Alternate Worlds: The Fallen (4 page)

Read Alternate Worlds: The Fallen Online

Authors: Kaitlyn O'Connor

Tags: #tuebl

BOOK: Alternate Worlds: The Fallen
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He’d rattled me more than I’d realized to
make me make such a stupid blunder.

For about two seconds, I had him. Two
seconds later, he had me. Bucking, he pitched me off to one side
and used his weight, which was a good deal more than mine, to pin
me to the floor.

I looked up at him, trying to gather my
wits. “So—I didn’t catch your name the other day.”

Something flickered in his pale eyes. Doubt?
Surprise? “Gideon,” he said through clenched teeth. “—Of

I gave him a feral smile. “I’m Nicole. Do
you think you could get the fuck off of me?”

To my great surprise and relief, he did,
dragging me up by my arms as he got to his feet. Before I could
order him out of my apartment, he caught me and tossed me toward
the bed.

Now I was really stunned—and impressed. I
was a lot heavier than I looked. I was trim and shy of average
height, but I was almost as muscular as a gymnast from working out
and muscle weighs more than fat.

Strong men had discovered I wasn’t easy to
lift and the guy had picked me up and tossed me like I was a

I hit the mattress and bounced, just grazing
my tongue with my teeth. The pain distracted me. He landed on top
of me before I figured out which way was up and rolled away.

The air left my lungs in an unlovely

I blinked up at him, trying to get my eyes
to focus from the stinging that had brought tears to my eyes.

His expression almost made me sorry I’d made
the effort. “You wanted to know what it was like to fuck an Elumi?
I’ve decided to show you.”

“Actually, I didn’t. I just wanted the
seed,” I pointed out. I was always careful with the way I worded
things. The English language was so open to interpretation people
could twist just about anything you said into meaning whatever they
wanted it to—like his confusion about my motives for fucking him
for instance.

Obviously, I’d wounded his male ego. He
didn’t like the idea of being used and discarded.

“I wasn’t as impressed with the experience
as I’d hoped, to tell you the truth,” I added confidentially, and
not very wisely, I’m sure. I was afraid if I looked too eager,
though, he might decide to punish me by
giving me any,
and the moment he’d offered my cunt had clapped ‘oh boy’. I’d
actually been a lot more impressed with the experience than I was
willing to admit.

His lips tightened into a thin line.

He was beautiful when he was angry. There
was just no getting around it.

My heart was palpitating so hard I began to
worry if it would suffocate me.

Or worse, heart attack. I was no spring
chicken, after all. I wasn’t sure of just how much excitement the
old ticker could take.

And he was so rough and manly! And young, my
God! And beautiful! How often did a gal like me get a chance at a
young, studly hunk? Not nearly often enough! Most of the men I ran
into—young, old and in between, had no clue of what to do with a
real woman. If a woman didn’t look like they could break them in
two with their fingers and whine and whimper, they practically peed
their pants and ran like hell.

He shifted, pushing his knee between my
thighs. I resisted, just enough to whet his appetite and keep from
seeming too eager, and then spread them wide, drawing my knees up
to give him better access. He curled his hips, thrusting forward. I
felt the head of his cock and a wad of his damned sarong vying for
entrance as his cock slipped along my cleft and connected.

I sighed irritably, because—really how
different was it just to get poked? “No foreplay? I thought you
were going to show me how much better you were at this than a

He planted his mouth over mine—to shut me
up, I think.

I’d been hoping for it actually.

His mouth tasted divine. I had figured it
would. I’d already had a taste of him and loved it. Heat curled in
my belly. His chemical essence sent a rush through me like a drug.
I sucked his tongue greedily when he thrust it into my mouth and
felt a hard shudder ripple through his body.

He was remembering what it had felt like
when I’d sucked his cock, I knew. I was remembering it, too, and it
played havoc with my senses. I’d had an epiphany about blow jobs
when I sucked his cock. Who the cock belonged to could make a world
of difference. I caressed his tongue feverishly with my own,
wishing I
sucking his cock.

Later, I was really stunned that that had
run through my mind considering I wasn’t
to giving head—I
wasn’t actually
to oral sex at all. I’d never had any
trouble getting off and it pissed me off to come while my pussy was
screaming to be filled. It was like half a fucking sneeze, too much
and not enough at the same time, more annoying than fulfilling.

Right at that moment, all I could think
about was gnawing on his entire body.

The moment his grip on my wrists relaxed, I
pulled free and ran my palms over his body, trying to feel
everything at once. My mind was trying to tabulate the feel of hard
muscle and silken skin at the same time it was recording the jolts
of sensation feeding through every nerve ending in my body at a
thousand miles an hour and threatening overload melt down when he
hadn’t done anything yet but kiss me.

God he was good!

I uttered a throaty complaint when he broke
the kiss, but since he immediately began gnawing along my neck,
working his way downward, I forgot about complaining and arched my
back, trying to hurry him toward my goal.

He knew what I wanted.

He teased me unmercifully, working circles
around my engorged nipples with his mouth until I was nearly
mindless with wanting.

I was going to kill him if he stopped.

When he lifted slightly away from me to look
down at me I thought that was his intention. I saw, though, that he
was torn—and confused—poor baby! I didn’t know if it was because
he’d expected me to fight and I hadn’t, or if he was surprised that
I seemed to have the same effect on him as he did me—truthfully I
wasn’t sure if I
have the same effect on him and I
didn’t especially care.

Don’t stop now
, I thought a little
You haven’t punished me nearly as much as I

I almost leapt out of my skin when he
lowered his mouth to one desperately throbbing nipple and sucked
it. My fingers acted entirely on their own, spearing through his
hair and gripping his head frantically while fire poured through me
in pounding waves. My mouth felt like it had been swabbed with
cotton from all the panting and groaning I’d been doing by the time
he decided to bestow the blessing of his mouth on the neglected
nipple. I was still trying to gather enough moisture to swallow
when he clamped down on it.

I came close to passing out with pure
ecstasy as he suckled it. Holding on to my sanity with an effort, I
began to wiggle a little frantically, trying to line up my hole
with his pole, something I’d always found extremely frustrating
with no hands, but I had to feel him inside of me. And I couldn’t
reach it without making him release my nipple. And I didn’t think I
could handle it if he stopped. My vaginal walls were cramping from
the effort to clamp down on something hard that wasn’t there,
though, and I very quickly reached a state of extreme distress.

It took all I could do to save my life to
refrain from screaming in tongues like the girl in the
exorcist—Fuck me! Fuck me!

Actually, I might have. I wasn’t certain
afterwards and all I really cared about then or later was that he
got the message. Shifting, he caught the beast and aimed it. I
couldn’t wait for him to feed me. I arched toward him the moment I
felt his cock head butting the right spot, enveloping it. He
grunted when my muscles grabbed him and tried to swallow him

I flailed around a little wildly as he
worked his way past almost painfully resistant flesh and finally
impaled me to the hilt. I had to squeeze my eyes tightly shut and
count to ten to keep from coming right that instant—but I was
greedy. I wanted more of the good stuff before I let go of it.

Clamping my fingers into his buttocks, I dug
in, wanting to pull him deeper still. He ignored my uncoordinated
efforts and began to thrust smoothly in and out. I gasped in a
lungful of air and held it, fighting the wall of pleasure that hit
me each time he stroked my g-spot, trying to stave off the eruption
I felt coming.

I quickly reached a point where I was too
mindless even for that much thought, however. Almost the moment he
kicked his thrusts into high gear and began pounding into me, my
bubble of euphoria burst shatteringly. It wrenched a scream from my
chest. Wrapping my legs around his waist tightly, I rode the crest
until I was too weak to endure anymore.

I was only dimly aware of his own shattering
release—the hoarse groan, the shudders that rippled through his
muscles, the jerk of his cock inside me, the heat of his seed as it
bathed my channel—but I clung to him tightly until the convulsions
of pleasure tapered off to an occasional tremor.

Relieved, I let myself go limp. Every nerve
ending in my body, it seemed, still sparked and throbbed in
aftershocks from the ten plus magnitude eruption I’d just

I’d been drifting lazily on a current of
supreme satisfaction for a while before I finally realized he’d
lifted away from me and was staring at my face. I thought I was
going to have to use a finger to get my eyelids unglued, but I
finally managed to lift one eyebrow high enough to manage a slit of
a view of his face.

It wasn’t very helpful. I couldn’t tell a
damned thing about his expression.

Lifting a limp wrist, I patted his cheek.
“Showed me, by damn, didn’t you? Now that you’ve exerted your
masculine supremacy, do you think you can take your plug out of the
outlet? I’m really tired and this bed’s only big enough for one,” I

I sounded like somebody that had had about
three drinks too many, but, really, it was a miracle I’d managed to
wrap my tongue around that much. Only the desire to be left in
peace to enjoy the fruits of my labors had spurred me to that much

Obligingly, he rolled off. I rolled over
onto my belly, stretching to get comfy. “Thanks!” I muttered into
the pillow, because I was always polite and I never forgot the
magic words, ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. “Lock the door on your way
out, ok?”

Chapter Four

Ordinarily, I couldn’t exactly be described
as little miss sunshine when I was rudely awakened, especially when
I was really tired and thoroughly enjoying my sleep, but the finger
examining my contented kitty had already reawakened my appetite.
Just about the time I began to really enjoy it, though, two big
hands grabbed my hips, lifting them clear of the bed until I had my
knees under me.

“I don’t do back door service,” I snarled,
“so watch where you put that thing if you want to keep it.”

He probed my cleft, connecting with door
number one.

As far gone as I was in zombie land, I’d
have recognized that cock anywhere.

Sighing with a mixture of relief, pleasure,
and a vague sense of martyrdom since he’d awakened me for round two
instead of leaving like I’d asked, I tipped my hips up for him,
bracing myself as he pushed. Despite every effort, I rooted the bed
with my face. Vaguely irritated that he hadn’t tried revving my
engines a little more to get my juices flowing when he was hung
like a frigging bull, I planted my palms on the bed and pushed
upward, locking my elbows and bracing myself a little better before
he could push again.

There still wasn’t enough moisture to
lubricate his path, and my muscles clenched with hope for another
thorough massage, unintentionally repelling the assault. All he
actually managed to do was overbalance me so that I rooted the bed
again, cracking my head against the headboard in the process. I
didn’t hit it hard enough to actually hurt—much—but it was enough
to distract me and my body sucked up the little bit of juice it had
managed to produce.

Grabbing my hips, he dragged me down the bed
and tried again. I began to feel like an inch worm as we waltzed up
the bed, but this time I at least had the presence of mind to duck
when I saw the headboard looming. I crumpled against it like a bug
hitting the windshield of a car when he tried to pile drive me

He didn’t give up easily. I had to say that
much for him, but I sensed a hint of desperation in him as he
dragged me down the bed again. I lifted my head. “In case you
haven’t figured it out yet, Einstein, you’re either going to have
to get a fucking shoe horn for that thing, or you’re going to have
to work on some lubrication.”

He was breathing heavily when he grabbed my
arm and flipped me over, partly from frustrated desire, partly from
exertion, and partly because he was really pissed off.

I gathered that he hadn’t especially wanted
me to enjoy it. He’d figured he would take what he wanted, like I
had, and then leave.

I shrugged. Pay backs were always hell, but
I figured I had it coming. If it would make him feel better I could
to enjoy it. “Lu-bri-cation,” I said slowly, in case
he hadn’t grasped it the first time. “Wait a minute,” I added on a
sudden thought. “I think I have something.”

He caught my ankle as I crawled across the
bed and grabbed hold of the drawer knob of the top drawer of my
bedside chest. I flattened out, but dug blindly through the drawer
anyway, discarding my assortment of dildos and vibrators until I
found a tube like thing that actually was a tube. I held it up
triumphantly as he dragged me across the bed again.

He snatched the tube from my hand, examining
it suspiciously and finally took the top off and sniffed it.

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