All The Right Reasons (The Seduced Series) (10 page)

BOOK: All The Right Reasons (The Seduced Series)
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Chapter Eleven


After being home a week, I kept my promise to be selfish. I spent every
possible minute with Dennis. The only time we separated was when we had to go to work. After the night we both went undercover and had amazing sex afterwards, I gained enough balls to tell him that I wanted to go back to work. He didn’t argue with me on it and agreed that I should work. I think I spent enough time being here not working. I haven’t been to work since the first time that I met Dennis when he kidnapped me and forced me to stay here and protect me from a criminal mastermind that wanted to kill me for my ring and powers, but that felt like a lifetime ago.

came home from working back at Impression and parked my Benz in the garage, only to see all of Dennis’s cars parked; damn it, he beat me home. I walked into the living room to see him lounging on the couch. He was still wearing his work clothes with the sleeves rolled up and the first 3 buttons of his shirt undone, revealing his muscular chest. Shit, he’s making me swoon over him on purpose. I walked up to him, ready to rip his clothes off of his body.

“If you didn’t just look at me li
ke that, I would be pissed off at you,” he said as I looked at him puzzled.

“What? Why?” I asked.

“You didn’t tell anybody when you were coming home,” he said with some slight irritation in his tone.

“I left a note
saying I might be late coming home from work. I had a lot of catching up to do, you know that,” I said.

“I saw the note
after worrying sick about you. I called your cell too but it went straight to voicemail,” he said as I took out my phone from my purse and frowned.

” I said sighing. “Sorry babe, battery died.” He shook his head while grinning.

you weren’t an agent I would consider getting you a bodyguard,” he said getting up from the couch and wrapping his arms around me. The thought of being followed everywhere I went by some strange guy disturb me. “But I’m guessing from the look on your face you would have objected to it.”

’re damn right I would have.” Then I remembered that this was Dennis I was talking to. “But it wouldn’t have mattered anyway, right?” I asked already knowing his answer. Dennis did what he wanted to know that I was safe, despite my protests.

“You’re damn right I would have,
” he said smirking. I just shook my head as he just threw my words back at me. He leaned down and gave me his famous ‘don’t argue with me’ kiss. How could I not resist?

“I hate you,
” I breathed as he nibbled on my lower lip.

“And I l
ove you,” he murmured letting go of my lip.

Okay, that’s enough you two,” Carmella said with a smile. “Dinner is ready.”

After a lovely dinner Carmella made for us, we sat in the living room and watched a little TV, well I watched TV. He couldn’t keep his hands off of me, it was very distracting. As
we got ready for bed I decided to wear one of my many Victoria’s Secret nightgowns. Tease him a little by the way he acted about me needing a bodyguard and the way he couldn’t keep his hands to himself after dinner. I walked out of the bathroom to find Dennis in bed with his arms folded under his head.

,” he said looking me up and down then sitting up. I held back a blush, it was time to let my inner vixen come out and play.

I strolled up to the bed and sat on the edge while crossing my legs. I motioned him with my index finger to come closer and he did without thinking twice
. I leaned over to him with my mouth inches from his.

“Now for that little remark earlier about me having a bodyguard,” I whispered inching my way closer to him. “I’ll show you who will need a bodyguard when I’m done with you.”

“I’m all yours love.”

I claimed his mouth kissing him softly while teasing him, promising more to come soon. I kissed him long and deep as he threaded his hands through my hair holding me closer. I heard a low moan come from the back of his throat
. I broke off the contact and pushed him back down to the bed.

“Lie down and don’t move,” I purred as he complied.

I got on top of him and began to kiss his lips, chin, and neck dropping lower to his chest. I let my tongue glide over his brawny chest and rock hard abs as he groaned out my name. As I made my way further down to his pajama pants and pull out his hard cock. I grip him firmly as I round my fingers around him. I move up and down as he flexes his hips upward, I reflexively grabbed him tighter. When I gaze up at him he had his eyes closed and his mouth slightly opened as his breathing accelerated. I leaned forward and ran my tongue over the tip of his head. He groaned as I repeated the process.

“Yeah baby, tease me,” he groaned.

Taking him by surprise I take him into my mouth and he flexes his hips shoving himself deeper into my mouth. I suck on his impressive length till I feel his legs tense. I sucked harder while teasing him, flicking the tip of my tongue over his moistened head. He hisses through his teeth as I take him deeper. I love the taste of him, he’s is my very own lollipop. I gazed at him and watched him fall apart underneath me.

“Stop, please. I want to fuck you,” he gasps.

Ha, that’s what you get for telling me I need a bodyguard. Take it Mr. Evers, again I feel him tense and this time he lets go as warm and salty semen ooze down my throat. I swallow and eye him tenderly. He looks at me and assesses me before shaking his head. I couldn’t help myself as a devious smile tugs at my lips.

“You really don’t play fair,” he says in a teasing tone.

“Well neither do you.” He laughs and opens his arms for me.

I go willingly and snuggle up against his chest not before kissing his
heart, which beat fast and hard. I love this man to pieces, even if he is an overprotecting jerk at times.

The following morning
Dennis went to work, I swear he is a workaholic but then again Evers and Evers Communications wouldn’t be where it is today if he slacked. So I decided to call Isabella up and have lunch with her. Of course she agreed to it, which was great. I didn’t want to spend such a lovely day indoors. I took her to one of my favorite restaurants called Greenhouse 36; it has such a pleasurable outdoorsy atmosphere on top of a rooftop that overlooked the Manhattan skyline. We talked and laughed while we ate, especially when Isabella keeps telling me that our waiter was eyeing me whenever he walked past us. It kinda made me feel a little uncomfortable but at least I was able to laugh it off.

“It must be hard
being as pretty as you are,” Isabella teased as I hung my head low.

’s actually a little embarrassing,” I admitted. I’m not that pretty.

“Yeah well, I’m certain Dennis doesn’t
appreciate other men gawking at his woman,” she said and I nodded, suddenly glad he wasn’t around.

About twenty
minutes later we finished our meal. While walking out of the building Isabella throws me a curve ball.

“Go see him already
.” I looked at her confused. “You have this ‘I miss Dennis’ written all over your face,” she added.

No I don’t,” I said as she rolled her eyes.

“Oh please, whenever his name was brought up you had this sad puppy dog look. Come on, let’s go see him.”

“I don’t know, I’ve never visited him before at work,” I said hesitantly.

“Do you always worry about
imposing on people?” She asked. I thought about for a second, and she had a point. I do worry about what people may think, but fuck it he was my man and if I wanted to stop by unexpected then it shouldn’t be a problem.

, but you’re coming with me,” I told her and she nodded.

We drove
across the city and parked in front of the huge building white building with the name Evers and Evers Communications on top of it. We walked in through what I guess was the main entrance into a huge work area filled with tables and desks where people were working. There weren’t too many people here since it was Saturday.

“Holy shit
, everybody is staring at us,” Isabella said as we walked to the reception desk.

I tried not to pay
attention to them because I’ll probably end up falling on my face. We walked over to a woman that was in the far back of the building by the elevators, her desk was secluded from the others so we figured that she was the receptionist. We asked her were Dennis’s office was and she told us it was on the fifteenth floor. We took the elevator up to his floor, when it stopped and the doors opened we both looked at each other astonished at what we saw. His floor was completely empty, there was nobody walking around. The only desk there was another receptionist and again she was towards the back.

“Jeez, how many receptionists does he have?” Isabella
asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

“I think
there’s one for every floor,” I said and she laughed.

“Hi,” I said to the receptionist as
she typed on her computer.

“Yes can I help you?” S
he asked still staring at her computer screen.

“Um yes, I’m here to see Mr. Evers.”

“Mr. Evers is a very busy man. Do you have an appointment with him?” She asked.

“Um no, I…”

“Oh, I’m so sorry Ms. Moore,” she said as she recognized who I was. Probably from the tabloids. “I’ll tell him you are here.”

that’s okay, can you just show me where his office is located?” I asked.

“Sure, it’s down the hall to your left. I
t’s the only office there,” she said anxiously. I nodded then looked at Isabella.

on, I’ll wait here for you,” she said and I walked towards Dennis’s office.

It was
n’t hard to miss the gold plated sign on his door that read Executive CEO Dennis Evers. I smiled as I knocked on the door. Nobody replied so I opened the door. I was shocked to see that this wasn’t even his office, it was his PA’s. I walked in and noticed another door that was slightly opened. When I glanced in I saw him working on his computer; he seemed preoccupied so I took a gander around his office. He had the biggest desk I’ve ever seen; it was bigger than mine and Betty’s put together down at Impressions. The rest of his office had two black leather couches complemented by a fancy black coffee table. It was pretty spacious, even for an office. He looked up and his eyes widened a bit as I smiled.

,” I said walking towards him. He too smiled and stood up.

his is the best surprise I’ve gotten yet,” he said as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. “What brings you down here?”

, I was in the neighborhood and I thought I’d stop by and surprise my favorite guy,” I stated and he laughed. “Wow,” I said looking at the exterior glass wall to the epic view of the city’s skyline. “Nice view. I’ve never felt this intimidated by you before,” I teased.

“Did my receptionist give you a hard time
getting in?” He asked as I sat on the edge of his desk. He stood in front of me playing with my hair.

“No. S
he just seemed nervous to see me,” I said and he smiled. He then leaned down to brush his lips across mine, but his lips were barely touching mine.

“Well I told them to keep an eye out for the world’s most beautiful woman
, just in case she ever stopped in,” he said and I laughed.

“Stop trying to make me blush,” I murmured as he leaned in and
fully kissed me this time. I felt his hand in my hair, pulling my head to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist while parting my lips, letting his tongue drive me crazy. Then I remembered where we were and pulled my lips away from his. “Slow down,” I breathed.

o,” he said while kissing my chin and moving down to my neck.

“Dennis stop. What if one of your employees walked in
,” I said as he just ignored me and continued to kiss my neck, unfazed by what I said to him. I giggled as he started whispering sweet nothings in my ear, just then the door opened. He made no move to end our embrace so I didn’t either, he was driving me wild.

“A large c
appuccino just the way you like…” a woman said walking in before freezing to a halt when she saw us. She had long dirty blonde hair with blue eyes; she was very beautiful looking.

“Thank you
Stephanie, you could put it on the coffee table,” Dennis said as woman smiled apologetically and laid the cup on the table.

“Angelina this is Stephanie my PA. Stephanie this is my girlfriend Angelina,” he
said while not taking his hands off me. I didn’t miss the slightly disappointed look she had as Dennis told her who I was. I put on the best smile I could master and offered her my free hand to shake and she shook it.

’s nice to meet you,” she said.

,” I replied and she turned to Dennis.

“The reps that are handing the
Maltiz account just called to say that they are ready to meet, they said you should call them back to set up a meeting,” she said and Dennis nodded. She muttered a goodbye and left us alone.

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