All That I Need (Grayson Friends) (12 page)

BOOK: All That I Need (Grayson Friends)
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“No.” He smiled.

“Thought not.” Finished eating, she sipped her lemonade. “Actually, it was a couple of days before I came out here. Naomi insisted I read the
magazine article to prove I had misjudged you.”

“So that, coupled with your plans for the new article, is what changed your mind about me?”

She didn’t even think of evading. “Yes. I parked the car close to the front doors so if you threw me out I wouldn’t have far to go.”

“Yet you came anyway.”

“At the time, I told myself it was because of the article, but I also wanted to see you again.”

“To apologize?”

She looked at him over the rim of her glass. “To see if I was still attracted to you.”


“I think you know the answer to that.”

His gaze never leaving hers, he rounded the table. With one hand he took her glass and placed it on the table, and with the other he pulled her to her feet. “I’ve dreamed of kissing you again.”

“Don’t make either of us wait any longer.”

His head lowered, his lips grazed across hers, heating them and her blood. He nibbled, suckled her lower lip into his mouth before his tongue slipped into her mouth to leisurely stroke and tease.

She strained to get closer. As if to answer, his hand cupped her hips, bringing her closer to his hard erection. She moaned, then whimpered as his hand cupped her breast, his fingers squeezing and rolling her nipple.

He jerked her top down and feasted on her nipple, his tongue laving the turgid point. Her senses whirled. She felt herself being lifted, then lowered onto something soft. Then he took her mouth again in a kiss so boldly erotic that coherent thought ceased to be possible.

Heat and desire raged though her. She had to touch him as he touched her. Her hand slid under his knit shirt, stroking and caressing his warm, muscular torso.

His hand slid up her thigh, caressing, kneading.

A coyote yelped, startling Fallon and breaking the mood. She wanted to be with Lance, but … She caught his hand.

“I usually like animals, but if I could find that coyote…” He stood with his back to her.

Fallon didn’t waste any time. She sat up and adjusted her dress back over her breasts. She didn’t know what to say. She thought she knew what she wanted. Now she was second-guessing herself.

“I’ll walk you to the cottage.”

While she hadn’t planned to stay at the cottage, she hadn’t made any hotel reservations, either. She could bunk at Naomi’s place, but she was so embarrassed by her behavior that she didn’t look forward to the twenty-minute ride to her friend’s apartment. Plus she didn’t want to intrude on Naomi and Richard. Lance had to be annoyed with her as well.

Fallon kept her head averted on the way to the cabin. Opening the door, she went inside. “Good night,” she murmured, looking over his shoulder. She was too ashamed to look him in the eye.

“I didn’t get a chance to move my clothes. They’re in the main bedroom. I’ll need a change for tomorrow.”

“Oh yes. Of course.” Her gaze bounced off him. She stepped aside.

Silently Lance went by her and into the bedroom. Fallon stayed where she was. He quickly came back out. “I’ll see you in the morning. Good night.”

“Good night.” Closing the door, Fallon leaned against it. He probably never wanted to see her again, and she couldn’t blame him.


Chapter 8

Lance, always neat and meticulous, dumped his clothes on the daybed in the pool house. He’d hoped the night would end differently. He shoved his hand over his head and reached for his belt buckle. He wasn’t going to be able to sleep. He was too keyed up to read. He wasn’t about to go running in the night and break a leg. That left only one way to work off some of the sexual tension humming though his veins.

Naked, he pulled on a pair of swim trunks and headed back outside. He dove into the water, kicked to the surface, and began swimming the length of the pool. He’d gone several laps before he sensed he was being watched. Wild animals were in the area, but he didn’t think any of them could scale the ten-foot adobe wall that enclosed the backyard. Certainly not the coyote that’d ruined the moment.

“Fallon.” He peered into the darkness and thought he caught a flash of something white.

After a few moments, Fallon stepped out of the shadows, her arms wrapped around her waist. She wore a white bikini that showed her long legs and full breasts to perfection. Briefly Lance wondered why he was being tortured with what he couldn’t have.

“I didn’t know you were here. I couldn’t sleep and thought I’d take a swim.”

So he wasn’t the only one fighting pent-up sexual frustration. “What changed your mind?”

“I wasn’t sure if you were annoyed with me or not,” she said, her head coming up the tiniest bit.

An unsure Fallon was a rarity. “You can always say no.” He swam to the edge of the pool and climbed out. Her eyes tracked the glide of water over his skin. The arousal that he had been trying to ease came back with a vengeance. He knew it the instant her eyes widened and she jerked her gaze upward and bit her lower lip.

“I’ll race you to the other side. I’ll even give you a head start.” He turned away, hoping against hope he hadn’t scared her. He caught movement out of the corner of his eye.

“I don’t need an advantage. On the count of three. One. Two Three.” She dove cleanly into the water, her slender arms slicing through the water.

Amazed by her ability, Lance simply watched her before his competitive spirit kicked in. He dove into the water after her, aware that if he caught her it would be because of the length of his strokes. He gave it all he had. He knew she wouldn’t want a hollow victory.

“I won,” Fallon announced a split second before Lance touched the wall.

He stared over at her pleased face. He wanted to kiss her again, but he wasn’t ready for her to reject him again. “It looks like you should have given me the head start.”

“Daddy loved to swim. I’ve been swimming since I was a toddler.” She rested one hand on the blue-tiled edge of the pool. The other undulated in the water as she floated.

“You seem to do everything well,” he said.

Unhappiness glittered in her eyes. “Apparently not.” She started for the other end of the pool.

Lance followed as she swam the length of the pool. Once. Twice. When she pushed away for a third lap, he was there in front of her. “What is it?”

She glanced away. His hand gently turned her to face him. She looked so sad. This time he didn’t think; he just brushed his lips against hers. He wanted her happy. He didn’t want her to have regrets about staying the weekend with him.

“Lance.” She breathed his name and he was lost. With one hand braced on the edge of the pool, he pulled her into his arms with the other, his mouth hotly devouring hers. Their legs slid against each other, the water giving their bodies an erotic buoyancy.

Fallon wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing against him. She felt the rigid hardness of his arousal against the juncture of her thighs. Her own body quickened in response. His mouth, which she had desperately wanted on hers, was hot and demanding.

Lance lifted his head, their breathing loud in the stillness of the night. Fallon shivered from the fierce desire she saw in his eyes. “Tell me to stop or I won’t let you go until the morning.”

She couldn’t say the words to send him away again. Life offered no guarantees. She wanted to be with him. “Then don’t let me go.”

“Fallon.” Her name was a whispered prayer on his lips. His mouth took her again, worshiped her before becoming more heated and demanding. Suddenly releasing her, he got out of the pool and pulled her up into his arms. “Let’s hope I can make it to a bed.”

“Me, too.” Now that she had made up her mind, she found she liked teasing him. She nibbled on his ear, blew.

“Fallon, please don’t do that.”

“I like kissing you.” She proved it by kissing the curve of his jaw.

Lance entered the cottage with a burst of speed and didn’t stop until he was in the master bedroom. Placing Fallon on her feet, he jerked the covers back, then grabbed her and fell into bed with her, his mouth slamming into hers, the kiss filled with passion. His mouth slanted downward to the swell of her breast. He untied the swim top and tossed it aside.

He sucked in a ragged breath at the glorious sight of her high, firm breasts. They’d tempt a saint. He had to taste. His head lowered, taking the turgid peak into his mouth.

She sucked in a sharp breath and clasped his head, holding him closer. He moaned. She was exquisite and tasted like his most forbidden fantasy.

His hand moved downward, sweeping over her trembling stomach to her womanhood, then back up to untie the strings of her bikini bottom. He pulled it away.

Sheathing himself, he brought them together. His hips flexed, moving in and out of her hot, wet body. The tight fit almost sent him over the edge. He cupped her hips and brought them together again and again. Her legs wrapped around his hips, she eagerly met him thrust for thrust.

They went over together. He held her as aftershocks rippled though her body. Nothing had ever touched him as much. He rolled, his arms around her, unwilling to let her go.

Her eyes opened. They were a bit dazed and fully sated. He’d give anything to keep her with him always.

“Are you all right?” he asked, brushing her hair from her damp face.

She smiled, touched her fingertips to his lips. “Incredible, but don’t get the big head.”

“I’ll try not to.” He pulled her on top of him, his hand sliding over the slope of her back and stopping on her naked butt. “Let’s see if I can do a repeat.”

Laughing, Fallon lowered her lips to his. “Let’s.”

*   *   *

Fallon woke with a smile on her face, her back snuggled against Lance. Not only had they done a repeat, they’d also managed a three-peat. She felt deliciously happy. The night with Lance had been beautiful, and all that she had hoped for.

The early-morning light shone though the wooden blinds. Each time they’d made love had been more powerful and dazzling than the last. She hadn’t known it could be so moving.

“You OK?” he asked, his hand stroking her arm.

She angled her head to look at him. He was handsome enough to tempt an angel. He’d been all that she desired. She kissed his chin. “For the umpteenth time, yes.”

“Carmen will be here soon to cook breakfast, then the people I hired to help with the auction.” He kissed Fallon on the shoulder. “It’s going to be another hectic day.”

“But then comes the night,” she said, surprised by her boldness.

He rolled on top of her. “We don’t have to wait that long.”

*   *   *

Fallon couldn’t keep the huge grin off her face all during the day. It was going to be all right. She and Lance hadn’t had a chance to discuss how they’d handle their long-distance courtship, but somehow they’d make it work.

Fallon paused in taking a picture of the woman who’d purchased the chest of sterling silver flatware. “Courtship” was such an old-fashioned word. Fallon wasn’t sure why it had popped into her mind. She didn’t think it was because she was surrounded by things of a bygone era. More likely, the word seemed to fit. There was still a lot she and Lance didn’t know about each other, but now they had time.

“You look happy.”

Glancing up to see Lance, she didn’t even think; she just kissed him on the lips. “I am.”

He smiled back. “Just checking. Things are going so well we’ll probably sell out today.”

“And we’ll have more time to spend together tomorrow,” she said, delighted by the prospect.

“That was my thought.”

She stepped back. “Then stop goofing off and go sell. I have plans for you.”

His eyes darkened. “I asked Carmen to prepare our meal again. Unless you want to go out.”

“What do you think?”

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her until she trembled; then he was gone.

*   *   *

Lance went straight to the auction tent. He needed to focus and get his mind off Fallon. She was as addictive as he’d feared. When he wasn’t with her he wanted to be, and each time he was he had the compelling urge to kiss and hold her. No woman had ever affected him so strongly.

This was bad. Very bad.

This wasn’t forever. He didn’t do long-term. Yet he didn’t want to think of the day she wouldn’t be there. He was getting in over his head. If he had any sense, he’d make up some excuse and get back to Tucson as soon as the auction was over. She’d be disappointed, but she’d understand. Before the thought fully formed, he knew he wasn’t going to do that.

As dangerous to his peace of mind as Fallon was, he also wanted her for as long as he could have her. He’d just have to deal with the fallout later.

*   *   *

Saturday night, Fallon kept looking at her watch. She wasn’t supposed to come out of the guest cottage until eight thirty. It was eight twenty-eight. Lance had a surprise for her. She couldn’t imagine what. She was pretty sure it wasn’t a whom. Both of them wanted to be alone.

She glanced at her watch again and moved toward the door, the tiered hem of the cranberry maxi strapless sundress swirling around her legs. Eight twenty-nine. She couldn’t stand the suspense. She’d walk slowly. She was to meet him by the pool.

She reached for the door and stopped. She didn’t want to ruin his surprise. She remembered he’d been a bit unsure of himself when he’d told her, which made her care for him more. She loved it when—

Her thoughts stumbled to a halt.
She loved him.

Closing her eyes, she leaned her head against the door. She’d rolled down that mountain past caring deeply and straight into disaster. Lance wasn’t ready for the
word. She knew that. Love to her meant forever, marriage. He’d made it no secret that marriage wasn’t in his future.

So why hadn’t her heart listened?

She jumped on hearing her cell phone. It was probably Lance. She’d talked to Naomi and then her mother and sister that afternoon. She stared at the phone. What if he could tell she loved him? She chastised herself and answered the phone. How would he know when she’d just figured it out herself?

BOOK: All That I Need (Grayson Friends)
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