Alluring Seduction (Bayou Stix) (4 page)

Read Alluring Seduction (Bayou Stix) Online

Authors: Skye Turner

Tags: #romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Alluring Seduction (Bayou Stix)
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fter about half an hour, the guys finally manage to wrangle me away from the fans and hotel security. I fall onto the couch in my room and Dade opens some beers from the mini bar, passing them around. As he hands me mine, I take it and lay my head against the back of the couch with a loud sigh. Forget beer, I need tequila.

“What the fuck happened in the elevator, Jessie?” Jude asks me.

Without moving my head, I answer, “Nothing. Nothing important, anyway.”

Liam laughs and says sarcastically, “Really? Nothing important? Then why was your hair standing on end, your face flushed, and I’m pretty sure you had a hand print on your face when those elevator doors opened, Dude.”

My hand heads to my face where Blue slapped me. “Fuck!”

“Jessie, why did Blue slap you?” Jude calmly asks.

I raise my head from the couch and all three of them are looking at me. Jude has his eyebrows raised. Liam is wearing his trademark smirk, but his eyes are hard, and Dade is just frowning. Cruz is watching me expectantly.

Groaning, I reply, “Yes, she slapped me… After I kissed her. She was wigging the fuck out and I kissed her. I don’t even know why I did it. Crazy bitch.”

Liam starts laughing again and even Dade and Cruz crack smiles. They seem to be getting a lot of enjoyment out of my frustration. Bastards. I flip them off and look at Jude, who is looking at me with a contemplative look on his face. “What? Why the hell are you looking at me like that?”

He shakes his head and smirks too before laughing a little. “You kissed, Blue? And she slapped you? That is priceless!”

“Fuck you. I didn’t mean to kiss her. I didn’t even want to kiss her. And yes, she fucking slapped me. I’m glad you assholes find this so fucking funny!” I drain my beer as my friends laugh at me, then I get up to look for something stronger.

“Oh, you wanted to kiss her. She’s fucking hot. Those eyes and those lips… that body… man. Yes, Blue is hot.” Liam says as he continues to smirk at me.

His words piss me off. Does he want Blue? And if he’s interested, why does that thought make me want to punch him in his pretty boy face?

Fuck me! I need to go out tonight and get that blue-eyed witch off of my mind!

“Shut the fuck up, Pretty Boy. Are you assholes in here just to fuck with me? And if so, are you done? I’ve been through a traumatic experience. I need a damn nap!”

Jude stops laughing and looks at me with a serious look on his face. “Jessie, whatever is going on with you and Blue, she’s not like the women you’re used to. I know you know that. But she’s a friend of the band, and well, she’s a really close friend to me and to Lexi now. Don’t fuck that up for a piece of ass. And if that’s what you want from her, I will personally beat the shit out of you, even if you are my best friend.”

“Shit, Jude, give me some fucking credit! I’m not going to fuck Blue! We don’t even
each other. We were trapped in an elevator.” I’m pulling my hair in my exasperation. “That’s all. And if I was going to do
with Blue, I know she’s more than a piece of ass. Jesus, I’m not a complete dick you know.”

“I do know that.” He smiles at me as he continues, “I’m just reminding you. Don’t jump my ass. Get some sleep. We’ll catch you tonight. Last hoorah in Vegas before this tour is over. Later, man.” He grabs the guys and they all walk out, leaving me at the mini bar, but not before Liam looks back and clearly communicates that I am not to play with Blue. Grabbing two mini bottles of tequila and a new beer, I hurriedly shoot the tequila and chase it with the beer, before throwing myself face down on the bed and passing out in exhaustion. The last thing I see in my mind before I fall asleep is a purple dangly belly ring.


I’m getting ready to meet Lexi and Bradi for the mandated “Girl’s Night”. Luckily, my hair is so short, and the cut is so easy, all I have to do is add some mousse to it and as it air dries, it gets that “perfectly styled” look. As I sit down to put on my makeup, I look in the mirror and my eyes widen in horror as I see my neck. Son of a bitch! I have a freaking hickey!

Jessie “marked” me?! I haven’t had a hickey in over ten years! Getting out the concealer, I cover it as best as I can. It’s still slightly visible, but hopefully the clubs we hit tonight will be dark enough that no one will notice.

I do my face up, and my eye makeup is darker than usual, but I’ve decided tonight I am letting loose. I’m going to find a hot guy to spend some time with and wipe one sexy ass bass guitarist off my mind, so I’m pulling out all the stops.

My outfit is the last step and I’m zipping up the back of the emerald green bustier mini dress and stepping into my nude heels as a knock sounds at the door. I hop over to open it and slip my shoe on as Lexi and Bradi walk in. As I straighten up, Bradi lets out a whistle.

I smirk at her. “Good for ‘Girl’s Night’?”

I also take in their appearance. Lexi looks stunning in a black halter mini dress and black stilettos and Bradi is wearing a skintight hot pink knee length dress with a slit to her hip. She has a matching pair of boy shorts underneath it that peek out as she moves. Anywhere but Vegas, we’d look like hookers. But we look sexy and ready for a night on the town.

Bradi claps and says, “Sexy bitches to the third power! What, what!”

Lexi and I laugh. I wasn’t sure how to take Bradi at first, but I’ve come to love her no filter personality. You get it straight with her and I love that! What you see is what you get.

“Bradi, you are a nut case, but I love nuts!” giggles Lexi.

“Oh, I love nuts too!” She wiggles her eyebrows and winks at us. We all laugh.

I grab both of their arms and ask if we’re ready.

We agree that we are, link arms, and head out the door!

We catch some eyes and turn some heads as we head down the Las Vegas Strip. We hit a couple of bars, before we decide to head to the Venetian and TAO Nightclub, where my Rock Hard ID gets us in the door, no questions asked.

By the time we get settled into a table by the dance floor, again, thank you Rock Hard Magazine – we are all buzzed and having a good time. Bradi grabs the cocktail waitress as she saunters past and orders us something called a “Horny Bull”. She winks at Bradi and takes off to fill it. I think she likes her.

Twenty minutes later, we have our shots and also a second round, sent over from the bartender. We look over our shoulders towards him and he gives us a wave and a wink.

Oh boy. Let’s do this. I don’t really drink all that much in my everyday life and this drink sounds scary, but we’re all leaving together, just like we came. So why not! Oh shit, here we go.

We take the first shot and holy shit it’s strong. It makes me cough and Bradi and Lexi laugh. We clink our glasses and take the second before we head onto the dance floor. Our table is reserved, so we don’t have to worry about losing our spot.

By the time the second song starts, the shots are running through my body and the music is moving my hips. The three of us are drunk and dancing together provocatively, ignoring all the men, and some women, trying to dance with us. After about forty-five minutes, Bradi nods her head towards the table and we head back that way, a bit sweaty and sticky, but still drunk and happy.

As we sit down, I kick off my shoes and our cocktail waitress is there in minutes with bottles of water and more shots.

Bradi takes a long swig of water and holds her shot as she stares intently at me. It’s making me nervous.

“What? Stop staring at me. You’re creeping me out!”

“What happened with you and Jessie today?” she blurts out.

Lexi laughs and shakes her head, but then says, “Yeah, Blue. Tell us. What happened?”

I take my shot to distract them and then look at the table before just blurting out, “How do you know something happened?”

Bradi says, “I know because I know these things. And it’s Jessie and you look at him like he’s dipped in fucking chocolate and gold dust. And… you have a hickey, bitch!” She smirks as she points at my neck and says, “Now, spill!”

I gasp as I grab my neck, “I look at him? Oh my God, does everyone know?”

Lexi chuckles. “No, everyone doesn’t know. I don’t think the two of
know. But yes, I know. Bradi knows. Jude knows. Erik knows. And I’m pretty sure the other guys know.”


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. How can everyone know? I didn’t even know. I mean I knew he affected me. But shit, he’s gorgeous, what woman is not affected by him? He’s just such an asshole though. How can they know?!

“Calm down, girl. It’s ok. You look at each other that way, when you
no one is paying attention.” Lexi is saying, trying to calm my freak out. “So, are you going to tell us what happened?”

I grab my last shot, take it, and slam the glass down while looking around for more liquid courage. “We fought. Then we kissed. Then he got me off to ‘distract’ me.”

I hear a glass hit the table and it makes me look up. Both Lexi and Bradi are sitting there wide-eyed with their mouths hanging open.

Lexi is the first to recover. She puts her hand on her chest. “He kissed you and got you off and said it was a ‘distraction’?”

I nod my head “yes.”

Bradi finds her voice. “Wait. Wait. You fought… then he kissed you… then he got you off? How?” I look at her incredulously. She screeches at me. “No, I need this explained to me!”

I feel my face heating, thank God it’s dark in here. It’s also weird to be talking about this, because it’s so loud, we have to shout to be heard above the music and noise.

“Yes, we were arguing, as usual. It’s all we ever do, then I got mad and I shoved him. I shocked him with my actions and I shoved him again. I was so pissed. He flipped me around and backed me against the wall and then the next thing I know, we’re making out and then he’s touching me. I don’t really know how it happened.” I mumble.

“Shit, I know how. He’s hot! And you want him.
In the elevator…
That’s so hot! How did he get you off?” Bradi is peppering me with rapid fire questions.

Lexi opens her mouth to say something, and then closes it. I think she wants the answer to Bradi’s question too.

I shake my head. I’m going to tell them. I don’t have girlfriends and they are nice. Besides, I need to talk to
. “With his hands. He kept kissing me and my neck and he gave me this damn hickey. He just kept touching me and it was so sexy, plus it was
, I exploded. And then he smirked at me and told me it was a distraction. So, I slapped him.”

“Wait! You slapped him?” Lexi asks.

“Yes, I slapped him. He was being an asshole. I don’t do things like that. I’m far from a virgin or a prude, but I don’t let guys just kiss me or touch me. I slapped him; we fought some more and that was that.”

Lexi sputters angrily, “I’m going to slap him too!”

“No need. I doubt he comes near me again. After I slapped him and we fought, I told him it wasn’t a big deal and he looked like he got pissed. So it’s over. It’s no big deal.”

Lexi frowns and says, “Well, I still think that’s bullshit. But ok, if you’re sure you’re ok with it, now onto something I’ve been wanting to ask you.” She’s tracing the lip of her water glass and her hands appear to be shaking. Is she nervous about something? “Will you be a bridesmaid in the wedding?”

I sit there shocked.
Did Lexi just ask me to be in her and Jude’s wedding?


Lexi is wringing her hands and Bradi is looking at me expectantly.

“Did you just ask me to be in your wedding? When is it? Where is it? You want
to be in your wedding? Why?”

Bradi cuts in. “Yes, she asked you. It’s in four weeks, you know that! In Louisiana, duh. And because you’re her friend, though not as awesome as me, of course!”

Lexi smiles and reaches for my hand. “Yes, I want… no
want you to be in the wedding. You mean a great deal to Jude and you’ve become a good friend to me. The wedding is at our house in Baton Rouge. December twenty-ninth. It won’t be a large ceremony. Just family and friends. If you say yes, I’ll have three in my bridal party: Bradi, Erik, and you. So, what do you say?”

I’m speechless.

Eventually I find my voice, “Yes, I’d love to. Thank you. I’m honored.”

Lexi jumps up to hug me and Bradi lets out a whoop before exclaiming, “Yes! You get to help me plan a bachelorette party! New Orleans, baby! Though it’ll probably end up lasting several days and be co-ed before this is over.”

I laugh. These girls have become such good friends and I’m so happy for Lexi and Jude.

Lexi backs away and smiles, before looking sheepish. “Well, there is one more thing…”

I take in her face and my stomach drops. “What?”

I know what she’s going to say.

“Jessie is in the wedding. Dade is the best man, but, well, you’re walking with Jessie.”


Chapter Five


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