t you seen the
Daily World

Ella shook her head. ‘I don’t read the papers any more. I can’t stand them.’

Nash rummaged in his bag and threw a copy of the
Daily World
over to her. As Ella saw the headline her eyes widened, and she read the front page and the double-page spread with her mouth open.

Poor Chastity.


Exclusive by
, News Editor,
Daily World

was rocked again last night as the football giants discovered Freddie Taylor has been having an affair with Claire Broome, 17, and that she’s four months

We can exclusively reveal that Freddie Taylor:

with the waitress in front of his

the 17-year-old with flowers and intimate dinner dates;

Claire when he found out she was
, and tried to make her get rid of the baby.

Daily World
has discovered how Freddie met sexy Claire when she was working as a waitress in a local café. Sources say the pair met earlier this year when Freddie and his wife, Chastity, visited the café in Kingston for a romantic lunch.

One insider said: ‘They have definitely been meeting up for a while. It has been a badly kept secret in the football world, but Freddie has finally been exposed for the love-rat he is.’

A source close to Claire, who lives less than six miles from the Taylors, said: ‘Claire fell in love with Freddie the moment she met him – she was dazzled by his good looks and charm. Freddie convinced Claire he was planning on leaving Chastity, and it was only a matter of time until he romanced her into bed.’


Last night humiliated Freddie was confessing his disgrace to wife Chastity. Freddie now expects Chastity to throw him out of their £4 million mansion in Surrey.

Freddie told a pal yesterday: ‘I’ve messed up. Chastity might not forgive me and on top of that I’m going to be a dad.’

Ella put the paper down and sighed heavily.

‘Chastity will be in bits. I should phone her,’ she remarked to Nash, as her eyes ran over the photo of Claire Broome. She didn’t look like the sort of girl who normally slept with footballers – the type who wore too much fake tan, over-the-top fake eyelashes, and dressed like a hooker in the nightclubs that were home to her hunting ground. This girl looked . . . well, nice. Normal; like a victim, rather than a predator. Ella didn’t know if that would hurt Chastity even more – knowing that Freddie had probably pursued her, rather than the other way round.

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