All We Know: Three Lives (52 page)

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Authors: Lisa Cohen

Tags: #Biography, #Lesbians

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Garland, Patrick

Geffrye Museum

Gellhorn, Martha

Genthe, Arnold

Geography and Plays

Gere, Charlotte

Germany, Imperial; British bombing of; in World War I

Germany, Nazi; bombing of England by; European attacks by

Germany, Weimar

“Gerontian” (Eliot)

Gerrard, Theodora “Teddy,”

Gibbon, Edward

Gibran, Kahlil

Gide, André

Gielgud, John

Gillmore, Margalo

Ginsberg, Allen

Gladstone Hotel

Glasgow School of Art

Glass, Philip

Glass of Fashion, The

Golders Green cemetery

Goncourt, Remy de

Grant, Duncan

Grant, Ulysses S.

Gray, Eileen

Great Britain: 1929

election in; Labour government in

Great Eastern and Missouri Railroad

Greeley, Horace

Green, Henrietta

Greenberg, Clement

Groult, André

Groult, Nicole


Guggenheim, Peggy

Guilleragues, Comte de

Guizot, François

Gurdjieff, G. I.

Gysin, Brion


Hall, Alice,
Seldes, Amanda

Hall, Radclyffe

Hamish Hamilton

Handley-Read, Charles

Handley-Read, Lavinia

Hanna, Mark

Hanseatic League

Harcourt Brace

Harding, Warren G.

Hargreaves, Allan

Harlem Renaissance

Harper, Allanah

Harper’s Bazaar

Harrison, Benjamin


Hartnell, Norman

Harvey Nichols

haute couture; MG’s embodiment of; as popular entertainment

“Have You Heard About Roosevelt…?” (Murphy)

Hawes and Curtis

Hawthorne, Nathaniel

Hayes, Helen

H.D. (Hilda Doolittle)

Heap, Jane

Hearst, William Randolph

Hegel, Georg

Hellman, Lillian

Hemingway, Ernest

Henderson, Gavin (Lord Farringdon)

Hendon Aerodrome

Hennessy, Eileen

Henriot, Émile

Here Lies the Heart
(de Acosta)

Hermann, Eva

Highsmith, Patricia


Hirschfield, Magnus

History of England

History of Fashion, A

Hitler, Adolf

Hobbes, Thomas

Hogarth Press

Hollywood, Calif.; gay subculture of

Holy Dying

homosexuality, criminalization of

Hoover, Herbert

Hopper, Hedda

Horan, Grey

Houghton-Brown, Geoffrey

House of Commons, British; bombing of

House of Mirth, The

Howard, Brian

Howe, Susan

“How to Dress on Nothing a Year” (Garland)

Hoyningen-Huene, George

Hughes, Langston

Hughes, Richard


Human Be-in

Hume, David

Huntington, Henry

Hurst, Fanny

Hutchinson, Mary (Polly Flinders)

Huxley, Aldous; MG and

Huxley, Maria; MG and


Illustrated Newspapers Group

Imperial Chemical Industries

Incorporated Society of London Fashion Designers

Indecisive Decade, The: The World of Fashion and Entertainment in the Thirties

Inglis, Frances “Fanny” (Madame Calderón de la Barca)

Institute for Sexual Science

Ireland, Dorothy

Isabella, Queen of Spain

Ives, Emmy


Jaeger, Benita

Jagger, Mick

James, Alice

James, Charles

James, Henry


Jazz Age

Jean Désert

Jeffers, Robinson

Jeffers, Una

Jefferson, Thomas



Joan of Arc, Saint

Jockey Club

Johnson, Samuel

Jones, Thomas


Jourdain, Margaret

Jouvet, Louis

Joyce, James; death mask of

Julien Levy Gallery


Karsavina, Tamara

Kauffer, Edward McKnight

King, Francis

King, Viva

King, Willie

Kinsey, Alfred

Kirk, Maria Annunziata “Poppy,”

Kirstein, Lincoln

Knickerbocker, Cholly

Knights of Labor

Koestler, Arthur


La Beaumelle, Angliviel de

Labor Department, U.S.

Laboureur, Jean-Emile

Labour Party, British

Lacarrere, Mademoiselle

Ladies Almanack

Laffan, Patricia

Lambs Club

Landon, Alfred

Landseer, Edwin

Lanvin, Jeanne

Lartigue, Jacques-Henri

Laurencin, Marie

Lawrence, D. H.

League of Nations

Le Corbusier

Lees-Milne, Alvide

Lees-Milne, James

Left Book Club

Legacy, A

Le Gallienne, Eva; acting career of; MdA and

Legroux Soeurs (milliner)

Leicester Galleries

Lemon and the Rose, The

Lenin, V. I.

Leopold, James

Lepape, Georges

Lepore, Jill

lesbian networks;
see also

Letters of a Portuguese Nun

LeVoe, Spivy

Liberal Party, British

Library of Congress

“Life of Lady Blessington, The” (Murphy)


Lindsay, Vachel

Lindsley, Lorna

Listen—The Women!

Little Minister, The

Little Review

“Lives of the Obscure” (Woolf)

Loeb, Harold

Lolly Willowes
(Townsend Warner)

London Fashion Group

London Group

Lone Pine, Battle of (Gallipoli campaign)

Louis XIII, King of France

Louis XIV, King of France; secret marriage of Madame Maintenon and

Louis XV, King of France

Love’s Labour Lost

Lowell, Amy

Luce, Clare Boothe

Lucy Stone League

Luhan, Mabel Dodge

Lukach, Harry

Lully, Jean-Baptiste

Lunt, Alfred


Lydig, Philip

Lydig, Rita de Acosta; beauty and glamour of; celebrity of; collecting of; death of; fashionable wardrobe of; magnetic personality of; marriages of; MdA and; as patroness of the arts; portraits and photographs of


Macaulay, Thomas Babington

MacDonald, Ramsay

MacLeish, Archibald

Macpherson, Kenneth

Madame de Maintenon

Magdalene, Mary

Maintenon, Madame de; baptism of; birth of; childhood and adolescence of; correspondence of; death of; as educator; EM’s unfinished book on; first marriage of; religious struggles of; reputation of; secret marriage of Louis IV and

Manhattan Club

Mann, Erika

Mann, Klaus

Mann, Thomas

Mansfield Park

Maples store

Marais, Jean

Marbury, Elisabeth “Bessie,”

Marie, Queen of Romania


Mark Cross Company; Gerald Murphy’s management of; Patrick Murphy’s ownership of

Marshall, Margaret

Marshall Field’s

Martin, Charles

Martin Chuzzlewit


Massachusetts Legislature

Masters, Edgar Lee

Mather, Cotton

Matisse, Henri


Maugham, Somerset

Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico

May (nursemaid)

Mazzini, Giuseppe

McCarthy, Joseph R.

McCarthy, Mary; Catholic background of; EM and

McCarthy, William

McCullers, Carson

Macgregor, Helen

McHarg, Andrew Creighton; business of; MG’s relationship with; quest for status by

McHarg, Gerald; family business joined by; MG’s correspondence with; military service of

McHarg, Henrietta “Hettie” Maria Aitkin; beauty and style of; death of; indolence of; MG’s relationship with; social aspirations of

McHarg, James

McHarg, Keith

McHarg, Madge Alma,
Garland, Madge

McHarg, Yvonne

McKenna, Margaret

McKinley, William

McMullin, Johnny

Mead, Margaret

Meher Baba

Mellon, Andrew

Melville, Herman

Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man

Mencken, H. L.

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)

Metropolitan Museum of Art; Costume Institute of

Metternich, Prince Klemens von

Meyer, Baron de

Millay, Edna St. Vincent

Miller, J. Duncan

Miller, Lee

Mills, Florence

Miner, The

Ministry of Education, British

Missouri Compromise

Mitchell, Joseph

Mitford, Nancy

Mizener, Arthur

Moby Dick

Mocatta, Christine “Kitty” Salmond Pringle

Mocatta, Edgar


Moffat, Curtis

Molnár, Ferenc

Molyneux, Edward

Monroe, Harriet

Monsanto Chemical Works

Montagu, Edward

Montague, Lady Mary Wortley

Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de

Montespan, Madame de

(de Acosta)

Moore, Marianne

More Women Than Men

Morgan, J. P.

Morris, Cedric

Morris, Lloyd

Mortimer, Raymond

Morton, Digby

Mosca, Bianca

Mosley, Oswald

Mrs. Dalloway

Munich Pact

Munson, Ona

Muray, Nickolas

Murdoch, Iris

Murphy, Anna Ryan; character and personality of; EM and; illness and death of

Murphy, Baoth

Murphy, Doris

Murphy, Esther; attachments to women of; awkwardness of; birth of; on celibacy; childhood and adolescence of; critical writing of; death of; depressions of; domesticity lacking in; drinking and smoking of; education of; energy and compulsion of; eye problems of; fictional images of; financial concerns of; first marriage and divorce of; funeral and cremation of; illnesses of; insecurity of; intellect and erudition of; Irish Catholic background of; kindness and generosity of; literary friends of; loneliness of; on MdA; Mexican trip of; MG and; nonstop talking of; physical appearance of; poetry of; portraits of; pregnancies and miscarriages of; privileged upbringing of; public speaking of; published works of; sartorial style of; second marriage and divorce of; self-criticism of; social entertaining of; work habits of; unfinished works of; women as literary focus of

Murphy, Frederic; army service and heroism of; death of; illnesses and injuries of; marriage of; Patrick Murphy and

Murphy, Gerald; attraction to men of; business career of; correspondence of EM and; depression of; EM and; marriage of,
Murphy, Sara Wiborg; painting of; Patrick Murphy and

Murphy, Noel Haskins; EM and; Janet Flanner and

Murphy, Patrick; business career of; character and personality of; death and funeral of; last will of; mistress of; physical appearance of; political life of; professional and social rise of; public speaking of; relationship of EM and

Murphy, Sara Wiborg

Murray, Natalia Danesi

Museum of Costume Art

Museum of Modern Art


Napoleon I, Emperor of France

Napoleon III, Emperor of Fance

Nast, Condé; changes made at British

Nation, The

National Gallery of Ireland

National Horse Show Association

Nazimova, Alla

Neuillant, Madame

Neutrality Act


New Deal

“New Dress, The” (Woolf)

New Interior Decoration, The: An Introduction to its Principles, and International Survey of its Methods

New Party, British

New Republic, The

New Statesman

New York American

New Yorker, The

New York Herald Tribune

New York Times, The

New York Tribune

Nicolson, Harold

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm

Nijinska, Bronislava

Nijinsky, Vaslav


“Notes on ‘Camp’” (Sontag)

Novel of Thank You, A


Odets, Clifford

O’Hara, Frank

Omega Workshop

O’Neill, Olive

“On Great Men Recognizing Greatness” (de Acosta)


Orwell, George

O’Shaughnessy, Edith

Oxford University; St. Hilda’s College; Somerville College



Paderewski, Ignacy

Palmer, Samuel

Paramount Pictures

Parker, Dorothy; EM and

Parsons, Elizabeth

Partisan Review, The

Pascal, Blaise

Patou, Jean

Payson and Clarke

Peace Pledge Union

Pell, Isabel

Pemberton, Muriel

Penrose, Betty

Penrose, Roland


Père Lachaise Cemetery

Perriand, Charlotte

Peter Pan

Phillips, David Graham

Picasso, Pablo

Picot, Mademoiselle

Pilgrims Club

Pitt-Rivers, Michael

Poe, Edgar Allan


Poiret, Paul

Pompadour, Madame de; EM’s planned biography of

Poole, Abram

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