Alternating Current: A Tesla Novel (16 page)

BOOK: Alternating Current: A Tesla Novel
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“Come in.”

Millard opened the

The professor was
deep into the pile of papers on his desk. He only looked up for a second. “What
is it Millard? I’m very busy.”

“Pardon the
intrusion, Professor, but I thought you might want to meet Doctor Armaly.”

Professor Trump
stood up. “Doctor Armaly? Mike Armaly?”

Doctor Armaly
extended his hand. “Good to meet you, Professor.”

They shook hands. “I
hope I’ll be able to say the same. Once I learn the reason for your sudden
emergence back into society after all these years. Please, sit down. That will
be all Millard.”

Millard left the

“Excuse me for
being rude, but what are you doing here?” Trump leaned back in his chair.

“I don’t mind
rudeness, I need answers.”

“Answers? Oh, let
me guess, you’re one of those crazies who thinks my father stole all Tesla’s

“It doesn’t matter
what I think, besides, those people aren’t that crazy.”

Professor Trump
leaned forward and slammed his hand on the desk. “Don’t you think I know that?”

Doctor Armaly had
obviously touched a nerve. “Calm down, Professor.”

“I am calm. I’ve
spent my entire life calmly defending my father.”

“Defending him?”

“Yes, from people like
you who think he’d be a failure if not for Tesla.”

“I don’t think

“Listen, I’m not a
fool. I know my father couldn’t have come up with many of those concepts
without Tesla’s help. Hell, nobody could. Tesla was a freak. Nonetheless,
somebody had to carry on his work.”

“Then why Chemical

The question
caught Trump off guard. “Huh?”

“Why not an
electrical engineer, like your father?” Who carries on his work?”

“Not me, I won’t
have my every discovery second guessed as Tesla’s. So, there you have it, is
that all you needed?”

“No, that’s not at
all what I need.”

“What is it then?”

“I need the

“The microfilm? You
are one of those conspiracy nuts.”

“Cut the shit, Professor.
You and I both know there’s microfilm. They provided NASA with plenty while I
was working on Teleforce.”

“That may be so,
Doc. But why would I have it.”

“Because I’m sure
your father was smart enough to make a copy for his family’s future prosperity.”

“Well, if he did,
I don’t have it.”

“How ‘bout your
sisters? Maybe they have all the family heirlooms.”

“Doctor, I have a
lot of work to do, maybe we should continue this another time.” Trump handed
him a card. “Call me this evening.”

Doctor Armaly stepped
toward the door. However, the diploma hanging on the wall distracted him. Ph.D.
in Chemical Engineering. It didn’t make sense, a prominent electrical
engineer’s son a chemical engineer. Why? Then it hit him, he turned back toward
the professor. “How long have you been working on it?”

Trump looked up. “Excuse

Doctor Armaly
walked back over to the desk. “The Water, how long have you been working on it?”

“My entire adult


Turbo left the
shop in handcuffs. “You know, Rudy was right about you two being morons.” They
shoved him headfirst into the back of the Escalade. “This is crazy. Could you
at least lock up the shop for me?”

Lawson was already
behind the steering wheel. He looked back at Turbo. “Now you know us morons
don’t know how to lock a door.” He smiled at Agent Arnold and drove away.

Turbo apologized
for the moron remark. “C’mon guys, you know I didn’t kill anybody.”

Lawson was about
to say something, but Arnold stopped him. “Turbo, this is serious, I suggest
you keep quiet until you hire an attorney.”

“I don’t need an
attorney, I’m innocent. We all know Alex Gaye killed Rudy.”

“No, we don’t know
that Turbo, and we have substantial evidence against you.”

“Evidence? What
kind of---

Turbo decided to take
Agent Arnold’s advice and remain silent. He wasn’t worried about the evidence. After
all, he was innocent. Still, there were plenty of innocent men in prison.

They drove for a
while until Lawson pulled into the rear entrance of the CIA office on Reade Street.
Rudy was right again, they were CIA.

Agent Arnold
walked Turbo down a long corridor to a conference room.

Turbo was relieved
that it wasn’t a jail cell. There was a large conference table with ten or
twelve leather high-back chairs.

Arnold sat Turbo
down at the head of the table. “Hey, let me get those cuffs off, okay.”

Turbo remained

Agent Lawson came
into the room carrying two Mountain Dews, a Red Bull and a Diet Coke. I hope
you don’t mind diet, because you ain’t getting one of these Dews.”

Turbo didn’t

Lawson walked over
and put the Diet Coke in front of him. “You’re taking this right to remain
silent thing seriously, aren’t you?”

He was still

“We just said that
in the car because we didn’t want you rambling on the entire time. It’s okay
now, we want you to ramble.”


Agent Arnold tried
to ease the tension. “Turbo, we’re trying to help you, we could have just
thrown you into a holding cell, but we didn’t. You need to cooperate. It’s the
best thing for you right now.”

When Turbo didn’t
respond to Agent Arnold, Lawson decided it was time to quit being nice. “Okay
Turbo, you don’t want to talk; then just listen. We can prove that you were the
last person to see Marco Fagan alive, we have the Aquaduct surveillance video.”

“Great, then I’m
sure it shows I didn’t kill him.”

“No, not exactly. It
shows Carrie Lockwood and Phillip Washington leaving in a hurry. But it doesn’t
show that you ever left the building.”

“That doesn’t
prove anything. Carrie and Phillip were in a hurry because we heard gunshots. There
was a stampede, we were separated, and that’s all. You can ask Carrie and

“We’ve already
talked to Ms. Lockwood, and I’m sure we’ll find Mr. Washington soon enough.”

“You can call---

Turbo stopped in midsentence.
Something wasn’t right. How could they have already talked to Carrie? And if
they had, they would’ve certainly talked to Phillip as well. Turbo thought it
would be a good time to remain silent again, but soon realized that wasn’t such
a good idea. If he clammed up, they’d just throw him into a holding cell for
who knows how long. He decided to play along, to “cooperate,” as Agent Arnold

“We can call who?”
Lawson asked.

Turbo played dumb.

“You started to
say we can call someone, but then stopped.”

“Oh, that. What I
meant is could you call Cosmo for me, so he can lock up the shop.”

Lawson asked
Arnold to handle that. “I’m gonna order a pizza. It’s going to be a long night.
Turbo, you like anchovies?”

“As a matter of
fact, I do.”

“Only on half.” Arnold
screamed. Once Lawson had left the room, Arnold handed Turbo his cell phone. “Call
Cosmo to lock up the shop, but don’t tell him where you are.”

Cosmo didn’t
answer. Still, Turbo wasn’t that concerned with the shop. There really wasn’t
anything that valuable inside, other than the portrait of Tesla on the wall. Besides,
if they cleaned out the place they’d be doing him a favor. Since Lawson was
still gone, Turbo decided to do some interrogating of his own. “Agent Arnold,
when did you talk to Carrie?”

“Don’t worry about
that, let us handle the investigation.”

“Oh, sure, but I’m
worried about Phillip, do you have any idea where he is?”

“Were working some
good leads. It won’t be long.”

“Cut the bullshit!
What kind of games are you playing?” Turbo threw Arnold’s cell phone on the
table just as Lawson returned with the pizza.

“Arnold, are you
playing games with the prisoner?” Lawson set the pizza on top of the cell
phone. “Can we eat first? I’m starving.”

Agent Arnold moved
the box and retrieved his cell phone. “Turbo, thinks were playing some sort of
game here.”

“We are. The game
of “Life”---in prison. Have a slice of pizza.”

Turbo wasn’t
hungry anymore.

“Turbo, if you
cooperate I’m sure you’ll get out in twenty-five.” Lawson pushed the pizza his
way. “This is a good pie.” He was the only one eating.

Arnold chugged the
rest of his Red Bull and left the room.

“Are you gonna eat
any of this. I got all anchovies, probably why Arnold left.”

Turbo picked up a
slice. “Can we just cut to the chase?”

“You ready to
cooperate?” Lawson was talking with his mouth full.

“I’ll cooperate
when you tell me the truth.”

“Truth about

“About Rudy or
Marco, whatever his name is.”

“His name is
Marco, and you killed him. That’s the truth!”

“Well, I know
you’re lying about talking to Carrie Lockwood.”

“Yeah, why’s

“Because I was at
her apartment last night until midnight.”

“Is that so?”

Turbo finally took
a bite of pizza. “You’re right. That is a good pie.”

“So, you and
little Miss Carrie getting it on?”

“What?” Turbo
almost choked on his pizza. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“Why else were you
there so late?”

Turbo didn’t

Agent Arnold came
back in the room with another Red Bull and a ham sandwich. Either ham or maybe
old turkey that had discolored to look like ham. Then again, maybe the thick
plastic packaging was deceiving.

“You didn’t bring
me a Dew?” Lawson still had a mouthful of pizza.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I
must not give a shit!”

“What’s wrong with

Arnold looked at
Lawson and then at Turbo. “You tell him.”

Turbo finished
chewing before he spoke. “I believe Agent Arnold wanted some pizza without

“Why didn’t you
say so?” Lawson grabbed a slice and picked off the anchovies.

“Put it down,
asshole.” Arnold was visibly upset. “You know you can still taste it.”

Lawson changed the
subject. “Did you know Turbo was banging Lockwood?”

“What?” Arnold
looked at Turbo.

“Yeah, he stayed
at her house past midnight.”

Turbo had had
enough. “I was at her house past midnight talking to her and Phillip who you
morons still think is missing.”

The agents were
obviously shocked.

“Wait, it gets
better. Phillip was kidnapped by some crazy NSA types who believe that Tesla
gave his Edison Medal to Phillip’s grandfather for safekeeping.”

“What’s an Edison
Medal?” Lawson asked.

“It’s a solid gold
medal my uncle received in 1916. It’s been missing for years. Anyway, those whackos
beat the shit out of Phillip for two days until he finally told them that I
have the medal.”

“Do you have the
medal?” Arnold asked.

“No, I don’t have
the fucking medal. What I have is a bunch of crazies thinking that I do. And if
that isn’t enough, you two come in and arrest me for murder. You know, come to
think of it, I want you to throw me in jail. At least I’ll be safe.”

“Wow, that’s some
story.” Lawson said.

“It’s the truth. You’re
the ones fabricating the facts. You both know I didn’t kill Marco. Why aren’t
you out looking for Alex Gaye?”

“We are. We have
agents combing all over Europe.” Arnold said.

“Europe? You’re
fucking morons. He was just in my shop yesterday.”

Lawson jumped from
his seat and grabbed Turbo by the throat. “Stop lying to me.”

Turbo gasped for
air, but managed to pull away. “Why would I lie about that?” I want you to
catch that son-of-a-bitch, too. He was in my shop yesterday with a tall blonde
woman who claimed to be my cousin.”

Agent Arnold
nearly fell off his chair. “He had a tall blonde with him, are you sure?”

“Believe me; if
you saw her you’d be sure too.”

“Was there anyone
else with them? Maybe, an older man?” Lawson asked.

“Nope, just them.”

Lawson called in a
new APB on Alex Gaye and directed the apprehension of any accomplices found
with him. “Let’s go Arnold.” Lawson and Arnold headed for the door.

“Hey, what about
me.” Turbo asked.

“We’ll have an
agent drive you home.”

“But I don’t want
to go home.”

“Fine, then stay

Turbo was
perplexed. “Does this mean I’m not under arrest anymore?”

“What?” Lawson turned
away from the door. “Oh, yeah, I guess it does. Sorry.”

mother-fuckers, you did this just to make me talk?”

Lawson smiled. “A
little trick Marco taught us.”


Arnold and Lawson
pounded on the front door of Carrie’s apartment.

She rushed to the
door wrapped in a sheet.

“Where’s Phillip?”
Lawson pushed her aside and entered the apartment. He saw Phillip pulling on
his pants through the bedroom doorway. He rushed into the room. “Wow, you look
like hell?”

Phillip put on his

“Sorry, to
interrupt your little love nest, but I need to talk to you.” They walked into
the other room.

Agent Arnold was
still in the hall. “May we come in?” He was polite, unlike his partner.

“Please, come in.”
Carrie said. “Is it okay if I put on some clothes?”

“I like the
sheet.” Lawson smiled.

“Don’t mind my
partner, please get dressed.” Arnold tried to keep everyone calm.

Lawson, however,
was having too much fun. “Does Turbo know you’re banging Phillip?”

Carrie went into
the bedroom and slammed the door.

“Is he always a
jerk?” Phillip asked Arnold.

“Not always, but a

Lawson glared at
his partner. “Listen here, Phillip. I need to know everything about the people
who abducted you.”

“What’s to know,
they beat the shit out of me over some goddamn gold medal.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m
sure, look at my fucking face.”

“Did they ask
about anything other than the medal, any notes or formulas?”

“No, they just
want the medal, supposedly it’s worth millions.”

“Was there a woman
with them?”

“No, just men
wearing black suits with white sneakers, I think they were Nike.”

“You never saw a
woman, a tall blonde woman?”

Carrie came out of
the bedroom in time to hear the last question. “What about a tall blonde

“We need to know if
she was involved in Phillip’s abduction.”

“No, that’s not
possible; she was at Turbo’s shop with Alex Gaye.”

“Yes, we already
know that, but we think they could be working together.”

“How did you know
they were there?” Carrie was impressed.

“We had Turbo in
the lock-up overnight, he told us everything.”

Carrie was
shocked. “Everything? Even about the trunk full of papers?

Phillip hushed her

“What trunk full
of papers?” Lawson asked.

Agent Arnold ushered
Carrie into the kitchen.

Lawson asked
again. “What trunk full of papers?”

Agent Arnold took
a bottle of water from the refrigerator and handed it to Carrie.

She sipped it slowly,
as if concerned about its contents, and all the time breathing heavy. They
could hear Agent Lawson badgering Phillip in the other room.

“Take a deep
breath and try to relax.” Agent Arnold grabbed another bottle of water. “Carrie,
I know this is frightening, and I know Marco told you not to trust me and my
psycho partner, but this thing is getting way out of hand.” He took a sip of
water. “It’s way over your head, just look at what happened to Phillip.”

Carrie took another
sip of water, but didn’t speak.

“Unlike my
partner, I’m the calm level-headed one. You can trust me.”

“I’d like to trust
you, but Rudy---I mean, Marco---told us not to trust anyone.”

“Carrie, how well
did you really know Marco?”

“Not well.”

“Did you know he
was a double agent?”


“Yes, that’s why
he was kicked out of the CIA.”

Carrie swallowed

“I mean he didn’t
sell top secret documents to our enemies, nothing like that. But he did use his
influence and the agency’s technology to help the drug cartels know where our
DEA agents were concentrating their efforts. Stuff like that. Marco was always
about the big bucks. The agency never brought him up on charges, for publicity

“Why does this
matter now? He’s dead.”

“I just thought
you should know about the man who has your loyalty.”

Carrie finished
her water with one gulp. “I don’t know what you want me to say.”

“You could start
by telling me about the trunk.”

“This whole thing
is over some formula that Tesla gave to Phillip’s grandfather.”

“Is this formula
in the trunk?”

“Yes, along with a
few hundred other formulas.”

“Wow, where is
this trunk?”


“Philly? Why

“Phillip’s aunt
lives there.”

Agent Arnold
escorted Carrie back into the living room. Lawson was still in Phillip’s face. “Lawson,
let’s go.” Arnold opened the door.

“I’m not done

“Yes we are, let’s
go.” Arnold waited.

“I’ll be back for
you later.” He pushed Phillip aside and left the apartment.

Phillip plopped
down on the couch. “I don’t know how you did that, but thanks.”

“Get up.” Carrie

Phillip jumped up.
“What’s wrong?”

“Put your shoes
on, we have to leave right now.”

Phillip started to
the bedroom for his shoes and then stopped. “I don’t have any shoes. Those men
kept them.”

“C’mon, we’ll get
you some on the way.” Carrie was already in the hall.

“On the way

“Philly. We have
to go to Philly right away.”

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