Alphas Unleashed 4 (5 page)

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Authors: Cora Wolf

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Alphas Unleashed 4
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But as soon as Marcus and Connor shifted back in to their human forms and I caught a whiff of their scents, I was only thinking about one thing, and that was mating. I went to Connor, not saying a word, and he took my hand and started dragging me in to the cabin.

In a tiny, distant part of my mind that wasn't concerned with mating, I could hear Marcus explaining about my mating heat, and how Fiona should make herself at home, and then Connor and I were up the stairs and in to the first bedroom we could find and everything else but the two of us faded away.

I was already moaning, already wet, desperate for his hands to be on my body. Every time I caught his scent my head went off in to the clouds, my senses all disappearing, like I was overdosing on the best drug ever.

Connor ripped my clothes off in a frenzy and I didn't bother trying to stop him or chastise him for destroying my clothes like I usually did. And he was already naked. Then he was on top of me, his hands rough and urgent, never staying in one place for long, never able to get enough of my body.

"I need you so badly," he said in my ear, taking a break for half a second from trying to kiss every single inch of my body. There was more than a little desperation in his voice, and that just sent me further in to throes of ecstasy. I moved underneath him, grinding my body against his hard muscles in every spot that he touched against me.

I felt shameless and lustful and I wanted more.

Then, seemingly a million miles away, I heard the door open and close, and saw Marcus coming over to the bed to join us, and with his scent heavy in the air I really lost my mind. I needed them inside of me, I was desperate, but I was so lost to my lust that the only sounds I could manage to make were moans and whimpers.

So I reached down between my legs and stuck two fingers inside of my sopping wet lips, frantic to relieve even a little of the deep, desperate need that I felt. It wasn't enough enough though, not even close.

Fortunately Connor took the hint. He yanked my fingers from inside of myself and quickly stuck his cock inside of me, shuddering and gasping as he slid all the way inside of me, right to the base of his cock. I was already so wet and so loose, it was like my body had been preparing for him for hours already.

It still wasn't enough though. Even as Connor was leaning over me, having his way with me, I still wanted more. My body and my mating heat were insatiable. I motioned for Marcus, and he was at my side in an instant, kissing me, grasping my breasts and tweaking my nipples, but that wasn't what I wanted, what I needed.

I reached for and found his cock, and pulled it towards me, and he got the idea soon enough. He lay down beside me, so that his cock was beside my face, and I took him in my mouth even as Connor shook my body and the whole bed with the force of his thrusting.

After just a little while of that I came, my whole body clenching and contorting, but it gave me no satisfaction, no sense of respite or relief from the cravings of my mating heat. It only made me want more.

Then Connor came, his cum pouring in to me, and that was almost as good as the orgasm. His cum made my whole abdomen feel warm and fuzzy and complete. My mating heat knew what it wanted: me pregnant.

Then Connor and Marcus were quickly switching positions, and Marcus was groaning as he pushed himself inside of me, his eyes actually rolling back in his head with how good it felt, his big muscle body tensing at the sensation of sliding in to me.

Connor lay down beside my head and I took him in my mouth and he started to get hard again almost immediately. I could still taste a bit of his cum on the head of his cock, and my mouth got the same warm and fuzzy sensation that I'd gotten when he came inside of me. It was as if my whole body was responding in the best possible way to his cum.

With Marcus inside of me I came again with so much force I had to push Connor's cock from my mouth because I was afraid of biting down on it. But again it brought me no satisfaction to come, only more need, more desire. The tiny part of me that wasn't overwhelmed with mating heat was weirded out by that, but the rest of me just wanted more. More alpha wolf, more hands on my body, more cum.

And Marcus obliged, coming just a few seconds after I did, and again I could feel the second he came inside of me by the warmth that seemed to emanate out in to my abdomen from his seed. Marcus held himself inside of me and kissed my body idly, completely spent.

Finally then he pulled himself out of me and collapsed on the bed beside me, on the opposite side of Connor. "I had forgotten what it was like to mate with a woman in her mating heat," Marcus said, rolling over to face me.

I looked over and smiled at him, "if you've done this before then you should know I'm not even close to done with you yet."

He laughed a little.

I looked back at Connor, and I didn't even need to say the words. He was up in an instant and between my legs, ready for another round.

I leaned over to where Marcus had collapsed beside me and took his flaccid cock in my mouth and started getting him ready for round two.

Chapter Five

I couldn't say for sure how long my mating heat lasted. The entire thing seemed like a hazy dream, though I had the bruises on my body and the raw, sore feeling between my legs to let me know that it definitely hadn't been a dream.

What I did remember was that I had barely left the bed for the entirety of it. The only reason I had gotten up was to use the bathroom. My two men had brought food and water and stepped out from time to time to take breaks. And I had gotten a few exhausted moments of fitful sleep, but the rest was a blur of bodies rubbing against each other. Sometimes it was both of them, sometimes just one or the other, sometimes not even sex, just being close, feeling my whole body pressed against a hard male body, or even better, being sandwiched in between the two of them, safe and enclosed and secure.

Eventually it did end though, or more accurately my mating heat abated enough that my exhaustion took over, and I fell asleep in their arms, waking awhile later to a powerful need for water.

I found Connor asleep beside me, but Marcus was nowhere to be seen.

I let Connor sleep on, and put on some clothes that someone had thought to lay out for me, then went in search of other people. And water. All my worries about Fiona came flooding back then. What had she been doing while I had been lost to my mating heat? Had she run off? Or worse, broken down and called Drago's men again? But Marcus and Connor had left the room once in awhile during my mating heat, even if I hadn't. They would have kept an eye on her. I hoped. Still, I should have at least taken the phone away from her. If anything had happened because I hadn't done that I could never forgive myself.

I went pounding down the stairs and found Fiona and Marcus, both sitting in the living room, drinking tea and talking in low voices. But the conversation cut off as I came down the stairs.

Everything looked okay. Fiona looked happy enough. There were no vampires peering in the windows. But then there was daylight outside, so there wouldn't be. I wondered what time it was.

"Afternoon," Marcus said, smiling up at me, and I smiled back as I dashed over to the kitchen. I wasn't sure I could even speak I was so thirsty. I drank an entire glass of water and then filled it back up and went back to the couch. "Afternoon," I croaked out.

"I only got up a little while ago," Marcus said, putting an arm around me as I cuddled in next to him on the couch. "Fiona was just filling me in on what happened to the two of you."

I tried not to tense up at that, because Marcus would feel it with his arm around me, but I couldn't help freaking out just a little inside. That was one more thing I hadn't had time to do, get the story straight with Fiona.

"I just got through explaining to Marcus how we were out in the yard and the vampires came and put the collar on you and dragged us away." The look she gave me was unreadable, probably because Marcus was right there beside me and she didn't want to look like she was lying, but I knew what she was asking me to do.

"Yea," I said, smiling up at Marcus, "it was really scary."

"And how were you able to call Connor?" Marcus asked.

"Fiona had her cell in her pocket," I said just a little too quickly. "They didn't search us, and when they stopped for a minute they left us alone and we got a chance to call. I would have called you but I couldn't remember your number." I grinned at him, hoping that little detail would distract him from the rest.

Marcus nodded thoughtfully, "and did they ever mention how they found the mansion?"

I shook my head, "they didn't tell us anything."

Marcus nodded, obviously thinking about this troubling detail, but I could tell he wasn't entirely buying our story. And why would he, Fiona arrived at the mansion and then just a few days later vampires showed up. He would have to be blind to not at least suspect Fiona of being involved.

"Well it hardly matters does it," Marcus said, "however it happened it's done. They know where we are now. I'll get my real estate agent working on finding somewhere new for us."

I didn't even look in Fiona's direction. I had promised her a new start, somewhere that vampires had never set foot. Not more of the same in a new spot. No doubt she was staring daggers at me.

"Can we talk?" I said to Marcus.

But before I could suggest leaving for somewhere more private Fiona got up from the couch and went upstairs without a word spoken. Part of me wanted to tell her I had saved her life, and that she should just be grateful, but staying wasn't what I wanted either. And I started to say that to Marcus but he interrupted me.

"Why are you covering for her?"

"I-- what do you mean?"

"There was no scent of vampires anywhere near the house. Connor and I followed your trail right to you, and the first time we smelled vampires was when we found you. You weren't taken from the house by vampires. My guess is that Fiona got that collar around your neck and dragged you away."

How could I have forgotten about that. I was caught. "It's not her fault," I said.

"Then whose fault is it?" Marcus shot back.

I took a deep breath, "back when you and Connor first found me I told Connor about a young female werewolf I had come across years ago, that asked for my help, but I refused. Well that was Fiona. She was caught by vampires not long after that, and they did all kinds of horrible things to her no doubt, and they offered her freedom if she would help them capture another female werewolf. Me. And she still wasn't going to do it until they showed her my picture, and she realized that it was the same werewolf that had betrayed her all those years ago."

Marcus didn't say anything.

"So it's my fault that she's here. If I hadn't been such a shitty person to her back then, if I had just helped her... but now I have a chance to redeem myself. This time I can help her. But for obvious reasons she doesn't want anything to do with vampires anymore. And I told her about a place where there were no vampires, where we could be safe. Forever."

I could see Marcus connecting the dots, and he was already shaking his head by the time I had finished speaking, "no Sara, I'm not going north. It's out of the question."

"But the mansion isn't safe anymore," I said, pleading, "and that was the reason you wanted to stay."

"I will not run from any vampire," Marcus said through gritted teeth.

"And I wont raise a baby anywhere near vampires." I didn't say it, that I would go even if he stayed, but he must have known what I meant.

Instead of answering me though he got up from the couch and went storming up the stairs, and I thought that was the end of it, but a moment later he was back with a still sleepy looking Connor behind him.

"Morning beautiful," Connor said to me, giving me a peck on the forehead and collapsing in to the couch beside me. "So, I'm here, what's so damned important."

"Tell him," Marcus said, standing in front of the couch, arms crossed, eyes glinting.

"Now that the mansion is no longer safe, now that I'm probably pregnant, I think we should all go north and find Amelia, and live with her where there's no vampires to worry about." I practically mumbled the words though. Marcus had gone and gotten Connor because if there was one other person who was just as fanatic about killing vampires it was Connor.

Connor didn't say anything, he was just frowning and looking like he was still trying to wake up.

"We all agreed to be a triad together," Marcus started in again, "we made that commitment to each other, and you cant abandon that the moment things get difficult Sara."

"I think she's right," Connor said.

The room went silent as Marcus and I both digested that.

"There will always be vampires to kill," Connor continued, "that doesn't mean we have to live with them all around us. If we go north then we wont have to be constantly worried about when the next vampire attack is going to come." He pointed at Marcus, "you can do your science stuff in peace," he glanced at me, "and Sara can raise our baby in peace. We can teach other werewolves to shift at will too if there really are a lot of them up there, and who knows, if there are enough of us we could even come south with a whole army and wipe the bloodsuckers out."

"Wow," was all Marcus could say.

"If the mansion was still safe I would say stay," Connor said, "because I know that place means a lot to you Marcus. But it's
safe, not anymore. And if they found that place, they'll find any other place we go. So we leave."

"We leave," I said, finding Connor's hand with mine.

We both looked up at Marcus, still standing in the middle of the living room but looking quite a bit more deflated now.

"We leave," he said.


It was a little over a month later, on a rainy Alaskan summer day, when the four of us finally set foot on the island where we thought Amelia and her pack were living. It was the obvious choice because none of the fishermen we had talked to had been willing to go there, and in the end it had taken three times the normal fee to convince one old man with a rickety boat and a halting engine to take us out there.

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