Always Darkest (12 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Warner

BOOK: Always Darkest
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“Please don’t go.” He said again.

She wished she could stay. Hell, at this point she wished she could just spend one more night here.
If she could have just one more night with this amazing man, it might be worth the pain of not being with him.
The fact that she hadn’t slept with him changed nothing.
She was damned if she did and damned if she didn’t.
She couldn’t imagine wanting anyone more than she wanted Mason at this moment.
She could not be that selfish though.
Letting her sister think she was dead would be the most selfish thing she had ever done.
Even if she only spent one more night here, that would be an incredibly selfish act.
One day could feel like a lifetime when you thought your sister was dead.
It was impossible.

“Mason, I…”

Her words were cut short when he covered her mouth with hers.
His lips felt like fire.
He kissed her hungrily and she kissed him back with the same intense fury.
He dropped his hands to the small of her back pulling her even closer to him as she buried her hands in his hair. In that moment she felt more passion, more satisfaction than she had ever felt even when having sex with anyone, ever.

When he pulled his lips away from her, it hurt.
Her lips were red and swollen from the passionate kiss and she wanted more. Mason had already taken a step back and she brought her fingers to her lips.

“Stay with me.”
He said.

Tori couldn’t find the words or the will to speak she just shook her head no.
Mason turned and walked away.
Tori backed up against the wall and slid to the ground.
Damn it! Damn it all to hell, she thought.
Was this someone’s ideal of a cruel joke?
She sat there, crying on the ground.

Thomas came around the house. “It’s time.”

Tori wiped her eyes and stood up, following Thomas to the front of the cottage.
Mason was standing with Willa away from Earl.
There was a glowing globe suspended about seven feet off the ground casting light over most of the wizard’s front yard.
She looked back at Mason and he just looked away.
He was just out of the glow of the light and she couldn’t see what expression his face held.
It was time to go.

Earl was holding a large revolver in his left hand. He sat it on the ground and spoke.
“Is everyone ready?”

Justin and Thomas quickly said that they were ready to go. Tori just nodded her head.
She wanted to stay and she needed to go. What could she do?

Earl began making some hand gestures.
To Tori it looked like he was shaping imaginary pizza dough.
She watched closely as a blue glow became visible between his hands.
The circle of blue light became larger and more vibrant as he continued the manipulation of the sphere of light.
When the sphere was just large enough for all three to stand in he made a downward gesture with his hands and the glowing sphere rested on the ground.
The grass could still be seen through the blue glow of the circle, but the glow came about three inches above the blades.

“Okay, now you three. Step inside and hold hands.
It’s just a precautionary measure, but I want to make sure you stay together.”

Tori took one more glance back at Mason.
His face was still obscured in the shadows so all she saw was his dark form on the porch.
Justin took her right hand and Thomas took her left hand.
Together they stepped into the glow of the circle. She felt a tingle as she crossed the blue barrier.
It was nothing compared to what she had felt when Mason kissed her.
She could run out of the circle.
She could tell Justin or Thomas to tell her sister she was okay.
Would she believe a stranger?
She could see it now.
Your sister is not dead, she is living happily ever after in a land with three suns, with a handsome man.
She was brought over because sometimes things that are left on the ground like trash just wind up there.
Anyway, she fell in love with a man she met only a couple days ago and decided to stay with him, but she wanted me to tell you that she is okay so you wouldn’t be worried.
Oh and I know all this because I was there, but I decided to go back to Earth when the wizard shot the gun into the magic circle.
Thank you for your time.
Have a great day.

Yeah, right! Tori knew her sister.
The one who did her the favor of telling Kathy would be the prime suspect in her murder case.
Tori wouldn’t believe it if she were in Kathy’s place.
She wouldn’t rest until she was found.
She just couldn’t pout her sister through that.

Time slowed down.
Tori saw Thomas take Justin’s hand.
Her heart was racing.
Earl picked up the gun and cocked it.
He stood at the edge of the circle and pointed the gun at the edge.
He pulled the trigger.

She felt the tingle that was just at her ankles when she first entered the circle as it began to creep up her legs. It moved slowly, almost caressing her.
It brought with it an enveloping warmth like standing in a bath tub as it is being filled with warm water.
She was facing in the direction of the porch and she could see Mason now.
He had stepped in the light, almost to the edge of the circle.
Willa stood beside him and she could see her crying.
Mason had his arm around her like he was comforting her.
He had such a kind heart, but she had seen him be a genuine bad ass when he needed to be.

The warm tingling sensation had made its way up to her knees now.
Hot tears were falling from her eyes.
She shut her eyes, if she looked at him any more she would simply step out of the circle.
Thomas squeezed her hand.
Was he trying to give her strength?
It wasn’t working.
The circle began to rise faster and soon it was up to her navel, then her chest.

To hell with it she thought as she tried to step out of the circle.
To her horror she found she was unable to move.
She opened her eyes and all she could see was the blue shimmering light all around her.
She tried to scream Masons name but she couldn’t make the words come out.
She couldn’t even move her lips.
She had made up her mind too late.
Oh God it was too late.
Pain and anger tore at her heart.

The blue light turned to blackness and nothing could be seen, absolutely nothing.
She felt nothing below her feet for a second.
All she felt was the pressure of Thomas and Justin holding her hands. The she felt solid ground again and was staring into the night.

Chapter Sixteen

The three stood their still holding hands.
The night was cool and crisp.
They were in a forest.
It looked very similar to the forest surrounding Earl’s cottage but the cottage was gone.
Tears fell from Tori’s arms and the unspoken scream came out of her mouth in a whisper. “Mason.”

“I think we made it.”
Thomas said releasing her hand.
He walked around in circles for a moment.
“Oh my God, I think I am back on Earth.”
He noticed Tori and walked over to her. “Tori, are you okay?
Did it hurt?”

She was still crying and her heart felt like it was it had been ripped from her chest.
She collapsed to the ground and pulled her knees into her chest.
Thomas and Justin both knelt down beside her.
“Tori, say you are okay.”
Justin pleaded.

She took several deep breaths and tried to calm herself.
She wiped the tears away with the back of her hands.
“I’m okay.
It didn’t hurt.”
Not physically at least.
The pain she was feeling now was unquantifiable and untreatable.

“Well, let’s get moving.
You will feel better once you see your family.”
Justin said as he tried to make her feel better.
He took her hand and helped her to stand.
He didn’t let go of her hand and she was thankful for the support.
She didn’t feel anything for him, maybe just like a good friend, but the reassurance of his hand gave her strength.

“I see a path over there.”
Thomas said heading toward the north.

She allowed Justin to lead her behind Thomas.
She wasn’t sure she could move on her own.
They were just in a little patch of forest and within a couple of minutes Thomas had led them to a concrete path.
They walked on the smooth surface and Tori saw a sign that stated
Taylor Memorial Bike Path Mile 1

“That’s odd.”
Thomas said.
“My last name is

“You don’t think it is named after you?”
Justin asked.

Nah, that
would just be too weird.”

The bike path was flanked by trees on either side but was more than wide enough for the party to walk side by side.
Justin didn’t let go of her hand and he walked beside Thomas.
She could breathe again, but she still didn’t want Justin to let go of her hand.
They came to the end of the path and it opened onto a suburban street that was apparently in a nice neighborhood.
To the left of the path was a large home with a gate around it.

“All the lights are on in that home.
Maybe we can go see if they will let us use the phone.”
Justin said.

“We need to say something other than we just magically appeared from another world.”
Thomas said.

Tori took a deep breath. “I’ll say we are stranded.
It might work.
All I know is that I don’t want to walk any more.”

Together they walked up to the massive black iron gate that was at the foot of the driveway. There was a little call button, so Tori pressed it.

“Yes,” a male voice from the speaker said.

“Hi, my name is Victoria Clover and I was wondering if you have a phone I might be able to use.
I am stranded and I just need to call my sister to come and pick me up.”

The man inside took in her tear streaked face on the video monitor connected to the gate and decided his boss would not want him to leave a poor helpless woman stranded.
In a moment of compassion he hit the button opening the gate.
“Come on in and come to the front door.”

“Thank you.”

The gate swung open and the three made their way up the long curving driveway. The house was even more impressive close up.
It was a very large brick colonial with large white columns coming up from the porch.
As they stepped up onto the porch Justin released Tori’s hand.

“Are you okay?”
He asked.

“I got this.”
She walked up to the front door and rang the door bell.
Instantly, the door was opened by and older gentleman in a suit.

“Hi, I just wanted to use the phone.”
Tori said trying to sound as calm as possible.

“Of course, and who are these men?”

“I was traveling with them when we became stranded.”
That was as truthful as Tori could be without going into anything particular.

“Well, come in then.”
He held the door open as Tori, Thomas and Justin walked into a grand foyer.
The floor was marble and a beautiful chandelier hung from the ceiling.
He handed her a cordless phone and stood at attention looking at her and the men a little suspiciously.

“Thank you so much.”
She held the phone in her hand a moment.
“Oh may I have the address so that I can give it to my sister?”

“It is
720 Hemming Road
Tori thought at least they ended up in
He went to a desk by the large window and pulled out a piece of stationary.
“Here, this has the address on it.” He said handing here the white piece of paper.

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