All To Myself (5 page)

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Authors: Annemarie Hartnett

Tags: #sweet

BOOK: All To Myself
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He had moved to the loveseat, arm draped across the seat back. She bit the inside of her mouth to keep from smiling as she filled her glass. She could have taken the chair he had vacated, or she could have fallen into his trap and took the seat next to him. Instead, she took her glass and leaned against the edge of the veranda, and gave him a look she hoped came off as sly as the one he gave her.

“Are we going to take that drive?” she asked, then took a sip.

“I think we can skip it. I will drive you home, though.”

“I’m not going to say no, but you don’t have to.” She raised her glass out to him. “This is good, too.”

He leaned forward with a “cheers” and clinked his glass with hers.

“How was the water tonight?” he asked.

“Not very warm, but it was good.”

“When I first started coming here, I hit the beach every day, all day. I’d only go in the water to cool off if it was too hot, though. The best time to go swimming was always at night. No kids screaming about getting wet, no dogs flicking water into your mouth, and the suits would come off.”

“We wear our suits when we go swimming.”

“Where’s the fun in that?”

“This is the second time you’ve referenced skinny dipping to me since we met.”

“I want to get you naked, obviously.”

It was too hard not to smile as she hung her head back. “Why do you do that?”

“You’re the one who asked. Why did you come here?”

“I just wanted to say ‘hi,’” she said with a shrug of her shoulder.

“It sounds like you want to put a question mark at the end of that statement.” Noah chuckled and tapped the spot next to him. “Sit down.”

She shook her head. “I can’t.”

“You were sitting here a minute ago.”

“Yeah, but now ... you’re there.”


“I know what’s going to happen if I sit down.”

He leaned forward, and quietly said, “Do I make you nervous?”

“Of course you do. You’ve got a way about you.”

“It’s not me, it’s you. I don’t usually make women nervous, and I have to be honest when I tell you that you make me just as nervous.”

“Why would I make you nervous?”

“Because I like you. Fully clothed or naked, I like you -- though I prefer naked.” He smiled, still flirty but so devastatingly genuine Rory almost couldn’t stand it.

“I don’t want to end up getting jerked around,” she admitted, and went on when he opened his mouth in what she assumed was protest. “We’re both leaving in September anyway. I don’t want to have a complicated summer.”

“You didn’t want to just say ‘hi.’ You’re here for the same reason I waited for you, and why I sat alone all night. I like you. I got eaten up by bugs tonight waiting out here, because I like you. You like me. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have come here, so why not just go with it? Sit next to me.”

Rory said nothing. A giddy feeling swirled in her belly, turning and coiling into an electric ball.

He held out his hand, and her heart fluttered in her chest.

I want to so bad.

And then she did. She set her glass on the railing and reached out.

Noah’s grip was strong from the start, fingers squeezing around hers and the tension drawing her in. He commanded her with his touch, and Rory followed the unspoken directive onto his lap.

“Not fair, you said you wanted me to sit next to you,” she said as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Did I? I could have sworn I asked you to sit here.”

Rory’s giggle faded as he slid his hand along her bare back. As he tucked his fingers beneath the knot holding her bikini top together, she was suddenly aware of how undressed she was. Only a thin film of Lycra separated her bare ass from the rough fabric of his cargo shorts.

She might as well have been completely naked.

He was suddenly so quiet with her in his arms. His gaze darted over her face, lingering at her mouth, and then he looked in her eyes.

Waiting for her to make the first move.

She pressed her hand to his chest. He was so warm through his T-shirt. She wanted it off, but she didn’t dare. Not yet, nor did she make any other move as he swelled beneath her.

He pressed his hand against her back, a gentle urging. Rory took a quick, fluttering breath as she tilted her head and leaned in.

His lips were soft and his mouth pliant. It was infuriating. Now that she was there, blood simmering and body humming from his closeness, she wanted a brusque hand and a hard kiss.

Curling her fist and bunching the fabric, she slipped her other hand to the back of his head. She held him as she deepened the kiss and invited him into her mouth. A tremble went through him as his tongue slipped past her lips. As he responded to her velvet caress, he abandoned her thigh and cupped her face.

Every part of her body responded to his. She gave in and let him cradle her as he took the momentum, tongue teasing, twisting, exploring. Behind her back, he fingered the knot holding her top together. A shiver ran through her as she felt it loosen, and then he reached up under her hair for the second knot.

She was moving too fast. She knew it and didn’t care, tipping her head back with a sigh as he mouthed over her cheek and to the slope of her neck.

The bikini fell to her lap. He lowered his head and she grasped his dark curls, then moaned when he licked around her taut nipple.

“I can’t sleep with you,” she murmured, unheeded as he used tongue and teeth on her. She couldn’t sleep with him. She committed not to, but she was willing to go further than she should.

The sound of the ocean against the shore went from a murmur to a faint sigh as the sound of his mouth on her became more prominent. Attentive sucking sounds, each little smack coinciding with the thrill of being nibbled upon.

A hungry sound vibrated off his tongue and zipped
before settling between her legs. He turned his head and nipped the other breast, and when he placed his hand on her thigh, Rory slid it further up.

As she began to squirm, she was suddenly unseated. The world around her spun as for a moment he set her down, legs draped over his thighs, and he leaned in once more.

“Can I take these off?” he asked, tugging the string at her hip.

She shook her head. “Not yet.”

Noah left his warm hand on her waist and pressed his forehead to hers. “Can I go under them?”

For a moment she couldn’t breathe. Just the thought, the mere thought of him slipping his fingers through the wet heat he had created tested her resolve. If she let him, would she stop him if he asked again?

The temptation was far more powerful than her common sense. She parted her thighs and pulled him into another kiss.

He drew out her agony, stroking up and down her inner thigh as he resumed his exploration of her mouth. Rory tried to be patient, but she ached between her legs. Each time he drew close, her clit throbbed with anticipation.

She tugged his hair until he broke the kiss. “Don’t tease me. Touch me.”

“Touch me,” he whispered. “Unzip me.”

With far less finesse than he had undressed her, Rory fumbled with his fly until it split open. She reached inside and immediately made contact with hot, hard flesh.

He groaned as she drew his cock out, and Rory answered when he rubbed her through her bikini bottoms.

“That’s not just the ocean that’s got these wet,” he teased, and crooked his finger over her clit.

“Go on,” she murmured, smearing her thumb through the sticky precum so that the smooth head shone.

He wriggled his fingers beneath the slippery fabric. As slowly as ever, he circled her clit. He watched her carefully as he played with her, rolling the tip back and forth, up and down, holding her tight as she shuddered through it all.

She realized that her body was a puzzle he was quickly working out. Two fingers rubbed her, one on either side of her clit. Her nerve endings came alive. She quaked inside and out, whimpering as his steady touch hit her hard. She couldn’t remember a time when her body had been so ready to go off.

He grinned as she started to squirm. “Feel good?”

“So good,” she whimpered. So overwhelmed with sensation, Rory could only cling to him, tugging his foreskin and kneading the head. He didn’t seem to mind. She had seen in his eyes that he was almost entirely focused on her pleasure. She kissed him hard, and his tongue writhing against hers was a promise she almost demanded.

It was the thought of being spread out for him, of cradling him between her thighs as he used that tongue to tease her open, that drove her mad. She jerked as a hot pulse went through her and tipped her head back. There was no holding back the pants and whimpers. She didn’t know who, if anyone, might be in the chalet just a few yards away. She didn’t care. The whole world came down to the wicked hands that brought her closer to her climax and the wicked words that poured out of him.

“Come on, baby,” he whispered, his mouth hovering over hers and his breath leaving a damp mist on her lips and cheek. “Come for me.”

“Noah—please--” was all she managed to gurgle out as the heat became unbearable. Afraid of hurting him, she released his dick and braced her hands on his chest. His hot body beneath her hands the only thing anchoring her; she dug in and held on as the throb turned to pure ecstasy.

As she came out of her fog and answered his slow kisses, she realized he was inside of her. The two fingers that had taken her to the brink and back flexed in and out of her slick passage.

“Jesus, I could have come just watching you,” he murmured against her mouth. Rory sucked in a deep breath and looked down. His shaft throbbed, glistening against her outer thigh.

She tugged at his shirt. “Your turn. Take this off.”

“Maybe I’m not done with you yet.” He buried his fingers to the knuckle, and smiled as an aftershock sent a shudder through her.

She clipped her knees together, though locking him in did nothing to stop the delicious curling of his fingers against her inner wall. “I mean it. I’m practically naked here and you’re fully dressed.”

“With my cock hanging out.”

“Please,” she whispered, and drew the shirt up over his belly. “For me?”

He groaned and withdrew from her. She’d seen him without his shirt before, but until now he had just been another summer boy with a tan. He held his arms up as she stripped him.

Revealed to her now, coarse hair and warm flesh under her hands, he was perfection.

She slipped her fingers into his hair and delighted in the sudden blissful look on his face. It wasn’t enough, though. She skimmed her nails down his chest and watched the hairs rise on his arms.

Pausing just over his navel, she considered teasing him as he had done to her, but seeing the fire in his eyes and the sudden pulse of his chest and she wanted to watch him loose himself in pleasure.

Rory drew a circle around his bellybutton “How long would you have waited for me tonight?”

“All night, and I would have pestered you every night until you came to visit.” He hung his head and watched as she slicked her palm on the tip of his dick.

Noah sucked in a quick breath and his whole body tensed. It was a mouth-watering display of muscles bunching in broad shoulders, so glorious she got greedy. She grasped him and worked the head in her fist, and couldn’t drag her gaze away from his face as the rapture unfolded.

“Feels good,” he said, and groaned as she slowed her pace, working his cock with long, steady strokes.

“How good?”

“Oh fuck, so good.” Noah slipped his hand behind her and cupped her ass. “Feel better if you suck it.”

Rory leaned in and left a trail of light, wet kisses over his shoulder. Her blood simmered beneath her skin, hot with wanting. She couldn’t believe that only a short time ago she had been on the fence about even coming here, and now there was no hesitation, no questioning herself, no trying to justify her actions as she slipped from the loveseat.

“Your knee,” he started, and laughed as she dragged a throw pillow with her. “You come prepared.”

“You’re not the only one who knows what they’re doing.”

She took hold of his cock at the root and, looking up at him, slowly licked around the hot circumference.

“Oh Jesus,” he muttered, and struck the most breathtaking pose she had seen--elbows stuck out from his head, fingers twisting in his thick hair, and his eyes half-closed.

She whirled her tongue around and around until her mouth was filled with the taste of him, and then let her greed take over. She closer her lips around him and began to suck.

In moments she was drunk on it, spurred on by the helpless sounds he made as she tugged the hot skin around his shaft. She liked that he left the initiative to her. No pushing her down. No thrusting up. He merely sat back in that post and experienced.

She refused to let those wandering thoughts of doing more, of straddling him and gliding down his cock, take her over. With those thoughts came the inevitable
you can’t
, and she wanted no part of those thoughts. She only wanted this. She only wanted to lose herself in the pulse of his cock in her mouth and his moans telling her a story about the ecstasy she gave him.

He dropped his hands and grasped the cushion underneath him. “So good. You’re so good. Keep doing that.”

Rory had no plan on stopping. Taking her cues from his body, she sucked him harder, jerked him faster, until he gurgled out a plea and jetted against the roof of her mouth.

“Oh … Jesus … Rory, Jesus.” Noah went like a rag doll as she drew away from him, save for his pulsing chest.

Leaving him to regain his breath, Rory pushed onto her feet and went to the edge of the veranda. She spit over the side and washed her mouth out with cola.

She was pleased with herself. Something about being there with Noah made what he had done to her, what she had just done to him, didn’t seem half as sordid as those times when she had been with previous boyfriends. Perhaps it was because Noah wasn’t some wheedling boy. She felt more womanly. She wanted more of him. She wanted to be stripped down with him, to take and be taken.

And yet when he opened his eyes, shyness came over her. She crossed her arms over her bare chest and went for her bikini top.

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