
Read Allegiance Online

Authors: Cayla Kluver

BOOK: Allegiance
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Awards for Cayla Kluver's debut book,

• Bronze medalist in the 2008 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards for Young Adult Fiction

• Finalist in two categories in the National Best Books Awards 2008 sponsored by USA Book News

• First-place winner (reviewer's choice) in the Reader Views Literary Awards 2008 for Young Adult Fiction

• Young Voices Foundation book of the month for January 2009

Praise for Cayla Kluver

“Anyone who says teens can't write should meet 16-year-old Cayla Kluver…. Kluver's writing is impressive, fluid and focuses heavily on social customs and deep, complex characters; the skill of the writing and the resulting story make
one book that any fantasy fan should pick up at the earliest opportunity.”

Cleveland Literature Examiner

“If you're looking for a richly painted tapestry of words, a fantasy sort of book written as if Jane Austen were still alive and had decided to write fantasies involving princesses, then you're sure to love

Curled Up With a Good Kid's Book,
five stars

“Well-paced and well-written,
has passages of idyllic prose, tensions between lovers, and a powerful narrative in the description of a tournament battle…. But there are enough story threads left hanging to ensure that book two,
will be a fitting sequel and to ensure Cayla Kluver's legacy as a stellar author and storyteller.”

ForeWord Clarion Reviews,
five stars

is a breathtakingly beautiful story about one girl's struggle to overcome the expectations of a kingdom and find her own happiness…. Full of political struggle, duty, legends, brilliant characters, and beautiful prose,
will leave readers wanting more.”

Chick Lit Teens

“First let me just say wow. I am in love with this book and with Cayla's beautiful writing….
is a mix of
King Arthur
Romeo and Juliet
in a way…it's now on my top 5 favorite books with
The Hunger Games.

La Femme Readers

Books by Cayla Kluver from Harlequin TEEN

The Legacy Trilogy



and coming in late 2012





THE HALL WAS EMPTY EXCEPT FOR A CLOAKED figure who stood motionless upon a black marble dais. He waited, watching the doors at the far end with eyes as bright as emeralds and as threatening as livid clouds on the horizon. Hair red like the embers of a dying fire shrouded his features. The rest of his powerful form was rendered nearly invisible by the shadows, for even the light from the torches lining the walls seemed reluctant to approach him.

The doors opened, swinging inward to reveal the silhouettes of the young man he had summoned and the two guards who flanked him. The guards had been ordered to bring the youth to this place, for he could no longer be trusted.

Ignoring his escorts, the seventeen-year-old entered, walking tall and unafraid. He was completely defenseless, bearing no weapons, yet there was no hesitation in his stride. Without a sign of deference he stopped before the dais, glaring up at the formidable figure, but the man ignored this insolence and spoke instead to the guards.

“You are dismissed,” he murmured. “Leave us.”

The guards hurriedly obeyed, and he focused his attention on his troublesome charge.

“I trust you have rested well?” he inquired, feigning cordiality.

“Well enough.”

The man gave a slight nod, irritation etching lines in his otherwise smooth face.

“Now that you have returned to us, Narian, and have been given time to recover your strength, your training must recommence. Your foolish action in running away has already driven us to wage war with Hytanica. I must prepare you for the time when you will join that effort. You will be the one to bring Hytanica to ruin.”

“I will not lead troops against my homeland,” Narian declared. “I've told you what I know. I won't help you destroy Hytanica.”

Sighing, the man, who was the master of this hall, moved to his left and descended the stairs from the dais to the floor.

“I feared you might say that,” he said, coming to stand before the young man, towering over him by several inches. “Have you forgotten to whom you owe your allegiance? The Hytanicans are enemies of Cokyri. They are

treated me well,” Narian countered, clenching his jaw.

The man began to circle the boy he had helped raise, examining him, looking for a weakness. As he moved, he spoke, his voice chilling in its civility.

“A Cokyrian in need of punishment was brought before me today. He writhed in agony for hours under the torment of my hand, pleading for mercy, until I drew my sword and cut off his head. It rolled to the very spot where you stand.
was a thief, Narian. To show me disrespect is a far worse offense. Can you imagine what
punishment will be?”

“I am not afraid of torture or of death. You have seen to that with your training. Do with me what you will.”

“Such brave words from one who is so very vulnerable.” The Overlord came to a stop in front of his charge. “You are about to learn that there are many types of torture, one in particular that you are not prepared to endure.”

Narian tensed, bracing himself for whatever pain he was about to suffer, but the warlord merely watched him, a smirk curling the corners of his lips.

“I believe this will provide the proper incentive to obey.” The Overlord turned toward a door behind and to the left of the dais. “Bring in the prisoner,” he called, raising his voice but slightly, for the malice within gave it great resonance.

Narian paled as the door was flung open and a young woman whose face he knew well was pulled into the hall. A single guard accompanied her, grasping the manacles that bound her hands before her.

The Overlord strode to the girl and seized her by her tangled hair. She whimpered as he hauled her across the floor toward Narian, and a tear slid down her cheek.

“Don't hurt her,” Narian said, shaking his head, and for the first time, there was a slight tremor in his voice. “Please, don't hurt her.”

“Really, Narian. Begging doesn't become you.”

Releasing his hold upon the young woman's hair, he hit her across the face. She collapsed to the floor, sobbing, hand to her mouth where blood had begun to trickle.

“No!” Narian shouted. “I said don't hurt her!” His eyes flicked between his master and the girl while his mind raced, for this was something he had not anticipated. Then he took hold of his emotions and steadied his voice. “We can come to terms. Just don't do her harm.”

“Terms?” the Overlord repeated, mulling over the concept. “You would gamble with her life?”

“No, I would gamble with your victory. If she is injured or killed, then nothing on hell or earth will persuade me to do your bidding.” Narian paused, expecting a reprisal, then continued when none was forthcoming. “My demands are simple. Give me your assurance that she will not be harmed, and guarantee that the Hytanican people will not be needlessly slaughtered.”

After a moment's contemplation, the Overlord nodded. “Though I do not view you as in a position to negotiate, I will accept these
in exchange for your willing submission to my authority.” He glanced at the prisoner, then motioned to the guard to retrieve her. “I knew you would once again see things as I do.”

The guard scurried to where the girl lay sobbing and attempted to pull her to her feet, but she cried out and jerked from his grasp. She reached toward Narian and tried to move in his direction, weeping and whispering his name, but he could only shake his head in silent apology. At a pointed glance from the warlord, the guard grabbed the prisoner by her upper arms and dragged her away. The Overlord then considered his charge once more.

“There are a number of offenses for which you should be punished—insolence, disobedience, flight—but I am willing to overlook those things. I fear, however, that you have forgotten the extent of my power, so for that reason alone, a reminder is in order.”

The Overlord stretched out his arm toward Narian and the young man stiffened, steeling himself against what was to come. Then he fell to his hands and knees, convulsing in pain, his body battered by his master's magic. Although he struggled not to scream, his efforts in the end were futile,
and his cries continued until the warlord relented, lowering his hand.

“That's enough,” the Overlord admonished, as though Narian were accountable for his own agony. “Just remember when we resume your training that this is just the beginning of what you, as well as the girl, will suffer if you fail to accomplish the task that I have set before you.”

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