Always and Forever (7 page)

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Authors: L.A. Fiore

BOOK: Always and Forever
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He was breathing heavy and she couldn't help but look at the rise and fall of his chest as the urge to walk to him and touch him, to put her hands on his skin and run them over his muscles, nearly had her doing so. She knew her face was easily showing the heat she was feeling but she was surprised when she worked up the nerve to look at Archer only to find that he appeared to be feeling it too.

"Excuse me," she whispered before she turned and fled and didn't slow her pace until she was outside. Once in the fresh air, she stopped and took several deep breaths.

"Pull yourself together, Quinn." She did her best to dismiss the shared moment with Archer and started walking.

She hadn't gone very far when she noticed something bright high up in one of the trees and as she approached she realized it was a kite of sorts. It was only when she was directly under the kite that she heard the soft cooing like that of a dove and caught a glimpse of a small arm high up in the tree.


No answer.

"Do you need help retrieving your kite?"

Quinn didn't think the child was going to answer and then a movement in the tree brought the young child clearly into view. One look at his black hair and green eyes and there was no question who fathered this child. Quinn was surprised at her reaction to seeing Archer's son, sadness, jealousy, she wasn't sure what emotion it was she felt and more why she should feel anything.

"Who are you?" the child demanded.

He couldn't be more than five-years-old and already he was arrogant like his dad. "Quinn."

"Quinn? What kind of name is that?"

"I see manners are not something that were taught to you. What's your name?"

"I'm not saying. Are you with Mistress Katherine?"

"No, oh definitely no."

Quinn wasn't sure but she thought she saw approval pass over his face before he asked, "Who are you here with then?"

"I'm a guest of Lord Cornwell."

There was no mistaking the relaxing of the boy's shoulders.

"Won't you tell me your name?" Quinn asked.

He hesitated a moment before answering.


"I love that name."

"It's too formal."

"How about Nick or Nickie."

A slight smile. "I like Nickie but my nurse says that isn't refined."

"Where is your nurse, Nickie?"

Nicholas didn't miss the use of the nickname as a big smile spread across his lips.

"I ran away from her."



"Are you stuck up there?" Quinn knew that he was by the death grip he had on the branch but she didn't want to presume. He didn't seem to want to answer but he did.

"Maybe a little."

"If I climb up there will you tell me why you ran from your nurse?"

"Climb up here? Girls don't climb trees."

"This girl does."

"My nurse says that is unladylike behavior."

"Yes, well unladylike or not, I climb trees and enjoy it."

It was curiosity more than anything that had Nickie agreeing. Quinn studied the tree and knew she would have no problem at all climbing it but that was when she was wearing shorts or jeans not yards of heavy skirts. Making an executive decision, she managed to unfasten her gown and pulled it off so she wore only her chemise and petticoats which were still an obscene amount of fabric but easier to move in. She jumped up to the lowest branch and easily pulled herself up onto it and then, as nimble as a monkey, she climbed until she was just at the branch where Nickie stood.

"Do you suppose you can hold on for a few minutes more while I go up and release your kite?"

Nickie was looking at her in awe. "Yes."


Minutes later Quinn untangled the line and dropped the kite to the ground below before climbing back down to Nickie. Just as she reached him a voice called from below.

"Nickie, are you in that tree again?"

"Mr. Tilward," Nickie whispered.

She hoped the butler wouldn't notice her discarded gown when he called up again.

"Miss Shaughnessy, are you up there as well?" Discovered!

Why she felt like she was getting reprimanded she couldn't say but she replied in a voice dripping with contrition.

"Yes, sir."

"She's helping me get down," Nickie shouted.

"Very well. I'll wait here to catch you if necessary."

Nickie leaned really close to Quinn and whispered, "He acts mean but he's really very kind."

"Good to know. Okay, can you follow my steps down?"

He looked nervous but Quinn had to give it to him for manning up. "Yes."

She took her time leading Nickie down, branch by branch, until they were just above Mr. Tilward but then Nickie's foot slipped off the last branch and he started to fall the 15 feet to the ground. It was instinct that had her grabbing his shirt and pants in a death grip but the momentum of his fall pulled her forward. She made sure that Nickie was in Mr. Tilward's reach before she screamed, "Grab him!" She released Nickie and pushed herself back so she wouldn't land right on top of them which had her crashing down hard on her side; all the air was forced from her body by the impact. She felt a searing pain that started at her shoulder and went all the way down to her hip. Nickie and Mr. Tilward were at her side instantly. Quinn noticed that there were tears in Nickie's eyes.

"Are you hurt?" she inquired.

"No, but you are."

"Oh, well, yes but I don't think anything is broken."

"Let me get help," Mr. Tilward said as he started to rise which had Quinn and Nickie both reacting.

"Not my father!"

"Not Lord Scarcliff!" They said in unison.

Quinn looked over at Nickie. "Why not your father?"

He looked guilty before he answered, "I'm not supposed to climb because I could fall."

She couldn't help grin at that declaration which seemed to settle Nickie some. When she looked up at Mr. Tilward, it honestly looked as if he was regarding her with affection.

"You risked injury to yourself to save the boy. Why?"

If Quinn thought that an odd question she didn't let on and replied simply, "Because he's a child and should be protected."

"Not many feel that way about children."

"Yes, well I don't understand that since all of us were children once upon a time." Quinn started to sit up and gasped in pain. Nothing was broken but she was going to be sporting some serious bruises.

"Let me help you stand at least." Mr. Tilward's hands were gentle but firm as he helped her to her feet.

Nickie grabbed her discarded gown as they made their way slowly back to the castle.

"Nickie, why did you run from your nurse?"

"She hits me." He bowed his head with shame.

Quinn stopped dead and turned to look down at the boy. "What do you mean she hits you?"

"She beats me with a cane."

Quinn looked to Mr. Tilward but she could tell by the anger that hardened his jaw that he was unaware of the nurse's treatment of the child.

"Will you show me where she hits you?" Quinn asked.

He hesitated for a moment before he lifted his shirt and turned to show her his back. Both Quinn and Mr. Tilward gasped in shock and outrage at the criss-crossed bruises that marred his skin.

"Does your father know?" she asked gently even though a rising fury towards the nurse was making her see red.

Nickie lowered his head. "No, she said if I told no one would believe me and she'd hit me harder."

Quinn lowered herself so she and Nickie were level before she wrapped the small child into her arms and held him close.

"She will not hurt you again, Nickie. I vow it."

His lower lip trembled for a moment before he threw his arms around her neck and cried. Quinn rubbed his back until his tears subsided then she stood and took his hand into hers.

"Is there a way to keep him from his nurse?" Quinn asked Mr. Tilward and when he replied his voice was as fierce as hers.

"She won't get anywhere near him. I vow it," he smiled at their shared commitment and Quinn knew that she had an ally.

Luckily they managed to get back to the house unnoticed but before Quinn could even think to take off her clothes to survey the damage Mrs. Hamston, Sara and three other handmaids came hurrying in.

"Oh dear we heard what you did. You poor dear, let us help you," Mrs. Hamston was already gently unlacing the stays which cut the pain in half but as the fabric was pushed away from her skin, Quinn didn't miss the startled looks.

"How bad is it?" she asked.

"My God, you must be in pain," Mrs. Hamston said softly.

Quinn looked down and realized what had caused the looks: her side was one colorful bruise.

"I am in a bit of pain," she conceded.

"I'll get you laudanum," one of the handmaids offered.

"No, thank you. It's not so bad that I need something for it but I will not be wearing that dreaded article of clothing for a few days," Quinn said gratefully pointing to the corset.

Mrs. Hamston grinned. "I think we can work around that. Would you like a tray sent up for dinner?"

"No, I need to have a word with Lord Scarcliff so if I could just get a bath and some help changing."

Mrs. Hamston clearly thought this unwise but she kept her own council and ordered a bath brought up. Sinking into the warm water felt heavenly but before long the temperature turned tepid so Quinn climbed out and dried off before a robe was wrapped around her.

"We'll dress you in this lovely ice-pink gown since the cut is one that doesn't require stays," Mrs. Hamston offered.


After much unsolicited primping, Quinn headed down for drinks in Lord Scarcliff's solar in a pink gown with an empire waist and long fitted sleeves, that discreetly hid all of her bruises. Thaddeus was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs and if he noticed that she was walking stiffly, he said nothing.

"I will try not to laugh tonight," he offered with a knowing grin.

"And I shall try to hold my tongue but it will be a challenge," Quinn returned.

When they entered the solar, Quinn was introduced to a woman who looked more like an elegantly dressed weasel. It wasn't really a surprise when she learned that the woman was Katherine's mother, Lady Gertrude Danvers. Her voice held a note of superiority and she was constantly looking down her nose at the others in the room. She barely acknowledged the newcomers as she continued on whatever rant she was reciting. Mr. Tilward handed Quinn a glass of wine and she couldn't help herself.

"You're going to need to keep these coming."

Thaddeus heard her instructions and almost spit out his sip of port.

Quinn surveyed the room and pondered how she could bring up the subject of Nickie's nurse. She turned toward Archer. He was a puzzle to her. At times he seemed almost curious about her and then, like now, he was quite the opposite, holding her in the same regard as he would a dust bunny or a cob web.

After two glasses of wine Quinn allowed herself to tune into the self-important Lady Danvers who was ranting about nonsense. Lady Danvers didn't seem to need any encouragement as she continued to monopolize the conversation and the only one who listened with rapt interest was her "ice princess" daughter.

"Children should be seen and not heard. They are such a trial to their parents. A necessary evil, I'm afraid," Lady Danvers offered with a sigh.

"And yet we were all children once," Quinn offered acidly but her censor went completely over the arrogant Lady Danvers who immediately turned to her daughter and started whispering.

Thankful for the lull in the conversation, Quinn looked over at Lord Scarcliff. He wasn't looking at her and, in fact, it looked as if he was looking at just about everything else in the room
her. She addressed him and because he had impeccable manners, he was forced to turn his attention in her direction.

"Lord Scarcliff, I met your son this afternoon."

"An example of what I was just saying. That boy should be in boarding school. He has no manners at all," Lady Danvers offered indignantly.

Quinn couldn't help the eye roll before she turned her attention back on Archer. Maybe she was imagining it but there looked to be the slightest of grins on that sensual mouth and the unexpectedness of seeing that had Quinn staring. Suddenly, a flash of humor lit across Archer's face. She felt a bit lightheaded, reached for her glass and took a hearty swallow before she offered, "He's a charming little boy."

It was Katherine that sniffed at that announcement.

"Have you met Nickie, Miss Danvers?" Quinn asked a bit too sweetly.

"Nickie? His name is Nicholas -- and yes I've met him a few times and I found him very trying. He was constantly pulling at my skirts trying to get me to play with him. I mean how ridiculous, that's why he has a nurse after all. Children should be seen not heard, as Mother just said, and really not seen either as far as I'm concerned."

Quinn reached for her glass again and found it was empty, gestured to Mr. Tilward and a few seconds later her glass was once again full. No sooner did Quinn take a sip than the door to the solar crashed open and a little blur threw himself at her, spilling her wine all over her dress. She placed the glass down and wrapped her arms around Nickie's shaking shoulders.

"Nicholas!" the sound of his father's voice made Nickie take a few steps back in fear. Quinn looked at his face and she could see that he'd been crying.

"Apologize to Miss Shaughnessy this minute," Archer demanded.

His lower lip trembled before he managed, "Sorry."

Quinn's voice was very gentle when she addressed Nickie, "I'm fine. But why are you crying?"

"My nurse came home early," he whispered which immediately had Quinn looking over at Mr. Tilward who looked as angry as she felt.

"Did she touch you?" Quinn whispered.

"She heard about your fall from the maids so she disciplined me."

A moment later, the nurse, Miss Jenkins, appeared in the doorway all smiles and curtsies as she came to retrieve her charge. Quinn however didn't miss the calculated look of retribution that she shot Nickie. It was without thought that she stood up and put Nickie behind her back to shield him with her body before the nurse could grab him.

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