Read All the Lovely Bad Ones Online

Authors: Mary Downing Hahn

All the Lovely Bad Ones (15 page)

BOOK: All the Lovely Bad Ones
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But there was no sign of her now. One by one, the crows flew back and settled themselves noisily in the trees.

With a shudder, I touched Caleb's shoulder. "What did Miss Ada mean when she said the book was hidden where no one would dare to look?"

He frowned, his forehead as wrinkled as an old man's. "Maybe it's buried with her."

"That's impossible," Corey said. "Dead people can't take things with them."

"Mr. Jaggs could have put it there," Ira said.

"But he ran away," I said.

Ira nodded. "But he sneaked back after Miss Ada hanged herself."

"She was laid out in the parlor," Caleb explained, "the guest lounge you call it now. He came to see her in the dead of night."

Ira looked up from the clover chain he was making. "We were scared to go near the house with her lying there, but we saw the old codger steal away before daybreak. He had plenty of time to leave the book with her."

Pausing to knot another clover stem, he added, "As she said, who'd dare look for it there?"

"Not me!" Corey glanced across the sunny lawn at the grove and shuddered. At the same time, I shook my head.

The bad ones fixed us with their mournful stares. "You promised," Caleb reminded us.

Ira nodded, his dark eyes solemn. "It's the first thing, remember?"

"Find the names and make the proper gravestones," Seth said in case we'd forgotten.

"No one can rest in peace if you don't," Caleb added.

"Even if the book
there," Corey put in, "it's rotted away by now."

"Not if it's in the metal box where she always kept it," Caleb pointed out.

I shook my head again. "No way. Impossible. Forget it. I'm not doing it." Expecting Corey to follow me, I jumped up and started to walk away, but when I looked back, she was still sitting on the grass with the bad ones.

"Where are you going?" she called.

I stopped, unsure what to do. I was ashamed to admit it, but part of me (a
part) wanted to call Mom and Dad and tell them I was coming home. I'd hitchhike if I had to. Anything to get away from this place.

Trailed by the bad ones, Corey ran to my side. "Don't you dare walk out now, Travis. We
to help them."

"But we can't dig up—"

"You big yellow belly," Seth said. "Don't you go and skedaddle."

"Listen here," Caleb put in. "She's not in her grave anyway. She's over yonder." He pointed at the grove.

"She doesn't always stay there," I reminded him.

He didn't have an answer for that.

"She's naught but rags and bones if that's what scaring you," Seth said.

Frankly, that was plenty scary.

"We have to find the book," Corey said. "We
to. No matter what happens."

Seth turned to me with a sneer. "Ain't you ashamed to be bested by a girl? You're nothing but a sissified nancy boy."

"Don't call him names," Ira told Seth. "You'll just make him mad. And what good will that do?"

Seth scowled at me. "Nancy boy," he muttered again. "Where's your dress? And your hair ribbons?"

"Be quiet, Seth," Caleb said.

"I'll say what I like." As he spoke, Seth put some distance between himself and Caleb.

While Caleb's attention was focused on Seth, Corey took me aside. "I'm scared, too," she whispered. "In fact, I'm terrified, but we don't have any choice—and you know it."

What could I say? She was right. Since my legs were shaking too hard to stand up, I sank down on the grass near Caleb. "Okay, okay," I croaked, "we'll do it."

Caleb sighed with relief. "Meet us at her grave tonight."

"Why not do it now," I asked, "while the sun's shining?"

"Nobody digs up graves in broad daylight," Ira said.

"It's got to be done proper," Seth added, still keeping his distance from Caleb.

"At the stroke of twelve," Caleb said. "The time it's been told in stories since way past when."

With that, the bad ones pulled one of their vanishing acts, and Corey and I found ourselves alone on the lawn.

"Midnight," I muttered. "They're making it as hard as they can."

I glanced at my watch. We had almost twelve hours to kill before we tried our luck at grave robbing.


Fortunately for us, Grandmother was too busy dealing with a surprise vanload of senior citizens to pay much attention to Corey and me. Mrs. Brewster had made an emergency trip to Middlebury to buy food for the unexpected guests, and Mr. Brewster was occupied schlepping suitcases and other paraphernalia.

Taking advantage of the activity, Corey and I lay low at the swimming pool all afternoon. If no one saw us, we wouldn't have to answer any questions.

When we showed up for dinner, the dining room was packed with laughing people, talking loudly and roaming from table to table taking pictures of each other. No one saw Seth poking his head into every group shot, showing off his gap-toothed grin.

Caleb and Ira contented themselves with watching from the ceiling fan. Round and round they went, their faces solemn, causing no disturbance, for once.

Mrs. Brewster lingered at our table. "The bad ones are here. Did you notice?"

"Yes." Grandmother watched Seth strike a silly pose for a lady with a video camera. "Will he show up when she looks at her pictures?"

"She'll think the camera's broke," Mrs. Brewster answered. "All her pictures will be ruined by white streaks—like light got in."

When Mrs. Brewster crossed the room to refill water glasses, Grandmother turned to us. "Have you made any progress finding the account book?"

We shook our heads and busied ourselves with the chicken Parmesan, another excellent gourmet treat from Mrs. Brewster.

"Even though I can see those boys, I still find it hard to believe my own eyes." Grandmother frowned at the perfect green bean she'd speared. "Was it a mistake to send those psychics away?"

Ira dropped down from the fan and took a seat beside her. "They were flimflammers," he said. "You were right to tell them to leave."

Seth took a seat on her other side. "No matter what they tell you, folks can't catch us with those fancy ghost-hunting machines."

"What about priests?" Grandmother asked. "Does exorcism work?"

"Rarely," Ira said. "The trouble is they usually don't take the time to get to know spirits. If you don't know what's holding us here, you can't make us leave."

Grandmother started to laugh. "I'm sorry," she told the bad ones who looked not only puzzled but hurt by her giggles. "I just can't believe I'm actually having this conversation. Sometimes I'm convinced I've lost my mind and I'm hallucinating."

The bad ones looked at each other as if they were both thinking the same thing. "Maybe you are," Ira said in that solemn way of his, "...hallucinating."

Grandmother smiled. "Actually, I wouldn't mind if I were temporarily insane. At least I'd have a chance of regaining my faith in a rational world where the dead stay dead and don't swing on chandeliers." While she spoke, she watched Seth perform acrobatic feats overhead.

One of the new guests pointed at the chandelier. "Look at that!"

"What's making it swing?" another asked.

As the diners sat staring, their chicken forgotten, Seth imitated the daring young man on the flying trapeze. He was, of course, invisible to them.

An elderly woman gasped and got to her feet. "It's going to fall!" she cried.

As the guests began to hurry out of the room, Caleb and Ira joined Seth and told him to stop. With Seth protesting loudly, all three vanished, and the chandelier slowly came to a stop.

Grandmother hastened after the guests. "It's all right," she assured them. "The chandelier does that sometimes. It's stopped now. Please come back and have dessert. Martha's prepared a double chocolate cake with her own special raspberry sauce. It's absolutely delicious."

Murmuring to themselves, the guests returned reluctantly to their tables. Mrs. Brewster hustled about, serving generous slices of dark chocolate cake sitting in pools of raspberry sauce.

Although the guests eyed the chandelier from time to time, the cake placated them. Soon the room filled again with voices and laughter.

Grandmother looked at the people at the other tables and sighed. "Just think," she said slowly, "once I was as ignorant as they are."

Corey and I went on eating, savoring each bite of cake as if it might be our last. Grandmother sipped her coffee, her cake untouched.

Mrs. Brewster passed our table on her way to offer more coffee to the guests. "Isn't it to your liking?" she asked Grandmother.

"The cake?" Grandmother touched it with her fork. "Sorry, Martha. I'm sure it's delicious, but I'm not very hungry tonight."

"Nothing affects the children's appetites," Mrs. Brewster observed.

"Are you offering seconds?" I asked.

"It's all gone." With that, Mrs. Brewster bustled across the room to refill coffee cups.

"Bummer," I muttered.

"Here, split mine between you." Grandmother slid her plate toward us.

"Are you sure you don't want it?" Corey asked.

Grandmother nodded. "Take it, please. We don't want to hurt Martha's feelings."

Grandmother watched us eat and then excused herself to sit on the porch for a while. By the time we joined her, she was surrounded by the guests. One woman had read
Haunted Inns
and was full of questions.

"Have you seen any ghosts?" she asked. "Heard any strange sounds? Felt cold spots?"

Grandmother shook her head, but she didn't meet the woman's eyes.

"When that chandelier started to swing, I thought it was ghosts, for sure," the woman said with a nervous laugh.

The other guests chuckled uneasily. "That's the strangest thing I've ever seen," one said.

"You say it happens often?" another asked.

Grandmother pressed her hand against her forehead and got up. "You'll have to excuse me," she said. "I'm not feeling very well."

Leaving the guests to chatter among themselves, Corey and I followed Grandmother inside. She stopped in the kitchen and asked Mrs. Brewster to call Tracy. "These folks will be staying until next week's group arrives," she said. "I could really use some help, and I'm sure you could, too."

"I'll do my best to talk her into coming," Mrs. Brewster said. "Too bad she's such a nervous nellie." She looked at Grandmother closely. "If you don't mind my saying so, Mrs. Donovan, you don't look too good."

"I don't feel too good, either," Grandmother admitted. "When your world view changes overnight, it's bound to leave you a little shaken."

"I reckon so." Mrs. Brewster's eyes shifted to Corey and me. "See what your pranks have led to? Misery for everybody."

"That's not fair," Corey began, but Grandmother silenced her with a shake of her head.

"Hush, Corey," she said wearily. "I'm going to my room to read." She held up
Bleak House,
a thick novel by Charles Dickens. "The odious Mr. Tulkinghorn has just put poor Lady Dedlock in a terrible position, and I'm anxious about her."

Corey and I started to follow Grandmother into her apartment, but Mrs. Brewster stopped us. "Find that account book," she said, "and get this business done with. It's hard on your poor grandmother."

"It's hard on us, too," Corey said. "Well, don't expect any sympathy from me." Finished with us, Mrs. Brewster picked up a scouring pad and attacked a blackened pot. "I sure wish Tracy was here," she muttered.

Before we left the kitchen, I glanced at the clock. Seven thirty-five. Four hours and twenty-five minutes to go until midnight.

To pass the time, Corey and I tried to play chess, but we couldn't concentrate. We set up Monopoly, Scrabble, and Clue but were unable to finish a game before our minds wandered to the burial ground. We took turns reading to each other from a collection of Edgar Allan Poe stories we'd found in the library, but considering what lay ahead, they were too scary.

At ten o'clock we sneaked into the kitchen and ate almost half a gallon of chocolate-chip ice cream. Back in my room, Corey suggested a game of hangman. Deciding that was a bad idea, we started working a crossword together. As we puzzled over a five-letter word, third letter "T," meaning "beyond the fringe," the grandfather clock chimed eleven forty-five.

"Oh, no," Corey whispered. "It's time."

As silently as our shaking legs could carry us, we sneaked through the kitchen and outside. High in the sky, the man in the moon looked down, his sad face slightly askew, and watched us run across the lawn. Dark on the silver grass, our shadows raced ahead of us.

We plunged into the bushes and battled our way through the brambles to the burial ground. The bad ones sat in their favorite tree, obviously waiting for us. "Land sakes," Caleb muttered. "I'd forgotten how much noise the living make."

"It's those galumptious big shoes they wear." Seth swung his feet, bare as usual. "They're fit for elephants, they are."

I looked down at my thick-soled running shoes. They didn't look galumptious to me. But shoes were hardly the issue tonight.

Soundlessly, the bad ones dropped from the tree and joined us. "You're late," Ira said. "According to my reckoning, it's one minute past midnight."

"We had to find two more shovels," I said. "We left the others in the grove."

"And we almost forgot this." Corey held up a battery-operated lantern.

"Well, we'd best get busy." Caleb led us through the underbrush to Miss Ada's burial place. Corey switched on the lantern and set it on the ground. She looked surprisingly calm, but my heart was hammering so hard it shook my chest, and my hands were clammy with fear.

Cautiously, I poked at the dirt with my shovel.

"You got to work faster than that," Seth said.

"Or we'll be here for a month of Sundays."

"Won't digging wake her up?" Corey whispered.

you she ain't here." Seth kicked at the dirt. "Don't you never listen?"

All of us looked at the grove. An owl called, but nothing stirred in the dark trees. What's to stop her from coming, I wondered.

Reluctantly, I put more muscle into my task. The ground was surprisingly soft, and my shovel bit into it easily. Corey started digging, too. Soon we'd dug down at least three feet without coming across anything. Despite the cool night air, we were both sweating.

BOOK: All the Lovely Bad Ones
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