
BOOK: alphabearshiftera2014
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Untamed Bear: An Alpha’s Obsession

A “Red Moon Seduction” Book

Stella Bryce

Copyright 2014, Stella Bryce




This book is a work of fiction.


"Cover Design by Melody Simmons of eBookindiecovers"




Contents 2

Chapter 1 3

Chapter 2 4

Chapter 3 5

Chapter 4 9

Chapter 5 10

Chapter 6 12

Chapter 7 13

Chapter 8 15

Chapter 9 16

Chapter 10 18

Chapter 11 20

Chapter 12 23



Chapter 1


Sure if you like that in a bear.” Sydney snorted, certain her friend was crazy.

Tara smiled in response. “Hot, sexy, and strong? Heck yeah.”

And he’s probably as dumb as an ox, too, a regular meathead.” She turned to the left and slapped a hand over her mouth. “No offense, Harry.” Sydney winced, realizing what she’d said. She didn’t mean anything by the remark; it just kind of slipped out.

The bartender waved it off, secretly annoyed. Yeah, sure, it’s always the ox; never the fox or bear. He shook his head. If he didn’t need tips to help pay his way through college, he’d tell her a thing or two. He kind of liked her, but after that remark he was less than enthusiastic about the girl. It didn’t matter. She only had eyes for bears like most of the girls around these parts. He thought Sydney was different, but he saw the way she side-eyed guys time to time, trying not to let them notice.

Call it what you will, but that boy revved my fire,” Tara said with longing in her voice.

Great, so he’s good in bed, but he couldn’t find his way out of a paper bag. He sounds charming.” Sydney drained the last of her beer and got up to stretch. She had a long night ahead of her and didn’t want to get sloppy too soon. “So, if he’s so great, what happened?”

Ah, you know, bears don’t mate for life,” she said, blowing a long strand of hair out of her face. “It was a one-time thing, but boy, oh boy, the memories.” She hated that about bears. Some did mate for life, but most didn’t.

Don’t you ever want more than a fling?” Sydney heard it all before, but her best friend had a pattern. She’d fall in love with a hot bear too fast and then watch as he leaves. He’d tell her what most bears do…they don’t mate for life.
No thank you
. She wasn’t interested in one night stands. Maybe it was silly, but it just wasn’t her thing. Her mother warned her that this would happen, but Sydney was different. She wanted a lifetime partner, not just a string of lustful encounters. Being a bear herself, she knew what it meant, but a girl could dream.

Eh, relationships over rated. I like my freedom,” Tara fudged. And that’s why they’d be there all night, working through her emotions, starting off strong and ending in a pile of tears and empty beer mugs. Tara quizzed Sydney, not sure she believed her. “Do you mean to tell me if Carter Monroe walked through that door right now, you wouldn’t get even a little weak in the knees?”

Sydney bit the inside of her cheek. “Sure, sure, he’s a good looking specimen, but he’s not my type. Besides, I’m not interested in being a one-night stand. It’s just not my thing. You know that.”

Tara shook her head as Sydney sat back down. “I’d pounce on that boy in a heartbeat. He’s got to be the sexiest bear in town.” She let out a small sigh, her mind drifting to the alpha bear that every girl in town wanted a piece of. The problem was that Carter knew he made the girls drool. Unfortunately, he had an ego to go with his hot body. He was hardly humble about it, and Tara wasn’t exactly at the top of his list.

Sydney ordered another beer and tossed the bartender an extra generous tip to make up for her ignorant comment earlier. “Sorry again, Harry.”

Harry nodded. “It happens.”

Chapter 2


Carter Monroe flexed his shoulders, pushing them forward. Slowly, he rolled his head, giving his neck a good long stretch. After last night, he barely wanted to climb out of bed, but he promised his buddy he’d hang with him.

His friend, Grant, was feeling the ache of loss. He was normally a no-strings attached guy, but this time a hot girl captured him in a way others hadn’t. He was trying to work through his feelings. Bears felt intensity and heat fast, but it was usually easy to break away. Grant knew he’d eventually stray, he always did, and he didn’t want to drag this new girl into a relationship he knew wouldn’t last.

Carter reached up toward the ceiling and brushed his fingers against it.  He loved being a big guy. He felt powerful and raw. The only problem with his size was that his feet hung off the edge of most beds. You’d think someone would come up with a mattress long enough for bigger guys. It would make life a lot more comfortable.

His mother said he sprouted early and just kept going. He filled out younger than most of his friends too, which had all the girls buzzing around him like bees. With so much female attention and companionship, sometimes his mother needed to give him a good knock on the back of the head to keep his ego in check, reminding him to mind his manners. ‘You’re looks won’t win you any awards. Use your head; that’s what matters,’ she’d say. ‘Value intelligence and integrity first, Carter. Looks fade.’

A small smile slid across his face thinking of his Mom. It was hard to believe she was gone. He still saw her through video chat, but work took her overseas. Her contract had her in Japan for at least another two years. He’d give just about anything to be able to hug her. She left three years earlier. His dad still came by time to time, but other than the occasional visit, the only other one in his family was his brother. And his brother...he was a handful in his own right; a rebel rouser, always stirring things up. Phoenix was trouble, but that’s a story for another day.

Carter yawned and rolled his shoulders back in another big stretch. The plan was they’d have a couple of brews, maybe a couple of broads, and the night would end up being okay. Once his buddy finished crying into his beer, the two of them would find some hot ladies and do what big bears do best. Bury balls deep into them and drift on the high of a rock, solid orgasm. Then roll over, snooze and do it again. It was a good life. He couldn’t complain.

Chapter 3


Ah, I’m trying not to break the seal,” Sydney said, bouncing on the bar stool. “You know once you go the first time you’re running to pee all night.”

Tara giggled. She was right. It was like some weird science. So their goal was always the same. Hold it in as long as they could if it was going to be a night full of beer pitchers.

I can’t wait any longer,” she suddenly groaned with a burst. Sydney went running for the ladies room, leaving her friend behind.

She came back out with relief written across her face. Walking back to her bar stool, she tried not to notice him walk through the front door of the tavern. It was damn near impossible not to notice Carter Monroe. He was a big boy, big in all ways, so she heard, and as thick and wide as a tanker. Sydney’s heart raced a little faster. She tried not to stare.

Carter glanced around for a spot to sit. His buddy sidled up beside him. The two impending figures sat side by side and ordered a beer.

Sydney glanced away as quickly as she’d looked. No need feeding the bear’s ego. She went and settled near Tara and ordered another round.

Did you see who just walked in,” Tara whispered, leaning closer to Sydney.

Yeah, I saw him.” She frowned. “I wish you’d stop doing this to yourself.” The friend sitting beside Carter was the very bear that Tara was whining about. “Just pretend like you don’t see him. In fact, why don’t we go somewhere else?”

It was too late; Tara was already on her way over. She pulled her shoulders back and sashayed to the other side of the bar. “Hey, Grant,” she said, her voice soft and flirty. Maybe he’d give her another chance.

Sydney rolled her eyes. The last thing she needed was another round of heartache. This was a mistake. Neither of them belonged together. He told her, she just didn’t want to hear it, and by the way he was eyeing her up like a prize, it looked like he might go another round. Why did she do this to herself?

Sydney sighed and went over to retrieve her friend before she made a fool of herself. He was already smiling at her, eyeing her up like a piece of meat. If he was so interested tonight, why did he tell her he was finished last night?

Sydney quickly intervened, wrapping her arm around Tara’s. “Excuse us, we have some business,” she shot out as she dragged Tara away.  “What the hell are you thinking?” Sydney whispered sternly.

I know, I know, but my libido. You know I have trouble…” She turned her head. She could sense his size, lumbering behind them. Tara swallowed hard. “Carter?”

Sydney turned and looked up at the large, burly man behind them. Her knees wanted to buckle. Sure, she reacted like the other girls, how could she not, it was biology, but she’d be damn if she’d show it. She wasn’t like the other girls, willing to fawn over beef cake. So he was eye candy, big deal. She wanted somebody with a brain. Somebody she could talk to, not somebody to show off to her girlfriends.

Is there a problem?” He was looking directly at Sydney.

No, no problem here. I’m just trying to save my friend from heartache,” she said. “Your friend over there apparently has a ‘love them and leave them’ policy.” She spun around to face him, glaring. She let go of Tara and crossed her arms over her chest. She refused to let Mr. Sexy-Pants make her feel intimidated.

They were just talking,” he said.

Is that what you’re calling it these days? I’ll have you know we’re here drowning her sorrows in beer because of your friend’s swell and charming moves. He apparently can’t stick around. You know how it is, right?” Her hands shifted to her full hips.

Here, let me help knock that chip off your shoulder,” he said mocking her, and pretending to push a boulder off.

Sydney rolled her eyes at the beast. “Whatever. I don’t have time for this.” She spun back around and realized Tara was already over by Grant’s side, batting her eyelashes and leaning in too close.

Sydney sighed. “What’s the point?”

Carter turned to see what she was commenting about and decided Grant and Tara obviously had things to discuss. Grant wanted to be a ‘love them and leave them guy’, but for some reason, this Tara chick got under his skin. “Mind if I join you for a while, so they can talk?”

Help yourself,” she said, perplexed at the new circumstance.


So you’re trying to tell me, you think that the analysis is wrong?” Sydney laughed at his brazen attempt.

I’m not saying it’s wrong, I’m saying it’s close minded. There’s so much undiscovered science, how can they conclude that? We’re expanding our knowledge daily, making great strides thanks to a vast array of exciting, new technologies.” Carter shook his head and laughed at where the conversation had gone.

Ahem,” Tara said, clearing her throat again. “I don’t mean to interrupt you guys, but Grant and I are heading out for a while. I’ll catch up with you later.”

Right,” Sydney said, barely looking over. Her sights were on Carter. “What’s with the feeble attempt to throw technology into the mix? Where do you think all that technology comes from? It all circles back to brain power and the time invested in learning new things.”

Carter barely glanced over his shoulder and waved. “Have fun.” He turned his attention back to Sydney.

For the third time, the guy sitting on the other side of Sydney brushed against her plump thigh, only this last time it was no accident. He made it seem like an accident earlier. Carter saw him leering at her when she wasn’t looking.

Hey,” she spun around to address the man. “Watch your hands!”

Carter stood up, his size becoming more apparent. His large figure and glaring stare made the man beside Sydney nervous.

Yeah, umm, sorry about that.” He played it off like an accident, but Carter knew it wasn’t. The jerk decided to play the man card, trying to be Carter’s buddy. “You know, pretty girl, short skirt. She was kind of asking for some extra attention, if you know what I mean.” He winked at Carter, knowing another guy would get it.

Carter picked up his beer mug, chugged the brew way too fast, liquid splashing past his lips and over his chin, until he’d drained every last bit. Slamming the glass down with a loud bang, he wiped his arm across his face to clean the mess and swung at the pervert without warning. Pop! Crack! The guy’s head snapped back, the force of the blow knocking him over.

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