Alutia Rising, Anniversary Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 1) (50 page)

Read Alutia Rising, Anniversary Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 1) Online

Authors: Craig Gerttula

Tags: #romance, #drama, #adventure, #space opera, #intrigue, #science ficiton

BOOK: Alutia Rising, Anniversary Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 1)
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The terror of recognition struck, her mind
screaming, her body moving on its
grasp tightly onto Trent's arm. He placed an arm around her in
response, pulling her even closer, his trembling matching hers. The
creatures appeared to utilize humans as hosts and change them
genetically. The image faded and was replaced again by Captain

“Fortunately, one of the researchers was able
to escape with this record, but soon was overcome by the same fate.
What we found terrified us. These creatures were, without a doubt,
human. The fundamental genetic code matched exactly, but major
alterations were found within key genetic markers. Our first
assumption was some sort of native plant life was causing this
major mutation, but all of our botany studies came back negative.
So we tested the local bacteria, viruses, air, water, earth,
insects, and animals, but could find no trace of a genetic
mutagen,” Sasha thought about his words...
what could have caused
the transformation if not an external source?

“This led us to consider all possible
options, including the extreme possibility,” Captain Trelic
appeared to take a deep breath, “that this was the next step in
human evolution.” Trent gasped, horrified. But Sasha stood silent,
unable to fully comprehend what was just said, her mind screaming
in utter disbelief....
it isn't possible!

“After analyzing the genome of the spores, we
were able to track down the original source from the colonization
lists and started performing comprehensive simulations. At first,
we were unable to reproduce the genetic mutations, but when we
realized that the simulations were taking into account current
human intelligence and NHA approved genetic modifications, not the
altered intelligence and standard genome of the Neo-Humans, we
removed the variable. The initial results were frightening. In
almost every simulation a major mutation occurred within the first
ten generations when Neo-Humans were placed in a new environment.
But none as drastic as we'd seen. So we reversed the simulation and
the data returned a is possible for the set of
mutations to occur that would cause the changes seen in the altered
humans. The odds were astronomically low, but it had occurred.
Humans suddenly evolved into these creatures in five devolved...” Captain Trelic went silent,
appearing to fall into deep thought.

Sasha began considering the ramifications of
this information. Humans had not shown any signs of natural
evolution in hundreds of thousands of years. But when their
intelligence was removed, all genetic modifications reversed, and
they were placed in a hostile environment, it took only 73 years
for a major genetic mutation to occur. Captain Trelic cleared his

“We acted immediately, creating a barrier to
isolate the mutated humans in an attempt to stop them from
spreading to the healthy tribes. Our research had found that the
HDP infected humans were capable of two different methods of
reproduction. The first, and most frightening, was via airborne
spores that are emitted from a special gland located in the neck,
which mutates normal humans. The other method is through standard
sexual intercourse, which during our observations was never
actually witnessed.” Sasha unconsciously held her breath as she
thought of the airborne spores possibly floating around the room.
She knew it was a ridiculous thought, but she was unable to contain
it, the terrifying idea of turning into one of
those...things...those monsters...hovering at the edge of her
thoughts. Trent stared at the image of Captain Trelic, face frozen.
Sasha wished she could read his mind.




This has to be a dream
, it was the
only logical explanation that Trent's mind could grasp. Since if it
was not, and what this holographic man said was actually true, then
a group of his ancestors had evolved into monster-like creatures.
The thought defied all logic and he had the sudden sensation that
sharp bones were about burst forth from his wrists at any moment.
He turned to Sasha as the image of Captain Trelic looked to fall
into deep thought.

“Pinch me,” he said.

“Why?” The response he expected.

“I need to know if this is all a dream,” she
raised an eyebrow, then pinched him as hard as she could

“Ouch!” he yelped, rubbing his arm.

“Not a dream?” she asked dryly.

“Yes, but if this is not a dream...” he
trailed off, unable to fully comprehend the ramifications, the
entire reasoning well beyond anything he ever thought possible.

“Over the next 10 years,” Captain Trelic
continued, “we hunted every last remaining HDP infected human, pod,
and spore...but it still wasn’t enough. So I decided that the
infected Earth must be purified...a decision that I, and I alone,
will have to live with for eternity,” he looked away, voice falling
hush, “will you forgive me, Dorinia, when I arrive alongside you
amongst the star gods?” he questioned, before turning back, eyes of
total sorrow. “It was a required sacrifice, and I shall face
whatever fate the emperor may bestow. But this mutation must not be
allowed to spread off this world. It must not be allowed to taint
humanity further, which is why I...” he again paused.

“What did he mean by purify?” Trent asked

“Destruction of all matter,” Sasha told,
unemotional, “he must of ordered everything within the containment
area, innocent or not, destr-”

“But that is done,” Captain Trelic interrupt,
like he knew Sasha was about to expose his sin, “and cannot be
taken back. It is now my duty to prepare for the future, to the
eventuality that this mutation may occur elsewhere in the universe
or escape the purification. Those of us who remain, debated long,
deciding to cover all possible options, no matter the risks. We
shall save the two last pods, for I am want to destroy them, my own
blood within, along with the research notes and my account of the
events that occurred here. One pod shall remain, in
cryo-containment, within a secret cavern hidden deep within our
research complex, while the other shall accompany us back to
Origin, onboard the NHA Research Vessel ERF Newlois, as is required
by the academy, though with a great weight in my heart at the
possible repercussions,” Captain Trelic paused, appearing to enter
something into a console before him. “I hope my decisions were
correct, and the many who have died to right this abomination will
forgive this old fool, for I only had the interest of humanity’s
future ever in my heart and mind.” Captain Trelic seemed to shed a
great weight as his story finally concluded.

“Research and event data download completed,”
Vin stated the moment Captain Trelic vanished. Sasha raised her
bracelet towards her lips.

“What now, Vin?” Sasha asked calmly, but
Trent felt it was forced.

“There is an emergency access transport tube
within research lab 24. Located on the opposite side of the cavern
from research lab 21, in which you are now present,” Trent,
horrified at the thought of entering the cavern holding the pod,
stared back and forth between Sasha and Vin.

“There must be another way?” Sasha pleaded,
as dismayed as he.

“It is possible to return the way you
entered,” they sighed with relief, collapsing into each other’s
arms, “but pursuers loyal to Sir Simwa have located your position
and are currently proceeding towards research lab 21,” Trent's
relief vanished as he sprinted to the door.

“Damn it,” he cursed under his breath,
finding a large group in green uniforms, about 200 meters down the
tunnel, rushing in their direction.

“See if you can get Vin to lock the door!” he
shouted back to Sasha.

“He said safety protocols are in effect and
the door will not seal while the lab is occupied!” she responded
after a few seconds.
Why did it always have to be so
he questioned as he rushed back to Sasha’s side.

“Vin, where's the entrance to the cavern?” he
hurried, knowing they had little time.

“The containment cavern emergency access
hatch is situated in the corner opposite the entrance,” Trent
grabbed Sasha’s wrist before Vin finished, leading her towards the
only open corner, the others full of debris and equipment.

“Here!” Sasha shouted diving towards a square
access port hidden in the floor.

“Vin, how do you open this?” Sasha shouted
with frustration as they searched desperately for a way to open the

“Coding approval required, please stand by,”
Vin’s sphere undulated, shifting color rapidly.

“Vin, hurry, they’re going to be here any
second,” he urged.

“Please stand by, coding approval will take
an additional 48 seconds to complete,”

“We don’t have that long,” he hissed as he
stood, pulling Sasha to her feet alongside. He gazed into her eyes,
then embraced her fiercely.

“If I fall, I want you to escape without me,”
he whispered into her ear.

“Trent, wh-,” he stopped her protest with his
lips, forcing all his love for her through the contact.

“Trust me,” he pulled away, running to the
door with all haste.

“Trent! Stop!” she implored, but his mind was
I will protect her,
he pledged.

He drew his laser arc as he slammed his back
against the wall next to the doorway. Then, before his mind could
catch his body, he spun across its face, firing on their pursuers
who were less than 20 meters from the door. Just as he reached the
other side, laser bolts sizzled through the air where he’d just

“Too close,” he whistled, glancing to the
wisp of smoke that rose from his singed shoulder.

The return fire continued relentlessly,
streaming past to splash harmlessly off the transparent wall that
appeared harder then steel. But even so, he found little
opportunity to respond in kind, knowing every moment they were
inching closer. Trent carefully angled his laser arc around the
door’s edge and started to fire blind. The return fire stopped as
the enemy dodged his blind fire.

“Trent, its open! Com-,” Sasha started to
shout, but was cut off.

He dove across the doorway, ignoring the
laser bolts that again sizzled through the air, charring his
jumpsuit as they passed mere millimeters from his skin. The moment
he was clear, he noticed Sasha fumbling for her laser arc, but not
looking towards the door. Instead, her attention was plastered on
the pile of equipment in the corner of the lab, closest to her.

Trent stumbled when he saw what held her
gaze. Four bizarre creatures, with furry, grayish round bodies and
eight legs, or arms...Trent couldn't tell which...emerged from the
pile of equipment. They
climbed free of the
shifting between walking on four or six
while the other limbs seemed to
, or morph, their

Before he or Sasha could react, the creatures
began screeching, the sound like someone was pulling their
fingernails across a chalkboard, before rushing straight at Sasha.
Their legs rotated in a continuous cartwheel as they accelerated at
an incredible speed. Sasha steadied her laser arc, firing, catching
one of the creatures dead on, blasting it back into the pile of
equipment. At the same moment, Trent fired, catching another,
sending it tumbling behind a stack of crates. Before either of them
could fire a second shot, the two remaining creatures fled passed
Sasha, and dove down the now open hatch in the floor. Trent slid to
stop next to Sasha and hugged her

“Schnac'lasis!” she breathed, her eyes of
shock and fear. “They are a race of the, ASU, they...they shouldn’t
be here, Trent,” she grasped his cheeks, staring desperately into
his eyes. “We have to stop them! If they capture a sample...” Trent
nodded understanding. If they were enemies of the NHA and were able
to retrieve the HDP, the human race could be doomed.

“There they are!” he spun, the pursuers
rushing through the doorway.

“Go!” he pushed Sasha towards the hatch while
firing at their pursuers, forcing them to dive for cover.

“I love you,” she declared, vanishing before
he could respond, to state his own love.

Trent waited only a moment, swinging through
the hatch behind her, grabbing the outer bars of the ladder, then
sliding quickly to the cave floor 20 meters below. He turned as he
landed, rolling onto one knee next to Sasha, who squatted while
rubbing her bottom.

“Do you see them?” he asked carefully, unable
to see clearly in the dim red light.

“No,” she replied as his eyes began to
adjust. Pulsating red tubes crisscrossed the large, humid cavern,
while cone shaped stalagmites littered the ceiling and floor,
surrounded by pools smelling of pure sulfur.

“Follow me and stay close,” he stood,
covering his nose with one hand as he began to creep slowly away
from the ladder.

“There!” He spun when he thought he caught
sight of movement, but found it was only a droplet falling into one
of the many pools.

“Trent, we need to hurry,” Sasha whispered

“I know, but...”

“They went down here!” a muffled shout
interrupted from above.

Without thought, he grabbed Sasha’s hand, and
started darting across the cavern, weaving between the foul
smelling pools, stalagmites, and crystal-like protrusions, jumping
over the tubes that crisscrossed the cavern’s floor. He tried to
stay as close to the uneven wall as he could, and as far from the
pod in the center of the cavern as possible, but a jutting
outcropping forced them within five meters.

The sight was grotesque, even in
cryo-containment. Green slime oozed from the outer casing as the
pod pulsed, slowly seeping into drainage holes set into the grated
stand in which it stood. Its surface was littered with large veins
that pulsed in unison, reminding him eerily of a beating heart, but
one sickly and dying.

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