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Authors: Francesca Hawley

BOOK: AlphavsAlpha
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Alpha vs. Alpha

Francesca Hawley


Alpha female Serena Goldwolf has spent a lifetime vowing
never to be a submissive mate to any Alpha male. But all it takes is one
surprisingly sexual meeting with Damien Blackwolf, a dissatisfied client of her
shapeshifter dating site, and she’s down on all fours,
wanting to be mounted by the hottest male on two legs—or four—whom she’s ever

Damien Blackwolf doesn’t understand why the voluptuous
Serena won’t admit they’re True Mates. To convince her, he decides to bring out
her baser desires by dragging her off to someplace private to get to know
her…intimately. But how can he convince her of their destiny when she runs away
from him? Guess he’ll just have to hunt her down and

In a passionate battle of wills, there most definitely
be two winners.


Ellora’s Cave Publishing




Alpha vs. Alpha


ISBN 9781419936234


Alpha vs. Alpha Copyright © 2011 Francesca Hawley


Edited by Mary Moran

Cover design by Syneca



Electronic book publication October 2011


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Alpha vs. Alpha

Francesca Hawley


Chapter One


“What the hell kind of outfit is this?”

Serena Goldwolf’s head shot up at the irate shout coming
from the outer office of her shapeshifter matchmaking business, She brushed her bangs off her forehead with a sigh. Damn
it, couldn’t
in this office take care of stuff without her

The male voice continued to roar out there, and she knew her
secretary wouldn’t be able to handle him because Kara was such an omega even
omega males dominated her. Serena sighed again, saved her database update and
headed out to confront the wolf male jerk. Serena took in the male outrage with
a shake of her head.
He shook his head as if he’d heard her.
Yeah right. She wished.

“I’m sorry, sir. Really.” Kara huddled in her chair, her
head dipped and her eyes on her desktop. Submission in her posture and her

“You people set me up with some stalker bitch! I want to
talk to one of the owners,
” A tall black-haired man with dark-brown
eyes leaned on the desk, his large hands flat on the wood.

Serena took him in, her body responding immediately. Damn
it. She didn’t need this shit, but she couldn’t take her eyes off him. He wore
a very expensive, black Italian suit, Italian black leather loafers, a crisp
white shirt and red tie. The ultimate in power wear for the busy executive. And
he was so good-looking he resembled an escapee from Fashion Week. She shook her
head to remind herself that he wasn’t
all that
…he was just a wolf like
any other.

Heads hung out of office doors, watching the confrontation
with enjoyment, yet no one came to Kara’s rescue. Probably glad to be out of
firing range themselves…that’s what she got for hiring betas. The females all
wanted him and the males would jump to follow his orders.

Female musk clogged the air. Especially from Lea Redcat, one
of her business partners. was damn successful. To the
outside world, their site looked like a zoo animal match service. To the
shapeshifter community, it was a way to find a lover or a life partner. Since
Lea was allowing this thing to escalate, it looked like Serena to the rescue.

“I’m really sorry, sir. We do our best to match our clients
up with the best fit for them.” Kara cringed lower behind her desk and wouldn’t
meet the man’s eyes. Typical omega posture. The male frowned.

“Are you saying you think I
a psycho bitch as
my Mate?” His quiet voice seemed to scare Kara more than his shouting had
because she backed up. It wouldn’t be long before she crawled under her desk.

“No s-s-sir,” Kara stammered.

Damn that bastard. He was done scaring Kara. Unable to
suppress her temper, Serena growled. His gaze flashed to her and she felt it
all the way to her womb. Damn but he was hot. Life was just

She challenged him—head up, shoulders back—inspecting him
from top to bottom and allowing her gaze to linger, as if she were checking for
fleas. His shoulders were broad and filled his Italian suit to perfection. His
broad chest narrowed to athletic hips, and she would bet money that his belly
sported a six-pack, and not of the beer variety. He had the kind of face that
artists wanted to sculpt and women wanted to sit on. His eyes were the piece de
resistance—large, dark brown and thick-lashed beneath perfectly arched brows.

In short, he was a god—or a male model. This was the kind of
male who never looked twice at Serena because she wasn’t tall and thin, or tiny
and doll-like. She had yet to meet a male wolf who wanted a woman with curves,
but this kind of wolf was
worst. These wolves wanted trophy bitches.

are you?” His voice cut the air like a knife.

She lifted her chin when the bastard stared her down. How
dare he try to intimidate her? She was an alpha female, damn it!

“I’m Serena Goldwolf and one of the co-owners of Who are
?” No way would she back down from this
one. The man needed to be taken down a peg.

He scowled at her and his eyes narrowed at her temerity in
confronting him. The bastard was an Alpha from the tips of his perfect black
hair to the bottom of his highly polished Italian loafers.

“Damien Blackwolf. A fucking unhappy customer.”

He straightened to face off against her, obviously waiting
for his pronouncement to have some effect. He said it as if she were supposed
to curtsey to him. Not only was he an alpha, but a Blackwolf Alpha. An alpha
was a dominant male, but an Alpha was the heir of a clan, or the leader of one.
This male had or definitely
found his own clan group one day.

“What seems to be your problem?”

On the whole, Serena was not fond of Blackwolf males—they were
too arrogant by half, and this one seemed to think he was God’s gift. She had
to admit he was a beautiful specimen who made her wet just to look at him, but
she wasn’t about to admit that to him.

He smiled the smile of the male who knew a female was reacting
to him. Shit. Her scent must be broadcasting. He licked his perfect full lips.
Males were
supposed to have lips like that. Double shit.

“Your much-acclaimed psychology matching service paired me
with the psycho bitch from hell!”

“Well, considering your obnoxious attitude with my
secretary, it would seem our ‘much-acclaimed psychological matching service’
did just dandy,” Serena countered with a smile.

He growled and took a step toward her. She tensed but stayed
where she was. The worst thing to do when a predator challenged was cringe or
run, and this man was definitely a predator. If the bastard thought she was
that easily intimated, he was in for a rude awakening.

She raised her brow and crossed her arms over her chest. He
paused, dumbfounded, looking as perplexed as a pup trying to figure out why he
tripped over his tail. Damn it, that made him adorable. Serena shook her head
in disgust at herself. Alpha males were
adorable. They were royal
pains, emphasis on both royal and pain.

She might be an alpha female, but she was damned if she was
going to take an Alpha male like him as her Mate. When she did date, she dated
betas because they were easier to manage. Serena blinked. Why was she using the
permanent possessive with this one? A Mate was a partner for life, and a mate
was good for a tumble. This male didn’t come close to fulfilling her needs for
either role.

“Miss Goldwolf…”



Goldwolf. I’m not some untried adolescent, Mr.
Blackwolf, and I would appreciate if you would acknowledge it.”

Goldwolf…” His sarcastic voice was deep and made
her nipples harden. She pretended it didn’t affect her, but she knew he
realized it did. Why did he show up here today? She didn’t need the


He glared down at her. “This is a business,
Goldwolf, and I am a very dissatisfied customer. I have friends who I’ve told
about this company who could very easily withdraw their business at my request.
I suggest you moderate your tone.”

That was it. Serena saw red. She stalked over to him and
poked him in the chest with her finger while she scowled up into his black

“Listen to me, you arrogant wolf! You come in here, guns
blazing, and abuse my secretary then threaten me. Pull your business if you
want. Tell your friends to take a hike too. I don’t give a flying fuck! I will
be treated this way by you or anyone!”

Serena felt as if she were outside herself, and she watched
herself in horror. She was
like this, even when she was fully in
heat. Oh, she snarled and clawed at males, but she’d never attacked anyone
before. She sure wanted to attack this one though. He smiled grimly, and only
then did Serena realize his last speech had been a deliberate taunt. Damn it to
hell. Damn
to hell…

He grabbed her waist and lifted her easily. He took two
strides to the nearest wall, pushing her against it while wrapping her thighs
around his hips. He pressed his erection against her wet pussy. She moaned and
her head dropped back. She heard him snarl and realized she’d closed her eyes—when
she opened them she saw triumph in his.

“Oh fuck.” She’d bared her neck to him submissively and she
could see he intended to follow this to its conclusion.

“Oh yes.”

Lowering his head, he sniffed her neck—then tasted it. She
shivered as his teeth grazed her jugular. He could kill her with a single bite
and they both knew it. She also knew that the last thing he wanted to do right
now was tear out her throat. No, he wanted to fuck her until she couldn’t walk
then fuck her again. The worst part was that was what she wanted too. Oh…shit.

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