Alpha Girl (19 page)

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Authors: Kate Bloomfield

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Fantasy, #Young Adult

BOOK: Alpha Girl
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‘Why?’ I asked.

‘You’re seventeen,’ he said.

‘I’m eighteen in a couple of months.’

He shook his head and looked at the ground. ‘Still a child.’

‘I haven’t been a child since I was attacked,’ I said. ‘In dog years I’m one-hundred and nineteen.’

‘That makes me two-hundred and twenty-four.’

We both laughed, and my heart fluttered at the sight of those creases beside his eyes.

‘Maybe … when you are eighteen,’ Mr. Stone said, walking across the room, ‘When I am not your teacher, and you are an adult-’

‘I’m an adult
,’ I said, standing up from the bed to meet him in the middle of the room. ‘I thought we’d got past this student, teacher thing in the light of the new … information about each other.’

We stood a few feet apart from each other, but it felt like miles.

‘Rose,’ he said, staring at me with sympathetic eyes. ‘You know how much I adore you. You have no idea how much it hurt me to say those things … to send you away. I did it to protect you from what I really was. Befriending a werewolf is extremely dangerous,’ he said. ‘We are prone to bouts of anger. You know that.’

‘So … you want me?’

Mr. Stone’s mouth twitched, and his nostrils flared. I had him backed into a corner.

‘I want you. Very much.’

‘That’s all I wanted to know,’ I said.

I dropped the towel that was wrapped around my body, letting it fall to the floor in a heap around my feet. Mr. Stone stopped talking immediately and stared at me with his mouth hanging slightly open. Raising his fist, he covered his mouth. I could see his jaw tense, and the muscles in his neck pop.

I could see my reflection in the mirror. I wasn’t a stick-thin girl by any means. I had meat on my bones, and I was okay with that. ‘Curvy’ was the word. I was embarrassed, and self-conscious; no one had seen my body in its entirety before.

‘You’re beautiful,’ he said, dropping his arms to his sides. ‘Please … you don’t need to do this.’ He bent down and picked the towel up and pushed it into my hands.

‘No.’ I threw the towel into the corner of the room.

Mr. Stone closed his eyes and clenched his hands into fists. ‘What do you want?’ he asked.

‘You,’ I said. ‘I want

He gulped, and I watched his Adam’s apple jump in his throat. He tried very hard not to look at me but it was difficult when I was standing right under his nose.  It was cold in his bedroom, and my nipples were stiff due to arousal. The bulge underneath his towel was all too obvious.

‘You’re the only one who understands,’ I said, reaching for his hand and placing it over my ribs. He looked down and ran his thumb over the raised scars that were mere inches from my breast. They formed a crescent moon along my ribs where the beast’s jaws had clamped down upon my body.

At the same time I raised my own hand and traced the scars across Mr. Stone’s chest.

‘We’re the same,’ he agreed, touching my marks like he’d done in the car on the way here.

Slowly, and ever so gently, Mr. Stone’s touch became firmer, and he held me by the waist, drawing me closer.

This is it
, I thought to myself.
Now is the time

He encircled me in his arms until I could feel his warmth and hear his heartbeat. My naked breasts pressed against his stomach as I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared into those green eyes.

‘Are you real?’ he asked softly, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

I nodded, unable to speak.

Mr. Stone cupped my face in his hands. His skin burned white-hot against my own, making my head spin.

‘Rose,’ he sighed, his warm breath cascading over my face. I couldn’t take it anymore. I

I went onto my toes and kissed his mouth softly and slowly.

Mr. Stone enveloped me in his arms and kissed me with such enthusiasm that I was momentarily lifted from the ground. I smiled into the kiss, and he chuckled.

‘Where have you been all my life?’ he murmured against my lips.

How cheesy
, I thought.
Like a romance movie.

‘Well I wasn’t born for the first fifteen years of it,’ I laughed. This was apparently the wrong thing to say.

Mr. Stone groaned and relinquished his hold on me. ‘Oh, Rose. You’re right.’

‘No, no,’ I said, panicked, trying to keep him close. ‘I was only joking. I’m sorry.’

He sighed and unhooked my wrists from around his neck before backing away and sitting on the edge of his bed. Embarrassed, I grabbed the towel from the corner and covered myself up.

‘No, I’m sorry,’ he moaned, placing his face in his hands. ‘What am I doing? I can’t allow myself to be a slave to natural instinct.’

I was frustrated with myself.
What a stupid thing to say to him
, I thought. Sitting next to him on the bed, I turned to face him.

‘Kiss me,’ I said to him, my stare unwavering. ‘Please.’

His expression was stony, and it made my heart freeze. Finally, he caved and he pressed his lips to my mouth, his bottom lip overlapping mine. It was as if he couldn’t resist my instructions. He was a slave.

I held the sides of his face as he kissed me, and he ran a hand along my thigh, feeling the scars that were like brail upon my skin.  He was reading the story of my life.

I pushed my tongue past his lips, invading his mouth, but he accepted it willingly. Our tongues met and intertwined as his hand slipped under my towel and he gripped my hip tightly. I couldn’t help but let a moan escape my mouth as we kissed.

My body was burning for him; I’d never felt anything like it before. The warmth spread from my toes to my loins, stirring an unfamiliar sensation within my stomach.

Far more experienced than I, Mr. Stone pressed the weight of his body against me and laid me upon his bed, my wet hair sprawled underneath my head.

He covered my body with his own, like a blanket keeping me warm and safe. I gasped, my eyes wide, when I felt his arousal pressing against my stomach - a rigid rod between our bodies.

‘I’m sorry,’ he breathed, looking down at me, his neatly combed hair now in disarray.

I shook my head. ‘It’s okay,’ I said. ‘I just … didn’t expect…’

‘Would you like to stop?’ he asked.

I shook my head; I’d never been so sure about anything in my life.

He kissed me again, softer this time and I groaned against his mouth, arching my back so my body pressed against his.

Mr. Stone’s lips moved from my mouth and traced the line of my jaw. My breath came out in short gasps as his teeth found my earlobe, taking the flesh and pulling gently. 

‘I-I want-’ I stuttered, unable to form coherent sentences.

I wrapped myself around Mr. Stone, pulling him closer with my legs. His fist curled around the bed sheets until his knuckles turned white.

‘Stop me,’ he breathed in my ear. I could see his pulse throbbing violently in the nape of his neck.

I ignored him and arched my neck, allowing him further access to my flesh. He kissed my throat and dragged his teeth along my shoulder. I didn’t want him to stop. I’d waited too long.

Gently, Mr. Stone unwrapped the towel that was fastened around me, and let it fall away from my body. He stared unashamedly at my breasts, his gaze sweeping downwards.

His hands slowly began to explore me with a feather light touch. I responded in a strange, animalistic way that I’d never experience before. I allowed a soft purr to leave my lips as if he was taming the beast inside me.

I looked up at his soft face and saw the restraint in his eyes; he was holding back for my sake. He leaned closer, our lips an inch apart. The anticipation was more erotic than the act itself, but finally Mr. Stone’s mouth came down in a warm, lingering kiss.

My fingers thread through his hair as I inhaled the smell of his skin, fresh after the shower. We breathed as one as his fingertips traced along my neck, before he gently encircled my throat. Carefully, he moved my head back to expose the length of my neck where he brushed his lips.

As his mouth explored, his hand caressed my stomach with a delicate touch, leaving me trembling beneath him.

My breath stuttered across my lips. ‘T-Tom,’ I whispered, delirious with desire. I felt like a woman in his arms, not a girl.

He cupped my breast, his palm brushing over my erect nipple.  I shuddered beneath him, his slightest touch sending waves of pleasure trembling through my body. I couldn’t help but whine piteously as he tortured me with his light touch.

‘Oh, sweetheart,’ he chuckled as his lips moved to my earlobe.

. I loved the way he said it. I was utterly and completely his. The noises I made seemed to spur him on.

Mr. Stone gently suckled on my earlobe, his warm breath washing over me. I could feel his throbbing erection through the towel that was still around his waist, pressing against my pelvis.

Did I dare remove it? I feared the wrong move would put an end to our intimacy.

Then, Mr. Stone raised himself onto his hands and towered above me, staring down at my body and drinking it all in. His gaze was admiring, and I felt my cheeks flush pink. As his eyes roamed over my body, everything inside me screamed with desire.

‘Oh, Rose,’ he exhaled. ‘Please ask me to stop.’

‘Do you want to?’ I asked.

He shook his head slowly.

I asked myself the same question; did I want to stop? Absolutely not. But was I ready to go the
way with Mr. Stone?

With a shaking hand I curled my fingers around the edge of his towel, pulling it loose. Mr. Stone watched me with tortured eyes, his teeth biting into his bottom lip.

‘Are you sure?’ he asked.

I answered his question by letting it fall away. I averted my eyes, embarrassed to look at him.

‘It’s all right,’ he said.

I looked down at his manhood; it was the first time I’d ever seen an erect penis before. I wanted to touch it, but I was scared. It stood between our bodies, strong and rigid. I reached towards him and ran my fingers along the shaft with a shaking hand. Mr. Stone closed his eyes and made a low guttural noise, like a growl.

To my surprise the skin was silky like velvet.

‘It’s smooth,’ I murmured, closing my hand around the width of it.

‘Is it just?’ his voice shivered across his lips.

I nodded, feeling rather childish.

It was blazing hot against my cool skin, and I could feel it twitch as though impatient. Unsure, I began to massage it back and forth in my palm. It must have been the right thing to do, as Mr. Stone’s lips found mine again, in an eager kiss.

‘Oh, you pearl,’ he chuckled against my mouth.

He allowed me to touch him for a few moments, before he began to trail his lips down my body so I could no longer reach his manhood. He brushed his kisses over my stomach, savoring every inch of my pearlescent skin. I could feel him getting gradually lower, and it made my stomach churn with nerves.

I inhaled sharply when Mr. Stone slipped his hand between my thighs and parted my knees so he could gaze upon my flesh. I was exposed like I’d never been before, on display for his pleasure.

‘You sweet girl,’ he crooned, absorbing every detail of my most private area. ‘You gem.’

‘Don’t stare,’ I squeaked, making a lame attempt to cover my womanhood. ‘It’s embarrassing.’

‘You’re beautiful,’ he said, a smirk playing his lips. For a moment I thought I saw a flash of the animal behind his eyes, but it quickly vanished.

I looked down at him, his face mere inches from my womanhood. I knew what he was going to do, and it terrified me, but I also wanted it more than anything. I curled my fingers around his hair; the anticipation was almost too much to bear.

‘I want you,’ I breathed, the blush creeping up my neck.

He obeyed me, and gently cupped my womanhood with his hand. He could feel how damp I’d become already; the heat radiated from my sex.

‘You’re so wet, Rose,’ he said approvingly.

‘It’s your fault,’ I accused.

A shiver ran down my spine as his searching fingers slipped between my folds. With just a slight brush my hips moved upward, begging him for more. He paused for a moment, enjoying the control he had over me. I ached for him.

Mr. Stone was going agonizingly slow on purpose. Slowly he began to massage me, his hand cupping my mound firmly, causing my body to burn with desire. I tried to grind against his hand, prompting him to go faster, but he resisted.

I allowed my thoughts to slip away until the passion began to overflow, and I was trembling with pleasure.

Lowering his mouth to my warmth, he kissed me there, allowing his tongue to dart out and taste me.

He groaned, his free hand gripping my hip tightly. ‘God, you’re so sweet, Rose.’

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