AloneatLast (3 page)

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Authors: Caitlyn Willows

BOOK: AloneatLast
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Well Hung and Adonis made quick work of her clothing. Naked,
hips high on a mound of pillows, limbs stretched, she was Royce’s to do with as
he pleased. The tails of the flogger flicked over her ass and thighs before
they landed against her bare pussy. A few more like that and she’d come.
Another tap brought her head up, eyes level with Well Hung’s erection. He sat
at her hands, holding her wrists in place. Temptation demanded she pull free
and grab his hard cock. His grip wouldn’t let her.

“Shall we place bets on how fast she comes under a good
lashing?” Royce asked.

No one replied, though Jill did try to raise her hips a
little higher to give him a good target. He rewarded her effort with a tap against
her pussy and the first kiss of the lash over her buttocks. Her toes and
fingers curled with the sweet sensation rolling through her body.

Royce stabbed his fingers in her hair, tugged gently to pull
her head up, and covered her mouth with a kiss Jill felt down to her clit. He
broke off and nipped at her throat.

“Do you crave more?” he demanded.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Then ask for it.” He released his hold on her and smacked
the falls over her back. “Beg, my lady.”

“More,” she groaned out, “more please. Cover me from head to

“‘Twould be my pleasure. Starting with that very tempting
bottom of yours.”

Jill squirmed with every smack over her ass, trying to get
at least one of the strands against her clit. Royce avoided her efforts each
time, laying the lashes a little harder until her backside burned from the
whipping and her pussy was swollen close to bursting. Every breath came out on
a moan. Nails cut into the carpet.

Adonis pulled her legs together, shackling her ankles with
his hands. Jill’s incoherent complaint fell on deaf ears. Her pussy would get
nothing until Royce allowed it.

He started at her ankles, slapping the falls against her
flesh, overlaying each stroke inch by agonizingly slow inch. Up her thighs that
she longed to part, to roll over and splay wide to his
. Jill knew
he left her skin pink in his wake, raising enough of a blush to bring her blood
boiling to the surface. Her captors made sure she wasn’t going anywhere. What
would their reward be tonight? Oh god, she could hardly wait!

Over her ass once more, where his strokes were a little
stronger. Up her back, inch by inch, stroke by stroke, until nothing remained

“Roll over,” he commanded.

Her wrists and ankles freed, Jill wasted no time assuming
the position he’d decreed. Royce passed a gaze down her body as if pondering
where to start first. Then he lifted the flogger and slapped it over her

“Ohhh.” She rose for more, and got it.

Jill balled the satin cushion in her fists and writhed with
every stroke down her body. Legs wide, she offered her aching pussy to the
lash. Royce ignored her, rolled her toward him, and worked her ass with a
paddle that seemed to have magically appeared. Jill wrapped herself around him,
clit seeking his knee. Royce merely laughed and pushed her to her back.

“Is this what you need?” He slipped his hand to her pussy
and circled his fingers over her clit.

“Oh god yes!” Jill closed her eyes and let sensation have
her. Her insides tightened, coalescing to a hard knot behind her pubic bone—the
final fuse to ignite her. She felt it burning toward her clit. Breath held,
body tensed, she waited…and came with a force only Royce’s inventiveness could

He eased her back down, thumb drawing circles in her pubic
hair. She gave him a smile and dusted her fingers over his arm.

“Don’t think you’ll fool us with hints of lassitude, my
lady,” he said. “Your legend indicates otherwise.” Grabbing her hand, he helped
Jill right herself and turned her around to the sight of Well Hung, naked but
for his erect cock dressed for action, on a pile of cushions.

“He’s yours to ride, my lady.” Royce patted her butt. “While
rides you.”

Jill looked where he pointed and found Adonis ready, cock
also covered and waiting to take her ass. “Shall I anticipate your cock in my
mouth or expect to have to bathe in your
milky essence

“Though the last is tempting, I want my cock deep in your

Jill glanced at him from the corner of her eye. “Have a
care, my lord and Master. I bite.”

“If you dare one nip, I’ll string you out for the troops,
after I’ve wearied my arm laying the paddle over your ass and fucked myself dry
in your quim.”

“You’ve been reading my historical romances, haven’t you?”

“That’s twice. Stay in the scene, honey. Next lapse and I
wear your ass out.”

Fighting a smile, Jill said nothing, merely crawled toward
Well Hung on hands and knees. When she reached him, she didn’t stop until she
was astride his hips with his cock poised at her entrance. She stared at him a
bit, then took him on a single plunge. Well Hung groaned and winced, then
grabbed her hips and ground himself deeper. Big hands spanned her back and drew
her torso toward him. She lifted her ass as high as possible, hands braced on
Well Hung’s solid chest.

Royce stood beside them, stroking his erection. She watched
the pre-cum ooze to the tip, then saw it disappear under his slow strokes. A
touch of lube made her gasp. No warmth this time. She fisted the hairs on Well
Hung’s chest. Sure fingers tested the way, stretching her anus to accommodate
Adonis’ penis. Her clit was right in that sweet spot—caught between a massive
dick and a hard pubic bone—and still sensitive from coming.

Well Hung groaned at the first touch of Adonis’ cock at her
ass. None of them would last long in this position. It felt too damn good, was
too intense. Royce knelt astride Well Hung’s head, penis fisted in a steady
grip and ready for her mouth. As Adonis breached the barrier loosened by
Royce’s earlier fucking, Jill’s lips slid down Royce’s cock. Four groans filled
the makeshift Arabian tent. At the splash of salty pre-cum on the back of her
tongue, Jill focused all her attention on Royce’s pleasure. The other two men
would find their own.

She sighed when Royce cupped the back of her head to hold
her steady. Glancing up from under her eyelashes, she watched the abandon on
his face—eyes closed, lips parted, sharp gasps and deep moans underwriting his
breaths. This man,
man, who’d done so much over the years to enhance
their pleasure. How could she have gotten so lucky?

Jill closed her eyes and sucked harder, pressing her tongue
against the throbbing vein under his penis. She longed for a free hand to milk
his balls, but couldn’t afford to lose her balance by releasing her hold on
Well Hung’s chest. Rasped over his cock, her clit now raced to come with the
men royally fucking her. She sucked harder still, wanting Royce to come with
them. Someone had to break soon, yet she knew they’d all struggle to hold on as
long as they could for one another.

Royce’s cock twitched. She felt a rush of warmth to his
groin. He fucked her mouth, fingers flexing in her hair as he fought against
instinct to plunge deep. So Jill gave him what he didn’t want to take—she deep
throated him. Royce groaned. Her body answered, coming with him and taking the
other two men along for the ride.

They separated in the aftermath while her head still buzzed
from orgasm. Ken and Jerry eased her into Royce’s arms, but moved no farther.
The four of them lay piled into the pillows, deep breaths the only sounds…until
the phone’s shrill ring shattered the mood.

Chapter Three


“What the fuck?” Royce snapped upright. “I thought for sure
I unplugged that.”

Adonis pushed to his elbows. “One of the staff might’ve
thought they’d unplugged it by accident and fixed it. Let it ring.”

Jill scrambled for her flimsy wrapper. “One of the kids
could be sick or hurt.”

Royce was on his feet in an instant, reaching for his pajama
bottoms. “Shit.” Another ring and he threw them aside. “It’s the bedroom phone.
I forgot to unplug it.” He ran toward the bedroom as he said the words, Jill on
his heels. God help the person if he or she was a telemarketer.

It might be Casey Sullivan.
Then what would she do?
firm. If the woman doesn’t understand, then she’s not someone you want to work
It was the right stand to take, but boy, did it hurt her heart.

Royce caught the phone on the fourth ring. In that moment
Jill knew something
happened to one of their children. She saw it in
Royce’s expression, a mix of fear and anger. She clutched the wrapper between
her breasts, feeling her heartbeat hammer into her fist.

“It’s one of the kids, isn’t it?” Ken asked from the door.

Jill nodded, even though Royce hadn’t officially confirmed
it. How could so much have happened in so little time? She wished Royce would
say something, deny her assumption. But he sat there listening to whoever
called, despair sagging his face.

“We’re on our way.” He slammed the receiver in the cradle
without looking, wrapping his free hand around Jill’s shoulder. His thumb
rubbed the curve, a prelude to what was coming, but she never knew if it was
more to calm himself than her.

“David decided to ride a neighbor kid’s bike without a

She gasped and pressed her fingers against her mouth. Their
son had been lusting after a bigger bike for months. They wanted him more
skilled riding the one he had first.

“He fell and busted his head open on someone’s brick edging.
Mom’s taking him to the emergency room. Davy’s bleeding badly. I could hear him
and Penny crying in the background.”

Jill grabbed his biceps. “Penny’s hurt too?”

He shook his head. “No, just scared. Dad had a theater board
meeting tonight, and Mom’s got both kids with her. Come on, let’s go.”

Royce didn’t have to say the words twice. Jill dashed for
the closet.

“I’m coming too.” Ken held up a hand to stop any protests.
“You two have been drinking. Plus, that’s my patient we’re talking about.”

“Good enough.” Royce yanked up his boxer briefs while Jill
hauled on a pair of jeans. She watched his gaze wander to the present on the
bed. His eyes widened in horror. “Oh hell, the house!”

“Don’t worry. Jerry will mobilize the crew and have it back
to normal in no time. I won’t be long.” Ken hurried away, yelling instructions
to the elves in the background.

these mysterious people?” Jill knew it was
fear that made her ask the question after all this time. She was scared to
death about David and seized on anything to shove the devastating scenarios
running through her head to the background.

Royce tugged on a yellow polo shirt. He was down to shoes,
socks and his pocket junk. “They’re people just like us, sweetheart. Everyone
works together to help set up scenes. Ken and Jerry have been a part of the
community for some time. I’ll be returning the favor soon by helping set up for
others. It’s the least I can do after all they’ve done for us today. Don’t
worry. I intend to stay in the background. I’m not interested in physical
participation.” He was beside her now, cupping her neck in his sweaty palm.
“You’re the only one I play with and I prefer to keep it that way.”

He kissed her, then hugged her tight. His arms shook. His whole
body shook. Jill knew then how very frightened he was.

She slipped her arms around him. “He’s going to be all
right. You know how much head wounds bleed.” Jill wondered how she knew that.
“Davy was conscious, screaming his lungs out, and your mom was driving him
rather than having called an ambulance.” How could she be so calm and rational
when she was screaming inside?

“Van’s in the driveway and running.” Ken delivered the
sentence and left.

Royce broke away from her. “We’re coming.” He shot Jill a
glance. “You ready?”

She stabbed her feet into sandals. “Go. I’m right behind
you.” She frantically searched for her purse while she buttoned her blouse,
only to remember it was still in her car. She grabbed a hairbrush, pulling it
through her hair as she ran to the garage.

Three men and two women swarmed her living room. Already
half the satin was packed away. No one acknowledged her, much less spared her a
look. It was as if she were invisible.

Jerry cut her off halfway to her goal. Her purse dangled
from his fingers. Jill grabbed it with a muttered thanks and darted for the
front door. There she paused and turned to the workers. “And I thank all of you

They glanced up, smiling, giving nods. That was all any of
them, or Jill, had time for. They’d meet again in the future. Maybe she could
volunteer her services as background elf for them. Everyone needed a little
magic in their lives, like the magic Royce had created for them.

No one said anything on the ride to the hospital. Jill sat
in the second-row bench seat watching Royce bounce his leg—fear and
helplessness at not being able to do something. He stared out the window,
scrubbing his hand over his chin, running his fingers through his hair, rubbing
the back of his neck. Jill fed off his nervous energy. With every block, the
knot in her stomach grew. Those scenarios she’d tried to shove aside returned
with a vengeance. Concussion and coma ran circles through her brain while the
specter of death laughed from the sidelines.

They reached the hospital in record time. Ken whipped into
the first parking space he saw. He tossed the keys to Royce and was out the
door. Jill and Royce had to run to catch up to his long-legged stride.

She spied her mother-in-law’s car, saw the bloodied
handprint emblazoned on the pearl-white side and the trail of droplets leading
into the ER. It didn’t prepare her for the impact of seeing Sally covered in
David’s blood, coming out of the restroom with their three-year-old daughter.
Penny saw her parents first and launched herself into Jill’s arms.

“He’s in there.” Sally jerked her arm toward the double
doors, but Ken was already through them, Royce hot on his heels. “Penny had to
potty. I—”

“It’s okay. Stay with Grandma.” Jill gently pushed Penny
into Sally’s arms. “I need to check on Davy.”

Penny clutched at her hand. “He’s bleeding all over the
place, Mommy.”

Her chin quivered. Fat tears trickled down her cheeks. Jill
wondered what Penny would do when she realized her favorite Dora t-shirt was
ruined. There was no way they’d get all that blood out of it.

“But I helped,” she added. “I held the towel to his head.”

“That’s our girl. You’ll make a fine doctor one day.” It was
Penny’s dream of the moment. The month before she’d wanted to be a chef. Jill
brushed her fingers through her daughter’s soft brown hair, then kissed the top
of her head. “I’ll be right back.”

Shoring up calm she didn’t feel, Jill walked toward the
double doors. A nurse greeted her on the other side. “You must be David’s mom.
Number six.” She pointed to the closed curtains near the end.

“Thank you.” Jill’s lips trembled with her polite smile.
“For the record, he does have a helmet and has been told—”

“I have three boys,” the nurse replied. “I know.”

That worry eased. She’d had visions of Child Protective
Services camped out on their doorstep. Her rubber-soled sandals let Jill
approach the exam curtain undetected. She was glad of that when she heard, “You
shoulda seen me, Dad. Jeff’s bike was huge, and I just jumped on and started

“Without a helmet?” Royce used his
I’m disappointed in
voice. “Mom and I have told you a hundred times that you must wear a
helmet. It’s one of the reasons you don’t have a bigger bike. You don’t

“I know, Dad, but the other kids—”

“Are going to have upset parents too when they hear what
happened to you.” Jill could see Royce’s sigh, the shake of his head. “You’re
lucky you only have to have stitches. You could’ve been killed.”

Silence. David would be hanging his head, maybe crying.

“You scared Mom and me half to death. Not to mention Dr. Ken

“You’re lucky you didn’t split your skull wide open,” Ken
told him. “The ER doc’s ordered an X-ray to double-check.”

“Will it hurt?” David asked.

“No. But I’m not going to lie, the shot he’s got to give you
in order to stitch you up will definitely hurt.”

“I don’t want him. I want you.”

It was time to intervene. Jill slid the curtain open and
stepped through. Big brown eyes stared at her. “Rules are rules, sweetheart,”
she said. “We all have to follow them whether they make sense or not. Dr. Ken
is here because he was as worried as we were, but he still has to let the ER
doctor do his job.”

Tears flooded his eyes. Lower lip quivered. Still her little
boy, no matter how grown up he might have felt riding free on that bike. “I’m
sorry. I just… I’m sorry.” He smeared fallen tears away. Jill’s heart skittered
at his bloodstained hands. She scanned his brown hair for sign of the injury,
finding it in the matted, darkened strands at the side.

He needs a haircut.
A stupid observation at a time
like this. “So stitches and an X-ray?” she asked.

“Yes,” Ken replied. “I estimate three stitches ought to do

“Am I gonna have a scar?” David asked.

“Yes, but your hair should hide it,” Ken said.

David’s shoulders slumped.

Scars…has to be a guy thing.

“Can I go home after this?” He cast his parents a woeful
look. “I don’t want to spend the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa. I want to go
home. I promise me and Penny’ll be real quiet and stay out of the way of your
versary stuff.”

Royce wrapped his arms around the boy before Jill could
reach him. “You bet you’re coming home. And the two of you are never in the
way. You are the most important things in our lives. Never forget that.”

David frowned. “Then why did we have to go in the first

“It seemed like a good idea at the time.” Resignation
weighed Royce’s words. He looked beaten, haunted, exhausted.

“Well, it wasn’t,” David replied petulantly.

Jill thought she saw Royce wince. How in the world had David
managed to turn his mistake back on them? Truly, they were dealing with a
master manipulator and he was doing a damn fine job of pushing every single one
of Royce’s guilt buttons.

“I’m sure the doctor will appreciate some room to work when
he gets back.” She edged her way past Ken to stand at David’s bedside. “Why
don’t you go sit with Penny? She’d probably feel better if she could see you,”
she told Royce.

David clamped his bloodied hand over Royce’s forearm. “No, I
want Dad to stay. I’m a big boy now, Mom. I can take it.”

Jill supposed that if he couldn’t it would be a good lesson
to remember for the future. Still, she glanced at Royce for confirmation. He
looked as if he’d been dragged through a keyhole in the last half-hour. Royce
gave her a single nod. Jill brushed the hair away from David’s forehead and
gave him a kiss, and didn’t care how much it might embarrass him “in front of
the guys”. It said a lot that David didn’t complain or try to wipe it off. He
could pretend to be all macho, but he was still her little boy deep down

She scooted around the bed to give Royce a little moral
support—a kiss, a squeeze to the arm, then let her fingers trail away in a
caress. Once she closed the curtain behind her, Jill heard David say, “If I
keep my hair real short, maybe then everyone can see my scar.”

She shook her head.
Definitely a guy thing.

As before, Penny threw herself into Jill’s arms the minute
she cleared the double doors. Holding her tight, Jill sat beside Sally.

“I’m so sorry, Jill,” she said. “They’ve played before. I

“David knows the rules. He won’t be riding any bike again
until he can prove to us he can obey them.”

“I want to go home, Mommy.” Penny burrowed into Jill’s

“We will as soon as we’re done here.”

She expected Sally to argue and was surprised when she said,
“I’ll run back to the house to get their things. It’ll save you a trip and get
you home quicker.”

“Thanks.” Jill had a feeling it’d be a long time before
Sally took the kids for another overnighter.

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