Alutia Rising, Anniversary Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 1) (66 page)

Read Alutia Rising, Anniversary Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 1) Online

Authors: Craig Gerttula

Tags: #romance, #drama, #adventure, #space opera, #intrigue, #science ficiton

BOOK: Alutia Rising, Anniversary Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 1)
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The choice was obvious...he'd already decided
that he would leave. But his hopes of exacting his revenge had been
dashed. So now, he had to wait, continue planning, knowing his time
would come.

“It will come,” he whispered, along with the
voice in his mind.

He turned back to the young woman in the seat
beside him and smiled. The flight to his new duchy, Ulgvont, would
take another week and, he caressed the small packet in his pocket,
he still had plenty of the Noble's Delight. Smiling to himself, he
extended his hand in greeting, thinking he may as well enjoy
himself while he plots the next stage of his revenge.




Tiana sat between Vickie and Regalia at the
dining table in their private apartments onboard the NHA
Super-Capital ABF Alutia. The table itself was made of a reddish
wood with a small globed biolight chandelier swaying from the low
ceiling above, with small specks of dancing light coursing through
its center. On both sides of the dining hall sat opposing doorways,
the one leading to the outside corridor guarded by the stone faced
Sir Seb'Losh, who had rarely left Sasha's side since he returned,
and the other, to the food preparation area, guarded by Guard
Private Usa'Pol, who had just been allowed back on duty.

Usa’Pol had been taken into protective
custody, even with her heroic actions onboard the ABF Princess One,
the moment Sir Seb'Losh returned. Officially, it was so they could
verify that she was indeed not part of Duke Zehman's plot....which
Tiana thought would have been obvious based on her actions. But Sir
Seb'Losh wouldn't listen to reason, so Trent had accompanied him
for the interrogation and had verified all her words. From what
Tiana could gather, the Eye of the Emperor Trent adorned had the
ability to see through lies, as well, as Trent had explained, feel
the temperature of someone's soul. She really didn't understand the
second part, but the first part was self-explanatory.

After Usa'Pol was released, they had all
visited Lia'Sil, who was currently tubed, and against all odds,
signs looked good for a full recovery, with only minimal memory
loss. Sasha already provided her long-term leave to marry her
fiancé and have plenty of children, then, if she wanted to return
to her service, she would be welcomed back with open arms. Tiana
was glad, having taken a liking to the easily embarrassed guard
lieutenant, who was so very much fun to tease. Tiana turned her
attention to Trent, who sat across the table beside Sasha, then
over to Sir Seb'Losh, and smiled.

Sir Seb'Losh and Trent had, after an initial
uncomfortable period when they felt each other out, became fast
friends. A certain bond had formed based off the mutual desire for
protection, one, for the woman he loved, the other, out of honor
and duty. Tiana had found this slightly unexpected. She figured
they'd both step on each other's toes, fighting over their place
beside Sasha. But it never came to that. Sir Seb'Losh took his
place proudly behind Sasha, to protect her from hidden enemies that
would attack her when she least expected. While Trent took his
place at her side, to locate enemies that would attack her with
sweet words and promises.

She sighed, knowing that soon she would be
experiencing the same protection. Sir Seb'Losh already provided
forewarning that as the Alutia Guard was rebuilt, each of Sasha’s
ladies-in-waiting would receive a three person guard team. Tiana
frowned, remembering the way they use to smother her on Tidelia,
following her every move. But Vickie had smiled her mischievous
smile, informing Sir Seb'Losh of exactly what type of private
guards she expected.

Across the table, Gil'Da had just finished
pouring after dinner beverages and Tiana blushed when she witnessed
Sasha lean over and kiss Trent, lingering a moment longer then
appropriate. The memories of two nights before were still fresh in
her mind and she couldn't help but recall the moans of pleasure
that Tiana had never expected to hear from her friend...through the
walls when she was 20 meters away, no less!

Gil'Da had sat Sasha down, lecturing on the
proper decency expected of a noble lady as politely as possible.
Sasha had blushed furiously the entire time while staring at the
floor, looking more a child then the noble grand duchess she had
started to become. The whole scene bordered on comical, and her and
Vickie couldn't help snickering during the entire lecture.

Tiana noticed an understanding look pass
between the two lovers, who both nodded, then turned to the table.
Sasha placed her left arm upon its surface, showing clearly the
bracelet Tiana had learned was called the Arm of the Emperor.

“Vin,” Sasha’s voice trembled with
anticipation, “I have a question,” the anticipation shifting to
fear. Vin’s rippling bronze sphere appeared above the bracelet.

“Yes, Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia,” Vin
responded almost immediately.

“Trent and I have found that we share some
sort of bond emotional bond,” she glanced to Trent, who
nodded for her to go on. “Is this something you created to force us
to fall in love?”
jaw fell to the
floor, unable to hide her shock at the question.

Sasha had basically just asked if Vin had
manufactured her love.
It wasn't possible...or was it?
had thought the same thing before Sasha had told her not to get
involved, to trust her, to trust her love. But the worry and doubt
began to seep once more into Tiana’s mind. Vin's sphere rippled,
shifting color rapidly, finally settling back on its original
bronze coloring.

“Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia, the bond you
currently share was created by the Emperor's Jewelry, though the
origin of said bond is from the Programs. Once this Program
detected the mutual feeling of love between Grand Duchess Sasha
Alutia and Sir Trent, a recondiverse based bond was formed between
Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia's BC node and Sir Trent's BC node. This
allowed for the Program to help expedite the process of the Grand
Duchess Sasha Alutia and Sir Trent's meeting, fulfilling a task.”
Everyone stared in astonishment at the Program. Tiana knew Vin was
strange, but for a Program to actually get directly involved in the
meeting of two individuals was completely extraordinary. “This bond
would have laid dormant, but was reactivated and altered by the
Emperor's Jewelry without our consent. Information about the
Emperor's Jewelry is sealed, but this Program has been provided
permission to share limited data. Do you, Grand Duchess Sasha
Alutia, and you, Sir Trent, take responsibility that those of this
room shall not disclose what is discussed?” Both Trent and Sasha
looked around the room as everyone nodded in agreement.
course they would agree...this was too interesting to miss!

“Yes,” they answered in unison.

“The Emperor's Jewelry is based on the same
technology as the Programs. This is how a Program is able to be
contained within, such as with this one in the Arm of the Emperor.
Each piece of the Emperor's Jewelry is from a set and as such,
would communicate when together on a single being. This ability is
usually dormant when the Emperor's Jewelry is passed between
different chosen. But in this instance, since a bond was already
present, the Emperor's Jewelry utilized this to communicate;
creating directly linked pathways that could also transmit certain
strong emotions.” Trent and Sasha sighed, looking at each other
with noticeable relief. Tiana too, felt her doubts fade. Vin may
have forced Trent and Sasha to meet, but the love was already there
and the bond they referred was caused by the Emperor's Jewelry.

“Thank you, Vin, can you tell us anything
more about the abilities of the Emperor's Jewelry?” Sasha
questioned. Vin’s sphere again started rippling and rapidly
changing color.

“Information on the abilities of the
Emperor's Jewelry is restricted and partially unknown. Owner's may,
however, freely discuss abilities they have discovered through
use.” Tiana frowned.
Why not grant them an explanation so they
could properly use the devices?
She sighed, then smiled as a
mischievous question popped into her mind.

“Vin, is there a way to forcibly seal the
bond so the rest of us will be able to sleep at night?” she asked,
unable to contain her expanding smile as she watched both Trent and
Sasha blush with embarrassment, fire burning within their

“Once a bond is established, the pathway will
always exist, but can be put into dormancy. In this instance, that
is impossible, since the Emperor's Jewelry altered the existing
bond to be permanent for their own use and will not seal till the
owners death.” Sasha stuck out her tongue at Tiana as Trent

“Well,” she forced a frown, “I guess I'll
just get earplugs,” she muttered to the grinning Vickie at her
side. This brought forth a round of merry laughter as the
conversation turned to much more mundane things, like how Tiana
would need to start teaching Regalia the tricks she'd learned from
Sasha to avoid her
guards. She
swore she caught a smirk cross Sir Seb'Losh's lips as he overheard
her words, accepting her challenge.




The judgment was official.

Trent squeezed Sasha's hand, wishing he could
have announced the verdict in her place. He could sense her pain,
born from her latest declaration, but he knew it was the right
choice...the only choice.

Sir Simwa stared at Sasha with a face of
contorted rage, foaming at the mouth as he struggled against his
restraints. Two red uniformed ABF Battleguards forced him to his
feet and escorted him from the temporary Alutia Court, to the
awaiting shuttle. The thought of the punishment pronounced made
Trent's skin crawl.

Sir Simwa would be banished to an unknown
part of dark space, the massive areas of nothing that filled the
voids between galaxies. The engineless starship he would be
provided contained a small air, water, and food production
facility, that would be able to sustain him for the rest of his

From what Vickie had explained, with much
pleasure, was that an SJS Gate would be programmed to a random part
of dark space. Then, after the shuttle was sent through, the gate
would be closed and the destination code removed from all data
banks. It was literally, a fate worse than death, and Trent knew
most people would probably take their own lives during the first
few years.

“Even if he is an evil man, I still do not
like the idea, my duke,” Sasha whispered, turning to him, running
her fingers up his arm to the now fading line that marked the
location of one of Sir Simwa's crimes.

“I understand, my love, but it is better then
you dirtying your hands.” He stared deep into her emerald eyes.
“Remember, I am here for you and I am already dirty. Let me take
the filth and allow you to stay clean.” he spoke, the words not
feeling like his own. But he knew they came from his heart. Sasha
smiled, leaning close, grasping his chin and planting an unexpected
kiss on his lips. More than a few in the court’s audience of nobles
and officers gasped in surprise.

“My dear duke, we share everything, if you
are dirty, I am dirty, if I am pure, you are pure, there is no I,
only we,” Sasha responded, her words striking his heart. He leaned
forward this time, stealing a kiss. Terra leapt from Sasha’s bosom,
landing on his head as he pulled away. It turned to the crowd,
perching high for all to see, using his curly brown locks like a
lectern, letting out squawks and squeaks, as if announcing
something of great importance. Sasha grinned, her eyes twinkling, a
mischievous smirk crossing her luscious lips like she understood
what Terra was saying. She shot to her feet, her stare passing over
the assembled Tidelia nobles and officers of the Alutia Battle

“Now that the last of the official business
of the Battle of Earth is concluded, I would like to adjourn the
first Alutia Court with a more joyful announcement.” She glanced
down at Trent, then to her ladies who sat in the corner, stopping
on Countess Liana, her adopted mother. “I am pleased to announce
that Sir Trent has asked for my hand in marriage and I have
graciously accepted. Please let me introduce, the holder of the
Star of Terra and bearer of the Eye of the Emperor, Duke Trent
Alutia!” Silence responded, before a shocked roar broke through the
crowd. Trent, dazed by the sudden announcement, stood, grasping
Sasha’s outstretched hand.

Tears flowed from Countess Liana as she
babbled to the young servant at her side. Tiana, Regalia, and
Vickie stood on their chairs, cheering the loudest. Trent blushed
his embarrassment, then a thought occurred to him, a thought of
revenge. He turned to Sasha, embracing her while planting a kiss
the likes the universe had never before seen. The crowd whistled,
bellowing even louder as Sasha didn’t resist, kissing him back with
just as much exuberance.

When he finally released her, she studied him
with girlish delight, a sensual smile on her tender lips that made
his heart beat like an innocent little boy. She turned back to the
crowd that fell silent, light whispers still echoing throughout as
she raised her left hand.

“Thank you, thank you. The official elevation
ceremony shall take place on the new capital of the Alutia duchy, a
newly discovered paradise planet that we will call, in honor of
those lost during the Battle of Earth...Alutia'Earth!” Cries of
astonishment and cheers of joy broke through the temporary Alutia
Court and Trent, tears in his eyes, turned to Sasha, the woman he
loved beyond words could ever describe.




Sasha lay in bed beside Trent, breathing
heavy while resting her head upon his heaving chest.

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