Alphas & Millionaires Starter Set (32 page)

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After this morning’s run, I’m not sure how much more Eric I can handle today. Rather, I don’t know how much more of Eric my
can handle. One minute he’s so close it’s almost intimate, and the next he’s so cold it’s like standing next to an iceberg.

Eric smiles at me as we reach the fifth floor. Before exiting he says, “What time should I pick you up?”

Before I can answer, Carissa interrupts, “Six! Don’t be late.” She gives him a wink and leads me through the doors.

“What the hell was that?” I ask, as soon as the elevator door closes. Carissa grins as we walk back to our apartment.

“I did you a favor. You can thank me later.”

Kill me. Kill me now, please.



* * *



I hear a knock on my door promptly at six o’clock. I make sure to take extra time answering as I am secretly enjoying this moment.
Two can play this game.

I’m wearing my sexiest black dress, with red peep-toe heels. I leave my hair down and curl just the ends. Carissa does my make-up with smoky dark eyes and bright red lips.

“You look fuckin’ hot, Lane. If I swung that way, I’d do you,” Carissa laughs as she gets a full view of me just before she leaves for the night.

“You don’t think it’s too much?” I ask, as I take another look in the mirror. Eric has been driving me insane for weeks and now I’m going to do the same to him.

“Hell, no. It’s perfect.”

I slowly open the door and get a full view of Eric in his sleek black suit coat and matching pants. He’s wearing a dark blue silk shirt underneath and a white tie. It’s hot…
so frigging hot

I swallow.

Keep it together.

“Wow, Velaney.” His eyes widen, looking me over, head to toe. “You look incredible.”

Just the way his lips curl when he says my name makes me regret this whole night. How in the world does he make my name sound like that…
damn his southern accent.

“Thanks,” I say, smiling up at him. “You look nice, too.”
No way I’m admitting how frigging delicious he looks.

He smirks, sensing my frustration with the whole situation. He reaches for my hand as I close the apartment door and without thinking, my hand falls perfectly into his.

I can’t help but inhale his perfect musky blend of cologne and aftershave. He’s stunning, smells amazing and curls his fingers perfectly around mine.
I’m doomed.

We arrive at the opera house in plenty of time to grab drinks before we have to be seated. I order a white wine and graciously thank Eric for it. I don’t want this to seem like a date…because it most certainly is not.

“Thanks for coming with me tonight, by the way,” I force out, finally admitting to myself that I’m grateful he’s here with me. He stands close to me as we reach a tall bar table.

“It’s my pleasure, Velaney. What man wouldn’t want to come here with you?”

“You know we’re seeing
, right? Like full-on musical mode?” I ask, taking a sip of my drink.

“Hmm…that I didn’t know. I’m sure it’ll be…interesting. On the bright side, it’s a funny story to tell our kids when they ask about our first date.” He smiles down at me, making my whole body shiver at just the mere look of him.

“This is not a date,” I remind him.

“We’ll see,” is all he says as we walk through the doors and find our seats up front. I’m so glad I didn’t stay home—these
great seats. The view is perfect of the entire stage.

We take our seats and Eric’s arm automatically goes around my shoulders. The gesture makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. He’s so close, smells so damn delicious, yet he’s so out of my league. My mind is one big
cluster fudge
of mixed emotions.

“I may as well hand over my man-card right now,” he whispers into my ear, grinning.

“No one made you come, Mr. Manly. You could’ve said no,” I remind him.

“And miss the opportunity to have you all to myself for three solid hours? Hell, no. I jumped at the chance.” He wags his eyebrows, teasing the living hell out of me.
God, I’m so screwed.

“Oh, I just love being one of your bimbos for you to parade around,” I snicker, glaring back at him.

“I resent that. I’d never call you ‘one of my bimbos.’”

“And why’s that?” I ask, crossing my arms, thoroughly curious as to where this will go.

“Because I don’t plan to sleep with you,” he whispers in my ear. It takes all the willpower I have to resist leaning in and crashing my lips to his.

“Does that line work on all the girls?”

“I don’t have ‘lines,’ Velaney. I don’t need them.” He smirks, backing up to lean against his seat.

“You are such an arrogant douche.”

“That one I’ve heard.” He flashes a cocky grin, making it harder to stay focused.

“Who says you’d have a chance to sleep with me anyway?”

“Oh, sweetheart. Give a man some credit.”

It’s official, I hate him.

Okay, no I don’t.

Before I can respond to his smug remark, music begins to fill the air and the lights dim.

I decide to retake the upper hand and lean into him. “No getting grabby now that the lights are off.” I lean back into my seat, smiling.

“No promises.” He leans all the way in, brushing his wet lips across my ear. A shiver ripples through me at just the mere touch of him.

The musical begins and I completely forget about being nervous around Eric. The show is simply amazing. Eric and I end up laughing together and looking back and forth at each other. Every so often, he squeezes my shoulder with his hand that stays wrapped around me. Part of me is glad Carissa couldn’t make it, but the other part knows I’m setting myself up for disappointment later on.

As a scene ends, the curtains close for intermission. While removing his arm, he grazes his hand slowly across my back as if he’s hesitant to remove it at all. I grab my clutch and stand, expecting Eric to do the same.

“Excuse me…”

“Where are you going?” he asks, making a pouty face.

“To use the restroom, if that’s all right with you?”

“Sure. But I’m not moving.” He crosses his arms as if it’s some kind of challenge.

“Fine.” I turn my body to the side, facing him and straddle his legs. “You asked for it,” I remind him, as his eyes grow big.

I lift myself off his legs and finally reach the other side of him and the open walking path. That most definitely wasn’t easy to do in a dress and heels, but it was worth it to see his priceless expression.

By the time I get back to my seat, Eric is still sitting there except his legs are stretched outward. I can tell by his stupid cheesy grin that he thinks he’s so damn smart.

Without saying a word, I gracefully step over his leg and begin to step over his other one before he pulls me down on his lap, fully straddling him.

“Stop! What are you doing?” I try to push my body off, but his strong hands are holding me down by my hips.

“If you intend to straddle me in public, I’m not responsible for what I might do.”

“I wasn’t straddling you, you perv. I was stepping over your legs to reach the aisle since you were acting like a five-year-old and blocking me in,” I scowl back.
What frigging nerve.

I’m immediately distracted by the way I’m still sitting on his lap. I can feel his hardness against my thigh as he brushes his hand up my leg. It feels intimate, but I’m quickly reminded of the show we are now giving some audience members.

I tip up on my heels and step over his leg to reach my seat. I stay silent for the rest of the show, unable to make any sense of my emotions. I don’t know why he does this to me, why my body reacts this way and why my brain and body can’t agree on what I’m feeling.

The night finally comes to an end and we give the performers a standing ovation. This was by far one of the best musicals I’ve ever seen.

Eric grabs my hand as we walk to his car. I don’t protest because I like the feel of his hand in mine. My brain advises me to pull away as fast as I can, but this time I’ve told my brain to shut the heck up.

As we cruise on the Pike, he pops in a CD and Radiohead fills his speakers. I look at him in shock as I’m surprised we have the same taste in music.

“I love Radiohead!” I squeal, taking the initiative to turn up the volume. Eric smiles back at me, and I’m wondering if he’s thinking the same thing I am.

We continue talking about music and our favorite songs until we reach the apartment building. He walks around the car to my door and kindly opens it for me, grabbing for my hand again as we reach the elevator.

“Thanks for a great night, Eric. I actually had fun.”

“That sounds almost like a compliment, so I’ll take it.”

The elevator chimes on the fifth floor and without a word, Eric leads me by the hand to my door. I mentally argue with myself as I beg him with my eyes to kiss me goodnight.

He pulls my hand up to his mouth and slowly kisses it. My eyes reluctantly close as I enjoy his mouth on me.

“Since this wasn’t a date,” he says as I open my eyes and watch him drop my hand. “Goodnight, Velaney.” He smiles widely and turns to walk back to the elevator, leaving me desperate and confused.

Ugh, crap. How is he capable of doing this to me?




I hardly sleep as I continue to argue with myself over liking both Alex and Eric. This person isn’t me. It’s not like me to be hung up over guys, especially two guys at once.

It’s obvious, the chemistry and sexual tension between Eric and I. Heck, it’s probably obvious with every other girl he’s been with, too. That’s why I keep fighting it so dang hard. I don’t want to be
just another girl
…another conquest. I don’t think my heart could take it. Alex is…sweet. And that’s why I should give
the chance.

As my brain and heart war against each other, the sound of my ringtone brings me back to my office as I frantically search for my phone.

“Hey, babe,” I answer, noticing it’s Carissa.

“Where are you?” she scolds through the phone.

“What do you mean? I’m at work.” She sounds panicked, making me worry.

“Get your ass home, right now.” Her tone is firm and serious. I tell her I’ll be right there and let Coach know I’m leaving early.

I push my foot on the gas and race home. I’m not sure what her deal is, but it didn’t sound good. I open the door to the apartment and stop suddenly in my tracks.

“What in the—” I stop before entering, taking in the view of rose petals scattered on the floor. “What is this?” I ask Carissa, noticing her brooding on the couch.

“That’s a good fucking question!”

I continue looking around and notice a small note on the kitchen counter.

There’s a rose petal for every minute I think of you.

There’s no signature, but I immediately guess who they’re from.
But why?

“Why would he do this?” I ask out loud to no one in particular. I look around the living room and see them placed perfectly on the floor.

“This is super sweet and all, but damn, it’s starting to get creepy the way he just lets himself in. I mean, what’s his deal?” Carissa rants, obviously not happy about this.

“I have no idea, Riss. I have zero experience in this area. You’re supposed to be the pro.”

“No guy has
done something like this for me. Either he has it bad or this is what he does to get girls to sleep with him.”

“This is weird. Why would he do this?” I look around, completely flustered. This is borderline creepy. I decide I need to talk to him and get this whole thing figured out.

“Hello, gorgeous,” he answers in his sweet southern tone, making me forget the reason I called him in the first place.

“Why are you so damn confusing?” I ask, getting right to the point.

“I’m confusing?” he asks, completely caught off guard.

“Yes. Why would you spread rose petals over my apartment and leave that note. What does it mean exactly?”

“Velaney, sweetheart, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He sounds serious, making it suddenly hard to breath. “What’s wrong?” he asks, noticing my lack of communication.

“You weren’t here?” I clarify.

“Not since Saturday night.”

“Oh my God…” I mumble, staring at my surroundings, spinning around the room as I take in exactly what this means.

“Velaney, are you there? Hello? I’m coming over.” He ends the call, leaving me breathless once again.

“Riss!” I call out, having no idea where she went.

I find her in the kitchen staring at the note as she shoves chips into her mouth. She hadn’t heard my phone conversation.

“Seriously, Eric is like over the top. Damn, I wish he would’ve rescued
.” She raises her eyebrows at me but soon notices my serious expression. “What is it?”

“It wasn’t him.”

“Then who was it?” she asks, totally oblivious to my panicked expression.
I know exactly who.




* * *



Twenty minutes later, an eager knock sounds at the door. I slowly open the door but as soon as I do, Eric lets himself in, making me back up into the wall.

“Are you all right?” His face is so close to mine I can feel his hot breath on my neck. His musky smell of cologne and aftershave captivate me and for a moment, I forget everything. He’s cornered me against the wall, holding my face in his hands.

“I thought these were from you,” I whisper, looking behind him. He finally notices the petals on the floor and spins around.

“Who the hell did this?” he asks, looking around, obviously annoyed.

“Don’t look at me,” Carissa pouts, waving her hands in the air. “Guys I sleep with don’t do this stuff.” I smirk as the reality of her track record becomes apparent.

“It’s true. Carissa doesn’t tame her men long enough for them to woo her.”

“Ugh, ‘scuse me. I don’t need to be
” she chimes in, sounding offended.

“Then who?” Eric asks, looking back at me.

I don’t say anything. I don’t know what to say. Everything in my head says to push him away…far, far away, but he’s here, he’s

“Who?” he asks again, this time more stern than before.

“You have to tell him, Lane,” Carissa chimes in, crossing her arms. I give her a scathing look as Eric turns to face her.

“Well, someone needs to tell me whose ass needs to get kicked.” He stands tall with his arms crossed over his hard chest, not looking like the sweet, charming Eric I know.

“This is exactly why I don’t get involved with people,
” I storm past both of them and walk to my room. Childish, perhaps, but I’m not ready to face those demons yet.
I’ll never be ready.

A few moments pass before I hear a quiet knock at my bedroom door.

“Go away,” I order, leaning back on my bed.

“Let me talk to her…”

“No, let me…”

I hear Carissa and Eric arguing back and forth about who is going to come in and console me. No matter who it is, it won’t work. It never has.
It never will.

Eventually, Eric wins and walks in. He towers over me and gently places each palm next to my head against the mattress. He stares at me but doesn’t say anything. The intensity between us is eerily obvious. I don’t want to tell him how broken I am…how I let Aiden control me. I don’t want him to ask me and I don’t want to break down in front of him.

Without thinking, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him toward me. His arms give way as his lips crush down on mine. A moan escapes his throat as he lays his body over mine, giving me exactly what I need.

I grasp his hair in my fists, pulling slightly as the kiss intensifies. Weeks of sexual frustration and mindless confusion overcome me as I finally give in to the one person I want most.

He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in closer. He rolls me over to my side, placing us chest to chest. I wrap my leg around his hips, pulling him closer to me. Our hips began to grind against each other. I’m moaning, feeling for every inch of bare skin that I can find.

I don’t know what has come over me. Perhaps it was the beast inside of me that Carissa is always nagging me about. My emotions overflow and I can’t comprehend what the heck I’m doing.

“God, Velaney…” He moans hard against my lips, grinding his hips harder against mine. “Fuck.” He tangles his hands deeper into my hair, pushing his tongue further into my mouth. His voice is sweet, yet eager.

“Please, don’t say that,” I mumble, breaking the kiss.

He opens his eyes to look at me, his expression confused. I chew my lip, unable to explain myself.

“Say what?” he finally whispers.

“The F word. Just please don’t say it.”

“I’m sorry.” He looks from my eyes to my mouth, licking his lower lip. “You just make me go insane, Velaney.” He leans back in, grazing my lips with his. I can’t respond. “Stop. I can’t do this.” I jump off the bed, wiping a bead of sweat off my face.

I walk to the door, but before I can grab the handle, Eric grabs my wrist and pulls me back to his chest. My anxiety over the petals and Eric finding out my secrets has me almost gasping for breath.

“Please, don’t run,” he mumbles against my ear, rubbing his hands through my hair and sending shivers down my entire body.

“I’m sorry. This isn’t right.”

“You couldn’t be more wrong, Velaney.” He pushes a finger under my chin and tilts it up to meet his eyes. His eyes are desperate, fearing the worst.

“Eric, you don’t deserve this. I’m so messed up.” I close my eyes and bow my head down.

“Look at me.” I slowly look at him. “Tell me.” I shake my head. “Please, Velaney. Don’t push me away,” he begs, pleading for me to answer.

“It’s better this way.” I pull away and walk toward the door. I pause a moment before turning around. “I can’t just be another girl.”

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